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May 21, 2006 - Sunday

Gorgeous, sunny day.

A pretty good couple of days. Yesterday after his work, Fumihiko and I went out to dinner and then drove to Yamagata. We stayed at the Metropolitan Hotel in a quite nice room.

This morning, we got up early, had breakfast in Gusto (cheaper than the hotel) and then drove to Sendai. We parked at The Mall, and then took the subway downtown. We had lunch in a great gyutan restaurant...third time there, and we've always had the same dishes, it's that good. We also popped into the foreign foods store. They had Worchester sauce this time....but I already got it in Guam.

I hit Maruzen Books then, or maybe it hit me. I bought some textbooks for my school. I only got two children's texts and two adult texts, but it's a start. After a long time deciding, I bought them and then Fumihiko bought me some coffee. Yay! We went back to The Mall. Since we had to buy something to keep our parking free, Fumihiko bought himself some undies and socks. I got a few magazines at the bookstore, then we decided to move the car. I wanted to look at another shop and our free time parking was almost up.

Well, we got in the car, and got out on the road. I asked Fumihiko to park in the second part of the mall as I was hoping to buy something big at the Muji store. Well, the first time round, he missed the turn and couldn't park there. We went around the block and the next time, he was confused by a traffic warden and missed the turn. The third time, he turned too early and got us a parking space not only in part one of the mall, but in the farthest part of part one from where I wanted to go. I was so not impressed, but I was trying not to be too nasty about it.

We went into the mall, walked ALL the way through the mall, and I went to the Muji store. They did have some nice stuff, but not really worth packing it all the way back to the car. I can probably get cheaper and just as good stuff in Tsuruoka or Mikawa. Then, we did something nice. We went to the tea shop. Wonderful. I had a glass of Choco-menthe iced tea with milk, and Fumihiko had Breakfast Earl Grey with milk, also iced. Tea really is a great restorative. I felt so much better after I drank it. I thought about adding some of the tea to my collection, but I already have so much at home to drink that I didn't. Actually though, the real reason was that I didn't see it on the shop display area....not my own willpower.

We left the mall after that, and went to Milky Way for dinner. It was pretty good. We both had steak, but different kinds. They have salad bar, which is something we don't have at all in Tsuruoka.

The drive home was really pleasant, once we got on the highway. We almost missed the turn, that was a bit scary as Fumihiko tried to make it at the last minute but decided he couldn't. Still, we had good tunes after that on my iPod. We heard lots of Dean Martin, Rod Stewart and Neil Diamond. For some reason those three singers figured quite prominently. (Maybe because I have a million Dean Martin and Rod Stewart cds??)

At home we relaxed for a while. After midnight we went to the grocery store to get some late night snacks, then came home and feasted. Now, I'm just sending email and doing the computer thing.

Tomorrow we're supposed to go to the tax office. I hope everything is okay. I'm a bit worried about the whole thing honestly. Wish me luck!

That was my day today. Talk to you tomorrow? Night.


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