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April 20, 2008 - Sunday

Sunny and warm, gorgeous day!


We went to bed very late last night, but Fumihiko got up early anyway. I didn't! However, he gave me a challenge last night, he said he'd like to go out for brunch at 12 tomorrow. So, I said, okay, I'll be up. And I was. I was a bit sleepy/groggy, but I was mostly awake, dressed and the bed was made by 12. The thing that stopped us from leaving on time was that Fumihiko had made coffee when I got up!

We had a nice lunch in Jiro then went out to Mikawa to see a movie. Today we saw Lions for Lambs. It was a cheap day at the movies because of it being the 20th, so we went. I'm quite ambivalent about it. I liked the performances, I thought that they were good, but ultimately I just didn't get it. I wouldn't really recommend it. Also in the mall, we bought some bread from the bakery. It's the only place I can find non-white bread!

We had a drink at Mosburgers, then Fumihiko remembered he wanted to get new shoes. We went to a shoe barn kind of place and we both went looking. Well, I found a pair for myself, but he didn't really find anything. He needs black semi-dressy for work, but they have to be breathable, which usually means leather. I think we need to go to a real shoe store. The kind where people actually know about shoes!

We went home for a bit after this and then vegged for a while. Fumihiko watched something inane on the TV so when he started to fall asleep I turned it off. I don't think he was too pleased, but too bad. If you are watching it I'll try to keep my tongue still, if you're going to sleep and subject me to the nonsense, no way!

We were planning to go for tonkatsu, but when we were in the car, Fumihiko suggested going to Togashi for yakiniku instead. We haven't been there in ages, so we went. It was great. We had a really nice meal.

We came home via the grocery store where we actually brought our own bag for a change. Fumihiko got a stamp on his little stamp card. If he fills it before he loses it, he'll get a whole 100 yen back. I'd rather just bring our own bag and _feel_ rewarded that I'm helping the environment!

We had a lovely evening at home, and now Fumihiko is snoozing on the couch. He should be in bed, but everytime I wake him up and try to get him off to bed, he thanks me and goes back to sleep. My crazy husband!

Still, today was a good day. I'm really glad. Tomorrow, I'm off work, but I have a few things I'd like to do here for my school. Wish me luck. Night.


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