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April 21, 2002 - Sunday

Muggy, but no rain, at least so far!

Wow, what a couple of days. Last night the party was great and went until about 2:30 am. After Fumihiko and I went to the apartment. I was bored and channel surfing and found an episode of Star Trek Voyager on. It was very old, and quite interesting.

Fumihiko was bored and went to bed, and I went too a few minutes later.

This morning we both slept in quite late. It was 11:30 before we got up and stayed up. I played The Bouncer for a bit and then we went out to a restaurant. Unfortunately the restaurant closed after lunch at 2:00 and we arrived at 2:02, so we decided to come back later.

We drove around Sakata and went into a computer shop. I saw a couple of iMacs that made me drool, but I didn't buy anything. Sigh. I want a new computer. I need a new computer!

Then we went to Hard Off. I was hoping to pick up a new DVD or PlayStation 2 game,but they didn't have a big selection. I did buy a jigsaw puzzle. That was cool. It's in English, so I'm not sure how it ended up in Japan, but I'm not going to ask!

We headed off to the port to look at an observation tower but it closed 2 minutes before we arrived. Today our timing just sucked! I also saw today's Japlish of the Day...."Multi-Purpose Place". I have no idea what that means! It was an area near the docks.

We drove back to the apartment and watched part of a movie, The Legend of 1900, then went back to the French Restaurant. We got there a little late, but they were nice enough to let us in. The food was wonderful and we plan to go there again. After the chef took our money and asked me if I could speak French (having already established that I was Canadian). I told him "Un petit, petit, petit peu." After in the car I started to think about all of the things I could have said, but didn't. Sigh.

We drove home, listening to The Partridge Family and me singing all the way. We're negotiating bath and bed times now, but we'll likely hit the hay soon.

Fumihiko has a drinking party tomorrow night so I'm going to stay at the apartment on Monday night. So, no update Boys and Girls. Sorry 'bout that! Night night.

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