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Monday, April 21, 2003

Monday, April 21, 2003

Rainy day. Bit cold too.

We're back! We had a great time at the wedding. Taeko looked lovely, James looked properly handsome, Fumihiko made a speech in English, and I sang at karaoke. That is the fast update of it all!

We left our hotel today around noon and tried to find somewhere to eat. The first place we found had only Japanese food so we went there. Fumihiko had ramen and I had tuna salad. It was okay. I asked him to stop if we saw a fast food restaurant somewhere, which he did. There I had a double cheeseburger sans bun and ketchup. That tasted really good.

When we got near Tsuruoka we looked at some of the ports to see if we could go fishing, but it was too windy. I wanted to, but Fumihiko said it wasn't a good idea. I keep hoping next weekend will be better!

Instead we went to Mikawa Mall and watched Chicago. I really enjoyed it. It was interesting to see Richard Gere singing and dancing...Queen Latifah was very cool, but the person I was most impressed by was Catherine Zeta-Jones. I know that she was a hoofer in her younger days, but she really sizzled in this film. Renee Zellweger was great too. Much better than I thought she'd be. If you like the music...see the movie.

After the film we went out for dinner to M's Dining. It was good, except when my meal arrived it was missing one part! I was supposed to have chicken and steak, but I only got chicken! They took it back and it arrived complete a few minutes later.

We came home and unpacked. We also unwrapped some of the gifts we got at the wedding and decided what to order. Fumihiko got a gift catalogue that lets you pick your own gift. It's a neat way to give a present.

I've basically been reading email and writing my lovely entry for today since I finished unpacking. We had a great weekend. I'll be a bit sorry to go back to work tomorrow. Night night!

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