Oh, how terribly human we are
Her death has multiplied the Love
The faith
Brought nations together
And still we long for Him
To take it all away
Take all this Love back
In exchange
For one precious girl’s life
So her family
Will be together again.
Look what love has done.
Love brought her into the world
Love took her back
Love gave her eternal life
Love unites weary, grieving souls,
Which breeds more and more and more Love
Love oozes out from every pore
But Love also blended her blood
Into theirs that now gone
Has left a gaping deep dark hole
Yearning to be filled again.
Which is why human love wants her back
And is willing to shrink itself
Down to the mere size it was on
The morning of April 10, 1999 before the accident
Before Love grew and grew and grew.
Look what Love has done.
Gabi Banks
Jan 23, 2001