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San Luis Obispo Senior High School

Class of 1975

25-Year Reunion - August 5-6, 2000

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Archived Messages (1 - 100)

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Record 100
Name: Steve Z Date: 18-May-00 10:32 AM

Hi Michelle, well? Is this runto's name pronounced "runt o" or is it "run to" or perhaps "R unto"? And is PB Pismo Beach or Palupe Bahrunda? I just don't know?

Record 99
Name: Michelle B. E-mail: Date: 18-May-00 09:53 AM

Hi Steve. Do you know who this Runto is? If you did, would you tell? Oooh I love a mystery.

Record 98
Name: Michelle B. E-mail: Date: 18-May-00 10:01 AM

Well, Alan...I'm still trying to get over being called "low-hanging fruit". Kinda sounds a little over-ripe to me. yuck. Runto (or whatever is was that your MOTHER named you) of course there are weary Dads out there, you have your OWN day, so just chill. I'm waiting to hear what JB will come up with for the Fathers. Will he still be inspired?...tune in next month and see.

Record 97
Name: runto E-mail: Date: 18-May-00 08:54 AM

Sorry for the double post. Still using a 486...

Record 96
Name: runto E-mail: Date: 18-May-00 08:51 AM

Zankster...lose the 'bone. Hey, Bringle, I'm glad you remember at least. It's hard to graduate with your class when you spend half the year at PB.

Record 95
Name: runto E-mail: Date: 18-May-00 08:51 AM

Zankster...lose the 'bone. Hey, Bringle, I'm glad you remember at least. It's hard to graduate with your class when you spend half the year at PB.

Record 94
Name: Steve Zank Date: 18-May-00 08:20 AM

Just wanted to say that I've been lurking....enjoying your comments from afar! Nothing to really contribute yet, but will when I feel inspired.

Record 93
Name: Carol K. E-mail: Date: 18-May-00 07:58 AM

I agree Jeff...who in the heck is Runto? Alan, you have our permission to monopolize...

Record 92
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 18-May-00 07:19 AM

Matt- actually, no one showed for the message session- what a surprise........... Memo to "runto"- just like old times, huh? You still have to hide behind an alias..... Runto? I don't remember anyone in our class named Runto.

Record 91
Name: Matt Date: 17-May-00 10:16 PM

As usual i miss all the good stuff. Sorry everyone, but work took me out of town. Just got back!! Hope the chat went well. Looks like a few people were here. Maybe another day, we can do it again. Not on Friday nite, i play softball then!! Hope all is well with everyone. Jeff, great stuff about MOM's day!! My mom died a few years after Graduation, so all you guys who still have your MOM around, call her tomorrow or tonight even, and tell her that you love her, again!! Not just once a year. I wish i had the chance to do that just one more time.

Record 90
Name: runto E-mail: Date: 17-May-00 09:32 PM

MJ...Howz the stock in Southern Comfort looking?

Record 89
Name: runto E-mail: Date: 17-May-00 09:42 PM

Michelle... There are weary DAD'S too. :>

Record 88
Name: runto E-mail: Date: 17-May-00 09:29 PM

Bringle: re your post of 5/14...PUHLEESE!

Record 87
Name: Alan Gin Date: 17-May-00 08:00 PM

What we need is some controversy or conflict. The brief flurry we had a little while ago arose out of a conflict. Or maybe something steamy. Does anybody want to reveal a dark, deep secret about something that has happened in the last 25 years? I have some things, but as the manager of this site, I don't want to monopolize things.

Record 86
Name: JB E-mail: Date: 17-May-00 07:44 PM

Thanks Alan-

Record 85
Name: JB E-mail: Date: 17-May-00 07:41 PM

Guess I was hoping a few would come out of the walls- Nice idea-

Record 84
Name: Alan Gin Date: 17-May-00 07:28 PM

Jeff, there didn't seem to be much interest in the days heading into this thing. Most of the regular posters (Carol, Susanne, even Adam) indicated that they couldn't make it. And Matt Morris has been quiet lately.

Record 83
Name: JB E-mail: Date: 17-May-00 07:37 PM

Vintage Class of '75- Late-

Record 82
Name: JB E-mail: Date: 17-May-00 07:22 PM

It's the 17th. It's between 7 & 8 PM PST. Nobody's here?

Record 81
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 17-May-00 07:32 PM

Hi, Alan- Testing, this thing on, man?

Record 80
Name: Jeff Bringle E-mail: Date: 17-May-00 03:51 PM

Hi, Cousin Tommie! You've got me beat- I never got a postcard!

Record 79
Name: Carol K. E-mail: Date: 17-May-00 03:56 PM

Maybe those people have more exciting lives than the rest of us who live for the new messages and bios on this website! :-)

Record 78
Name: Tommy Gin E-mail: Date: 17-May-00 03:38 PM

Hey Al, your cousin Tommy here. Maybe response is slow because I just got the little post card with all the reunion info in the mail... TODAY.

Record 77
Name: susanne kelley Date: 17-May-00 09:15 AM

I did send email to Marc Thomas and he responed, but when I sent another to him I never got another answer. So...who knows!

Record 76
Name: Jeff Bringle E-mail: Date: 17-May-00 08:10 AM

Alan- There are some who are just not going to answer, and I'm sure they have their reasons- it's probably best to move along & try different names as they become available. As far as listing their email addresses, if they're listed on by request, then they're free game to be listed here. I've gotten no response from a few of the same names on your list, no matter how benign the message I sent. That's one reason I pick on 'THE Committee' so much- I've gotten no responses at all from a couple of them- like their names are on the site so their work's done. At the heart of it all, we're basically dealing with the same temperaments and personalities- only with 25 years of 'seasoning'.You've just got to play the hand as it's dealt, I guess.

Record 75
Name: Alan Gin Date: 17-May-00 12:51 AM

Susanne, we're still getting a trickle of people signing into the directory, but the pace has definitely slowed. We've probably gotten the low hanging fruit. I think it's going to take some work to get some of our classmates onto the list.

Here's a question though: I've got the e-mail addresses of the following people: Jane French, Tim Anderson, Rosemary Schott, Melissa Lagomarsino, Conan Nolan, Marc Thomas, Jim Rizzoli, and Romney Kernek. I found them at various places on the Internet. I've e-mailed them a number of times asking if they wanted to be listed in the directory, but have gotten no response. Either they don't want to be listed, or they don't check their e-mail. Ironically, I found some of the names on a high school alumni site, where they took the effort to sign up, ostensibly to get in contact with other alumni. (By the way, the following names are listed as SLOSH 1975 alumni, but I couldn't find them in the yearbook: Runto Ayres, Mark Foley, and Michael Jameson. Does anybody know them?) The question is, should I list the names and e-mail addresses of the people that I found on the Internet, even though I didn't get their permission to do so?

Record 74
Name: Susanne (May) Kelley Date: 16-May-00 02:41 PM

My yearbook is beginning to fall apart with all my looking people up to remember who they are! It's fun. I wish we could get more people to sign into the directory. And also, I was looking up Roy Tuson. Does Ron Van Artsdalen not look like Tom Cruise in his picture?

Record 73
Name: Jeff Bringle E-mail: Date: 16-May-00 10:43 AM

O Exalted Committee- Do you have any collective thoughts on showing a little spirit by putting up a pair of tickets and a memory book as a prize for the 1975th visitor to the Reunion Website?

Record 72
Name: Michelle Brown Sharit Date: 16-May-00 08:25 AM

Wow, Jeff--that was very nice. My heart (as a mother) was warmed by your message. Did you say you were thinking of a second career with Hallmark? No, we mothers wish to believe you are too sincere for that. Yes, parenting is not for the faint-of-heart. First there is all that close contact with bodily fluids, then when those babies grow up and go out into the world, our hearts can be broken again and again. No other experience demands so much or gives so much. It is an awesome privilege to be so important to someone! However, all of our kids need more "parenting" than we can provide. Your nephews are very fortunate to have you in their lives; you play such an important role. I appreciate my brothers-in-law even more when I see them with my kids. So, since there isn't yet an Uncles Day, thank-you Jeff, from all the weary moms out there.

Record 71
Name: Carol K. E-mail: Date: 15-May-00 12:01 PM

To Jeff Bringle from all of us Moms: Thanks for the nice Mother's Day greeting!

Record 70
Name: susanne kelley Date: 15-May-00 07:24 AM

I won't be able to make it at that time either. I do all my email from work. But I will look forward to catching up the next day!

Record 69
Name: Jeff Bringle E-mail: Date: 14-May-00 08:20 PM

A sincere and heartfelt Happy Mother's Day to each and every Mother in the Class of '75. My life, so far, has not included any children of my own, and I may not ever truly realize and fully appreciate the amount of selfless dedication and devotion that comes with being a parent. My brother's two knucklehead sons (7 and 10) afford me only a vicarious fraction of the the emotions and rewards of parenthood. But they're the two brightest lights of my life at this point, and through them, I'm getting a real time education in just how challenging, yet fulfilling , parenthood can be. You deserve to be honored all year, not just a single Sunday. Have a great one!

Record 68
Name: Carol K. E-mail:CAKtoots@AOL Date: 13-May-00 10:14 AM

I can't participate at that time but I will certainly check in afterwards!

Record 67
Name: Alan Gin Date: 13-May-00 12:01 AM

I'm glad that people are liking this Website and the message area. One problem is that the messages come intermittently. It can be frustrating having to come back to the site to see if anybody has said anything, only to find that they haven't. I have a suggestion: Let's have a designated message time each week where everyone can get together at once and have a crude "chat" session. People could leave messages and respond to what others are saying. The advantage is that you could get messages and responses quickly. And if you can't make it to the session, you'll know that there will be a lot of messages available to be read the next day. You might recall that Jeff Bringle suggested doing something similar during the Reunion itself for those of you who couldn't make it, so this could be a test run.

If you're interested in trying this, let's do the following: Let's have the first session on Wednesday, May 17, from 7-8 PM PST (you can stay for as much or as little of the session as you want). When you get to the Message area, leave a message that you're there, and somebody lead off with a topic, question, or whatever. By going back and forth between reading and posting, and by hitting the Reload or Refresh button on your browser, you can read the messages as they're posted.

If anyone wants to suggest a different day and/or time, please feel free to do so. Please note that you can still post at any time before or after the "chat" session. There's still the question of the week, for example. Leave a message here if you want to participate on Wednesday so we can see if there's any interest.

Record 66
Name: Susanne (May) Kelley Date: 12-May-00 11:48 AM

Well, I hope we keep it going...or not. I don't really care either way....oops, there is that apathy raising it's indifferent head again!

Record 65
Name: Matt Morris Date: 11-May-00 08:00 PM

Carol....i am as hooked as you are. So i think there is a pretty good chance. Thou if the Class of 75 apathy sets in, i am not sure what might happen.

Record 64
Name: Carol K. E-mail: Date: 11-May-00 07:25 PM

Are we going to keep this website and message board going for another 5 years after August?

Record 63
Name: Spelling Police E-mail: Date: 11-May-00 05:11 PM

Russ- don't you mean "Vulture"?

Record 62
Name: K.L. James Date: 11-May-00 12:22 PM

Oh my gosh, This banter has taken over my life. I don't watch my soap opera any more so that I have time to tune in to "Days of our Tigers". Keep it up and my husband (Robert Quinlan) will see you all at the reunion.

Record 61
Name: Matt Morris Date: 11-May-00 07:48 AM

Hey Russ...good to hear from you. See ya Friday night at SLO Brew. Hope Richie can show up with you, along with everyone from our class. Hey Jeff...keep the good words coming, and shame on you for giving ole Joe a hard time, I thought that was Conan's job!!

Record 60
Name: Russ Rogers Date: 10-May-00 11:29 PM

I know where Rich Rose is! But........does he??? P.S....lookin' forward to blowin' my mind(what's left of it) at our re-union....

Record 59
Name: Russ Rogers Date: 10-May-00 11:30 PM

I know where Rich Rose is!

Record 58
Name: Susanne (May) Kelley Date: 10-May-00 12:45 PM

Mary's question about doing things we thought we never would brought back a rather disturbing memory I thought I would share. My husband and I drove to Texas to pick up my niece (then age 14) from her father's house. I was sitting on the sofa when she walks in the front door. She sees me and says, "grandma". Then she realized who I was. Now I love my mother. I admire my mother. I think she has been a wonderful mother. But I don't want to look like my mother! (sigh) Oh well, it could be worse. I could look like my father!

Record 57
Name: Adam Corob Date: 10-May-00 09:15 AM

Come on Joe. The old Joe would have declared war, and placed the men on notice to protect their women. At least that's the way that I remember it.

Record 56
Name: Jeff Bringle E-mail: Date: 10-May-00 08:05 AM

Oh, come on, Joey! Unclench! Did you forget how to play? You sound like the reed's drying out on the old clarinet again.

Record 55
Name: Joe Johnson Date: 10-May-00 07:42 AM

Ah, to be ridiculed by Jeff Bringle and Adam Corob -- I knew there was something missing from my adult life.

Record 54
Name: Alan Gin Date: 10-May-00 01:14 AM

Matt, I don't want to post Ruth's e-mail address on this site without her permission. However, I did find a website where you can get her address and see her picture. It's public information, so I have no problem posting the Website address below:

I'm fascinated by the fact that she is a faculty member at the University of Hong Kong. Every summer since 1995, I've been taking a group of students from the University of San Diego to Hong Kong to study the local business environment. We've been staying at the University of Hong Kong and using their facilities. Who knows--we may have crossed paths some time without recognizing each other.

Record 53
Name: Jeff Bringle E-mail: Date: 09-May-00 10:58 PM

Mary- if you look closely at the Reunion Registration Form, you can see just how hard said committee is "working". They're stuck trying to decide which to set first: the RSVP date or how much to charge. The number of attendees will determine the cost, but they can't get a grip on what to charge until they know how many people are coming. The kicker is that no one can/ will confirm that they're coming until they know how much it's going to cost. Go Tigers! Stay tuned............... Carol & Matt- if you read that last message I left, you can see that it's not much more than an exercise in how to fill a Blue Book at Cow Poly. The secret is consonants and syllables.

Record 52
Name: Mary Luis Butts Date: 09-May-00 10:21 PM

I have had sich a blast hearing from so many of you guys that I thought I would join the message fun zone, and see if I can keep up with you. Truth be told I am waiting for granddaughter number three to arrive (literally), and this is a great way to have time go by faster. Boy, am I glad that it is not me having babies anymore! This grandma thing is pretty appealing...not only can you give them back, grandmas do no wrong! question of the week for all of you. What is the one thing you find yourself doing that you swore you would never do? I gotta think about this one, but I will get back to you! And thanks to all of you that are working so hard on the reunion committee that you don't have time to send in any info on yourselves!!! And where oh where is Ricky Farmer? Take care

Record 51
Name: Carol K. Date: 09-May-00 09:28 PM

Can we reschedule the reuion to 2002 when I finish college so that I will be able to intelligently converse with Jeff Bringle and Ruth Taylor?

Record 50
Name: Matt Morris Date: 09-May-00 08:47 PM

Ok Alan....whats Ruth email address? Hey Jeff.....keep up the words of wisdom, or what ever they are. Carol....keep reading and encouraging people to post. Where is Jim and Kay Rizzoli? You local folks need some representation on this venue. For those of you who know Nanette (Noggle) Miner class of 76, and her hubby John Miner class of 74. both have said to tell ya all hello. They are neighbors of me up here in Folsom. Not the prison either!!

Record 49
Name: Alan Gin Date: 09-May-00 05:15 PM

We have an international sighting! Thanks to Hank Farrar, I now have the e-mail address of Ruth Taylor. She's living in, of all places, my 2nd (3rd?) home of Hong Kong. A search of the Internet shows that she is the co-author of the following article: Molassiotis, A. , Holroyd, E., & Taylor-Piliae, R. (1999). Psychometric evaluation of the Chinese translation of the profile of mood states. The Hong Kong Nursing Journal, 35(2), 7-13. Wow!

Record 48
Name: Jeff Bringle E-mail: Date: 09-May-00 04:32 PM

Carol, this class was always ripe for a psychological dissection. Can you feel already how our petty little insecurities are manifesting themselves as we get older? Some of 'us' have joined the ranks of the "clenched", while it seems that the rest of us have been able to retain a more grounded sense of who we used to be before we undertook this unavoidable "long, strange trip" we're on. Some of us can live with the term 'spontaneity', some of us are nothing more than societal 'Droids obediently trudging the lemming's march in the more 'accepted paths' we've grown up believing are the only ways to attain happiness and fulfillment in this transitory life. I thank God daily that there are more of us than them. And I hope none of us ever loses sight of all the intangibles of life that we learned alongside each other all those days ago. Damn,and to think my teachers always used to say they couldn't get a word out of me.......

Record 47
Name: Carol Kowalski E-mail:CAKtoots Date: 09-May-00 03:10 PM

Okay, now this is getting better! I agree, let's see some reunion committee bios!(Sorry, but this is a welcomed distraction from studying Psychology...actually it IS a study in psychology!)

Record 46
Name: Jeff Bringle E-mail: Date: 09-May-00 12:05 PM

Right again, Adam! From the tone of M. Joseph's message, it's probably best not to tug on their robes anymore. Alan? What about cousin Tommie?

Record 45
Name: Joe Johnson Date: 09-May-00 08:20 AM

Thanks to the person who posted information to my page, but it's not necessary. You're very thoughtful, though, whoever you are!

Record 44
Name: Adam Corob Date: 09-May-00 08:29 AM

Jeff, Don't you think that they have said enough?

Record 43
Name: Jeff Bringle E-mail: Date: 09-May-00 07:10 AM

Alan- did you see? The year 2000- The year we make contact! There are signs of life in'The Committee'! I think they're trying to communicate- We got five whole words out of Chrissy & JoJo- maybe we ought to ease up & let them rest , there may be a complete sentence on the horizon.......

Record 42
Name: Jeff bringle E-mail: Date: 08-May-00 11:34 PM

Adam- that is so classic! The most embarrassing moment I can remember came in 10th grade when I was asked to the Backwards Dance by an awesome babe senior named Lisa. I went all out with the corsage & dinner at 1865(even waxed the Chevy!) and when we got to Chumash Hall, she disappeared! I was such a fool, I stayed at the dance waiting for her. She finally came out of nowhere around midnight & said she had a headache(!) & needed to get home right away! For the next 3 weeks, she and her friends would bust out laughing whenever they saw me. ouch-

Record 41
Name: Adam Corob Date: 08-May-00 04:16 PM

Since there aren't many takers on the most embarrasing moment question, perhaps it should be re-worded. How about the funniest moment that you witnessed? One of mine was the time that a bunch of us stole Bruce Hensel's clothes and all wore them to school the next day. Every time he went to a different class, he would run into someone else that was wearing one of his garments. He was a little slow to catch on. When he finally realized that you were wearing his clothes, he let out the funniest wheeze-laugh.

Record 40
Name: Susanne Kelley Date: 08-May-00 07:41 AM

Here is a recent embarrassing moment.... I opened the LOVEBUG and sent it to everyone in the School of Technology here at Purdue University! Fortunately for me, it only sent to my address book and not my contact list. That's all I need is for my corporate contacts to get love letters! It was a big mess here, but I wasn't the only one who got fooled!

Record 39
Name: Matt Morris Date: 08-May-00 07:04 AM

OK most embarrasing moment was getting caught mooning in downtown SLO while crusing. Actually I fell out the back of a friends Van, and skinned my buns! It was pretty funy now that I think about it. As far as my first kiss. It wasnt anyone in our class, actually a girl from Arroyo Grande High School. My first slow dance was Valarie Gould at Laguna Jr High, wonder if she remembers? I'd say probably not, why I do when I can barely remember my kids birthdays, is beyond me. And I even know the song too, it was Stairway To Heaven. OK...who is next to tell all?

Record 38
Name: Jeff Bringle E-mail: Date: 08-May-00 06:58 AM

Come on, Alan- they're 'THE Committee' THEY don't have to actually do any of these things! Just having their names under the word 'committee' means a possible boatload of stress and responsibility at some point. By actually organizing and providing realtime venues for this reunion, they've way exceeded the minimal expectations of many members of the 'Most Apathetic Class'. Give 'em a break, Alan. They've contributed much more than you or I could ever hope to in our pathetic lifetimes. Besides, are detailed bio's something we really need from those types of individuals? Maybe we should write their bio's for them and see how close we come?

Record 37
Name: Susanne Kelley Date: 08-May-00 07:05 AM

Matt......well, we are waiting..... I haven't narrowed down the most embarrassing moment. There are so many to chose from! I'll have to give it more thought.

Record 36
Name: Alan Gin Date: 07-May-00 11:57 PM

Carol, I think it's a male thing. Of the 30 men on the class directory, 14 wrote very little or gave only their e-mail addresses. Of the 18 women, only six gave that little information. (By the way, I put myself in the detailed category.)

I find it interesting that a lot of the Reunion Committee members have not submitted information about themselves. I'm talking specifically about Leslie Edmondson Cruzen, Hank Farrar, M. Joe Johnson, Chris Perello, and Paula Prinslow Farrar. Someone needs to shame them into doing so.

To generate more responses to Matt's question, I'm going to call it the Question of the Week and put it on the home page. Each Sunday, someone else can pose a question of the week. But, the rule is that you have to be the first to answer your question. So what's your answer to your question, Matt?

Record 35
Name: Carol Cementina Kowalski Date: 07-May-00 10:33 PM

Not me! Hey, at least my bio is somewhat detailed...some of you are revealing mysteriously small amounts of info about yourselves... not very satisfying for the reunion website junkies such as myself. :-)

Record 34
Name: Jeff Bringle E-mail: Date: 05-May-00 08:21 PM

Sorry, Matt! Laker game's on........

Record 33
Name: Matt Morris Date: 05-May-00 06:53 PM

Well...this message area has sure been boring. Isn't there anything interesting happening in anyone's lives? Or are we all busy raising kids and working way too much? Anyway let's start a topic, like most embarrasing moment you had in High School. Not sure what mine is, though i am sure there a few of them. And another topic is where was your first kiss and who?? Now this could get interesting!! Don't let the spouses read this! OK who will be the first brave soul to tell all?

Record 32
Name: Susanne (May) Kelley Date: 02-May-00 08:37 AM

Hey, I've had a good time getting back in touch and catching up with classmates. Thanks to everyone who have posted messages and information. Matt..thanks for all you have done. And hey, you are still lookin' good! Everyone take care..........

Record 31
Name: Matt Morris Date: 01-May-00 06:49 PM

Hey Walt....thanks for the info on Marc Thomas. I hope all is well with you and your family Walt. I wrote Marc and told him to post his info. See everyone in AUGUST!

Record 30
Name: Walter, Crawford Date: 01-May-00 07:23 AM

Hi everyone, I heard from Marc Thomas and his mail address is the one above. He is currently living in Bakersfield Ca. Drop Him A line. By the Way Has anyone heard from Tim Woodman?

Record 29
Name: Dave Menefee Date: 29-Apr-00 09:33 AM

Hi Jeff, Great to hear from you! Looking forward to seeing you this August. We've been away from Cal. since 81, except for a 6 mo. hitch in Sac. before moving here to Texas. Enjoyed being here, but Cal. is calling again. Will be moving the end of May to Oakhurst, Ca., east of Fresno about 45 miles up Hwy 41. About 12 miles from the South entrance of Yosemite Park. Can't wait to see trees again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Record 28
Name: john reiner E-mail:JOHNDAVIDREINER@HOME.NET Date: 27-Apr-00 12:05 AM

hi its been a long time gone ,,,not even sure if you guys would remember me ...was living in slo and then moved to atascadero for last few months of senior year .But i still consider myself a SLO boy you guys remember when monte rodriguez and i got busted for burning the lockers at laguna jr high..since then ..I was married and have a six year old son named chase , he is the light of my life ...have been a professional private chef for the past 15 years last gig was private chef for the "chicken soup for the soul" author Jack Canfield and his family ... currently living in Santa barbara ca...hope to see all of you in august " what a long strange trip its been ".

Record 27
Name: Kevin Watkins Date: 25-Apr-00 06:08 PM

Hello to everyone from the class of '75. Did another five years go by again? I heard Barry Silva is living back in SLO. Looking forward to seeing you all in August.

Record 26
Name: Matt Morris Date: 23-Apr-00 05:12 PM

Hello everyone! Conan is doing just fine, spoke to him on AOL the other day. He was in San Francisco with Mark Chandler(Class of 74) for the opening of Pac Bell Park. He said he will try to make it to the reunion. No sign of Rosemary Jordison yet.

Record 25
Name: Jeff Bringle E-mail: Date: 23-Apr-00 04:22 PM

Hi, Dave- Conan gets a very respectable amount of air time down here- KNBCLA4. He was in D.C. for the Monica Lewinski brouhaha. I emailed him a year or two ago asking for an autograph and complimenting him on his 'official-looking big time reporter's trench coat', but he hasn't answered yet- can't imagine why.... I sent Nora his email awhile back, but I have to assume she hasn't had any luck as I haven't heard from her, either. Maybe a mass email will shake him loose enough to contact us. Try:, and look for the email link to the news dept. Good Luck! Oh, Barry Silva's traveling the State Fair Circuit sitting in as Grand Funk's drummer.

Record 24
Name: Dave Menefee Date: 23-Apr-00 04:59 AM

To All, I want to wish all of you a blessed Easter! Hope your day with your family and friends is one you will remember for many years. God Bless, Dave

Record 23
Name: Dave Menefee Date: 23-Apr-00 04:57 AM

You know, the last time I saw Nolan was on TV when the So. Cal was hit by an earthquake a few years ago. I happen to be watching ABC when they went to the LA affiliate and there was Nolan. I wonder if he is still in the LA area working with ABC or another station?

Record 22
Name: David Menefee Date: 23-Apr-00 04:40 AM

Hye Troops, I think I saw Silva on CNN last night in Miami! Yes, he was carrying his guitar! The only thing. . .his hair was silver!

Record 21
Name: Matt Morris Date: 22-Apr-00 09:48 AM

Jeff.....i dont have a clue where to start looking for Rosemary. The last memory I have of Rosemary, was at the 24 hour dance-a-thon. She was a good dancer. Maybe she is a Pro Dancer now? Perhaps a smimming coach at the University level? all reading this post any clues would be excellent. The next question is, Who's next on the search list?

Record 20
Name: Jeff Bringle E-mail: Date: 20-Apr-00 10:26 PM

Yo, Matt! I guess now that we've more or less uncovered Barry Silva's whereabouts we can steer the Force towards locating Rosemary Jordison. Any ideas? Is there women's Pro Water Polo? Hi, Michele- welcome back from the "List of the Missing."

Record 19
Name: EarL Towle Date: 20-Apr-00 07:08 PM

Amazingly enough I knew Barry Silva pretty well, we grew up together in the early days of Laguna Lake (go Lancers). I see his dad occasionally when I am in SLO. His dad worked for the gas company in SLO, his name is Paul Silva Sr., I'm pretty sure his dad is still in SLO. The last time I saw Barry's dad he told me that Barry was a fireman in LA somewhere, he didn't mention anything about Barry being a rock star...

Record 18
Name: Michelle (Brown) Sharit Date: 20-Apr-00 04:47 PM

To the committee: Conan Nolan (...famous TV news reporter, etc) is also listed as a "missing person" on our site. BUT his name and e-mail are listed at the bottom of the alumni list for Class of 1974! (look at the other class site links). HTH, Michelle

Record 17
Name: Michelle (Brown) Sharit Date: 20-Apr-00 04:30 PM

Great idea, great site! Thanks Alan for doing this. Thanks also to the reunion committee for all your efforts. It's been fun to read about what everyone has been up to! I hope more classmates will continue to add their info to the directory. I'm looking forward to getting back in touch with all you guys. Hoping to make it to the Reunion in August! (...can I please come off the "missing persons" list now?...) Michelle

Record 16
Name: Matt Morris Date: 20-Apr-00 03:52 PM

The Barry search goes on....and on. Latest findings had Barry working for President Reagan. An informed source was reported knowing that Barry Silva was the direct link between Reagan and the Iran-Contra Gun deals. More on this story later, maybe much later.

Record 15
Name: Jeff Bringle E-mail: Date: 19-Apr-00 02:35 PM

Thanks for sharing, Susanne. Matt, we're your friends. You can tell us all about your obsession with finding Barry. Really.

Record 14
Name: Susanne Kelley Date: 19-Apr-00 02:15 PM

Ok, since you have the Barry Silva search in progress, I have to make a confession that I haven't told anyone since 1967! Barry was the first boy I kissed. It was 4th grade! Whew. Glad I finally got that load off. Humm...if I remember, he didn't have much good to say about it.

Record 13
Name: Jeff Bringle E-mail: Date: 19-Apr-00 12:17 PM

Matt- I may be in vacation that week in Missouri. It's not a lock, yet. As for Barry Watch '00, I don't recall ever seeing him and Marilyn Manson together at the same time...........

Record 12
Name: Matt Morris Date: 19-Apr-00 11:30 AM

Jeff....Strike One, I tried the Internet White Pages. Two Barry Silva's there. I called both, but no luck. Is there a Home for Starving Guitarist's? Or maybe check with the White Afro Society. By the way? What's your excuse for not being at the Reunion?

Record 11
Name: Jeff Bringle E-mail: Date: 19-Apr-00 09:29 AM

Matt- It's a quest! Where's Barry? Let's see how good these search engines are- Of course, that's predicated on the fact that he's still using his real name.

Record 10
Name: Matt Morris Date: 19-Apr-00 07:34 AM

Hey Jeff and David Asher.....good to see you post to the board. Jeff I still can't spell, my speak 'n spell broke years ago. Sorry Dar, if I messed up your last name. Rumor has it Barry Silva is a Rock Star now, any truth to that?

Record 9
Name: Jeff Bringle Date: 18-Apr-00 09:01 PM

Hi! Most of you may remember me as the knuckle-dragging, fiery-tempered, profanity-spewing rebel without a clue during our years at SLO. Okay, maybe not- but you've read this far-please read a little further. In keeping with the self voted title of "Most Apathetic Class", we have a responsibility here to attend this year's reunion without really attending. (Good, I see some of you have already caught on) Those of us who will not be able to attend , for whatever reason, should make an effort(oops-sounding like Dollahon there, sorry) to 'meet up' here in the message room on Saturday, Aug. 5th. We could 'reunite' here in a sort of quasi-chat room, granted, a little delayed but still a viable form of conversation given the circumstances. If Mr. Furtado were to then power up his computer, shall we say, during the hours of the "Millenium Reunion" gig, we'd also be able to say a quick "Waasssssssup?" to those who were lucky enough to actually be there. It's so simple: buy a couple bags of confetti, order in some 'zza and 'reunite' from the comfort and relative safety of your own home! How much more apathetic could you get? Some traditions are just not made to be toyed with! See you on the message board Aug. 5th- or not...... Jeff- ps: memo to Matt the Babe: it's spelled 'Maddalena'-

Record 8
Name: Dave Asher Date: 18-Apr-00 09:00 PM

I was wondering if the SLOSH Reunion crew, or anyone else, has the current info for: > Barry Silva > Rosemary Jordeson. If so, I would like to get it so I can write them and URGE them to show up - for a change! Many thanks to the SLOSH Reunion crew for all the great work they're doing...especially the web site, way to go Allen Gin! Hope to see EVERYONE in August! - David Asher

Record 7
Name: Hey! Lets find people and get them to the Reunion Date: 18-Apr-00 08:36 PM

Hello everyone! Lets encourage people to use this message board. And get people to post a few messages. Lets find lost people, like Marc Thomas. Last I had heard he was in Fresno or bakersfield area. Were is Jim and Kay Rizzoli, heck you two, you live in SLO!! Calling David Beatie and Sam Mabang, WHERE ARE YOU!!! Lets make our 25th, the one to remember. See you in August. A Friday nite gathering is starting to take shape at SLO Brewing, 6:30 for more details email me. Meet me and Nora O'Donnell so far, I bet Karen Shevlin and Tom Duval will be there. Who else wants to come? Matt Morris PS Darlene Madalena, are you coming?

Record 6
Name: Earl Towle Date: 17-Apr-00 09:22 PM

Greetings to all the class of '75. It is a pleasure to read your notes. Thanks to Alan Gin for managing the site, nice job Alan. Hard to reconcile 25 years, it all went by way too fast. Hope to see you all this summer in SLO.

Record 5
Name: Karen Shevlin Date: 17-Apr-00 08:38 PM

Hey - where is everybody???:)

Record 4
Name: Gayle (Waldron) Daly Date: 13-Apr-00 09:41 PM

I sure hope to hear from old friends through this website. I'm especially hoping to hear from you LDS friends. I think about all of you and wonder how you are doing. I'd love to have contact with you through e-mail. Love, Gayle

Record 3
Name: Susanne (May) Kelley Date: 13-Apr-00

I received my reunion postcard and couldn't resist looking up the web site. Thanks to those who provided this. In looking through the songs, movies, and events of 74-75, I can't believe that it has been 25 years! I am doing great, still married after 24 years, and love being a Hoosier in Indiana. I'm working at Purdue University and have been there since 1988. I hope everyone else is well. Thanks Susanne

Record 2
Name: Matt Morris E-mail: Date: 12-Apr-00 08:07 PM

Hello everyone. Just wanted to thank Alan Gin for getting all this started. We are all busy and for him to take his time and update this site as much as he has and will do. We should all take a few moments and say Thanks!!! Matt Morris

Record 1
Name: Alan Gin E-mail: Date: 12-Apr-00

Does anyone have any suggestions for making this site better?