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San Luis Obispo Senior High School

Class of 1975

25-Year Reunion - August 5-6, 2000

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Archived Messages (101 - 200)

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Record 200
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 24-May-00 07:21 PM

Am i #200.....Yes i am!!

Record 199
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 24-May-00 07:20 PM

Lets get to work everyone.....i am waiting!!

Record 198
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 24-May-00 07:19 PM

OK....ive done my good deed to the message area. Mark Zivkovich is going to post. See its not to hard!!

Record 197
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 24-May-00 07:03 PM

One more....sorry to hog this, but i keep thinking of "stuff". If you have a good idea about a design for the t-shirt, let me know. I have an idea for what i would like, but would love to include an idea or 2 from the message Runto real name!! The great flood of '73.

Record 196
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 24-May-00 06:58 PM

Also.....ill bring anyone going to the Friday Night start up at SLO Brew, a T-Shirt to remember the reunion event by. Email your size to me ASAP. Hey its free!! Well the first 25 to respond will be free, others will have to beg.

Record 195
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 24-May-00 06:54 PM

OK....a challenge to all us regulars. Get someone you knew from our class who isnt on the message area or in the directory and get them to submit. I'll get Tom Duval to say hello.

Record 194
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 24-May-00 06:53 PM

Kevin....thanks for a great story. There must be tons of these kind of fun things that happen to all of us at one time or another. Like the time I was "parked" at Pismo Beach. Then came high tide...well i made it out with the help of a 4 X 4. Needless to say the date was hopeless after this point.

Record 193
Name: Kevin Watkins Date: 24-May-00 06:09 PM

OK. OK--I'm in. The "surfer guys" in co-ed senior foods were Marcie Houde, Rich Rose, Ben Beauchamp, and me. We didn't have brownie mix--we used white cake mix. It came out VERY green. Jill, I hadn't thought about that little episode in years. Thanks for jogging my memory.

Record 192
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 24-May-00 04:32 PM

Ahhh the Flood! I was working for Taco Bell at the time. I remember that so were so busy. Thought that was pretty weird since the weather was so bad. Remember the fire ring they had outside? I saw a person who was pretty drunk put the fire out getting, well you know what happens when ya drink too much. It was really gross. That person was in our class too. But i will spare the person the embarassment by keeping his or her name to myself.

Record 191
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 24-May-00 11:10 AM

I was at home (Fernwood/higher ground)with the flu and remember pulling up a chair to watch the coverage on good ol' local tv- thinking at first it was footage from the Midwest. Then they showed the 101/Marsh St. bridge and a couple of mobile homes that had washed under it. They also showed the Johnson Ave. underpass and there were guys on surfboards(Matt?) and divers checking to see if there were people in the cars. The coolest footage was of that road between the gym and the Home Ec. building- it looked like whitewater rapids, or the Flash Flood gig at Universal!

Record 190
Name: Mike Berg E-mail:mike@pluswireless Date: 24-May-00 10:13 AM

Wow!The flood. I remember being cut loose from school with no car,no bus ride. Rod VanArtsdalen,Bob Critchlow,Kevin Bishop and myself were walking home.A 11th grader named Mike Huggins picked us up and we were driving down Santa Rosa near the creek. Huggins thought he could cross the creek. I told him his car was floating and he disagreed. He opened the door and the car filled with water. We all got out and "floated" the car back to the the gas station on the corner. The four of us walked accross the bridge with raging water chest high and made our way home. What a day.Suprised we were not all killed. C YA

Record 189
Name: Mike Berg E-mail:mike@pluswireless Date: 24-May-00 10:13 AM

Wow!The flood. I remember being cut loose from school with no car,no bus ride. Rod VanArtsdalen,Bob Critchlow,Kevin Bishop and myself were walking home.A 11th grader named Mike Huggins picked us up and we were driving down Santa Rosa near the creek. Huggins thought he could cross the creek. I told him his car was floating and he disagreed. He opened the door and the car filled with water. We all got out and "floated" the car back to the the gas station on the corner. The four of us walked accross the bridge with raging water chest high and made our way home. What a day.Suprised we were not all killed. C YA

Record 188
Name: Adam Corob E-mail: Date: 24-May-00 08:27 AM

Suzanne, There was more than one car that wound up under the tracks on Johnson ave. I remember running to the parking lot at school to go to the car. Jeff Graves tripped, and his school books went flying. They landed open, in an area where water was running off, and kept going with the current. He was able to recover them, but they were really soaked, just like us.

Record 187
Name: susanne kelley Date: 24-May-00 07:50 AM

I remember the flood as well. We were on the opposite side of Madonna Road from the Lake. We had the creek raging behind the house, a "river" run down Oceanaire when the creek went over Madonna Road, but nothing got up to the house. We were really lucky. But I do remember wading through chest high water over on the lake side. Wow. I hadn't thought about that in years. And didn't a car drive into the water under the railroad bridge on Johnson Avenue and pretty much disappear?

Record 186
Name: Matt Date: 24-May-00 07:15 AM

Earl....the flood, boy i remember that. i had ridden my bike that day. About the only way to get home was the railroad tracks. Was drenched by the time i got home. Some Cal Poly guys were trying to ski in the flooded gutters by pulling themselves behind a car. Actually looked like they were having a great time. I think we had a mud football game at Santa Rosa park the next day. My mom had to rinse us off with the garden hose before letting us into the house. I also remember shoveling mud out of my dad's friends house in Laguna. What a mess it was.

Record 185
Name: ROBERT E-mail:PRFD@AOL.COM Date: 24-May-00 06:50 AM


Record 184
Name: Earl Towle Date: 23-May-00 09:19 PM

Regarding the truck up the red tile stairs, as I recall, the culprit turned out to be someone from Arroyo Grande. And, how about the flood when we were in 10th grade? I was in Mr. Punches algebra class when we were called and told to report to the bus stop. We were dropped off at Laguna Lake in waist deep water (actual date 1/18/73)and my house had 22 inches of water in it! What a mess! And of course, my personal favorite, the tunnel under the football field, where Peter Cairins, Barry Silva, and myself made ourselves truely sick on some cheap red wine made from Welches grape juice (made by my brother's friend) and then went to a dance and we needed tickets to get in and didn't have them!

Record 183
Name: Jill L. Date: 23-May-00 06:57 PM

Hi Matt, Maybe I could do lunch sometime on the weekend. Hopefully not when it is 100 degrees like it has been, or is that the normal summer time temp in Sac? Looking forward to a trip to SLO Town. I wonder if any committee members might join us for the fun? Hope so!

Record 182
Name: Adam Corob E-mail: Date: 23-May-00 04:25 PM

Jeff, I can't compare to that number of combinations. I hope that you didn't get mine. I remember Marty and I getting Robert Standley's locker open one time. We were standing there slamming it as hard as we could, gleefully listening to the huge crashing noise that it would make as it failed to latch after each slam. I think it was Mr. Chastain that sneaked up behind us and ended our fun.

Record 181
Name: Alan Gin Date: 23-May-00 03:40 PM

Michelle: One question you ask is "Did we admire or fear those among us who ignored or rewrote these rules?" Did you see a lot of rules ignoring or rewriting going on? Do you remember any examples? As I recall the times, the full impact of the women's movement had not filtered down to the high school level in 1975, either in terms of institutions (e.g., girls' sports) or attitudes. I recall getting into some heated arguments my senior year where not only the males, but the females as well, were saying that I was nuts because I was critical of some of the traditional norms involved in female-male relationships. So I would have admired those who broke or ignored the rules, but I didn't see much of that going on. Remember, when the girls asked the boys to dances, it was considered "Backwards."

Record 180
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 23-May-00 03:08 PM

We have Committee Member! Thanks, Chris. This reunion concept is based on keeping in touch, swapping stories and relating experiences we've each had since we got out of school and went our different ways. Let's see if the rest of the Committee can follow the lead that you and Nora have set. Adam- I remember in Jr. High when Dave Beatie,Brain Bullock, Romney Kernek and I (plus a few more I can't remember...) had a competition to see how many locker combinations we could sneak while people were opening their lockers. At one point, I had a list of at least 40-no intentions of using them of course, they were just notches on the old belt. None of us was able to steal each other's, though- except for one day I caught Beatie off guard and stood behind him writing it down as he dialed it. What I didn't realize was that Mr. Chastain was standing directly behind me, writing me up!! Needless to say, after that encounter I pursued other hobbies...

Record 179
Name: Runto Date: 23-May-00 02:21 PM

Steve- My inbox has been flooded. Thanks. You nailed it when you said BOTH genders faced rejection. Boys by asking, girls by not being asked. No one's mentioned, tho, another pressure boys (at least THIS one) felt. The fear of NOT asking girls out, lest you be considered, at best, a hopeless loser or, at worst, "light on your feet". Was this a unique "sandwich" reserved for males? Runto wonders... did you women feel an analogous pressure? Something like an expectation that you WANTED to be asked out?

Record 178
Name: Steve Z E-mail: Date: 23-May-00 01:38 PM

I think I should qualify one point of the last sentence of that last entry, not all the girls I loved are needing of child support. Thank you.

Record 177
Name: Steve Z E-mail:direct all comments to Runto Date: 23-May-00 01:42 PM

This week's "Question of the Week" "Who do you think had the more difficult time during Jr/Sr High School, girls or boys?" Neither-Our Parents had the hardest time! "Was it harder to have to do the asking or to wait around to be asked?" That's a loaded question, to be rejected by asking or be rejected by not being asked? Hmm???I probably was rejected at a ratio of 3:1, not that I was keeping score.I was very surprised to find out how many girls didn't want to ride their bike on a date to dinner! "Did we admire or fear those among us who ignored or rewrote these rules?" I just assumed the Guys I saw dating had a cherry car, great paying job and perfect grades. So I didn't admire, I was flat out jealous. All I can say is that I am glad that there is life after High School! To all the girls I've loved before; Thanks for not caring about my mode of transportation, my type of employment or where I lived. In return you will always have a place in my heart, my respect and child support.

Record 176
Name: Adam Corob E-mail: Date: 23-May-00 12:45 PM

Jeff, I had the combinations for lockers belonging to Jeff Graves, Robert Standley and Bruce Hensel. We used to steal parts from our anatomy class and put them in Bruce's locker. Some of them smelled really bad. One time I put a sheep's eye in there with a note: "I got my eye on you". I think I got a referral for that one. Alan, I think Mr. Duval got on the motorcycle because he was too tired to walk the rest of the way up the hill. Walking up was as fast as that underpowered motorcycle. I can't remember who drove the truck either.

Record 175
Name: walter E-mail: Date: 23-May-00 12:00 PM

I have two thoughts about the lack of interest in the message board. One is that people are too caught up in their own lives to look back or are afriad that they might be judged by others taht might not have reached that position in life they led everyone to believe that they would reach as adults. Second is that they have no idea that this wonderful site even exists. As for the committee members, they always had something to say when we were in school. What's wrong with them now? Are they too respectful now to look back and reminise, or just too stuck up? That's the question. Like Conan, you could wxpect for him to have an opinion about everything. Surely he knows about the site. And, just who do you think "Runto" really is? I don't remember anyone named Runto. Thanks goes out to Matt and Michelle and Runto for keeping this message board active and to Alan for the foresight in setting this whole thing up!

Record 174
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 23-May-00 07:30 AM

Hi Suzanne......i remember the truck incident and am racking my brain to remember who it was. But while thinking about this....does anyone remember hot choclate chip or oatmeal cookies and milk at the cateteria in the early morning? Those were pretty excellent cookies!!

Record 173
Name: susanne kelley Date: 23-May-00 06:52 AM

Does anyone remember when someone drove their truck up the front steps and then back down another flight of steps? I think it was at about lunch time or shortly after. I'm never sure about after lunch. That senior year I sort of "opted" not to attend 5th period.

Record 172
Name: Runto E-mail: Date: 22-May-00 09:46 PM

Matt- I *didn't!* ( Never crossed my mind!) Would love to hear from committee members. How can we get a response from them?

Record 171
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 22-May-00 08:17 PM

Hey Earl and Allen.....i remember the the High Glider trauma as well. I think I was at baseball practice, watching him circle. Hey Jill, can you make it up to Sac Area on weekdays? Some of us valley SLO people are going to do lunch? Let me know if ya can. Sorry Jeff....i dont catch on well anymore. Was never a member of MENSA, was however a member of DENSA.

Record 170
Name: Alan Gin Date: 22-May-00 07:37 PM

Earl, the thing I will always remember about that hang gliding accident was that everyone started running up the hill toward the site. A couple of guys on a motorcycle started going up too. Mr. Duval, the vice principal, kicked the guy on the back of the motorcycle off and got on in his place, so that he could get to the scene faster.

Record 169
Name: Jill L. Date: 22-May-00 07:23 PM

Hi Carol and Alan, I was also in that class "coed senior foods" with Karen Brewster. I really don't remember or care about her short skirts, but I remember the day each kitchen had to prepare a special desert. The Surfer Guys made a great plate of brownies. The only problem was they had to eat them all real fast because instead of being chocolate, they turned out "slightly green". They had their own special recipe!

Record 168
Name: Earl Towle Date: 22-May-00 06:52 PM

The teachers I personally have run into in SLO have been Mr. Johnson, Mr. Cook, and Mr. Ernstrom. I would enjoy quaffing a microbrew and shooting the *7&%@# with any or all of them. When I think back to the days of high school, one of the moments that impressed me was when I watched some guy in a hang glider fall to his death. Another moment was watching Ed Smoygi, Fred Andrews, etc come down from the "reservoir" all red-eyed and try to sit in class! Anyway, lets do lunch. Greetings to all.

Record 167
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 22-May-00 05:06 PM

Matt, c'mon Babe- catch up! One of our goals is to figure out how to get them to list some bio data.

Record 166
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 22-May-00 05:10 PM

Hey Roy...good to see ya in here. Come on back when ever ya can. Its been fun getting back with all who are participating. By the way, Committee Members are welcome in here. I think some told them to stay out!! Runto....was that you?

Record 165
Name: Alan Gin Date: 22-May-00 02:41 PM

Carol, I was in the class "Coed Senior Foods" with Karen Brewster. I remember that she used to wear really short dresses and that we adolescent males would always be dropping our pencils on the floor to have an excuse to bend down.

Record 164
Name: Roy T. E-mail: Date: 22-May-00 02:12 PM

Hey Guys and Gals, Just dialed in the message board and found it quite interesting and a litte shocking. As I was reading it brought back all sorts of memories and quick run to the old annual because of the embarassment of not putting faces with names (sorry Susanne). I'm doing fine as I hope everyone else is. I'm living in Templeton now and working in Paso with youth corrections. Thats a unique experence in itself, but for the most part I enjoy it. I'll be trying to say in contact may-be not quite as much as the others. They seem to have alot of time to play with the keys and as I'm still not that atdepth with the the key board and time permiting I'll try to lend my 2 cents from time to time. Well hello to everyone and I hope top hear from all. I am planning on attending the reunion this year and am looking forward to seeing all. Take it easy R.

Record 163
Name: Carol K. E-mail: Date: 22-May-00 02:03 PM

B-32, locker # and combo in Jr. High. I couldn't tell you my locker location, # or combo for my 3 years in high school however. What's up with that?Favorite teachers? Bruce Smith (science) and Hal Belch (SRI and Fam Living) oh, and Karen (Brewster) Lopez (Home Ec). She hasn't aged a day in 25 years. Scariest thought? Both of my kids at SLOSH next fall!

Record 162
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 22-May-00 01:05 PM

Adam, Mr. Brown, or "Uncle Heulan" as some of us knew him(respectfully, of course), was your Principal G. Edmund Rose's trigger man in Jr. High. "UH" was the one with impeccable timing who always 'happened' to be in the right place at the right time to pull the plug on whatever brouhaha was poised to happen. Outside of ' Al' the custodian, Uncle Heulan was the go-to guy for some pretty good, sincere Jr. High advice. Of course, you also remember the competition to see who could snag the most locker combinations and not get caught?

Record 161
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 22-May-00 11:31 AM

Runto....i am in. When should we email? Adam...say hello to Uncle Phil for me....thanks for the update.

Record 160
Name: Runto E-mail:soon Date: 22-May-00 10:43 AM

Any of you "gold shorts" boyz remember Prijatel's Father Flanigan bit? He was great. If you showed up and dressed out, he pretty much let you do what you wanted. Especially as Seniors. BTW, JB's idea of free tickets for the 1975th site visitor is inspired! Anyone up for a nuisance e-mailing of the commitee members, en masse? Or just MJ?

Record 159
Name: Adam Corob Date: 22-May-00 09:44 AM

Phil Prijatel was one of the most colorfull teachers that I had. Now he lives across the street from me. He is still doing pretty well. He may be driving the same car that he had 25 years ago, an early 70's caddy. Miss Jones got married, and pregnant a few years after we got out of school. Her husband was a new teacher to the area shortly after our graduation. I ran into Scott Hull Saturday. I asked him if he was going to the reunion. He didn't know anything about it. I'm wondering how many others are in the same situation. I got his e-mail address, and will give him the info for the web site. I don't remember Mr. Brown either. Is that a good thing?

Record 158
Name: Matt Date: 21-May-00 08:56 PM

Hey Earl...i will email Tom Duval, Karen Shevlin and Bruce Edmon to schedule a lunch for us. WOW....i havent heard Ricky Para's name in some time. Wonder what he is up too. Hope everyone had a great weekend. My team won a softball tournament, my son won his game and my daughter enjoyed watching her Crew team do very well in the West Coast Rowing Championships. (She is recovering from knee Surgery) Sound familiar? If you guys remember I has surgery when I was 16, and 3 times more since then. Its a joke now, everyone says she inherited my knees and my wife's good looks. Oh well!! Lastly, i will try to call a few of the our favorite Teachers, to join us at SLO Brew on Friday night.

Record 157
Name: Earl Towle Date: 21-May-00 08:36 PM

Matt, I'm flattered that you would ascribe the writings of "Runto" to me. However, this would imply that I've devoted considerable time to these postings and, regrettably, that has not been the case. If I were to venture a guess as to Runto's identity I would guess someone like Ricky Para. Anyway, it is fun to read the postings. Maybe we can have lunch now- I finished my last class last week and will graduate May 27th (MSN/FNP). As an aside, I think Mr. Cook is still in SLO, last I heard he was the principal of the night high school- we should invite him to have a beer!

Record 156
Name: Alan Gin Date: 21-May-00 07:00 PM

I was in Los Angeles this weekend and saw Conan on the local NBC affiliate. He was anchoring the 11 PM news Saturday night. I didn't recognize him visually at first, but knew it was him from his voice.

Record 155
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 21-May-00 12:28 AM

Matt, I think she remembers more than I do..... I have another quest, we need to find Miss Jones. Last I heard she'd married a guy named Nix, first name was Harvey- I think- and was living down in the San Diego area. I spent the better part of an hour looking up teachers' groups and names down ther but got nothing. Maybe she moved.She's one of the few I admired due to her dedication to the subject matter and her willingness to treat us as real people. Anyway, maybe someone has some newer info. they can share.

Record 154
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 20-May-00 11:58 PM

Michelle....i did not know your DADDY...who was he...up at the old junior high? As far as respect for the adults...Rusty Duval, Hal Belch, Uncle Phil, Mike the Janitor, Doc J, Mr Cook and of course Mrs Bringle. Jeff does she still remember me? Hey Michelle....keep up what dry humor, sarcasim....or what ever everyone is calling it. Frankly, i look forward to everyone comments. Between coaching Little League, working and DAD stuff...this has been the break i need. Always brings a smile to me.........Runto...ive decided that you are not vote now goes to Earl Towle.

Record 153
Name: Steve Z E-mail: Date: 20-May-00 11:19 PM

Man-I miss a day and feel like I have been out of the country for a week. The T-Bone has been retired. It was too big to carry around in a sea bag! I sat in with a band a few years ago with a Big Band Group-(played Dances etc) I could barely keep up with them. The sheet music looked like a foreign language. I was very humbled, and have not played since. Well, once, I played happy birthday for a friends BDay party, but don't know how well I did since I was very Drunk! As for Walt's comments- Don't cry for me Argentina comes to mind...I appreciate this very special opportunity. I wasn't always a stay at home dad, just the opposite. I spent my first marraige away from home in far away places more than 3 years. So this time around I know how important it is, for them and me, to be here. As for my most embarassing moment, It had to be at the graduation party, in the pool, and Michelle B. wanted to know who had the hairy legs?

Record 152
Name: Carol K. E-mail: Date: 20-May-00 10:52 PM

I'm enjoying sitting back and listening to the debates, letting everyone else do the talking...Hey, just like in high school! P.S. Michelle, I happen to think your dad is a very nice man.

Record 151
Name: Runto E-mail:various Date: 20-May-00 09:10 PM

Just lurking, trying vainly to keep up with self-appointed "in" crowd leader. JB- looks like Emperor needs new clothes. Michelle- I apologize. Please give me time to adjust to your style, maybe you'll get used to mine.

Record 150
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 20-May-00 07:50 PM

Yes, Michelle-that was her. She worked in the attendance office(I never mised a day, honest!) She and your dad operated on about the same level of respect with the student body. The deadbeats got their minimal attention, and those who truly appeared be making the most of their time were treated with the level of respect that they deserved. She really is responsible for laying the groundwork for my sense of humor- I liked your dad because I never had to go to his office. He also turned me on to a babysitting job in 9th grade that earned me a good bit of spare coin that summer!

Record 149
Name: Me again E-mail: Date: 20-May-00 07:36 PM

Hey Jeff, wasn't your mom that nice Mrs. Bringle who worked in the office? I remember her as always being so kind. Why is it the adults who just treated us as "people" are the ones who made a lasting impression. Who do you-all remember as important influences, bad or good?...and my dad is off limits for now.

Record 148
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 20-May-00 07:32 PM

Michelle, please don't ever apologize for your humor and sarcasm! There aren't many of us out here who actually catch on and know how to play- you're very, very good. If 'Grunto' can't keep up that's his/her problem. Have you experimented with cynicism yet? It's the next step down that old, bumpy road to Curmudgeonville.....

Record 147
Name: Michelle again E-mail: Date: 20-May-00 07:29 PM

It seems I am also destined to be remembered by some of you as Mr. Brown's Daughter. Even at 43! Though I am at peace with it now, this was not the easiest role to play back then.Always an unlisted phone #, graffiti with "F*&% Brown" under the RR bridge near the HS and inside the textbooks we used (and I wondered why the boys never called!) The worst year was 7th grade when we were separated into a new Jr. High but had to use part of the SLOSH Jr/Sr High campus while Laguna was being built. There was a group of big giant 9th grade girls who made a habit of following me into the bathroom so they could stand on the toilets looking into my stall, spit on me and say rude things about my dad. Oh how I used to dread that long walk up those stairs. I'm sure I was the Student Most Grateful to finally have a brand-new campus and go to a different school So I guess I just shared one of my Least Favorite Memories. Sorry to be a downer! I suppose High School wasn't so bad after that.

Record 146
Name: Michelle B E-mail: Date: 20-May-00 06:59 PM

Well Jeff, I'm relieved about not being required to do that "embrace and be at one with" stuff...phew. Not that anyone should doubt my sincere desire to understand, but a gal's got to have some limits! Runto, you are very good at pushing my buttons. I think I'm being funny/sarcastic and giving it back to you, but you seem to think I have no sense of humor! Maybe you are on to something--so I apologize for anything that was out of line. This is very odd-I am apologizing to someone that I might of offended, that I might know but don't know if I must be having a very good time playing with our minds.

Record 145
Name: Matty E-mail: Date: 20-May-00 02:11 PM

The Artic Circle French Fry Sauce was the best Runto.....Animal Burger was pretty good too.....Scrubbys was #1.....even thou they had no fries. Michelle....thou I could talk to anyone, anytime. When it came to asking a women out....i was a clam. Maybe that why i dated girls from Morro Bay and Arroyo one would fine out if someone said no.....

Record 144
Name: Runto E-mail:broken Date: 20-May-00 12:22 PM

Ed's! Animal burgers! Anyone remember Arctic Circle?

Record 143
Name: Runto E-mail:double-secret Date: 20-May-00 12:17 PM

AC- No returns on damaged merchandise.

Record 142
Name: runto E-mail:later Date: 20-May-00 11:55 AM

Thanks for the kind words, Matt. Runto merely pawn in Michelle's game of life. Did everyone but Corob, Bringle and Morris forget where they stored their sense of humor? Michelle: all you need to know about the "male psyche" is 'splained in "Animal House", "Blazing Saddles" and "The Blues Brothers". R

Record 141
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 20-May-00 11:42 AM

Okay, Michelle. That whole bit was mostly tongue-in-cheek. There are some of us guys who still don't understand the female obsession with make-up & hair coloring! You're also correct on both fronts re: us "shy" types in cyberspace. It's a bit sterile, but compared with face to face, there are no awkward lulls in the 'conversation'. It's also true that age and experience have led us to be more confident and accepting of who we are and how we relate with others these days. We all start recognizing how the pieces are meant to fit in the "Circle of Life". The Deja-vu' kicks in especially loud where kids are involved- it's a two-edged sword: you know where they are and where they're headed, but they don't always listen even though you've already been there.

Record 140
Name: Michelle B. E-mail: Date: 19-May-00 11:22 PM

Has anyone else noticed that it is those self-admitted shy-guys who are "opening up and sharing" around here? (possible exception: Matt M, you were NEVER shy). I'm it the cyber format that makes this easier? Or have all you guys grown more comfortable with this stuff as you got older? Still on my quest for understanding. Do the rest of you agree with Jeff that we women must "embrace and be one with the influences" of all that testosterone in order to understand the Guy Gender? Most days I'm content to simply be in awe of our differences, but now and then I just want to know---WHY? why sports, farts, etc? Of course I'm just as puzzled about some girl things like pantyhose, nail polish, and fashon shows that I find just as much a snore as the fishing channel. Thanks to all of you who shared.Okay, you all have an A+ for the day..

Record 139
Name: Matt Morris E-mail: Date: 19-May-00 09:43 PM

WOW....lots of action of the ole board today. I am glad to see it. Now we just need others to get in on the fun. I bet there are so many stories out there. Hey Michelle, if you want to talk guy psych stuff, a good place to start is finding out why dust bothers most women and has no affect on guys. Or why the golf channel can be exciting. Better study the fishing channel. Ive sat in front of those shows for years, wondering why I do??? But its exciting when they catch'em. Another great place to study is a Pro Baseball game. Most ladies "need" to leave by the 6th or 7th inning. Even if the score is a blow out.....I need to stay till the 9th. Ya never know when a comeback will happen!! Now I am going to mention a few more topic's that might lead to some more chat. HHow about Ed's Take Out? Or Scrubby and Lloyd's! Thursday nights downtown! Senior that where the pot heads hung out? Last but not least there is Doc J, my fav teacher. Who was your fav? Doc J now teaches at Cuesta College. Hey Runto....whom ever you may be....keep it up. Ya sure got a yank out of ole Zanky!! Still play the bone Steve?

Record 138
Name: runto E-mail:never mind Date: 19-May-00 09:08 PM

OOOh! Runto bleeds! I'm not the one grading "essays". Or is that just your natural role? R

Record 137
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 19-May-00 08:27 PM

Thanks, Michelle. I guess being the daughter of a Vice Principal never wears off, you had to put that "-" in there, didn't you? Alas, as much as you profess your dedication to understanding the male animal, you have taken the most grievous mis-step of all by attempting to "move beyond" Little League, farts, and the 'Tall Guy'. You must embrace these concepts and become one with their influences on all males- Yea- even your husband! For it is known far and wide that the true way to a man's heart is through his ego- and a sincere and prolonged study of these ideas and their relevance to a young lad's physical and emotional development would only serve to enrich your understanding of why we is what we is. Thank you...Thankyouverymuch....

Record 136
Name: Michelle B E-mail: Date: 19-May-00 08:12 PM

Now this is more like it! I got the guys talking about relationships and parenting. I love it cuz I'm still trying to understand men. Living with one (a pretty great one) and producing two sons has only added to the mystery of maleness. But at least we're beyond the subjects of Little League, Farts, and the Tall Guy. Jeff, I give you an A- on your essay, but I'll let Runto correct your punctuation and sentence structure since this seems to be important to him.

Record 135
Name: walter E-mail: Date: 19-May-00 03:42 PM

Hey man I must be in a different time zone cause I am having trouble keeping up with all the chatter. I think I can go along with Jeff B. I think that I was asked to one backwards dance and I had the audasity to turn her down in hopes of being asked by a Special girl that didn't know that I was even alive, man what a mistake, I ended not going at all and really hated staying at home that night. I to didn't know much about girls at all. and the ones I kept chasing didn't want to be anything but friends. I often felt like I had the plague.

Record 134
Name: Walter E-mail: Date: 19-May-00 03:32 PM

Steve I feel sorry if you don't see the potential that you have in your kids and the potential that you have to watch them grow and to enlighten and inrich their lives. I wrote an english paper once about being a Mr. MOM. You see I was one for seven wonderful years. I worked weekends in a hospital thats thirty-two hours in a weekend. My wife worked at a day job, Iwent to collage at night. we changed ourschedules to match each others off times so our children would have at least one of us at home with them until my last daughter entered kindergarten. as I wrote my paper my oldest son, then ten years old read my paper as I typed it into the computer. He would ask the simpelist questions but I could tell that he was interested in what I was doing and I asked him if he would rather go to someones house to be babysat everyday after school. his resounding answer was no Dad I want you to take care of us, not someone we don't know. Ithink I bennefited from that experience more than anyone of my kids. I don't mean to preach but Iam glad that I had the chance to do it, and I would do it again in a heart beat. Ido however know how you feel about feeling like your wasting time but think about the influence that you will have on those kids, they wont forget it for the rest of their lives, aside from that they grow up and leave too soon in life and you never get the chance again to get close to them. Take care and live life to the fullest by sharing your life with them.

Record 133
Name: Adam Corob E-mail: Date: 19-May-00 03:21 PM

Interesting Question Michelle! Back then, I was too shy with the girls to even consider asking one of them on a date or to a dance. It seems to me that it is easier for the guys regarding your question. If you wanted to ask, you asked. It might be difficult, with the natural insecurity of possible rejection, but at least you had the choice of doing it or not. Traditionally, the girl would wait to be asked. That has to be much harder, especially if there is someone in particular that you hope will ask you. Wasn't it easier for you to ask someone to the backwards dance, than waiting for a call for the regular dances. None of this was even a consideration for the lucky ones who had a boyfriend or girlfriend at the time, not that I knew what that was like.

Record 132
Name: Alan Gin Date: 19-May-00 01:32 PM

I'm leaving town this weekend. No updates except for the message area until Sunday. Everybody behave themselves!

Record 131
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 19-May-00 01:22 PM

Whoa, Michelle! That reads like one of Mr. Carl's essay questions! You just left out the 'compare and contrast' part..... Carol's the Psych Major, I can't wait to see her response. Anyway- Being the textbook introvert, and having already been royally flamed in 7th grade, I was on the defensive throughout most of that time period. If there was initiative, it wasn't from me. Self-esteem was not a problem as I didn't have any in the first place where 'relationships' were concerned. Schoolwork, sports & working were all I cared about. It was really difficult for me to work up the nerve even to just converse with a female one to one. I stood in pseudo reverence of guys like Dave Beatie that were seemingly so at ease around the girls in any situation. Playing in the band eliminated all of the pressure of having to ask someone to a dance- & when our band wasn't playing, I threw myself into 'relationships' in order to have a guaranteed "date". No pressure there either. The times I was asked to dances, I was flattered-( thanks Jane, I still remember every minute of trying not to look the fool at dinner with your family!!) Then there were the others-(see message#42)- I soon learned that it was okay to be 'just friends' with a female, and I wish I'd picked up on that concept much sooner. I had only one relationship during high school that even approached meaningful and had serious long-term possibilities- but, once again, I let my heart overrule my brain, and I wrecked that one big time- I'm sorry, Cindy. I think you girls had it much easier , maturing earlier and all. I know that old bit : "if I knew then what I know now" sure rings loud these days- and not only in the physical sense.

Record 130
Name: Adam Corob E-mail: Date: 19-May-00 01:01 PM

Runto: If you give me Jeff Graves, and he doesn't go with the furniture, can I give him back?

Record 129
Name: Michelle B. E-mail: Date: 19-May-00 11:33 AM

I have thunk up a new question (partially inspired by Runto's experience) for you to ponder. Who do you think had the more difficult time during Jr/Sr High School, girls or boys? Was it harder to have to do the asking or to wait around to be asked? Did we admire or fear those among us who ignored or rewrote these rules? Please use examples from your own life to support your position if necessary.

Record 128
Name: Michelle B. E-mail: Date: 19-May-00 11:11 AM

Matt, you have no idea how thrilled I am to be remembered as Leland's conjoined twin. Yes, he did have guts, but for me the basic qualifications were: 1) male 2) he asked me (wasn't I deep?) He was the first and only for a long time.His idea of fun was to go behind the library and smooch but I missed hanging with my friends during "nutrition break" sadly our "relationship" ended before it had a chance to blossom (sob!). I think he pretty quickly moved on to better things...

Record 127
Name: Runto E-mail:get real Date: 19-May-00 10:33 AM

Runto can give you Jeff Graves.

Record 126
Name: Adam Corob Date: 19-May-00 09:47 AM

Runto; We had a pretty good time with that project, and our suspension. I seems to me that we went swimming out in Lopez Canyon During our "3 day vacation". Isn't a suspension from school supposed to be a bad thing? I remember Jeff Graves trying to sell pictures of the "Tall Guy". We all thought that they were going to make us pay for the tiles that we broke on the roof while walking around up there. Chris wasn't in on our little project.

Record 125
Name: Adam Corob Date: 19-May-00 09:29 AM

How about a funny story from Miss Jones's Biology class? The students were assigned a fermentation project. I think my partner was Joyce Countess. We decided to make root beer. We put all the ingredients in a five gallon plastic jug, mixed them, and then waited for nature to take it's course. The cap kept exploding off the top of the jug. When the project was done, we were ready for the big taste test. It was awful. It tasted salty, not sweet. We went back to the storage area and checked the sugar. It was salt. Someone had change the labels. I remember Brandy Nock getting a little drunk on the strawberry wine that she made. Has anyone heard from Brandy or Joyce (two of the nicest girls I've ever met).

Record 124
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 19-May-00 09:22 AM

Matt- I dug the old album out (Mom kept everything) and there's a picture of the '69 Orioles with a bespectacled kid looking a lot like our "Joey" Johnson. He's even identified as "Joey" in the photo caption and in several game clips- Joe? Can you settle this one?

Record 123
Name: runto E-mail:pending Date: 19-May-00 09:26 AM

Hey, Tommy Gin! Still smackin' the ol' apple around?

Record 122
Name: runto E-mail:guess Date: 19-May-00 09:05 AM

Extra-special belated thanks to Corob, Martin Henry, Perello, Hensel, Jeff Graves and yes, maybe even YOU, Alan. I still remember how excited the gym was that particular morning...!

Record 121
Name: runto E-mail:none Date: 19-May-00 09:12 AM

Zank-dude... True, true. But you can't ignore the fact that you share this planet with others, and while their individual opinions may mean little to you and me, collectively, they are quite a social force. As a fellow "at-home" daddy, tell me with a straight face that you've never run in to this bias: Stay-at-home-mom: Warm, loving, nurturing caregiver, fulfilling her biological imperative and rightfully entrusted with the future social fabric of our nation. Stay-at-home-dad: Bum between jobs, sponging off of his poor wife who must work to support them all. Please forward 5 cents to me for every time I've taken my lads to a function during "working hours" and been subjected to " Oh, so YOU'VE got the kids today?" or the popular " It's so nice you could take time off from work to be here!" Sound familiar? Worst perpetuators of this double standard? The other moms! You've seen "Mommy & Me" groups? Ever seen a "Daddy & Me"? Whassup wit' dat?

Record 120
Name: runto E-mail:none Date: 19-May-00 08:45 AM

Hi, everyone. 'Scuse me for lagging, but I just got back from reading the older posts. I, Runto, also think it's appalling that certain members of the reunion commitee have yet to cough up their personal info. I'm happy to add my voice to the growing chorus calling for these deadbeats to lead by example. I will post my info the day after the last commitee member does. R

Record 119
Name: Carol K. E-mail: Date: 19-May-00 08:22 AM

Okay gals, time to sway the conversation away from Little League... Unfortunately, I didn't do anything too controversial in high school besides baking cookies for the track team and forgetting to put sugar in them. Well lets see, Lisa Kuden ('77) and I had a crush on the student teacher track coach and both ended up dating him after high school... I know some of you out there have better stories than that!

Record 118
Name: Matt M E-mail: Date: 19-May-00 08:00 AM

Jeff....maybe your right about the first year being the runner up. The next year we played you guys too I think. Too long for me too remember. Mike Murphy could sure throw a curve. Did you hear that Mike passed away. Roger Warnes, (class of 74), told me that. Coach Murphy had all those sayings down. Joe Johnson, class of 74 was on the "69 team. Tom Duval also had a very good curve ball. Tom went on to play at Cal Poly. He lives near me, and wants me to play in a over 40 league this summer. I might go try to see if I can still hit a fastball, I know curves are out of the question. I think slow pitch on Friday night, followed by suds and pizza is more my speed!!

Record 117
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 18-May-00 11:33 PM

Ah, yes! Matt the young "Babe" honing his skills- Sure I remember. The Summer of '69. Coach Murphy and his "Hip hop to the barbershop!" and "Ducks on a pond!" A number of us would have loved to have stuffed his pie-hole in those days. . Each time Mike Murphy pitched and I came to the plate we'd both laugh out loud- three curveballs later it was all over, and we were still laughing...My brother, Tom was on that Red Sox team, as was Tommy Gin & Jeff Weldon. As I remember, we were the runner-up series, the Yankees had already won the championship. Another member of your squad was a certain M. Joseph Johnson. Da good old days!

Record 116
Name: Matt Date: 18-May-00 09:15 PM

Hey Tommy....I did not remember you on that team. Yes Fred was on the team, so was Ron Barba. In fact anyone know where Ron is these days? I think he is a teacher somewhere. That was a fun time that I will always remember.

Record 115
Name: Tommy Gin E-mail: Date: 18-May-00 09:08 PM

Matt, you were on the Orioles? I was on the Red Sox with Jeff! I was on the team in the 6th grade. Who else was on the Orioles? Did Fred Andrews play on that team?

Record 114
Name: Matt Morris E-mail:mm985 Date: 18-May-00 09:06 PM

OK hope everyone is ready for a few memories. I figure since I brought it up I should lead off this topic. Steve Zank, Mr Trombone! Alan Gin, Mr Smart. Susanne May, always a smile....always! Conan Nolan, Mr Speech Maker. Adam Corob and the rest of the Tall Guy squad, Shwwwwing! Scott Thompson, your jeep was slow. Norman Coy, Mr Basketball. Dean Greene, Mr Golf. Liz Prior, what a smile!! Steve Donatelli, Coach Hite and a banana (ya had to be at Laguna for that one). Karen Volney, oooo la la. Well enough thinking for tonight. Please, lets continue this conversation!!

Record 113
Name: Matt Morris Date: 18-May-00 08:39 PM

Hey Michelle Brown, ya know what I remember most about you? At Laguna Jr High, you and Leland Jenkins walking forever around the school holding hands. Were you two attached at the hip? Actually I thought it was pretty cool. I didnt have the guts at that age to do that. Anybody else remember something weird or nice about someone? Lets lead the conversation toward memories of people in our class. Even if they are not posting here. Anyone remember Tim Woodmans hair? Was it ever messed up? I cant remember it ever being out of place.

Record 112
Name: Matt Morris Date: 18-May-00 08:34 PM

Hey Jeff....remember Little League days? Red Sox vs Orioles, 2 years in a row. We won both years. Thou i didnt add much to the series, I remember Charley Flores fastball wizzing bye. Man he was fast!! Hey Walter....good one!! My embaressing moment might have been when I was in the school play, "As You Like It". I had to wear tights and wrestle John Pillow, maybe even worse I had to lose. No offence John, but all those times I wanted face plant you. I did that silly play all for a very pretty gal, who at this time will remain nameless....hehe.

Record 111
Name: Alan Gin Date: 18-May-00 06:13 PM

I think it's going to be a tree or a bench with a little placque that says "Class of 1975."

Record 110
Name: K.L. James Date: 18-May-00 05:51 PM

Does any one have an idea as to what it is that will be presented to the high school????

Record 109
Name: Walter Crawford Date: 18-May-00 05:00 PM

Hey You guys! Iam really having a hard time believing that people don;t want to do some catching up with old farts like us. Oh Sorry I mean old friends. I couldn't make it last night as I was working a 13 hr shift at the hospital, I have been trying to keep up with everyons messages but I to don't have much to say. can anyone remember the awards banquet where we had voted on our class mates to recieve an award of some sort? one of the ones I recieved was most pigeon toed. how about the one most likely to succeed, or stranded on a deserted island with? does anyone remember those? My most embaressing moment was while doing a play with most of the cheerleading squad and a few other guys that were brave enough to do it. well we were between sceen changes and most of the girls were sitting outside on the picknick tables, ofcourse we were all taklking about how the play was going. I had an upset stomach and tried to pass some gas quietly and of course you could have heard it down at the pool, Inever saw those girls move sooo quickly in my life and all of them laughing at me and saying oh Walter. guess that would be the most embarresing time in my high school life.

Record 108
Name: Matt Morris Date: 18-May-00 03:48 PM

Hi everyone.....runto is Conan Nolan. Do I know this for a fact? Nope, but why not! Since Conan isnt posting here, we can blame it on him. Dont ya just love to talk about people when they are not here!! Actually I like the dude's name, maybe dudette? My life is a constant Runto this, Runto that!! Laugh a little folks, seem like Runto is!!

Record 107
Name: Steve Z E-mail: Date: 18-May-00 03:30 PM

What do I think about unresolved issues? They can take over our lives and consume us. Our life is what WE make of it and is not much more than an illusion to others, including family.

Record 106
Name: Runto E-mail:none yet Date: 18-May-00 02:16 PM

Hey J. Bringle, noticed your sentences tend to run on. More than 2 breaths; it's too long, K? A comma or sentence frag here or there would go a LONG way. Really. Try it. Would I lie? To you? See?

Record 105
Name: Run'- too (sheesh!) E-mail:none yet Date: 18-May-00 02:08 PM

Let's review... Mother's Day: " Dear Mom, Thanks for being the best nurse, chef, chauffeur, nutritionalist, mediator, accountant, domestic engineer, coach, wardrobe manager, nanny, concierge, computer technician, manicurist, dishwasher, electrician, purchasing agent, mechanic, child psychologist, veterinarian, arbitrator, chemist, plumber, system manager, butler and air-traffic contoller in the world!" Father's Day: "Dear Dad, Thanks for going to work!" Bitter? No. Disillusioned? Hardly. But as a stay-at-home dad, I CAN say that I do resent my "worth" to my family being measured by the job I don't have. You gettin' this, Zank-man? What do YOU think? Of course, if I said I actually cared what anyone but my family thought, I'd be lying. Runto

Record 104
Name: Alan Gin Date: 18-May-00 01:25 PM

I just wanted to let everyone know that the Missing Classmates section has been updated. The original list that I had was from the first mailing for the 20-Year Reunion. The new list came from the returned cards from the latest mailing.

Since Michelle has returned to embarrassing moments, does anybody remember that I almost drowned in P.E. one year? The student teacher had to jump into the pool to save me

Record 103
Name: Michelle B. E-mail: Date: 18-May-00 10:57 AM

Obviously I am extremely slow at this message board business. I have finally remembered a Most Embarrassing Moment that I am willing to share. I hope others will be inspired by my bravery and dig up similar stories. We need to liven things up! Back in 9th grade at Laguna Jr Hi, we had Mini-Courses every other Friday. I took Kayaking with Mr. Aiello, where over several weeks we built a kayak from scratch by stretching canvas over a wood frame and then painting it with some kind of resin-goo that hardened to make a waterproof shell. On the day we took it out on the lake for its maiden voyage, Brian Duke was the lucky paddler. Several others of us were using rented kayaks of the hard molded fiberglass variety. I don't remember what distracted me, but several yards from shore I broadsided Brian, leaving a beer keg-sized hole in the side of his craft .In spite of the olympic-quality effort, he was soaked to the armpits by the time he reached dry land. I have never been so mortified. It was even worse because I was the only girl in the class and I took pride in my tomboy ways. Brian has successfully avoided any contact with me since that day. If you are out there Brian, you might feel better knowing I've only had one traffic ticket in my life (not counting the jaywalking thing) and have successfully taught my teenage daughter to drive. I think it's probably safe to come out now.

Record 102
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 18-May-00 10:44 AM

Alan- I think it's someone from our class who's way more clever than we can comprehend...... or not ........ using Runto as an alias to snipe the message board.

Record 101
Name: Alan Gin Date: 18-May-00 10:35 AM

On the site, there is someone named Runto Ayers listed in our class. His/her e-mail address is