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San Luis Obispo Senior High School

Class of 1975

25-Year Reunion - August 5-6, 2000

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Archived Messages (401 - 500)

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Record 500
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 13-Jul-00 12:21 PM

Oh, Michelle- you mean: Voici mon secret. Il est tres simple: "on ne voit bien qu' avec le coeur. L'essential est invisible pour les youx." That would be Morgan Fairchild, aka Antoine de Saint-Exupery- from "the Little Prince". I'd like them all with rainbow sprinkles, please.

Record 499
Name: Runto E-mail: Date: 13-Jul-00 11:55 AM

Just spoke with No-Duh. (S)he is, like, sooo way sorry anyone was, like, you know, offended and that. Agent X is Morgan Fairchild. Adam Corob as "Mongo".

Record 498
Name: Michelle the Somewhat Saggy E-mail: Date: 13-Jul-00 11:31 AM

Thanks to all of you who joined my support group. (Adolescents Anonymous?) I love you guys! (this includes Carol). Joe, would you please bring the refreshments to our next meeting? By the way, you are our inspirational guest speaker, topic: "How to be a Real Grown-Up". Who knew that Popeye was more evolved than we were? Another quote came to my mind: "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." Thanks for reminding me of that Truth. (...I'll buy a baker's dozen for the first person who names the author of the quote, extra credit for correct spelling)

Record 497
Name: Carol E-mail: Date: 13-Jul-00 10:51 AM

...alright, I'll cancel my facelift and liposuction appointments...

Record 496
Name: Adam E-mail: Date: 13-Jul-00 10:01 AM

Joe, good to hear from you. Michelle, a very famous quote has stuck with me over the years: "I yam what I yam"....Popeye. If everyone else is going to the reunion "as is", I guess I better cancel my appointment with "The Hair Club For Men".

Record 495
Name: Joe J. Date: 13-Jul-00 07:34 AM

RE: Michelle and Jeff's comments -- see, there was an advantage to those of us who, as youth, were overweight and appearance-challenged. I have no expectations to live up to! Finally, it pays off...hey, pass the donuts.

Record 494
Name: Carol E-mail: Date: 12-Jul-00 10:13 PM

Actually Neil, I'd like to hear the story about jumping the cow... Michelle and others- I won't try to lose any weight if you promise you won't either... And Michelle, I'll bet you aren't bald and sagging!

Record 493
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 12-Jul-00 10:09 PM

Neil....a BBQ sounds good. I was planning on being there from 11 till 3pm. Hotdogs sound easy to cook. ...wonder if they have BBQ's set up there now after all the digging. I will explore the idea....and have my sister check it out for us.

Record 492
Name: Neil E-mail: Date: 12-Jul-00 09:36 PM

Who ever no duh is...!! I have read everything on here and am still wondering what activity I would want to go to! I am a family man through and through so why would I want to do anything without my wife or my kids for that matter. That is why I mentioned the FAMILY picnic/BBQ?? Maybe at the beach huh Matt? Oh well, ok...I don't have any car stories accept jumping a cow with Keith Johnson in his MG! I walked everywhere I went! My weight is over but my mind is clear and healthy so I figure that makes up for it. As long as my wife still loves me thats all I need! Yada yada yada...yeah I know you can wake up now!

Record 491
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 12-Jul-00 09:17 PM

Hey Michelle.....I thought a lot about your question. I had wanted to lose a few, just to look a little better. But I thought....ive always been a little chunky, my health is ok even thou i could stand to drop a few. Why fret over such a small period of time. And heck....i am worried more about missing my kids first soccer games of the season than i am going to the reunion a little bit chunky. In fact....ill be taking off early Sunday morning to catch their Sunday games......Jeff.....ditto to what you said. I will be happy to chat for a few hours at SLO Brew and at Danny's house Saturday nite with anyone who will smile and and say "Matt...good to see you" more thing, is anyone going to the beach on Saturday,(playground side of the pier), after the bench thing? As for the non drinkers among us....pool tables and Diet Coke is sold at SLO Brew.

Record 490
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 12-Jul-00 02:13 PM

Michelle- for me it's been "Aw, man- only 4 more years 'til the 25th, the big Millenium Reunion! Only 4 years to lose 90 lbs, fill in some hair and get contact lenses! Oops- better buy a Humvee, too.Aieee!" Well, I can tell you- not one thing's happened, nor does it show much promise at this point. Not in 4 years. Not in 23 days. Maybe for the 30th, only because if things don't change, I may not be around to see it. As growed up as I like to think I am, I'm still wrestling with appearances and self- esteem. I can accept others, it's just tough getting off my fat, fuzzy ass and mitigating my own situation. Funny how the mind still has control all these years later.

Record 489
Name: Michelle the Old and Gray... E-mail: Date: 12-Jul-00 01:26 PM

Well, Adam and the rest of you all, I've decided to take a major plunge and try to stir up something new. On the surface this may seem like a girl topic, but I'll go out on a limb to say I'll bet this strikes some kind of a nerve with all genders. Will anyone else confess to having the same insecure reaction to the Daily Countdown (you know--"XX days till the SLOSH class of '75 Reunion") as I do? My inner teen shouts "OH NO!! Only XX days to lose thirty pounds, get a complete makeover, and try to look 18 again!!!" Of course I'll do none of it, and of course I'm appalled at myself for even feeling this way. I'm not ashamed of the way I look, I'm not looking to hook up with anyone new (happily married and all), I really don't think I have the need to impress anyone. So why do I still have these crazy butterflies about seeing all of you and being seen, as we ARE, now, as 40-somethings. Tubby, gray, balding, wrinkled, sagging--you know! We all know. I also know I'll get over it, after about 20 minutes of being together, it will no longer matter. But I sure wonder about the rest of you--anyone else confess to the butterflies, over appearance, or about other ways of "measuring up"? I guess I hope you all are more mature than me, because then it REALLY, truly, will not matter. Certainly not as much as the memories, people, and friendships matter. Right?

Record 488
Name: Sgt. Major Reggie Bigguns, Mrs. E-mail:What's that? Date: 12-Jul-00 12:51 PM

I like the Runto chap! Lots of spunk for someone of such small stature.

Record 487
Name: Sgt. Major Reggie Bigguns, Mrs. E-mail:What's that? Date: 12-Jul-00 12:51 PM

I like the Runto chap! Lots of spunk for someone of such small stature.

Record 486
Name: Adam Corob E-mail: Date: 12-Jul-00 08:56 AM

Hi Michelle and Candy. It's great to hear from you again. Don't let the testosterone scare you away. Just a bunch of us old guys having some fun. You have to love the old "car" stories. All of us just getting our licenses, cars, and the new world of trouble that was opened up for us to drive into. Marty Henry had an old Rambler that was similar to Kay's. The gas gauge didn't work, and he never put more that $2.00 in at a time. He was always running out of gas, but we always had a good time. Candy, you could never be boring. Now that Runto guy, he was boring! Never had anything to say that didn't put me halfway to sleep. Stay in touch.

Record 485
Name: candy Date: 12-Jul-00 06:34 AM

Adam, I quit writing messages because no one was responding, and I can't be that boring. Yall had you're good ole boy thing going and the testosterone overload was too much. It was deja vu all over again.... only certain people talking to certain peole ..... yada yada ... All comments are welcome. Luv ya anyway

Record 484
Name: Michelle again E-mail: Date: 11-Jul-00 07:21 PM

P.S. I am no longer pretending to be Morgan Fairchild, that must be some OTHER wanna-be.

Record 483
Name: Michelle B. E-mail: Date: 11-Jul-00 06:57 PM

Hey Adam- don't you know better than to ask a woman if she has anything to say? Does the saying "be careful what you wish for" ring a bell? Been mostly lurking, enjoying hearing from some new voices (hi BOB!). I've been feeling like Carol C., did I really go to the same HS with the rest of you? Cuz I don't remember anybody smoking anything, taking drugs, having sex, or breaking any traffic laws!!! But they didn't call me Cleopatra for nuthin, I guess. I vaguely remember cruising a time or two in Kay Niland's old Rambler (with the push-button transmission). For a short time I was the proud owner of a Morris Minor (a 1950?). It had a top speed of about 40 mph, making it a long trip to town from Squire Canyon. Then I was able to purchase my Grandma's 1962 Chevy Nova, actually WAS only driven on Sundays, till I got her, anyway. That's the extent of my crusin'/car stories. How'd I do? I don't quite feel like I get this boy/car love affair thing yet, but I'm still listening!

Record 482
Name: Morgan Fairchild E-mail: Date: 11-Jul-00 06:55 PM

Adam- you're such a sweet talker!

Record 481
Name: Adam Corob E-mail: Date: 11-Jul-00 04:06 PM

Hey ladies, did someone put out the "No Women Allowed" sign on the message area???? It's been two weeks since we have heard from any of you. I can't believe that that many women don't have anything to say about any of this.

Record 480
Name: Noe Duh E-mail: Date: 10-Jul-00 09:48 PM

Neil, have you read the Homepage yet?

Record 479
Name: Noe Duh E-mail: Date: 10-Jul-00 09:32 PM

Yo, Neil! Great idea, but how 'bout this for a plan? Dude, check it out! Danny Furtado's parents are like, way out of town, man! We could go to his place, like , at like 6PM on Saturday dude! It could be a real informal BYOB thing, man! Ya know? Shaka Braugh!

Record 478
Name: Neil Date: 10-Jul-00 06:47 PM

Hey I just might make it to the park and maybe even the SLO Brew thang even though I don't think much of drinkin anymore! Hey anybody, not going to the reunion on Sunday, interested in a BBQ or picnic at the park on Saturday or Sunday just to chat with old friends and maybe strike up some new ones? Let me know!

Record 477
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 10-Jul-00 07:21 AM

Hey was your 4th of July? We had a block party with many good friends and neighbors, swimming and a huge BBQ. Not to mention all the fireworks which lasted for 90 minutes. I remember going to Pismo Beach and to Atascadero Lake to watch fireworks. Those were great memories. I hope you all had as must fun as I did!!

Record 476
Name: Steve Donatelli Date: 09-Jul-00 10:49 PM

Informative site. Kuddos to Professor Gin! Hello to all '75 SLOSH grads. Entire class voted most APATHETIC!

Record 475
Name: Mike Berg E-mail: Date: 06-Jul-00 08:59 AM

Bob and Fred, Nice to hear from you guy's. Lookijng forward to seeing everyone in less then a month! Bye

Record 474
Name: Earl Towle E-mail: Date: 05-Jul-00 09:55 PM

At the 10 year SLOSH reunion I was standing at Santa Rosa Park just taking it all in. Someone I did not recognize said hello to me and I was somewhat dumbfounded by my the complete blank I was drawing trying to come up with a name. Suddenly, from behind me Fred Andrews leans down and quietly says "Helmut Akus" in my ear. Who knew? It still cracks me up thinking about that moment. So, Fred, frisbee in Cuesta Park on Friday afternoon? Only if we all cut sixth period to be there. Sounds like fun, I will make the effort to be there.

Record 473
Name: ROBERT E-mail:PRFD@AOL.COM Date: 05-Jul-00 04:15 PM

When stopped by C.H.P. on us 101 for 102 M.P.H., the officer never saw three cases of beer in the back seat. Later that night on tank farm rd. Pull over by Pd for drag racing. The next day my dad kicks my butt. in three years of high school picked up 16 tickets.

Record 472
Name: Bob Barrows Date: 05-Jul-00 04:13 PM

Man, break open the memory vault. Move the cobwebs and dust. Is this reality? Reading all the previous messages has cracked open some closed memory banks. Was that my life or did I see it in a movie? If you guys can verify I was there back last century in the 70's at Laguna Jr. High and SLOSH, then it was definitely my life. My life in the movie vaguely remembers some of the things people have written about. I remember the rumor of "enhanced" brownies in a cooking class. I heard about the Coach Hite banana incident. I have no fond memories of Varsity baseball coach Dave "Pounder"(I can't even remember his last name) - mostly resentment over his attitude towards us players and his lack of support. One of my movie memories --- I remember waiting in the on-deck circle during a baseball game at Sinsheimer Park and hearing this happy-go-lucky "fan" above our dug-out screaming "Rah, Rah, Ree. Kick em in the Knee. Rah, Rah, Rass. Kick em in the ... other knee". I laughed then and I still laugh when I remember Mike Berg dressed in something outrageous cheering us on. My life from the movie has presented itself in real flesh and blood in the form of people from my past, over the years. While living in Aluras, CA (look at the extreme NE corner of CA for this little burg) one summer (around 1983) I ran into Ron Barba. Ron was teaching school, coaching basketball and going to Reno on the weekends, for "adventure". I haven't seen him since that summer. I ran into Rod Monroe in a coffeeshop in Ashland, OR a couple of years ago. He had a kid going to school at Oregon State Univ. and said he managed or owned (can't remember which) the Youth Hostel in Ashland. I've contacted a couple of lost comrades to encourage them to attend - Steve Delgado and Chuck Applegarth. I hope they do. I look forward to seeing all you "Movie People" in a couple of weeks. I hope to make it to town early enough on the 5th to make it to SLO Brewing Company for the Friday get together. I hope their beer has improved, it had a weird flavor the last time I was there (about 4 years ago). I make beer so am a critic. Cheers bb

Record 471
Name: Mike Berg E-mail: Date: 05-Jul-00 11:40 AM

I bought my 1956 Chevy from Jimmy Johnson on a Thursday at the beginning of summer. $400.00 cash and I earned every penny myself. God I loved that car. So I am cruising around after work and I stalled it. The battery was dead and I got to push that car the first hour I owned it. (Jimmy must of forgot to tell me it had some problems --) So I bump start the old beast and learned 1st hand just how much that pig weighed. I picked up a friend and we cruised downtown until 10 or so and we were heading home. Some guy pulls up next to me at the corner of Santa Rosa and Foothill and revs it up a bit. I responded and the race was on. The car had headers and cherry bombs and was sounding great. I hit 2nd gear and chirped the tires a little and was feeling fine. My 1st car, racing up Hwy 1 nearing 100 mph. I hit third gear hard and hear a little bang and had no power. 1st car, 1st day and now I just blew up my transmission. I could just hear my old man saying "I told you so". I worked at the Gulf station on Foothill so I towed the car over to the station. My boss (John Jakes) was cool and helped me find a transmission the next day and I had it up and running before my dad ever found out. The rest of my time with that car was about the same. I learned a lot about cars from that beast. I still to this day would love to own another 56 Chevy. I have an old Chevy now but there is nothing quite like your 1st car.

Record 470
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 05-Jul-00 11:14 AM

Adam- Yeah, I think Steve was afflicted with that pesky Little Man Big Car Syndrome. Of course, I spent a lot of time looking through HotRod magazines to see how I could trick out the Malibu- but it all cost too much.

Record 469
Name: Adam Corob E-mail: Date: 05-Jul-00 08:23 AM

Jeff, I remember Steve Sharp, and his gold Chevelle?? I was stopped once at a stoplight next to him with the usual gang in my family car. It was a 61 Ford Galaxy (with tailfins). It was a piece of junk, smoked like crazy. I revved my engine. He had friends in the car, so he revved his engine. The race was about to begin. The light turned green. He took off. We didn't. We just sat there laughing at him. He was pissed. We were seniors, and he was just a junior, so there was nothing he could do about it. That's just the way things were back then.

Record 468
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 04-Jul-00 09:47 AM

Hey Fred....great idea, just like old times. I will be driving down sometime Friday. I will leave a bit earlier so not to be late. See ya then.......Orioles Rule!!!

Record 467
Name: fred andrews Date: 04-Jul-00 08:49 AM

thought I'd never do it Huh!!! how about tgif at cuesta park prior to the slo brew. Maybe a little frisbee and suds warmup?? Looking forward to seeing some faces from the past.

Record 466
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 03-Jul-00 08:28 PM

Adam, your license number was probably posted in the doughnut room for weeks after that! My first ride was a '64 Malibu Family Truckster. The only time it approached 'cool' was the melodious backfiring it made when I'd drop the auto-trans into 2nd or 1st. while doing about 12mph. Anyway, I "borrowed" a piece of red gel from the school "theatre" and cut it to fit around a spotlight I just happened to have. The light plugged into the cigarette lighter for power. I don't remember who my usual accomplice was, but we'd drive around the outskirts of town(fewer real cops), and pick a victim traveling in the other direction. I'd do my best Adam-12 u-turn, we'd flip on the light and roar up behind them with high beams a-flashin'! They'd pull over & start digging for I.D. and we'd blow past 'em honking the horn. By the time they caught on, we were gone. One night, out by the airport, we pulled over a car that was actually speeding. Turns out it was Steve Sharp(I think he moved before graduation)and he jumped in behind us as we sped by. He had either a Chevelle SS or a GTO, so outrunning him was not an option. I pushed that poor Malibu 'til it started shaking(83mph) all the way back down Broad Street with Steve literally on my bumper, honkin' and swearing! We had all but resigned ourselves an early death when I saw good old Dutch Maid Dairy coming up. I jumped on the brakes, Steve swerved to the left and went past us as I shut my headlights off, whipped a tight right turn through the dairy, out the other side, around behind PHIC, along the tracks, back to Broad and headed South out Orcutt Road and home to the garage. (Still without lights) If I have ever had a Guardian Angel, it earned it's keep that night. The spotlight hasn't been seen since.

Record 465
Name: Adam E-mail: Date: 03-Jul-00 02:25 PM

Sorry about the repeats. The site indicated an error when I pressed "Submit"

Record 464
Name: Adam Corob E-mail: Date: 03-Jul-00 01:57 PM

How about a new Question of the week? Share your best "cruising" story. It seems traditional for the person that comes up with the question to go first, so here goes. One night while cruising down Higuera with the car packed, we saw a cop parked at the Chevron station at Marsh and Higuera. We made the turn on to Marsh with him giving us a long lookover as we went by. We thought we would have some fun with him. We turned left, and drove past Scrubby's back to Higuera St. We drove past him again, with everyone in the car staring at him. He looked like he was getting pretty pissed off at us. So, of course, we drove around and did it again. This time he fired up the red lights and pulled us over. We all thought that this was pretty funny, as we knew that we had not broken any laws. The cop was really mad, especially when he saw that we were all laughing at the situation. He asked how funny we thought that it would be if we spent the night in jail. None of us took him seriously. The cop asked us if he could search the trunk. We opened the trunk and told him "you can look anywhere you want, except don't look in that bag". This really pissed him off, and made everyone laugh even more. I don't remember what was in the bag. Something harmless, probably a pair of shoes or something like that. Finally the cop told us to go home, and left, as he didn't really have any reason to have stopped us in the first place. It seemed like we were stopped by the police pretty frequently back then.

Record 463
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 01-Jul-00 10:44 PM

Of course, how could I have forgotten? They sponsored that knucklehead softball team! That was so cool of them to do!

Record 462
Name: Tommy G. E-mail: Date: 01-Jul-00 09:29 PM Red Sox party. But after high school we had a lot of softball partys there.

Record 461
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 01-Jul-00 04:48 PM

Tommy- Re: Mee Heng-didn't we have a Red Sox meeting/party upstairs once?

Record 460
Name: Tommy G. E-mail: Date: 01-Jul-00 04:13 PM

Mee Heng Low WAS my second home. I loved the place, except when it got packed with wall to wall customers. Then the place drove me nuts. Good thing I got paid working there, how else could I afford being with all my good friends.

Record 459
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 01-Jul-00 12:55 PM

I would like to wish everyone a very safe and Happy July 4th!!! And fireworks for you, be nice to Tommy. You know how upset he can get.

Record 458
Name: Robert Date: 01-Jul-00 11:53 AM

The cops in SLO are not as forgiving now, but when I got pulled over for taking a corner to fast in my parents van by one of the Sgts, I got a pass untill he saw the 30 rolls of tp in the back. Asked us not tp anyone's house that night, we all said yes, but did it anyway. I also remember one fine thursday night out running the cops down Higuera after a short drag race, pulled over across from ole scrubbies turned out the lights, the cops flew past, had to go for a walk to until cops stopped looking. My dad kept asking me why I had to keep geeting new back tires every three months. The ole plymouth finally died after an electrical fire under the dash, end of the drag races! The car that I got my first ticket in was Bob's mustang, CHP on 101 got us going down cuesta grade towards Atascadero doing 95+.

Record 457
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 01-Jul-00 11:32 AM

Tommy used to pay us to go with him so it looked like he actually had friends.

Record 456
Name: Adam E-mail: Date: 29-Jun-00 02:23 PM

Mee Heng Low....Best Chinese food in town back then. Usually free if you went in with Alan!

Record 455
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 29-Jun-00 01:03 PM

Adam, he was headed to Mee Heng's- He spent so much time there he considered it "home".

Record 454
Name: Adam Corob E-mail: Date: 29-Jun-00 09:14 AM

Tom, If you were going home for dinner, how come you were going up the hill on Del Campo St? Your house was in the other direction.

Record 453
Name: Tommy G. E-mail: Date: 28-Jun-00 03:18 PM

Adam... I don't remember seeing any cops. The reason I didn't stop was because I had to get home fast. I was really late for dinner.

Record 452
Name: Candy E-mail: Date: 28-Jun-00 10:49 AM

Poor Mike, let's just say I never got caught doing anything in school . . . I was however, equally corrupted by my best friend after her last trip to Hawaii. Wowie!!!

Record 451
Name: Mike Berg E-mail: Date: 28-Jun-00 10:24 AM

Lynn Peterson, a few other girls and myself cut an assembly. We cruised to Arc II and had coffee then out to Cuesta Park on the old road that hooked up to the base of Cuesta grade. We were sitting in my 56 Chevy smokin out when I saw SLOPD in the rearview mirror. The cop makes a u turn but I wasn’t taking any chances. I fired up the old Chevy and took off. The cop saw me taking off so he flips a u turn and comes after me. Lynn freaks out and pitches a lipstick container out the window that had a little stash in it. The cop stop’s me and calls for back up. The back up cop goes looking for the lipstick and finds it. The container had popped open and most of the evidence was gone. So this cop is counseling me (I had just turned 18) on how he could take me in for contributing to the delinquency of minors. We all sweet-talked this guy and he let us go with only a field report written. So we figure all is cool. Well I take Lynn home after school and her mom is raging mad like a psycho-woman from hell. Come to find out, the cop who all kids loved to hate (I think his name was SGT. Blackburn) was friends with Lynn’s mom. He had seen the field report and felt obligated to tell Lynn’s Mom her daughter was smoking pot and cutting school. I was not very popular in the Peterson household to say the least.

Record 450
Name: Candy E-mail: Date: 27-Jun-00 12:18 PM

Actualy my closest brush with the SLOPD was not while in school, it was a couple of years after. I had come back to town for the Christmas holiday and Leslie Edmundson, Nora O'Donnell and I had packed up the ice bucket full of wine and were out partying. We were cruising down Higuera and met up with some high school kids who wanted to race. I was driving Leslie's car, the Monte Carlo, since I am the only one that can drink and drive; while the other two were swilling down the wine. So we were sitting at the light and I jumped the green by a fraction of a second just as a cop came up to the cross street. Anyway, we got pulled over and I pulled in the parking lot, on Osos I think. I got out and walked away from the car hoping the cop wouldn't see Les or Nora. Unfortunately Les crawls out of the driver's side door and is trying to make nice with the cop while putting her head on my shoulder!!! So of course he gives me a ticket for speeding only not for the drunk in the front seat (lol) -- which I never paid and the warrant has since expired!! Then the cop leaves and Nora decides to get out on the passenger side and as she does here comes the wine bottles rolling out on the ground! Whew! Lucky for us Les didn't get out that way and he was gone when Nora did. I woulda been calling my folks to bail us all out!!

Record 449
Name: Adam E-mail: Date: 27-Jun-00 09:28 AM

While in junior high, Marty Henry , Tommy Gin, and I were riding our dirt bikes near Sinshiemer Stadium. The cops started chasing us. Marty and I stopped. Tommy kept going, and got away. The cops gave us both a ticket. The next day at school, Tommy asked us what happened. We told him that the cop said that he would let us go if we told him who the other rider was. We told Tommy that we gave the cop his name in order to get off without a ticket. We had Tommy sweating bullets. For two weeks, he was expecting to come home and find the cops waiting to take him to jail. After two weeks, we finally told him the truth.

Record 448
Name: Adam Corob E-mail: Date: 27-Jun-00 09:12 AM

Since our class graduated on Friday the 13th (appropriately), a group of us decided not to go to Disneyland. We went to the Midnight Horror show at the Fremont Theater instead. After the double feature, we decided to see how fast we could go, in the family wagon, down Higuera Street. Of course the car was overloaded with friends, and of course we had some beer in the back. I got the car up to 70 mph before I noticed the flashing lights in the distance behind me. The cops wrote me up for 50, but they didn't see the beer because the girls in the back put their legs over it. In court, the Judge was sympathetic. He let me off with a $25 fine. I don't remember which Judge it was. I guess I didn't have as much courtroom experience as Mike Berg.

Record 447
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 26-Jun-00 10:07 PM

I think i could go on and on about the stuff i did at Cal Poly. We lived pretty close, so i was always there. The Cork 'n' Bottle on Caifornia and Hathaway was always an easy place for us to score a few. We would take them over to Poly Football Stadium, or go into the indoor pool area....we had the keys!! We were never caught or even questioned for the stuff we did there. Nothing bad mind you....water ballon launching from the poly dorms roofs was popular too.!!

Record 446
Name: Earl Towle Date: 26-Jun-00 08:03 PM

The incident that comes to mind is when Barry Silva, Peter Cairns, and myself climbed the fence to the pool at Cal Poly one warm spring night. We were stripping down to jump in when the security guard walks in and does his best Barney Fife impersonation: "So, how'd you boys get in here?" We all pointed at the same door and said in unison "through that door." So he walks over in a big display to show us that the door is locked and as he grabs it, it comes open! The door was unlocked! He had to let us go. And yes, I was very familiar with Judge Jackson. I had more than a dozen moving violations before I was 18 and he basically let me off on all of them. Speaking of cars, in 1972 I worked at Dick Taylor's Chevron (Higuera and Marsh) and there was no unleaded gas- just regular, premeium, and super premeium (102 octane) and regular gas was 34 cents a gallon.

Record 445
Name: Jill L. Date: 26-Jun-00 07:01 PM

Hope the cop enjoyed your beer! I don't have too many drinking stories, but I remember my dear friend, Cindy did some drinking one night. Since we were quite novices at the game we didn't know how much vodka to pour into the quart of orange juice so we just poured a bunch! The next thing I remember was sitting in the football bleachers at Holt Field and my friend heaving on the guy in front of her. Now for a swimmer I wasn't much of a runner either, but you can bet that night I ran home faster than my little feet could go. I think Cindy had to do a quick wash job before getting caught at her home. Don't think I've drank vodka since!

Record 444
Name: Mike Berg E-mail: Date: 26-Jun-00 04:38 PM

OK Matt Here’s some more QOTW pranks. I think it was 10th grade. Critchlow and I were sent off to make the "buy" at Cork n Bottle next to Flowers from Plantz. We find the willing Poly Student. He buy’s us two six packs and hands off right there on the corner. Out of the corner of my eye I see SLOPD and I knew he saw us. Bob and I do an about face and walk quickly down the hill towards Monterey St. We stuffed the beer in the plants next to the Flower shop. The cop pulls up and tells us to stop while he heads back to grab the package out of the planter. Now Critchlow, he didn’t have much to worry about, his Mom was pretty forgiving, but I could see my old man’s burning glare and knew I would be grounded until I was 50 if we got caught. The other thing you have to remember is Bob was a much faster runner then I. So I look at Bob and yell go! We took off running. Being so scared of being grounded until I was 50, I passed Bob and never looked back. I never beat Bob in a foot race before or after but I beat him that night by a block. We went down Monterey and then back up a side street and jumped the fence at the mortuary (Rose’s?)and hid in the back. It was creepy back there but that cop was looking all over for us. That cop was soooooo pissed. He was driving all over looking for us but never found us. We did show up back at the football game with no beer or $$$$ as we had lost it all. Close call indeed.

Record 443
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 26-Jun-00 01:43 PM

Hey Mike...good topic. How about going 65 in a 25, (downtown races), breaking traction, engaging in a speed contest. That was my first ticket, Judge Jackson gave me a repramand....when he could have really hit me hard. The fact that he and my dad were drinking buddies probably had nothing to do with it.

Record 442
Name: Mike Berg Date: 26-Jun-00 12:26 PM

A thought for QOTW. Describe innocent high school pranks/near miss brushes with the law, that you got away with. Example: By the time I left SLO I had been before Judge Jackson 14 times for fix it tickets/traffic violations. Judge Jackson was blind and had been on my paper route when I was in grade school. A very nice and reasonable man who could be talked in to anything as long as it was logical. I won all 14 case and left SLO with a clean slate. My 1st year in San Diego I got three tickets for speeding/ etc. I found the courts down here to be a lot tougher and was convicted every time. I was longing for the good ol days with Judge Jackson. Anybody remember the Judge?

Record 441
Name: Candy E-mail: Date: 26-Jun-00 10:34 AM

reading old messages - I think Teri Birkett works out at the Men's Colony with Leslie Cruzen f/k/a Edmundson. You can ask her, but I know she keeps track of all the locals that are at or in the prison system!!! Also Alan, no, ladies don't want to talk about old boyfriends!!!

Record 440
Name: Candy E-mail: Date: 26-Jun-00 08:06 AM

Matt - looks like I'm going to make it after all, much ado about getting a fair fare but I got the new job and the time off so why not? Bringing the kidlies for their first trip to SLO, we can hit the beach and I can take them to all the old haunts, I know they'll be bored silly but what the heck. What about Friday night is the "bar" also a restaurant or should I leave the younguns at home?? Can't wait to do the meet and greet!

Record 439
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 25-Jun-00 12:17 PM

Michelle...yeah its working sometimes...i still get the error message sometimes. QOTW....we need a good one to spark everyone's memories. Have we done first kiss yet?

Record 438
Name: MIchelle Brown Sharit E-mail: Date: 25-Jun-00 10:18 AM

Hey Matt (and everyone else) it seems to be working now! Do we need a new QOTW to get things rolling again?

Record 437
Name: Alan Gin Date: 23-Jun-00 08:30 AM

I've finally archived messages 201-300. If you should want to print the messages, each one hundred messages span about 20-25 pages.

Record 436
Name: Alan Gin Date: 22-Jun-00 03:57 PM

Matt, the Greyhound stops right in front. And you can get a lot of frequent rider miles for that trip!

Record 435
Name: Alan Gin Date: 22-Jun-00 04:08 PM

Kelly, don't worry. I'm in the process of archiving messages 201 - 300, which covers the missing period. It's taking a lot longer to do from here in Hong Kong. I deleted the messages because I thought we would run up against the message limit.

Record 434
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 22-Jun-00 02:51 PM

Candy....yes Herff Jones does the class rings. ....Jeff good idea about the CD. I wonder if anyone in our class is in that type of business.

Record 433
Name: K. James Date: 22-Jun-00 02:41 PM

Well I tried to keep up with the printing of our messages and some how I lost all the messages from 5-30 to 6-6. I was 50 messages ahead and then we over loaded our message center and lost them. Still think that it will be an interesting read later on. Kelly

Record 432
Name: candy E-mail: Date: 22-Jun-00 11:13 AM

I remember some of those photos! The team photos they forced us to take, propping everyone up like a dummy! How embarassing was that. Thank goodness I don't look that much like those photos anymore, thanks to a little creative coloring and a good opthomologist!! Those awful wool uniforms were the worst!! At least the band had cool hats, we had those goofy capes.

Record 431
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 22-Jun-00 10:30 AM

Hi, Candy. I was just getting a chuckle from the band/drill team photos in the '74 Yearbook. Unfortunately, it's devoid of any hint of the publisher's identity. It's a little late in the game this year, but maybe you could call the ol' Alma Mater & have them shake the dust off the archives & look it up for you. Of course, there's a good chance someone in our class could transfer the Yearbooks to CD format and send them to you that way. Good luck!

Record 430
Name: candy E-mail: Date: 22-Jun-00 09:03 AM

Thanks Matt, wasn't Herff Jones the people who made the rings too??? I still have mine but my sister lost hers years ago, maybe I can get her a new one for her birthday....

Record 429
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 21-Jun-00 09:09 PM

Alan....does Greyhound stop near where you are?

Record 428
Name: Alan Gin Date: 21-Jun-00 05:17 PM

The Hong Kong chapter of the SLOSH 1975 Alumni Association (Ruth Taylor and me) will be holding its first meeting next Wednesday. Anybody who just happens to be in the area is welcome to attend.

Record 427
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 21-Jun-00 03:46 PM

Candy,...... Conan and Mark Chandler ,(class of 74), are very close friends.....i have a feeling that might something to do with him being there. ..........As far as yearbook publishers, Jostens comes to mind as well as Herff Jones.

Record 426
Name: Candy E-mail: Date: 21-Jun-00 02:29 PM

Thanks Adam, maybe Conan got con-fuz-ed!! I would love to get another yearbook but haven't been able to find out who printed them and how I could order them. Oh well,

Record 425
Name: Adam Corob E-mail: Date: 21-Jun-00 12:56 PM

Candy, I wouldn't mind if Alan scanned some photos for the website. I'm going to guess that Conan was scheduled to graduate in 74, but flunked all of his classes, and had to stay back a year. I can't think of any other logical explanation. I hope that you can make it to the reunion. Maybe we can get a few people to bring yearbooks. I still have mine.

Record 424
Name: Candy Date: 21-Jun-00 11:37 AM

Does anyone know why Conan Nolan is on the 1974 grad e-mail list?

Record 423
Name: Candy Ryan Date: 21-Jun-00 11:35 AM

Would anyone mind if Alan scanned in our yearbook pictures for the website??? Mine sucked but I wouldn't mind. My yearbook and every other bit of memorabilia from high school was lost in a fire at parents' place about 10 years ago. Nothing survived, their house burned to the ground as the "volunteer fire department" watched. If anyone has any good pixs I wouldn't mind getting a copy either. Thanks.

Record 422
Name: Carol E-mail: Date: 20-Jun-00 10:05 AM

Boy, I sure did miss out by attending classes, studying hard and eating sack lunches on the front lawn... Where was I when all of this went on? Am I attending the right high school reunion this summer? :-)

Record 421
Name: Earl Towle Date: 20-Jun-00 12:47 AM

Okay, for the first time in over twenty years I pulled out my yearbooks from high school and looked through them. After looking through the pages and reading the various comments all I can say is that it was along time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. I am impressed so many of you can remember so many incidents and details from that time. It is fun to read your various recollections, such as Matt recalling the incident of Danny Boyle and his pants. It is even more interesting to read of what people are doing with their lives now. Salutations to those who take the time to participate and interact in the exchange.

Record 420
Name: Matt Date: 19-Jun-00 10:11 PM

Hey Lisa....good to see a new name on the message area....come back again soon!!! Mike Berg.....i think we even use to move Mr Crossweight's (SP)?, carmen-ghia up onto the grass near the main road. Another Laguna Football Team memory that just flew into my brain is the time that Danny Boyle was mad at Marc shower time Marc felt a warm stream on his leg. I will let your imagination do the rest. However, Marc soon got even as he took Dannys pants and ran them up the flag pole. Dan walk calmly out in front of all of us, parents that long army jacket he always wore. Took'em down and put them on like nothing had happen....LOL

Record 419
Name: Lisa Sillva-Henry Date: 19-Jun-00 04:01 PM

Hi everyone! I've been glancing over the previous conversations and thought I'd send a message and join in on the fun. I'm glad to see that the internet is being utilized to pull together the reunion. I think its very generous of Danny & Nancy to host the Saturday evening for the 1975 grads; THANK-YOU DANNY AND NANCY!. And I am really happy we are not doing a formal evening; it's much more fun when it's casual. Nora: congradulations on earning your BA last's never too late, right?? I didn't know you were in the area...Lisa

Record 418
Name: Berg Date: 19-Jun-00 09:51 AM

Ahh Coach Hite..A little goofy but a nice and fair coach. Let everyone play on the football team every week no matter how bad you were. Do any of you guy's from Laguna remember the football team picking up Coach Harvy's VW and turning it sideways in its parking space? We did it about every other day for awhile....How about Mr.Fricks math class at Laguna. He let us play Rock n Roll during class. Beatles, Leon Russell, Joe Cocker and Ten Years After. I still have all those records.

Record 417
Name: Matt Date: 18-Jun-00 07:55 PM

Jeff...actually it was a hot shot past the 3rd Baseman, about 4 inches off the line. But ...hey who measures that sort of stuff anyway.

Record 416
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 18-Jun-00 06:46 PM

Matt, I just got back from da vacation & read your post-You're still the Babe!! I'll bet you rifled a shot through the hole at short!? Speaking of vacation- I spent a week in Missouri-sure, it was 185 degrees and 900% humidity, but I got a reality check from how hospitable and just plain genuine that most people still are in the heartland. It made me take a big step back & re-evaluate how sarcastic, cynical and distrustful I'd become living down here in the( L)and of(A)ppearances. I came away with a new perspective and a vow to lighten up a bit, not that any of that would affect the way I address the message board....D'oh! there I go again...............

Record 415
Name: Michelle B. E-mail: Date: 18-Jun-00 11:23 AM

Happy Father's Day to all you SLOSH papas out there. The world needs more Real Men like you! I will now tell you a secret, but you must promise to use this information only for Good, never for Evil:..there is nothing more attractive to a Real Woman than a man who is kind, respectful, and loving to children. Really! And you don't even have to have your own children in order to test this theory. So I'd like to honor the unique and priceless contributions made by of all you Dads, Grandpas, Uncles, and Big Brothers out there. Have a Great Day!

Record 414
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 17-Jun-00 10:26 PM

Hey Michelle....when Coach Hite got mad at us, Football team and Baseball Team. He would get so upset, Red Faced and he would actually spit some as he yelled and spoke so fast. And as previously posted....Steve Donatelli once threw a piece of banana at Coach Hite when he was judging a pie eating contest. It hit him right square in the forehead and stuck there. Again....nothing but yelling and red faced anger....LOL

Record 413
Name: Michelle Brown Sharit E-mail: Date: 17-Jun-00 10:03 PM

Right again, Mike! I can still hear it: chicka BOOM, chicka BOOM, chicka BOOM! Twang twang twang twang....Those of us who had Mr. Hite for Social Studies in 7th grade will remember that he once wore the same pants for 17 days in a row. Yup! same tear by the pocket, same white stripe across the rear end from sitting in the chalk tray as he "lectured" to us. Since he only taught one class a day that wasn't PE, I guess he just left the pants at school and recycled em day after day. Now why do I remember this but not a bit of what I was taught that year?

Record 412
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 17-Jun-00 09:35 PM

More burger memories.....Earl, i had forgotten about Hamburger Haven, that was my Mom's favorite place.....Corcorans, downtown had a great milkshake. My dad would always take me there, as he knew the owner very well. Do you remember the North Pole they always had out during the Christmas holidays!! My sister managed Ben Franklins for years, her name is Richann...thou she has changed it to Olivia her middle name. She now manages a place in Arroyo Grande, Andreini's or something like that......Tommy G.....yup, thats the place, Good Ole Burger.....excellent place. One place that has totally changed over the years is Bulls Tavern. The old bar located next to Mission News on Chorro St. It went from being a old farts place, (like my Dad), to a college hot spot......Hey Earl, the SLO you remember and i remember is still there, ya just gotta look hard, close your eyes and remember. Maybe new faces and some new looks, but much of the quaintness still remains.

Record 411
Name: Earl Towle Date: 17-Jun-00 08:16 PM

My vote for best burger in the old SLO was "Hamburger Haven" at the corner of Marsh and Santa Rosa (next to an old Texico gas station that also housed a Volkswagon repair shop named "Bug Werks"). Hamburger Haven had a counter, it wrapped its burgers in wax paper and put them in a plastic basket, and it had a soda case with all the colored Nehi sodas. They tore it down and put up a "Farm Boys" coffee shop, which is no longer there either. And, by the way, how about the sandwichs at the original "Ben Franklins" on lower Higuera. Speaking of the old times in SLO, I can still remember when the Network was the National Department Store with a cafateria counter downstairs (which became the Wine Street Inn). Last summer I was in SLO at a shop where the original Sears was downtown. I was talking to the girl behind the counter, saying how much things had changed. She asked me if I lived in SLO? I said I graduated from SLOSH in 1975 and she replied "I wasn't even born then!" The SLO I remember and the one that the Poly students now know are not the same at all!

Record 410
Name: Jill L. Date: 17-Jun-00 07:34 PM

Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there. Enjoy your day, everyday, but especially tomorrow!

Record 409
Name: Tommy G. E-mail: Date: 17-Jun-00 06:34 PM

Matt, I think that place your talking about in Paso is named Good Ol' Burgers. As for a good hamburger, I like Bishop Hamburgers (formerly Ed's Take-Out). They also have good tasting fries and onion rings.

Record 408
Name: Berg Date: 17-Jun-00 03:37 PM

Michelle,OK, I called Bruce Belton, Bruce Heartly.....But, Coach Hite (SP?) played "Sweet Caroline" by Neail Diomond with a fake drum kit backing him up....Right?

Record 407
Name: Carol E-mail: Date: 17-Jun-00 01:26 PM

Mustang Burgers...I've yet to find a better burger than a Mustang Burger...thanks for the memories! For those of you who had Mr. Rosewall and Mr. Francis, they are retiring from teaching at Laguna this year. Seems like they should be about 100 years old by now...Mr. Francis must have been fresh out of college when we had him for 8th grade math.

Record 406
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 16-Jun-00 10:15 PM

Hey Jeff Bringle....i had the game winning hit tonight in softball. That was after one wimpy hit, and 2 ugly ground outs. Dear Lord....never let me lose the feeling I get, after getting a hit like that!!.....Kevin....i guess ill have to give up on Speedy Burger. My new burger place when i go to SLO is in Paso Robles....its called The Chuck Wagon i think....please correct me if i am wrong....its right at the Black Oak (Hwy 46 Exit)little wagon like building ya cant miss it........Robert..i am going to bet that a few of us will still be there past 9pm...Kevin Watkins, Lee Anne Meinhold, just to name a few. who else will join me past my 10pm bedtime?. ... I feel like such a rebel. LOL.....Alan...enjoy the time with your must be tough for you 2, to be so far apart. Anyone remember my yellow Plymouth GTX? I was such an idiot sometimes with that car. Racing was fun downtown, but i remember being full of myself with that car. I got sideways one night on Grand Ave, just after the Vet's building. Landed up in the ice plant next to some Cal Poly apartments. .... Robert...the Mickeys made me do it. Hey anyone headed to Lake Tahoe these next few months....ya better stop on by....i live right in the way. ..See ya

Record 405
Name: Tommy G. E-mail: Date: 16-Jun-00 07:48 PM

Hi Michelle, Norris died while he was away in the service. I think he was involed in a jeep accident. He was one of the good ones.

Record 404
Name: Michelle yet again E-mail: Date: 16-Jun-00 07:19 PM

One more question: can anyone tell me how the others (Ben, Norris, Jerry) died? I've heard bits and pieces over the years, but would like to know more. Thanks!

Record 403
Name: Michelle again... E-mail: Date: 16-Jun-00 07:14 PM

Mike Berg, thank you for the info on Kevin Bishop. He had the gift of always making those around him smile and feel better about themselves. It's such a shame that he did not feel fully accepted by his family and classmates. I wish I had known that he was living in San Diego, I would have tried to see him, too. Another important reminder to not squander these opportunities to connect and care! And thanks, too, for your thoughts on moving beyond HS thinking. ditto!

Record 402
Name: Michelle Brown E-mail: Date: 16-Jun-00 06:48 PM

Yes, you are all correct, it WAS Bruce Belton. I only know for sure cuz there is a photo in our little Laguna yearbook! But....a prize to anyone who remembers the song Coach Hite played on the electric guitar! (yes, I know the answer).

Record 401
Name: Neil McC Date: 16-Jun-00 04:17 PM

Kevin, Just a wild guess off the top...was it Bruce Belton. Man if I got that right it may be the only thing I remember.