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San Luis Obispo Senior High School

Class of 1975

25-Year Reunion - August 5-6, 2000

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Archived Messages (501 - 600)

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Record 600

Name: Bob E-mail: Date: 01-Aug-00 08:18 PM


Record 599

Name: Alan Gin Date: 01-Aug-00 06:49 PM

Jeff, you forgot the part of the instructions that says "Discretion is welcome."

Looking back at previous messages, I've come to the conclusion that anonymous attempts at humor have not gone over very well. People are welcome to do it, but it seems the rest of us have voted with our fingers and not paid any attention to it. The humor that people have liked and responded to are the stories about funny things that really happened in the past. And people have responded to some serious things as well.

Record 598

Name: Grunto E-mail: Date: 01-Aug-00 05:57 PM

Adam Corob is right. We should've gotten the fun out of our systems back in high school. It's time to be serious adults now people, not childish pranksters swapping one-liners. The solemnity of this occasion calls for no less. Now GROW UP!

Record 597

Name: Adam Corob E-mail: Date: 01-Aug-00 04:43 PM

Jeff Bringle is right. Get serious. I don't want to catch anyone having any fun. Especially not that grunto character. Oh, and to the spelling police, I believe that "Snaglepuss" is is spelled correctly.

Record 596

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 01-Aug-00 02:30 PM

Come on, people! WhoCares is right! This is not just some friendly message board for us Alumni-types to use to reminisce and have some fun! Nay! It's a serious discussion forum wherein the issues of the day must fall between somber and scandalous- there's no room for levity here! Go back to your talk shows and your daytime dramas! Such indignations as a bunch of older high school kids acting like, older high school kids!! What a moral whirlpool!! "You can leave messages for others to read. Reminisce about old times, start discussions, make comments. Leave as many messages as you want."-posted on the Message Area page-

Record 595

Name: Thought Police E-mail:Takeyergrumpy@pill.K? Date: 01-Aug-00 01:54 PM

Who Cares- Please add to your "To Do" list for tomorrow: 1)Wake up 2)Smell coffee

Record 594

Name: Who Cares E-mail: Date: 01-Aug-00 01:02 PM

This message board is getting really stupid. How about getting back to what it was meant to be?

Record 593

Name: Spelling Police Date: 01-Aug-00 11:56 AM

Sna g le Puss??

Record 592

Name: Apu "Lefty" Bhorpunaji Date: 01-Aug-00 11:38 AM

"It is best to ensure the cage is locked before you are poking the stick at the tiger."

Record 591

Name: Tiger Woods E-mail:the next@jordan.izme Date: 01-Aug-00 11:21 AM

$6.5 mil and counting...

Record 590

Name: Big Cat Date: 01-Aug-00 10:52 AM

"Heavens to Mergatroid, exit stage left"......Snaglepuss

Record 589

Name: Iman Date: 01-Aug-00 07:37 AM

"A tiger does not have to proclaim its tigritude." Nigerian Proverb

Record 588

Name: Superfan Date: 01-Aug-00 07:49 AM

"Where there are no tigers, a wildcat is very self-important." Korean Proverb

Record 587

Name: Stripes Date: 01-Aug-00 07:48 AM

"Wooing the press is an exercise roughly akin to picnicking with a tiger. You might enjoy the meal, but the tiger always eats last." Maureen Dowd

Record 586

Name: Maura Date: 31-Jul-00 08:00 PM

That headline about the tigers at the Zoo is indeed a trifle in poor taste in a town with SLOSH Tigers. I know I burned brightly. I don't think I missed a football game or dance (or a swim meet or water polo game, even if I wanted to). I never could understand why my daughter never wanted to go to her high school games. But she dropped out of school too, so that's probably why. As to who I want to see/talk to and what about? Every one there and everything. I certainly hope someone is able to bring some of our old teachers into the mix. That would be wonderful. As for the sand in my toes, don't really need that since my distance from the beach is obscenely short. And one of the best coastlines in CA!!! Not to brag or anything. Ah, sometimes I do hate it here. The AT&T golf tournament in Jan/Feb, any race weekend at Laguna Seca, the Salinas Rodeo, the Concourse d'Elegance, the vintage car races, the motorcycle races, ANY weekend in the summer. But as I watch the news and see how almost everywhere else in the state, and a lot of other places is reaching double digets and I look out my window and watch the fog swirl down my street, I feel very, very lucky. I was in Atascadero on Friday (at that same Zoo), and boy was I happy to get home. By the by, I still remember when there was NOTHING around Atascadero Lake, now it is all built up. That Pavillion sure is nice though. Am looking forward to this weekend.

Record 585

Name: Runto E-mail: Date: 31-Jul-00 08:12 AM

From the 7/31 Tribune: "In response to your July 27th front-page article "Tigers no longer burning bright," in which the Tribune reported that two tigers were put to sleep at the Charles Paddock Zoo in Atascadero due to old age and health problems: As an organizer of San Luis Obispo High School's Class of 1991 reunion, I believe that a headline such as "Tigers put to sleep at Atascadero Zoo" would have been more appropriate. The headline "Tigers no longer burning bright" does not go over very well with San Luis Obispo High School alumni who have "Tiger Pride." On a side note, I congratulate Maria T. Garcia for her excellent journalism!" Anyone else need a life while we're at it?

Record 584

Name: Matt Morris E-mail: Date: 30-Jul-00 10:38 PM

New question of the week: What are you looking forward to doing, meeting, chatting or ? At the reunion. Lets get a reply from everyone by Wednesday the 2nd. I am looking forward to seeing everyone, and feeling the sand between my toes at Avila Beach on Saturday. OK....the bikini's too.

Record 583

Name: Carol E-mail: Date: 29-Jul-00 09:39 PM

Jeff, that burger would sound pretty good right now had I not just chowed down a Gradburger, fries and a Baskin Robbins sundae! (And unfortunately, I'm not kidding, ugh).

Record 582

Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 28-Jul-00 05:23 PM

Scott....the tee is a Tiger and SLOSH 25 Year Reunion. Nothing more, nothing less. Simple graphic's make for better Tee's.

Record 581

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 28-Jul-00 02:15 PM

Carol- During my first year at Crest Pizza, I worked alongside actual college guys. They tried to teach me of many diverse things, some of them legal. A guy named Rick Mello worked there for awhile, drove a green '56 Chevy, made a mean burger. In a moment of true boredom, rare at that place, he experienced what those of us who were there will remember only as "the Carnal Epiphany." He set to work creating a "burger" using a small sampling of every food item in the kitchen-except anchovies.(He wasn't stupid) On one half of a french roll he'd put a cooked hamburger patty, on the other half, a cooked sausage patty. In between, everything else. He'd then slam that puppy into the "Dragon" and, 20 minutes later, come back to "release it from the jaws." Brian Mesa and Art Hazebrook will confirm the oooohs and ahhhhhs as Rick's creation, the "MelloBurger" was plated(a little parsley, etc.) It stood nearly 4" tall when folded. But it was more than a 'burger', much more. It was a meal unto itself. Lucky were the few that shared the moment when was birthed each new incarnation of "MelloBurger". Mustang burger? P'shaw! But a scant hundred yards away was a Real hamburger......... God Bless Norris Picardo, he was able to enjoy a few before he left us.

Record 580

Name: Carol E-mail: Date: 28-Jul-00 12:12 PM

After living in SLO for 32 years, I still have no desire to live anywhere else. I could not live without a beach to walk on within a 15 minute drive. Yes, this area has grown and changed some. Many people are still fighting to keep this place small and slow, but the fact is, folks, that this is a desirable area and people want to move here and they will. Housing is getting expensive in SLO (less so in the south and north co.), and big box stores are looking to move in... but that's progress. I'm still reminded of the Karmel Korn days, because fortunately, there is still a candy store in that spot and they make carmel corn that still sends it's heavenly scents out to the sidewalk. Never found a burger that could beat a Mustang Burger though...

Record 579

Name: scott righetti Date: 28-Jul-00 10:10 AM

Matt: What does the reunion t-shirt feature? A torpid tiger? A sloshed SLOSH? Your smiling face, or a blank expression? --Scott

Record 578

Name: Berg E-mail: Date: 28-Jul-00 09:43 AM

Adam, Uncle Phil is a must! What a great guy. My favorite of all coaches of all times.

Record 577

Name: Adam Corob E-mail: Date: 28-Jul-00 09:16 AM

Phil Prijatel lives across the street from me. I was thinking of inviting him to the bench dedication on Saturday morning. What do you think?

Record 576

Name: Matt Date: 28-Jul-00 08:12 AM

Endless baseball games at Santa Rosa Park, swimming at Nuss Pool, swimming in various holes in Stenner Creek, fire crackers in the Poly Dorms, falling into stenner creek with school clothes on while jumping from rock to rock (short cut to catch the bus to laguna jr hi), crusin downtown and stopping at the old Sears parking lot to talk to anyone who would stop, Scrubbys, Fosters Freeze, Ed's, burning out on the speed bumps, Dr J's wit, Mrs. Bringle's endless smile, uncle phil, Mike the Janitor, the pretty girl whose locker was next to mine, Pismo Beach sunsets and Avila Beach in general. Wow....i guess I could go on and on. There are so many things I miss about SLO. And now all the good stuff the happens daily with my kids. Life has been a wonderful trail of adventure so far. Next stop.......Reunion activities!!

Record 575

Name: Candy E-mail: Date: 28-Jul-00 07:54 AM

Earle - that sounds delish, Mom still occasionally makes a batch for the locals in Paris, as popular as ever. Around here they make a weird concoction of buttery popcorn with salt and sugar at the fairs and people line up for that. It actually tastes good, especially with beer!

Record 574

Name: Simon E-mail: Date: 27-Jul-00 01:15 PM

Don't mess with me Danny Boy. I'll turn you and Sweet Polly into Indian Food.

Record 573

Name: D. Quayle Date: 27-Jul-00 12:35 PM

Hey, Mr. Bar Sinister- what the heck does the word "vill i a n" mean in your email address??

Record 572

Name: Earl Towle Date: 27-Jul-00 12:22 PM

Candy, It is interesting to read about the old Karmel Korn shop. What an institution of our era in SLO. More interesting is that I now see at the area farmer's markets (at least in Davis and in Sacramento) someone sets up a stand and makes fresh carmel corn and sells it. It seems irresistable to the public at large and the stands seem to do quite well. I wonder if someone is selling it at the SLO Thursday night market?

Record 571

Name: Peewee Herman Date: 27-Jul-00 12:31 PM

I was only practicing safe sex!

Record 570

Name: Simon Bar-Sinister Date: 27-Jul-00 12:14 PM

" I'm going to rule the world"

Record 569

Name: Candy Ryan Date: 27-Jul-00 12:02 PM

Jeff - thanks for the nod to the old KarmelKorn shop, my mom will be proud to know that someone still remembers us for the years we put in there. There is actually one remaining KK shop in a mall in Fourt Wurth but I tend to turn up my nose at the stuff they put out, mine was always better. Besides nobody could make fudge, peanut brittle, etc. like my family! I have fond memories of the tedious hours I put in there from the time I was 11 until I bailed out at 19. There was nothing like the smell of cooking KarmelKorn. Muy Yum!!

Record 568

Name: Arthur, King E-mail:Camelot@itsonlya!.com Date: 27-Jul-00 11:01 AM

" A Duck!"

Record 567

Name: H. Simpson Date: 27-Jul-00 10:59 AM


Record 566

Name: Hans & Franz E-mail:H& Date: 27-Jul-00 08:27 AM

The only quote of any meaning at all is from Arnold. "I"LL BE BACK".... All of his movies.

Record 565

Name: D. Quayle Date: 26-Jul-00 10:17 PM

Forsooth, Earl! " What a waste it is to lose one's mind.Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is."

Record 564

Name: Earl Towle Date: 26-Jul-00 09:29 PM

Wow, all this literary wit and repartee makes one's head spin! Who would have thought that a discourse of such banal dialogues (intersecting monologues) could segue into quoting Thomas and Bacon? Go figure!

Record 563

Name: Matt Date: 26-Jul-00 04:42 PM

Hello all....this is last call for anyone wanting a 25 Year Reunion T Shirt. 100% White Cotton Tee. Adult Small thru XL $4.00. XXL avail for $2.00 more. I need to know by Friday the 28th if ya want one. Email me a note.

Record 562

Name: scott righetti Date: 26-Jul-00 02:35 PM

Dave: Don't forget what Sir Francis Bacon once wrote: "Certainly, in taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; but in passing it over, he is superior; for it is a prince's part to pardon.... There is no man doth a wrong, for the wrong's sake; but thereby to purchase himself profit, or pleasure, or honor, or the like. Therefore why should I be angry with a man, for loving himself better than me?" So Dave, if you are indeed invited to the reunion, be a prince and don't argue with anybody. Later. --Scott

Record 561

Name: Dave Barry Date: 26-Jul-00 02:42 PM

"I argue very well. Ask any of my remaining friends. I can win an arguement on any topic, aginist any opponent. People know this, and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great respect, they don't even invite me."

Record 560

Name: Dylan Thomas Date: 26-Jul-00 07:18 AM

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night. Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. -Dylan Thomas (1914-1953)

Record 559

Name: Scott Righetti Date: 26-Jul-00 07:02 AM

As Oscar Wilde once said, "I am not young enough to know everything." None of us are anymore. But I know that our SLOSH experience will linger in memory as a bittersweeet adventure of self-discovery, of hope tinged with despair. We are fortunate to have survived it with our psyches reasonably intact. Greetings from rainy Washington, DC!

Record 558

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 25-Jul-00 09:02 PM

See Canyon in late October will always be a special memory. Few places could offer real, fresh apple cider in a setting where the trees actually changed color! I also miss the smell of an oak fired BBQ weaving its way through the Sycamore trees at Cuesta Park; the taste of that first bite of a genuine Avila Beach deep-fried burrito, which, no matter how you protected it, always had a few grains of sand in every bite;the electricity in the night air at a Varsity football game as we'd walk the endless laps pretending to watch -( we went to a few Poly games, but them kookie chicks was way too square for our sophisticated ways).; sneaking into BooBoo's to check out the Snow White poster in the "Black Light Room!"; trying desperately to act cool and blend with the crowd during a Warehouse Sound Co. sponsored concert at Railroad Square(remember fluteBoy Tim Weisberg?); sneaking into the balcony at the Obispo Theatre; the sight & sound of a Greyhound Scenicruiser bus heaving it's way out from the cold, dark depths of the old depot(the building currently shared by Sulley's, Taco Bell Express, Hudson's and others I can't remember) onto Monterey St. amid a monstrous cloud of smoke & diesel fumes; KSLY-Famous 14!; sneaking OUT of the balcony at the Obispo; how spooky it was going to night class in the old military buildings at Cuesta before it became Cuesta Community College; that nasty-assed , Chef Boy-ar-Dee excuse for pizza at the Sunset Drive Inn; being mesmerized by the the various scents wafting out of the old KarmelKorn shop- Each time I come up I remember something else, and each time I come up I see signs of "progress"- but each time I come up, it's always Home. I hope I can make it Home for good some day.

Record 557

Name: Mike Berg E-mail: Date: 25-Jul-00 11:18 AM

To elaborate on my fondest of all SLO county memories it goes back to 1966-68. My family moved from Atascadero to Avila Beach. Our family owed a little restaurant called "The Galley". It was on the beach, next to "The Lighthouse Saloon". Avila was just starting to deal with the Flower Child thing (The "just say yes generation") My school was two rooms and 20 kids. My class was 3rd through 6th grade. Blake Chaffee and myself made up the entire 4th grade. Norman Coy, Anthony Gorman and Dawn Paulson made up the entire 3rd grade. A field trip was loading the whole class up in a VW van and off we would go. Avila was a wonderful little town were everyone knew everyone. My parents would cut me loose in the morning during the summer and I’d be gone until dark. Exploring the caves at pirates cove or fishing out on the old pier at Port San Luis. Body surfing at Avila Pier. Renting the beach rafts for 50cents a day. Blake and I found an old dingy in the creek one day. We rowed that thing up and down SLO creek for the whole summer. Nobody’s parents knew we had our own boat. We had some wonderful adventures on that "river". So like I have said in the past, for me, Avila Beach will always be that "One Particular Harbor" I hope to return there some day.

Record 556

Name: Susanne May Kelley Date: 25-Jul-00 06:51 AM

Kevin, now I am really looking forward to seeing Avila! I liked growing up in SLO and never had any complaints. I had good friends and had a lot of fun. It took awhile to get used to some of the changes and growth around SLO, but I've gotten used to it and enjoy it again. I guess a people and places have to change. I still think it is a fun place to come back to. I still feel sad when I see our "old" house. It held a lot of good memories! It is really hard to believe I haven't lived there for SO many years! I'm glad my in-laws are still there so I can visit.

Record 555

Name: Michelle B. E-mail: Date: 23-Jul-00 07:10 PM

Just wanted to say Hi! to Maura, and thanks to all of you who have been sharing fond memories of places and associations. I'm feeling Very Nostalgic, and working on my own list...more later.

Record 554

Name: Maura Date: 22-Jul-00 05:50 PM

Ah, the swings at Avila Beach. I remember when I was little, our family and the Duvenecks (Barbara, class of 74 and Stephen, class of 73) and other various friends would go down there for Sunday afternoon hotdog barbeques. Just the two families had 15 people. Geez. My family also used to go out to Hazzard Canyon on Sundays and my brothers and I would play on the sand dune cliffs. "The Dying Cliffs" we called them because we would "shoot" each other and fall dying off them. I don't know if my memories of SLO are wishes for the non responsibilities of youth or things I really miss about the town. So much of what I had there is gone. The house I lived in over by what is now Stenner Glen, the openess of Laguna Lake, my mom, etc. But yes, one can't live and grow in a place as long as we all did without having some particularly wonderful memories. The Paso Fair, La Fiesta, Nuss Pool, the fireworks at Pismo Beach, the fireworks at Atascadero Lake, the Zoo, later on Lopez Lake, the Mission, the Network Mall, Perfumo and See Canyon, the back way out to Morro Bay, Poly Royal, and the list goes on. And yet, I live in a pretty amazing place now and have created some great memories here. Absolutely nothing from my past can compare with the Monterey Bay Aquarium and the coast line here. This is truly a beautiful place. I could do without all the tourists, but oh well. And that little trembler we had here about 10 years ago left something to be desired. But on the whole, as state workers not dependent on the tourist trade, this has been a pretty good place to live.

Record 553

Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 22-Jul-00 04:29 PM

Carol.....from everything I have heard, Avila is wide open now. Hopefully someone close by will go look......Not the port pier....the one on the main Beach. I called the Campground at Avila just a few minutes ago....the fellow there said the beach is open. A few business' are open. Parking area is done. Bathrooms are not done, tho porta potties exist.

Record 552

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 22-Jul-00 03:38 PM

Spoken like a true mom, Carol....

Record 551

Name: Carol E-mail: Date: 22-Jul-00 03:19 PM

Matt, you guys are going to be too pooped to party by Sunday morning! Better check with Kevin on the status of redone Avila... is it easy to get in there or are you talking Port SL beach?

Record 550

Name: Matt Morris Date: 22-Jul-00 01:13 PM

Hey Kevin, it will be good to see Rich Rose. I would always see Rich at the Shell Station, where he worked on Santa Rosa St. is the schedule so far....1)Frisbee,Hosted by Fred Andrews, at Cuesta Park 3pm to 5pmish...home to shower.....6:30pm till ? at SLO Brewery, hosted by me. Then on Saturday 9:45 till 10:45 the Class Of 75 Bench Project at SLOSH. Then its off to Avila Beach to have a BBQ or just visit. I will get a bag of Match Lite Charcoal. Bring what ever you want to eat or cook....also to drink. This event is hosted by Neil MaCracken. We will meet on the "Family Side" of the pier. Where the swings used to be, for those of you who are not direction disfuntional, its the Northside of the pier. Hey Kevin Watkins? Do they have BBQ'S there? If not, we would need someone local to supply a small grill. This fun should take us to about 3:30 or so. Then its the scheduled event at Danny,s House. I know the directions say to bring your own food....I can bring some type of Hors d'oeuvrs to feed a few of us. Anyone else care to bring something? Then of course its the Sunday Event. This is going to be a cool time for us all. Hope everyone can make it to a few events!! I can't wait!!!!

Record 549

Name: Kevin Watkins Date: 22-Jul-00 11:37 AM

Suzanne: Wait until you see Avila on this trip--you won't believe what has gone on there. Mike: Rich Rose works for SLO county and lives in Morro Bay. Every summer, he helps us with our open water swim race at Avila by using his small boat, the "Mako My Day," as a patrol boat. Years ago, I heard that Jon Gordon was a firefighter in the Tahoe area (we need to get Fred on here more often. He always seems to know where everyone is and what they are doing). Who could forget Mr. Algina--"fingers on the home keys, ready, begin...." John Cook, of course, stands out in my memory. So does Mrs. Poe at Laguna, Hank Alberts in senior high ceramics (he had some eye opening things to say about Watergate, but only if you worked in his class after regular school hours), and Coach Prijatel for seeming to genuinely like ALL of us, regardless of hair length, lifestyle, etc. I never had a class with "Dr. J," but I was on the Avila Volunteer Fire Dept. with him in the late seventies/early eighties, so I got to know him outside of the school environment. I'm in for as many reunion events as possible. So is Fred, Blake Chaffee, Dave Asher--see you there.

Record 548

Name: Earl Towle Date: 21-Jul-00 11:05 PM

A tug of sentiment as the message board waxes nostalgic. Longing to recapture the scent, the song, the fleeting feelings of twenty five years ago. The things I loved about SLO are intermingled with the things I hated about SLO. It was the proverbial best of times and worst of times. When I left it was because I couldn't stand to stay any longer. Ten years after I left I could finally return without a second thought. Now I can return and enjoy what SLO has become and enjoy my memories of what SLO was to me all those years ago. It has been insightful, educational, and very interesting to read all of your various recollections and comments and I look forward to seeing all of you in a few weeks.

Record 547

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 21-Jul-00 03:56 PM

Very well-spoken sentiment, Mikey- I think you've also hit upon the next question of the week: "What are the things you miss most about SLO?" This could also pertain to those stil living in the area since there have been numerous 'alterations' since the good ol' days.Okay with you, Alan?

Record 546

Name: Susanne May Kelley Date: 21-Jul-00 03:46 PM

SLO was a great place to grow up. I grew up on Oceanaire in Laguna. We had the creek behind us, Laguna Lake, lots of fields, the "mountains" to climb. It was great. I don't get there more than every few years (my in-laws still live there), but I still enjoy driving around to see what has changed and what is the same. Each time, we take a drive out to Avila (which amazingly seems much the same) and see what's going on. It's fun because my husband is from SLO as well, so we both have fond memories! Even way out here in Indiana when I tell people where I am from they are amazed that I would leave there to come out here! Everyone that has been there mentions how beautiful it is. And besides, I also had great friends to make it even better to recollect.

Record 545

Name: Berg E-mail: Date: 21-Jul-00 02:25 PM

I felt compelled today to write down some of the things I have missed about SLO over the last 25 years. I missed the summer of 1975. (While most of our class was sleeping in on June 16th,1975, I was getting my head shaved in boot camp, what a drag) I miss big and little falls in upper Lopez, camping in upper Lopez or Pozo and not seeing another person for a week, my favorite beach town in the world, Avila Beach. I miss the fact that headline news is a tire slashing (instead of a throat slashing),that little waterfall behind Stenner Glen. I miss diving off the pier at Avila, driving on Pismo beach, eating at Old Port Inn, the Cigar Factory(I know, it’s gone) Keiserhoff in Morro Bay for the Corned Beef, and Srubby’s. The Madonna Inn at Christmas or Prom night. A cold Root Beer in the park in Shandon. I miss the World Famous Atascadero Zoo. The excitement of La Fiesta and the Fair. I miss playing a quick 9 holes at Laguna Lake golf course. The drive through See Canyon in apple season. The old schools houses in Avila and Belview Santa Fe. I miss water-skiing on San Antonio Lake. For those of you who stayed or came back, consider yourselves lucky! I know SLO can have its drawbacks (my family still lives there, so i hear the down sides too) but it is truly one of the most beautiful places on earth. Have a nice weekend you all, I’ll see ya in two weeks. Bye

Record 544

Name: Candy Date: 21-Jul-00 07:03 AM

No butterflies here, just happy to see everyone as I remain out of touch most of the time. This is a fun time to eat drink and be merry with people who I've known for years, some since 4th grade! Its more of a renewal of the sense that there is a home that we all share and at least I get to touch base once every 5 years! Looking forward to the opportunity to say hi to people who wouldn't give me the time of day when we were in school. I hope they've learned that we're all just mammals!

Record 543

Name: Pamela Cilk (Frasier) Date: 20-Jul-00 03:54 PM

I have to admit to a few butterflies, maybe because I don't have the history that all of you seem to have for the years before SLOSH. I am still looking forward to seeing you and talking about the past, present and future. Speaking of the present I have just returned from a 17 day vacation most of which was spent in Bremerton Washington with my son and his wife and my new granddaughter Savanah Rose. She is my first grand child and I have to admit that she is the best thing that has happened in my life in a long time. She will have a cousin in October, my daughter is due then. She has definitely quieted most of my butterflies with her presence.

Record 542

Name: Maura Hogan Date: 19-Jul-00 08:08 PM

Oh My! I had forgotten it was my MG. That was such a fun little car. I loved crusin on Thursday nights with it. I would park it (never did run REAL well) and just sit there and watch. You know, when I was going to College of the Redwoods, that was how I attended parties. I would find a really cool chair, get a little stoned and just watch everyone else. Never got into trouble that way. Some one mentioned earlier about getting some of the more favored teachers to come to part of the festivities. That would be really cool. I remember thinking at the 20th how I would have liked to see some of my old teachers as well as old friends. I mean, after all, they were a big influence on our lives, it would be nice to share with them our joys and sorrows. Of course, they have had thousands of us and we've only had one of each of them.

Record 541

Name: Adam E-mail: Date: 19-Jul-00 12:50 PM

Mike, I ran into Fred Andrews last Thursday at Gus's sandwich shop. He said that he had spoken to Rich Rose recently. I got the impression that Rich was still in the area. I don't know if Rich will be at the reunion. I'll be there.

Record 540

Name: Susanne May Kelley Date: 19-Jul-00 12:31 PM

Hello everyone. I have the enviable position of not working this summer, so I haven't been checking the messages very often and have gotten way behind. But I read and enjoy the messages posted when I get around to it. Thanks everyone!

Record 539

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 19-Jul-00 09:15 AM

Maura, the Paso Drive-In was first thing I thought of when I saw your name in the directory. I don't recall much of the movie, as the ol' Paso Drive-In's screen always seemed so dark! I do remember parking in between two LARGE trucks with that little, itty-bitty MG(?) you were driving back then. I swear I could reach out the window & touch the street! The other thing I remember is saying a little prayer when we made it to the bottom of Cuesta Grade without getting run over!! That one falls under the 'fond memory' category! (Wasn't there a fierce popcorn fight at some point?) DAMIEN!?

Record 538

Name: Maura Hogan Date: 18-Jul-00 08:22 PM

Thanks Adam, for thinking I was gutsy. I think it was more naitivity and a big mouth with little brain action. Michelle, I think it was a great question. Butterflies hit me HARD at the 20th. I almost turned around and walked away at the front door. This time, it seems more relaxed so people may not get as nervous. You know, the last few nights I've had a real hard time getting to sleep cause of the memories tramping around in my head. Man o man has this last couple of days been a walk down memory lane. Maybe because I came late to the message page and so read all the messages in one shot. Hey Jeff, remember Omen at the Paso drive in? I remember at Laguna Jr High, Marc Thomas and I had a water fight that lasted the last three weeks of our 9th grade year. We got in some pretty good trouble. Got pretty wet too. Here's an interesting question, are there people you wish you could have told how much you admired them? Are there people you admired to find out now you were really just envious? Do I make any sense? Did I ever?

Record 537

Name: Michelle B. E-mail: Date: 18-Jul-00 05:40 PM

I will be eternally grateful if someone will come up with a *new* QOTW to replace mine. I have twice as many butterflies now that I have to see my name and that question on our Home Page! Silly me, I thought that discussion was "just between us friends..." Guess that's what I get for asking an honest question. Thanks everyone for your thoughtful responses to this and all the other issues raised. Now take it away MIKE>>>>

Record 536

Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 18-Jul-00 03:53 PM

Well....lots of stuff to respond to!! But....since i am on vacation at Lake Tahoe, i think ill just say hello to "yall" and go back to reading, skiing, and bikini watchin!! See ya all in Aug.

Record 535

Name: Mikeeeee Date: 18-Jul-00 03:02 PM

AlrightAll right already! Let’s get back to some fun stuff. Let’s talk about teachers we loved and why, and teachers we hated and why, or something more fun then picking on the committee….. The girl’s are tired of the guy stuff so, what do the girl’s want to talk about?…… Joe Johnson, it is great to see your real thoughts finally, I heard you were in another play with John Pillow in SLO, nice to see you guy’s working together again…. Candy, I did finally send my reservation for the gig so there will be at least 7 of us there…. Yes Michelle and the rest, last names were a silly idea, with only 10 people working the page, even I can keep track of that, please forgive……. Anyone seen or heard from Jon Gordon? How about Rich Rose?…....Jeff B. never grow up, you don’t have to, your dry wit is quite refreshing……Anyone remember Dr. Leonard Ilgina (Sp???) at Laguna Jr. High? What were they thinking??? I’ve heard of tenure but that was ridiculous> I had him for woodshop, typing and History….. Thaaaaaaaats all folks

Record 534

Name: Just Plain Ole' Carol E-mail: Date: 18-Jul-00 01:53 PM

Good points made by all of you regarding the revered committee members. I made a specific point to NOT be on the committee this year but I am having fun on this website, so I thank everyone for their hard work. You know, if this site continues we can use it to plan the next reunion, and have 5 years to brainstorm ideas about what to do. I personally think that this year's reunion is a mixture of "formal" and "informal" events at a reasonable cost. I'm guessing that that was the goal of the committee and feel they did a good job of accomplishing it. Of course when I look at the directory and see that the reunion will consist of me and 6 other people, I get slightly discouraged...

Record 533

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 18-Jul-00 12:25 PM

Hi, Alan- My arguments do come across a little dated due to the explosion of the information age. You're on the money about 2005, too. Technology will become more affordable so that we'll be able to video-conference by that time. I'll stop poking my stick into the Kommittee members' cage, I guess we've gotten as much as can be expected. It was all tongue in cheek, & I didn't mean to ruffle any feathers, but come on, just because we grow up doesn't mean we have to grow apart! It's okay to let yourself be 17 again for awhile.

Record 532

Name: Candy Date: 18-Jul-00 09:46 AM

Alan and Jeff -- I was on the previous committee during my brief sojourn in SLO and it is difficult to get any group together let alone get them to make a decision for a much larger group of people. Personally any kind of get together is great since I only make it back out there every 5 years now. Good point Jeff, other committee members could help out and add profiles for our good friends who don't have kumputers yet. Alan is so right in 2005 everyone and their dog will have one, I have 3 at home right now! I also tend to get a little huffy with folks who have an e-mail address and don't respond when I send them "letters" just because I'm on all day long doesn't mean that they are. Again I plan to attend each and every get together whether impromptu or planned so I can enjoy all yall's company. (that's a Tx expression, all yall, means you guys in Californese). I just hope that everyone socializes and we don't have differing groups not mixing and/or mingling with everyone. We're all grown up now you know.

Record 531

Name: Alan Gin Date: 18-Jul-00 08:49 AM

Jeff, putting the Reunion together the way you suggest would have been very difficult this time. Polling everyone about what they wanted to do would have required some extra cost for mailings and a lot of extra time, the latter of which the committee didn't have. Remember that there is no permanent reunion committee to solicit input between reunions. What happens is that the date of the next reunion approaches, some people come forward on their own to put things together. This year's committee came together relatively late, but I thank them for making the effort to do so. I certainly didn't do anything to get things started earlier. So the best thing to do is what is happening this time: Use your best judgement for the official events, and, if people want to do other things, let them do it. I think it will work out this time.

I can see things changing, though, for the 30-Year Reunion (in 2005!). We now have a lot of e-mail addresses, which this committee didn't have when it started. It will now be easy in terms of cost and time to get feedback between now and the next Reunion. People can probably even be part of the committee without being in the San Luis Obispo area or attending any meetings. Until then, I hope everyone joins me in thanking the Reunion Committee for their efforts this time and makes it to as many of the events, official and unofficial, as possible.

Record 530

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 18-Jul-00 07:55 AM

Pontification # 43-"Das Kommittee" Joe, your point is taken as noted. You and I both know the feeling of unacknowledged contribution having played 9th grade football for dear Coach Coelho. All I was trying to do was goad the Kommittee into communicating their info. like the rest of us have done. They're classmates, they matter too. My particular beef with them is the way they've sequestered themselves and handed down dates and times and places from on high with no input from the rest of us. Hence, the appellation: Das Kommittee. Over the past 25 years, I haven't received any sort of solicitation for input, or opinion regarding reunion activities. If everyone else has, please let me know and I'll go quietly. As for some of them not having computers, they're a Committee- which means, hopefully, that they actually meet once in awhile. Those on the committee owning computers could enter bio's for those without computers. They may not have email addresses, but those that do seldom answer anyway. I'm more than willing to help with reunion activities and plannong, etc. as I'm sure a lot of us Non-Kommittee members are- witness the "informal" events taking shape in the pre-Reunion hours. If the Kommittee had bothered to poll the student body for ideas & suggestions, I think the BBQ at Avila or Cuesta Park would have rated a higher spot on the list than the brunch. Neil brought up a good point when he asked about activities the whole family could be involved in. No, Joe- I don't pity the Kommittee, they bring it on themselves.

Record 529

Name: Bob Barrows Date: 17-Jul-00 11:06 PM

"Butterflies?" So that's what makes my stomach float up to my throat when I think about seeing people at the reunion! So yes, I've been feeling the little butterflies. Kind of strange because I'm not making a public speech, just visiting with people I haven't seen in 15, 20 or 25 years! (I hope they like me after all these years.) By the way, I do like the Reunion Committee folks a lot and thank them profusely for all their efforts to put this event together!!! And thank you to Alan Gin - all the way in Hong Kong - for putting up this website as a hobby and maintaining it!! Now I'll join Mr. Johnson with that training Beer...

Record 528

Name: Joe J. Date: 17-Jul-00 10:32 PM

Allow me to make a couple of comments regarding the reunion committee -- the group that a few folks seem to enjoy blistering. First, several members of the committee do not own computers, making it a tad challenging for them to participate on the web site, much less enjoy the "complimentary" chatter behind their backs. Second, let me gently remind you that they are volunteers who gladly give of themselves to see to it that a reunion is planned and organized every five years. This is my first experience doing it, since I only moved back a few years ago, but, wow, it really is a thankless endeavor. I am personally grateful to all those men and women who've made it possible for us to keep in touch over the years. They have the difficult (impossible) task of putting together events that must appeal to a wide variety of people who all have unique interests and tastes. So, I beg your pardon, but it doesn't bother me a bit if they cannot find the time or the hardware to post material on the web site. This site is enabling us to do so much more than we've ever done before (thanks again Alan). Let's build on that in a positive way that celebrates our shared history and respects the varied paths each of us has taken since high school. End of sermon – now pass the beer, I need to get back in shape for August 5th.

Record 527

Name: Adam Corob E-mail: Date: 17-Jul-00 12:46 PM

Maura, I really like the "put a tiger in your tank remark". I wish I had been in class for that one. Pretty gutsy for a 17 year old!

Record 526

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 16-Jul-00 08:32 PM

Alan, don't be alarmed, but I agree with you. The Reunion Comedy..errrrrrrrr......Kommittee has made a splendiddlyiferous showing with a strong 36%. Any more than that would be pushing the apathy envelope-not gonna do it, not this class- wouldn't be prudent.........

Record 525

Name: Carol still Kowalski E-mail: Date: 16-Jul-00 01:41 PM

Whoops! Didn't mean to make you think I was officially engaged! Yes we are getting married someday, but I am still only wearing my birthstone ring... but I really did mean I would be Carol Gandy by the next reunion, which I assume is in another 5 years. Hey Michelle I have lots of memories about 1970 Chorro Street! I still have those B&W photos taken by Larry Jamison. I remember riding our bikes to and from work (in the Swenson's uniforms) and when the guys in the car drove by and slapped you or Kay on the behind and said "Swenson's, the best in town!" Yes, it was AFTER high school that the memories became interesting!

Record 524

Name: Maura Hogan Leos Date: 16-Jul-00 01:36 PM

I tried to post a message last night, but for some reason kept getting shut out. Well, I'll try again. I wanted to respond to the most embarrassing moment. All of my high school career. No really, I think I had quite a few. Once in Mr. Belch's Family Living class he was telling us about different condoms and how they came in different colors, even tiger striped and I blurted out "put a tiger in your tank." I don't know about what I would change. I would like to have had more confidence and self discipline, but I don't have that even now, and anyway, I wouldn't have been who I was. Besides, my years at school got better and better as I got older. Do any of you still FEEL 17? I mean, in your mind or when you do dumb stuff, do you still feel that weird feeling of "what am I doing?" Of course, my body tells me (actually, screams at me) constantly that I am at least 73. Speaking of which, for those of you with inquiring minds, my mom is still kicking and going strong. She teaches (STILL - finally retiring Aug 31 - she IS 73) at a prison - no wonder at that after all the hoodlums she put up with at the pool. She also skiis ski patrol at Sierra Summit (China Peak) and camps and hikes. She really is a tough old bird. For any of you who remember my brother Michael, he is married and living in Los Osos. Talk to yall later

Record 523

Name: Alan Gin Date: 16-Jul-00 02:27 AM

I'm going to second Carol's recommendation for the chocolate covered Bavarian cremes. I've been having trouble finding them over here in Hong Kong.

Now that Joe has posted some messages (and that really is Joe) and Leslie Edmondson has submitted information for a listing, the Reunion Committee seems to have come through on this site.

Congratulations to Carol on her news. Somebody (I think it was Carol) asked if this site could be continued after the Reunion. Actually, it's free, so I don't see why not. I may not have the time to update as much as I did earlier, but this message area really doesn't need much upkeep. People could use it to give news, such as engagements, marriages, births, grandchildren, etc. Things will probably slow down after the Reunion, but there's no reason why this couldn't go on indefinitely (unless our host company goes out of business).

Record 522
Name: Michelle again (do I REALLY need a last name?) E-mail: Date: 16-Jul-00 12:39 AM

Ok, I'll use a last name as soon as another Michelle starts to post. Deal? I guess I'm on a roll tonight, but Carol--I'm gonna confess something to the cyber-classmates now. Even though you and I walked the straight-and-narrow road through most of HS, we did let our hair down a bit the following Summer. Kay Niland, Carol, and I rented that big old house on the corner of High St. & (I forgot now), right near the old Dutch Maid dairy where Val worked for so long. Didn't we all 3 work at Swensen's then? We were awfully giddy and full of ourselves, thinking we were so independent! I believe we all moved back home again in Sept., but we had us a few wild (...for us anyway) shenanigans, don't you think? Too bad the details are so foggy now...

Record 521

Name: Michelle D.B.S. E-mail: Date: 16-Jul-00 12:08 AM

Oh Joe! I made the mistake of checking the message board this morning first thing, hungry and already hot and sunny here (inland San Diego Co.). Don't know which was the greater longing...for a doughnut or a cool fog! I really miss watching the fog roll in over the coastal mountains, and waiting for it to burn off each Summer day. Now I am looking forward to the reunion weekend more than ever! Can you please arrange for lots of dreamy thick fog, to go with those doughnuts? Thanks, Joe--you are a dear. P.S. to Carol---did the "almost" turn into an "official" engagement? Congratulations! I'm looking forward to meeting that lucky guy.

Record 520

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 15-Jul-00 10:15 PM

Ooooooooooooooo......donuts! Oh, yeah-by the way, congratulations Carol!!

Record 519

Name: Carol Ann Cementina Kowalski... E-mail: Date: 15-Jul-00 03:22 PM

...and by the next reunion I'll have added Gandy to that name... Joe, don't forget the chocolate glazed bavarian creme-filled... The donut place at the Marigold Center is really good, by the way. Not that I ever go there.

Record 518

Name: Joe J. Date: 15-Jul-00 09:56 AM

Speaking of donuts, since I raised the subject (get it? raised? Oh, man I'm good) -- we will be serving fresh, delicious donuts when we dedicate the class gift on Saturday morning August 5 at 9:45AM at the high school! And (!), this is a free event for all class members, families, kids, everybody! After a night of heavy beer drinking at S.L.O. Brew Co., nothing will taste better on a cool, foggy morning like a sugar-sprinkled cake donut and a hot cup of fresh coffee. Mmmmm good. And now back to our regularly scheduled program...

Record 517

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 15-Jul-00 07:43 AM

Uh, yeah- resourcefulnesss.......yeah, .....and honesty......yeah, that's it! Sure! The two most lingering lessons from uh..........High School, ......yeah, sure, that's the ticket! Try the black bean/jalapeno chips at TJoe's, Michelle-

Record 516

Name: Michelle Dawn Brown Sharit E-mail: Date: 15-Jul-00 01:20 AM

Well Jeff, if I can't be impressed with your literary knowledge, I'll have to be even more impressed with such resorcefulness and honesty! Of course, doughnuts earned dishonorably could never satisfy. But now at least you have a clear conscience and have saved me from a trip to Winchell's. I'd rather spend my money at Trader Joe's, where at least I can find SLOroast coffee and San Luis Sourdough bread.

Record 515

Name: Neil E-mail: Date: 14-Jul-00 09:01 PM

Carol...not much of a story...just one of those foggy moments (well more smokey than foggy I suppose)while driving down the road (don't even know where)or evn know how it actually happened but after landing and looking back one could actually see the dead cow in the middle of the road and some how, by the grace of God, the only real damage to the car was remnants of beef and cowhide embedded in many areas underneath the MG. It really is amazing to think back and realize how stupid we were and even more amazing how we actually survived!

Record 514

Name: runto E-mail: Date: 14-Jul-00 07:17 PM

NoDuh: I think you're confusing Henry Morgan with Harry Potter. Or is it the other way 'round? And if they married, she'd be Morgan Fairchild Morgan.

Record 513

Name: Mike Berg Date: 14-Jul-00 12:02 PM

Hi guy's and gal's. You kids have been busy since I last checked the page. All this talk about appearance prompted me to forward a picture of myself taken last weekend at the "World Championship Over The Line Tournament" at Fiesta Island here in San Diego. Our club is called OMBAC and is supposed to stand for Old Mission Beach Athletic Club but many of our wife's have claimed it stands for "Old Men Behaving As Children. (Check out our web page at to see some real madness) Some thing's never change and except for about 80 pounds and some serious gray facial hair, I am the some lovable knuckle head I always was (and very modest also). So check out this sexy pose (a.k.a. Fat Bastard from Austin Powers) when Alan gets it posted. Let's get some more pictures up kid's. Also how about always using your last name when you post so my foggy memory can put a face to a name. (the old year book is close at hand) Bye 4 now.

Record 512

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 14-Jul-00 09:17 AM

Michelle, Grasshopper- being the Chief Estimator, I'm not always expected to know all the answers. I am, however, expected to know who to call, or in this case, where to look to find them. I owe all the credit to the faithful Netscape search engine. I typed in the second part of the quote and, Shazam! there was a list of poetry websites. It was on the second site on the list. I don't know if the French is right or not either, but it looks good. I must, therefore, humbly and respectfully decline your offer. FYI: rainbow sprinkle doughnuts are best with a giddy, early vintage Mountain Dew.

Record 511

Name: Michelle the Fat and Happy E-mail: Date: 14-Jul-00 08:52 AM

Bravo Jeff, voo air zee weeener, I mean you are the Winner! Would you like your prize delivered in person at The Brunch, or shall I just toss em to you from the top of the Superman Ride? (I hope you know what kind of wine goes with rainbow sprinkles--hmmm, red absinthe or white?) You have earned extra credit (bagels or croissants?) for providing the complete quote in its original language, but I'll just have to trust you on the spelling, as my French is on the same level with Matt's.

Record 510

Name: Noe Duh E-mail: Date: 14-Jul-00 08:52 AM

Henry? I thought it was Harry Morgan.......

Record 509

Name: runto E-mail: Date: 14-Jul-00 08:38 AM

Michelle...Don't know who the original author is but Henry Morgan delivered a compelling reading in a '66 episode of Dragnet.

Record 508

Name: Candy Date: 14-Jul-00 06:45 AM

Jeff -- you don't want to fool with absinthe man, its potent. My understanding is that it was a liquer that contained opium or some other narcotic that the french used to drink and have a way-out trip man... or mon ami! Last weekend here they played Bram Stoker's Dracula and the scene where they are sipping absinthe and getting high looked fun! I'll stick with champagne myself! *mwa*

Record 507

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 14-Jul-00 01:06 AM

Just a play on words, Matt. I'll let Earl 'splain what absinthe is- I don't have a clue-

Record 506

Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 13-Jul-00 10:04 PM

Hey Earl....and Jeff.....can I just have a Beer. I am a simple dude. The only French thing I do is French Fries!!

Record 505

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 13-Jul-00 09:01 PM

True, true- Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.......

Record 504

Name: Earl Towle Date: 13-Jul-00 07:54 PM

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec was a French painter and lithographer 1864-1901. He was famous for his graphic work. However, I could find no reference in Bartlett's regarding such a quote. Maybe it was an offhand remark made by the artist to one of Runto's distant relatives while sipping absinthe and it has been passed down over the generations. Forget the quotes and pass the absinthe!

Record 503

Name: Toulouse Latrec Date: 13-Jul-00 03:07 PM

Stop butchering the French language!!!!!

Record 502

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 13-Jul-00 01:49 PM


Record 501

Name: Adam Corob E-mail: Date: 13-Jul-00 01:02 PM

Michelle, Jeff is wrong. That quote is from a french translation of Popeye episode #31: "Popeye falls in love with Olive Oil". Could I get a couple cans of spinach instead of the donuts.