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San Luis Obispo Senior High School

Class of 1975

25-Year Reunion - August 5-6, 2000

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Archived Messages (601 - 700)

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Record 700

Name: Alan Gin E-mail: Date: 22-Aug-00 08:25 AM

All the guesses have been correct so far, except that #14 is not Steven Spielberg. Close though.

Record 699

Name: candy E-mail: Date: 21-Aug-00 08:25 PM

Checked the obits as far back as they go Jan 1999, nothing for Steven Allen

Record 698

Name: #51 E-mail: Date: 21-Aug-00 07:48 PM

Brunch III: 52 is Greg Honegger; 53 is the Rev. Dr. Jeff Greene; 44 is Darlene (Maddalena)Grosch-

SLO Brewing: #14 is Steven Spielberg

Record 697

Name: gayle daly E-mail: Date: 21-Aug-00 07:21 PM

I'm trying to get in and see more from the submit page. So I have to do this again!

Record 696

08-21 19:18:08

Name: Gayle Daly E-mail:fdaly Date: 21-Aug-00 07:33 PM

#95 is Jeff Chase

Record 695

Name: Alan Gin E-mail: Date: 21-Aug-00 04:33 PM

Since we're on a downer right now: There was talk at the Reunion that Steve Allen had died. Can anyone confirm this?

Record 694

Name: Mike Berg E-mail: Date: 21-Aug-00 12:21 PM

I heard Jeff had just had surgery when I was up for the reunion. I heard he had part of his jaw or something removed. It sounded like cancer but I am not sure. The "smirk” is what I will remember of Jeff. Goodbye Jeff ol buddy, see on the next lap around.

Record 693

Name: Candy E-mail: Date: 21-Aug-00 11:44 AM

I found the obit for Jeff Weldon on The Tribune's website. You have to go to the business page and they have obits there you can search by name. It was issued 8/19/00. Doesn't say what happened.

Record 692

Name: Adam E-mail: Date: 21-Aug-00 08:27 AM

Sorry to hear about Jeff Weldon. Sue Lentz is his mom. Does anyone know what happened to him? My best memories of Jeff were from bowling. He was pretty good (not as good as me). He and Rex Fritz both used to bowl a lot. We would all go to the State tournaments as a group when we were younger, and then get one of the adults to buy us some beer for the Saturday night parties.

Record 691

Name: Michelle not Murphy E-mail: Date: 21-Aug-00 12:09 AM

Gee, really thought you would get some HELP from US? I've been mistaken for other people before, but Candace Bergen is not one of them...yet. Very flattering anyway. Thanks person # 51!

Record 690

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 20-Aug-00 11:22 PM

Person #37 is Murphy Brown.

Record 689

Name: Carol E-mail: Date: 20-Aug-00 10:42 PM

Person #91 is Rob Gandy. Don't worry, he is not a classmate that you never knew.

Record 688

Name: Michelle E.C Date: 20-Aug-00 07:48 PM

Thanx for the info....It's funny...You block out a part of your life and you don't stop to still continues on for those you left behind....

Record 687

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 20-Aug-00 04:30 PM

Right, Carol- As a matter of fact, he played Little League on the Red Sox with Tommy Gin and me. I saw the obit, he died a week after the reunion. The guy had a lot on his mind, he had to bring up his 2 brothers by himself because his mom had to work so much to support them on one income. I remember him being very intelligent, though- one time he asked Mrs. Honeyman a question in Geometry that she couldn't answer, so Jeff flashed his trademark smirk which earned him a one-way trip to the office. He had a lot of potential but was so burdened he never realized it. It's a real shame.

Record 686

Name: Carol E-mail: Date: 20-Aug-00 01:44 PM

O.K. Tommy, I guess that's him. He was in our class up to our Jr. year...I checked the yearbooks and I also remember him as a friend in Jr. High. Right, J.B.?

Record 685

Name: Carol E-mail: Date: 20-Aug-00 01:41 PM


Record 684

Name: Michelle Brown E-mail: Date: 20-Aug-00 09:58 AM


I can DO IT


(thanks Alan)

Record 683

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 20-Aug-00 09:26 AM


nks, Ala


Hey, you

're right! This is sim


Record 682

Name: Alan Gin Date: 20-Aug-00 07:32 AM

I'm going to go with Tim's (and Neil's) idea and use low resolution pictures on the Website, and people can click on them for a higher quality (but slower loading) picture. Unfortunately, I won't be able to put the higher quality pictures on until I return to San Diego on August 31. Since that's two weeks away, I'm going to put the lower quality ones up now for people who can't wait.

In hopes of getting more activity in the message area, I've set up a game with the pictures. I've numbered the people in the pictures, and I'm asking you to use this message area to attach a name to the numbers. Say something like "(20) = Joe Johnson." To encourage more people to participate, I'm going to ask that you give no more than five names per message and then wait for someone else to supply a name before you go again. As people supply the names, I will go and change them in the pictures. This will help me too in the embarassing situation where I don't remember the people's names. Finally, you might have to wait for the higher quality pictures in some cases, e.g., the group shot in "Bench Ceremony III."

Michelle B. and everyone else, to format paragraphs, you should put between your desired paragraphs the letters br in between the < and > signs twice. I can't actually show this, or a paragraph will be created. Let me try this a couple of ways: (1) Put the letters br in place of the ## signs in the following: <##><##>. (2) You should do the following, except you should reverse the < and >: >br<>br<. Each time you put the letters br between < and >, a line will be skipped. Do it twice and you get the paragraph effect. Give it a try, and if there's a problem, I'll edit your message to take care of it.

Record 681

Name: Neil E-mail: Date: 19-Aug-00 09:10 PM

Thanks everyone for your condolences on my Dad. It was not a real surprise but it is still hard. That is one of the things that kept me from the reunion. Those of you wanting to reach Sam Mabanag and his wife Sylvia can e-mail them at I believe this is his new work address and no it has nothing to do with radio. Anyway, thanks again and Alan...the idea about thumbnails linked to larger size photo's would be the best way to go. It is hard enough to recognize folks after all these years I need as much detail as possible.

Record 680


08-19 21:01:56

Name: Tommy E-mail: Date: 19-Aug-00 09:01 PM

I'm sorry for this sad message. But after reading the paper, I do believe it is Jeff Weldon in our class who passed away. We were co-workers (along with his brothers) at Cryolab. Jeff B., remember Jeff Weldon had one more year with the Red Sox after we left. So he had to have been a year younger than us.

Record 679

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 19-Aug-00 08:04 PM

Michelle E.C.- I have a business card Becky gave me @ SLOBrew, her pager # is 805/595/5839. Bookmark the webpage & check back from time to time. We're planning a BBQ for Aug. 4, 2001 in Cuesta Park.

Record 678

Name: Michelle (Brown) Sharit E-mail: Date: 19-Aug-00 07:06 PM

Hi Michelle! (Now I guess we'll *have* to use last names.) Becky Hessler was at Danny Furtado's reunion gathering. I spoke to her briefly--I was mostly eavesdropping--but if you email Nora O'Donnell she may have more info.

Record 677

Name: Michelle E. Collett Date: 19-Aug-00 12:08 PM

I was Michelle Garner back in the Dark Ages (1975). I am trying to find info on Terri Tice(Cicolani) or Becky Hessler....If anyone knows how to contact them please e-mail me.......Thank you

Record 676

Name: Michelle B. E-mail: Date: 19-Aug-00 11:10 AM

Candy, he wanted you to wear his British raingear? Or was he sharing a burger from the Golden Arches? (....sorry everyone. I just got home from work and am quite a little punchy from lack of sleep. Guess I'm still out of it & proud[?] of it.) There is a photo of Jeff Weldon in the 20th Reunion Memory Book...and an address on So. Higuera in SLO. Seriously folks, this is NOT the kind of classmate update I look forward to hearing about. Let's all do our best to stay healthy! Please take good care of yourselves and the ones you love. Control what you can, and for the rest, well, it's out of our hands, so let's be here for each other when those Bad Things happen. (... sorry for the lecture--must be the nurse in me talking.)

Record 675

Name: Carol E-mail: Date: 19-Aug-00 10:59 AM

Jeff, you are a great "Kommittee Roper"! Sounds like an event to look forward to, long as we keep it simple. Re: Jeff Weldon-- the obit says this: He worked at Cryolab in SLO, Tracor in Santa Maria, and Air Vol Block in SLO, and is survived by his mother, Sue Lentz, sons Curtis and Jeffrey James and daughter Rachel. He was president of the SLO Kennel club. I'm thinking that's not our Jeff Weldon. Interesting though, that this guy grew up in SLO and is close to our age. I don't recall another Jeff Weldon, even a grade below us.

Record 674

Name: Candy E-mail: Date: 19-Aug-00 09:03 AM

I knew Jeff Weldon from about 4th grade on! He would have been our age. I don't know if that was him. I distinctly remember the last time I saw him was at the 20th and then he was trying to get his mac on with me -- that was kinda endearing considering how long I've known him. I'd really like to know if that was him.

Record 673

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 18-Aug-00 04:23 PM

Hi kids! the First Annual "Saturday in the Park"is off the ground & flyin'! I just got confirmation of our reservation for Cuesta Park on Saturday august 4, 2001. We have the big group area reserved from 10AM 'til 5PM even though the BBQ will most likely be from 11AM to roughly 2PM or whenever. Other details will follow as they fall into place. Look for a comprehensive announcement on this page in a month or so.

Record 672

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 18-Aug-00 12:40 PM

Carol, thanks for the tri-tip offer. I was still trying to figure a way to approach you about getting in touch with people you still know in the 'Biz'!! Let me know what you can work out- no big hurry. As far as Jeff Weldon, he had at least 3 brothers that I know of, one of them, I think it was James, was a year behind us, so that could be him. I'll ask Runto.

Record 671

Name: Carol E-mail: Date: 18-Aug-00 12:08 PM

Oops, I mean Sam and Sylvia!

Record 670

Name: Carol E-mail: Date: 18-Aug-00 11:51 AM

Have to catch up... been in Vegas this week. Next time I'm going somewhere with no buffets or Wheel of Fortune slots...two things things I have no control around. Happy belated B-day Matt- you share my Dad's birthday. I had the pleasure of celebrating with him, my mom and kids at Emeril's (MGM Grand). Candy, thanks for the photos. Neil, my condolences on the passing of your father. Glad to hear word about Sam and Cherie, since I've been thinking about them. I'm guessing they moved there for a new job in the radio business? You guys sure are efficient with your plans for the next pre-reunion-reunion. By the way, I am still part owner of a restaurant that sells tri tip, so maybe I could help with that, but burgers are fine too. Hey, Jeff B. or anyone who knew Jeff Weldon...I saw an obituary in the SLO paper about a Jeff Weldon, 42, who graduated in '76. Could that be the same Jeff we knew?

Record 669

Name: Tim W E-mail: Date: 18-Aug-00 11:21 AM

Alan , You could do a page of small preview pictures that link to the larger higher resolution ones. If one wishes to see the greater detail they can down load.

Record 668

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 18-Aug-00 10:39 AM

Alan- maybe you could look into the cost of burning copies of the photo disc(s) as an option for us faithful message board users?? One of us must have the capability..........

Record 667

Name: Michelle Brown E-mail: Date: 18-Aug-00 09:57 AM

Neil, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. My prayers are with you and your family. Hope I did not confuse anyone with the two Sams-- Sam Mabanag is Neil's brother-in-law and our classmate. The other Sam (Sammy) is my son with the chest-hair fetish. I actually have not seen Sam & Sylvia since just after their wedding when they invited me to an Amway demonstration. Whatever happened to Amway anway? I never hear about it anymore. ( about controversy!) Alan-the pics are OK as is, good enough for those who were there and eager (& impatient?) to re-live the good times. Maybe the others will go better in the memory book? Can folks still order those? Alan, I notice you are the only one with enough talent to format your messages into paragraphs. What's the secret? SOME of us tend to get long-winded now and then...

Record 666

Name: Adam E-mail: Date: 18-Aug-00 09:24 AM

Hi Guys, It's good to see some activity continuing on the message area. Michelle, thanks for the compliment. Did I look that bad in high school? Just Kidding! As for your son, who can blame him for wanting to pet "fuzzy" Matt. Neil, sorry to hear about your father. For many of us, our parents are getting older, and not doing as well as they used to. I think the Barbeque sounds like a great idea. Dogs, tri tip, chicken, whatever......

Record 665

Name: Alan Gin Date: 18-Aug-00 02:29 AM

Neil, I sorry to hear about your father.

I'm back over here in Hong Kong, visiting my wife and daughter again. Before I left, I scanned in a bunch of pictures of the Reunion, with the intention of adding them to the site while I was here. Unfortunately, I just found out that the scanned pictures are not very good in terms of size and quality. I reduced the size and the quality so the pictures would load up relatively quickly. That's okay for a general idea of what's going on, but it's difficult to recognize some of the people in the pictures. So what should I do? Should I put up what I have? Should I increase the size and quality of the pictures when I get back to San Diego in about two weeks, even if that means it will take a long time for the pictures to load?

To get an idea of what I'm talking about, click here to see an example of the picture quality I have.

Record 664

Name: Neil E-mail: Date: 17-Aug-00 08:57 PM

Michelle...I would say hi to Sam and Sylvia but don't see them much. They did make to my Dad's funeral service this past weekend but left shortly after. They just moved to Vacaville so I am sure we won't see them any more than you will now. Anyway, I am sorry I wasn't able to make it also but it sounds like everyone had a great time. Sounds like you have quite a humbling critter yourself. Our youngest has ADHD so we are well versed in social caos! Ain't it great!!! Wouldn't miss it for the world! Can't wait to see the pics...any of Matt's chest hair?? :-{)

Record 663

Name: Candy Date: 17-Aug-00 01:43 PM

As to website photos, I am sure Alan is working on it but Leslie did give me two disks with about 150 pixs on them. I sent out a few to those who I recognized and had addies on. Anyone else interested just let me know and I'll spend another sleepless night sending them out. Michelle - as to looking younger! Its all that clean livin I've done -- NOT!!!!

Record 662

Name: Michelle finishes the Story... E-mail: Date: 17-Aug-00 01:05 PM

Avila, part 2: My son Sammy (age 13) came along--he always keeps me on my toes. I was introducing Sam to Matt Morris and a few others when I noticed my son admiring Matt's chest hair. Before I could intervene, Sammy reached out and "petted" Mattt's furry pelt (yes it WAS quite an admirable growth Matt!). Of course Sam was chastized by Mom, and made to apologize, and then he ran off to play in the waves. Leaving me with a red face! So I explained that Sam has a few challenges (he has autism) which have made it harder for him to learn things like social skills. At 13 he is finally taking real notice of other people, and giving his family some new challenges. He is a great kid, though, and always keeps us laughing. He enjoys life immensely! And he gives me so many opportunities to grow as a person, and has taught me not to worry so much about what other people "think" of me. I also learned what a good sport Matt is (you can tell he is a great dad!) and also how accepting everyone else is also. Thanks Matt and the rest of you for understanding! I guess the moral of the story is that we have all grown up, and moved beyond the need to look and act "cool". My husband and I have had this motto for a few years: "We are OUT of it and PROUD of it!" :-)

Record 661

Name: Michelle B again E-mail: Date: 17-Aug-00 11:37 AM

Thinking about Avila, I guess I'll share a memory of the Reunion weekend. First, the 3-mile hike only added to the adventure (Matt--I was sure you said it was the NORTH side of the pier!) Oh, well, I could always use more exercise! And Jeff Chase was thoughtful enough to remain standing until I spotted him and the rest of the gang. To be cont.

Record 660

Name: Michelle B. E-mail: Date: 17-Aug-00 11:21 AM

Hi Neil, we missed you at the reunion. Will you say hello to Sam and Sylvia for me? I missed seeing them too. Guess I shoulda been at the 20th. I'm glad we have plans underway for next Summer! I hope we can have an Avila Beach event, too. It should be very nice there when the construction is done. Candy-no wet Tee Shirt contest for me--but I'll fill the water balloons and clap when you win! (Candy and Adam win my vote for the 2 people who look younger and better now than back in HS! How do you guys do it?) Richard "Sport" Saltzman wins the prize for traveling the farthest (London, England). Leslie E. promised to get some photos up on our web page, you might still be able to order a Memory Book from her too. Matt, are there any more Tee-Shirts?

Record 659

Name: Berg E-mail: Date: 17-Aug-00 11:02 AM

Burgers and Dog's sound great! Candy, where were you with your water balloon idea 25 years ago! We're gettin too old for the contact now! Might still be fun, what the hell. Jeff, Aug 4th, Aug 5th....what ever it takes! I'll be the guy that look's like me, see ya there.

Record 658

Name: Neil E-mail: Date: 16-Aug-00 07:56 PM got it! I do hope to be there. I will certainly try anyway. Happy birthday Matt...hope your day was a special one. Ok, I read something about pictures...if anybody has any scanned of the reunion I would love to see them all! I think dogs and burgs are the way to go! Nothing to distract from the time to visit. Can't wait..sounds like a bitchen time!! Just had to say it! Ciao

Record 657

Name: candy E-mail: Date: 16-Aug-00 06:57 AM

Re: BBQ/Tri Tip! Do we know anyone that might want to donate some meat . . . ah come on, get your mind outta the gutter. Perhaps a local butcher would be interested. Anyone know someone in that field? Isn't Ricky Farmer a butcher at the prison or something like that. Maybe a local caterer might want the advertising???? Down this way BBQ is always brisket, they don't even know what a Tri-Tip is!! Tres disappointing, for a SLO county girl. How about water balloon volleyball, then seque into a wet t-shirt contest, guys and girls. I'm just full of ideas!!!

Record 656

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 15-Aug-00 11:45 AM

Mikey-Poo, Please don't show up Aug. 5th, that's the day after................The theme to this BBQ is informal, and very low key. Tri-Tip would be cool but that'll kick the cost way up(unless, of course, you're buying...) and chain the "cooks" to the pit. This is primarily a dogz 'n' burger affair, we can light the whole pit & people can cook their own if they want something other than that. It's also a good opportunity to get ideas for future annual events.

Record 655

Name: Berg E-mail: Date: 15-Aug-00 11:01 AM

The web page lives! Activity at last! “Saturday in the park” YAH BABY! A reason to carry on and see past the post reunion blues. I know we will be there. Aug5th 2001. BBQ, Brews, a little softball? Any one play bocce ball? SLO style Tri Tip BBQ. I volunteer to be a guest BBQ Master, any one want to join me? …… Happy birthday Matt.. Only 43? Are you sure. Have you checked your ID? Hay Alan, where are the pictures from the reunion? Neil, you started this BBQ thing so now you have to attend. Candy, thanks for the photos… Gotta go now Bye!

Record 654

Name: Michelle E-mail: Date: 15-Aug-00 10:00 AM

Happy Birthday to YOU, Happy Birthday to YOU! Happy Birthday Dear Matty, the shirts turned out Cool! ( me, it *almost* rhymes when you sing it!) EVERYBODY NOW....

Record 653

Name: Matt Morris Date: 15-Aug-00 09:37 AM

Hey Jeff.....August 4th soundsgreat.....i cant wait!! I will call the SLO Parks and Rec Dept and see how soon you need to reserve a BBQ Site. Cuesta Park is nice, a little dusty...or Santa Rosa pPark is nice too, bigger and more family stuff to do. Any other idea's? Of course we will do SLO Brew the nite before, a tradition must be upheld, or is that a beer glass...hmmm. Well I have to get busy being a Birthday Boy....yeah 43 today. Hope all is well in your camps!!

Record 652

Name: Candy Date: 15-Aug-00 06:42 AM

I'm definitely feeling let down since returning home, its too hard working now and trying to think about all the fun stuff I did. So I'm all ready for the annual BBQ, Jeff B and I have been brainstorming with some fab ideas! I'll let him tell yall about it! It should be lot of fun.

Record 651

Name: Neil McC Date: 14-Aug-00 09:07 PM has been interesting to read all the comments about the reunion! Sounds like most had a wonderful time. I wish I could have been there! Anyway, keep up the messages and I am also in favor of an annual BBQ as 5 years is to long to wait to re-unite with old friends and new friends in the recent past. Hope to hear from some of you in more detail about the reunion. Take care all!!

Record 650

Name: Jeff.B E-mail: Date: 14-Aug-00 07:26 PM

Michelle, that's so profound.....a question of the week regarding previous questions of the week- : -} Promise you won't tell anyone else that there's a tentative date for the informal non-event we've dubbed the Annual "Saturday in the Park". That date would be Saturday(!) August 4, 2001.It may be jotted into one's calendar in pencil at this time, and will be confirmed later. Happy Monday........

Record 649

Name: Michelle Brown Sharit E-mail: Date: 14-Aug-00 06:00 PM

Alan, I was wondering if you could list all of the past Questions of the Week? I know I missed a few. Might help revive some discussion. Is anyone else out there experiencing post-reunion letdown? As Jeff B. said: "It's over, already?"

Record 648

Name: Pam Cilk (Frasier) Date: 12-Aug-00 09:42 AM

Just a note to say that I think the reunion was great. It was nice to get reaquainted with some of you and to meet some for the first time. Thanks to the committee for all of your effort and CONGRATULATIONS on your success.

Record 647

Name: Mike Berg E-mail: Date: 11-Aug-00 09:47 AM

Hello SLOSH Class of 75. What a wonderful experience we had at all the reunion gatherings! Seeing you folk’s was fantastic. Not enough room in cyberspace to mention all the names but my mind was flashing back hard for the whole three day’s. In hindsight the whole experience in San Luis County Schools was pretty cool. It seems I hit most of the area schools one way or another. (I liked 6th grade with Mr. Peterson so much I did it twice) To the committee, I congratulate you all. You hit a home run. You reached complete perfection! (Try to live up to that next time) I did not feel uncomfortable at all any place the whole weekend. The fact that you kept it all casual was the best part for myself. Friday night at SLO Brew was a great “Ice Breaker” The party at Dan’s is always great (Dan, you can’t ever move from that house, just keep adding on) The Sunday gig was the icing on the cake. A beautiful day in SLO with great old friends, It just doesn’t get any better then that. My wife and I talked about the whole experience for 5 hours on the way home. Seeing “All the Girls I loved Before” with my well behaving wife was very special. There is nothing quite like those early loves of your life. Nothing feels that good (or that bad depending on how things went). I won’t blubber on and on rather I will close by saying my life is better having all of you in my life. Thanks to all who made the effort to attend and to those that missed this year, do not fret. Jump in on the page and say hello! Maybe consider attending the BBQ that is rumored to be happening next summer in SLO. See ya all on the web, Bye

Record 646

Name: Tim W E-mail: Date: 10-Aug-00 12:05 PM

Hi, I finally got through reading the archive. The events I was able to attend were GREAT!!! Many thanks to all those that made it so. I'll check this site regularly and maybe open up and try to answer some questions now and then. It seems to me that our hind site is exellent. I remember being a wallflower at Jr. High dances. solution: Then at Sr. High I don't attend dances. Later in life I found that if I kept asking eventually you get to dance. Now I'm married and we don't get out much without the kids. See Ya

Record 645

Name: Candy E-mail: Date: 10-Aug-00 10:52 AM

Just a quick note as I prep for trial, but I had to take the time to tell everyone how much fun this weekend was for me. Especially after the long, long flight back home, and the creepy guy in the next seat who I discovered fondling my feet as I tried to sleep! I loved seeing everyone and catching up it made me very nostalgic for SLO County, but then I have to shake my head and remind myself that professionally I'm better off here despite the heat!! Kisses and hugs to everyone, especially my buds, alan, tommy, adam, jeff, bruce, chris, matt, et al. (who's Al? Don't ask me.) I can't wait till next year, I hope I can come home more often then that though. If and when I do I'll look up the locals. MWA!

Record 644

Name: Earl Towle E-mail: Date: 09-Aug-00 09:33 PM

...And so the 25th SLOSH reunion came and went. A few items deserve comment. First, kudos to Alan Gin and the reunion committee for making a stalwart effort. Second, a tip of the cap to those who organized unoffical events. I did not participate in the event at the high school but I am assured that Joe Johnson did us proud in his pontification. It is my observation that this reunion transcended the constraints that hamstrung previous reunions. Apparently 25 years is long enough to let the past be the past and to enjoy the present for what it is. The party at the Furtado's house was convivial and genuinely welcoming. I had a great time seeing old friends and catching up. The weekend was over way too soon. Lets have a BBQ next summer (before the next reunion in five years when we will all almost be fifty).

Record 643

Name: Adam Corob E-mail: Date: 09-Aug-00 12:50 PM

I hope that everyone had as good of a time at the reunion as I did. Looking forward to the next one. It was great to spend some time again with those who have disappeared for so many years. Matt, Karen, Pam, Jeff, Candy, Mike, Leslie, I really enjoyed spending a little extra time visiting with you, and everyone else, it was great. Special thanks to: The reunion comittee for all of the work to set this up, Matt Morris for jumping in and putting together some extra stuff, and to Alan (Raoul) Gin for managing the website. I hope to see everyone again soon.

Record 642

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 08-Aug-00 10:43 PM

Man! This class can sure get moving when it wants to! Due to overwhelming popular demand, a committee(there's that word) has been formed to set up the 1st SLOSH Class of '75 Annual event: "A Day in the Park 2001." Somewhere around either the end of June or the first of August, 2001- we'll have a simple, traditional BBQ at Cuesta Park. It will be as close to free as we can get it- maybe something like $5/ family.. we'll see, just a little something to cover part of the expenses. From there, we can get ideas for future events and places to hold them. Please feel free to email me as to which date would work best & we'll post the results as soon as a clear favorite becomes apparent. Thank you!

Record 641

Name: Roy T E-mail: Date: 08-Aug-00 09:10 PM

Hi all!! I think it would be a great idea to get together more often. My wife @ I were talking after the brunch that it would be fun to do just a big bar-b-que in one of the local parks once a year. I have heard about the "All Class Reunion" at SLOSH. My dad is from the class of '53 and they have one every year so I will find out more info and will get back! Again, it was great getting together and seeing everyone. Jeff, we are sorry not to have seen you at the brunch, we will have to do the fishing thing again real soon!!

Record 640

Name: Michelle B. E-mail: Date: 08-Aug-00 02:44 PM

One memory of the weekend that makes me smile happened at Danny's on Saturday night. Sitting down at a table next to Tommy Gin and hearing him say (to me and the next five or so women who stopped by...) "Hi! I'm Tommy. You're ANOTHER person I never knew in High School!" Tommy, you must have a lot of new friends now! Also at that table was Becky Hessler. We discussed the politics and memories of Stud Row, and Becky talked about her healing work. I'm told that some healing took place that night, and I do believe we all experienced it to some degree. I know I did.

Record 639

Name: Carol E-mail: Date: 08-Aug-00 02:17 PM

Thanks to the committee, the Furtados' and everyone who made the lovely weekend a success! Jeff B., I didn't know you were going home after the bench dedication...sorry we didn't get to visit at all! I like the once a year idea. There are a lot of classmates in the SLO area that were no-shows that we would have liked to have seen.

Record 638

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 07-Aug-00 11:47 PM

My Top 10 memorable moments from the reunion(your results may vary...) #10) Hearing the phrase "One more!!" for the nineteenth time during the Holt Field photo event- #9)Pulling into town with "Bohemian Rhapsody" blasting out of the radio- #8)The familiar looks of tortured frustration on every less than 40 year old face in SLO Brew as "Da Fogies" invaded their personal space-#7)One more chance to gang up on Bruce Hensel-#6)An overwhelming presence of genuine comeraderie -#5)Pulling out of town with Boston's "Long Time" blasting out of the radio-#4)M.J. Johnson's silver-tongued bench dedication and welcoming address(the Kid's still got it!!)-#3)Those old familiar "Willies" as we walked down the hallways, half expecting Belch to leap out and ask for a Hall Pass-#2)The rush of all those emotions at being around all those familiar faces once again- and, #1)One more heartfelt peptalk from Coach Prijatel. An unforgettable weekend-I felt 20 years younger -

Record 637

Name: Matt Morris E-mail: Date: 07-Aug-00 09:45 PM

Hello all....wanted to tell you of another place to read posts from all graduating classes from SLOSH. The URL is: You will need to join and get a password, but i have emailed and enjoyed conversations from people in other classes. Hope to see some of your posts soon. Runto...your not, unless you have TB.

Record 636

Name: Tommy G. E-mail: Date: 07-Aug-00 09:21 PM

Great weekend. Great friends. Thank you to everyone who put everything together.

Record 635

Name: Robert E-mail: Date: 07-Aug-00 08:40 PM

It was nice to see everyone after 25 years. It is my hope that everyone continue to have to have a healthy and productive life and to catch thoses wishes made at the end of each day. I also after 25 years would be interested in an informal meeting each year just to keep in touch. I don't know how many people would be interested, but count me in.

Record 634

Name: Michelle Brown Sharit E-mail: Date: 07-Aug-00 08:32 PM

Hi everyone, just got home and am very glad to hear that the SLOSH Message Board lives on! Looking forward to hearing everyone's impressions of the weekend, and hopefully hearing more from those who could not make it. Personally, I am exausted from trying to catch up with so many of you! There seem to be many I missed. It was great fun, but really too short in hindsight. Does anyone know about the "SLOSH All-Class Reunion" that also happens in SLO? I believe it's pretty often, maybe more than once per year. Hmmmm. Thanks again to all those who worked to make this happen, especially Danny Furtado for sharing his home with all of us. I had a great time, and hope you all did too! Love, Michelle (who has sore arms from all that hugging!)

Record 633

Name: Doreen (DiDi Montoya) Johnson E-mail: Date: 07-Aug-00 04:38 PM

Hi all! WOW! What a difference 25 yrs. make! Thank you Leslie and Candy, you two were nice to see you doing well. I am so sorry I couldnt make the other festivities, my father is a diabetic and not doing I was spending my time with him..I know you all understand...just want you to know that it was great at SLO Brew on Friday night and I really, really enjoyed seeing everyone. Even those I didnt really know all that well...:-) I don't know how everyone else feels, but it would be great to at least have a get together once a year with whomever is willing and able. Maybe like a weekend somewhere flexible for all those who would like to join? Please keep in touch and thank you sooo much for giving me such a warm welcome...I really enjoyed it. Take care all and please keep in touch.....*hugs* One more thing, if anyone has any information on where to find our Annuals I would really appreciate it. Mine were destroyed in a fire and if I could have one thing from my High School years it would be the annuals. Any help would be greatly appreciated....take care all and thank you very, very much! :-)

Record 632

Name: Adam Corob Date: 07-Aug-00 08:46 AM

Hi everyone, It was really great seeing you this weekend. More about that later. We scanned a photo of "The Tall Guy" into my computer this weekend. If you would like it e-mailed to you, send me an e-mail at my above address, and I will send it right away. Adam

Record 631

Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 06-Aug-00 10:56 PM

Okay, then..... where was I? Matt's right, kids! Send me the applications, I'll take the first 11 and forward them to the Kommittee Chairperson, Bruce Hensel.

Record 630

Name: Matt Morris E-mail: Date: 06-Aug-00 08:06 PM

Hello, i am very tired, happy and sad at the same time. I had a great time seeing everyone, listening to the story's, tipping a cold one with Fred, Barbwire, Maura, Candy, the beach with Keever, Blake and David Asher. Dannys party was excellent as always....Kudo's to you Danny and your lovely wife Nancy (class of 74). I could go on and on....but I will hold a few key storis to relate at a later time. To those of you who knew I had to rush out this morning (sunday) to my sons soccer game...they lost that one 1-0, but went on to win 3rd place out of 18 teams. A great weekend...wouldn't you say!!! (2005 Reunion Committee Applications are now being accepted, please forward them to Jeff Bringle).

Record 629

Name: Roy Tuson E-mail: Date: 06-Aug-00 04:23 PM

Hi All!! Just got back from the class reunion. What fun!! Unexplainable!! Was great seeing all the old friends and faces, and the ones at a distance also. Wish it would happen every two years instead of every five and I wasn't so shy!! But had a good time!!! Will be fun to continue communicating on this web site!! Can't thank Alan enough!! Hopefully more will join in now!! It was great to see you all. Here's looking forward to the 30th!! Roy T.

Record 628

Name: Tonur E-mail: Date: 04-Aug-00 10:40 AM

What is a lambda, Alex...Missing Komittee Members for $500 please...

Record 627

Name: Adam E-mail: Date: 04-Aug-00 10:06 AM

It's really fortunate that we now have the punctuation police on our website!!?? How could we possibly survive without them*:"(*)*//),

Record 626

Name: Alex Trebec Date: 04-Aug-00 09:34 AM

Please, if it's phrased in the form of a question, use the appropriate punctuation! (?) Jeez.........

Record 625

Name: RUNTO Date: 04-Aug-00 07:44 AM

Will the real Runto please stand up!

Record 624

Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 03-Aug-00 10:55 PM

Hello all....i am in SLO!!! Yes!!! The market was great tonight. The Burger at McClintocks stand was excellent!! My sister and I walk and chatted about old times. I saw Earl Towle, we both we be at Cuesta Park tomorrow for frisbee and cold drinks....ahh hell with the frisbee....cold drinks sound good to me. Then we'll see yall at SLO Brew.

Record 623

Name: Runto E-mail: Date: 03-Aug-00 09:27 PM

Just got done watching the Republican National. (MJ, was that you, teir 3, section 12, row 4, 8th from the left, goofy hair?) Can anyone explain why, whenever there's a picture of former prez George Sr., he's always got the Quaker Oats man by his side?

Record 622

Name: Maura E-mail: Date: 03-Aug-00 08:54 PM

But where IS the tiger? Into whose tank will it go?

Record 621

Name: RUNTO E-mail: Date: 03-Aug-00 02:32 PM

Kindly choose your OWN alias, whoever you are! Runto speaks only when spoken to.

Record 620

Name: Runtigero E-mail:Burma@I Date: 03-Aug-00 02:21 PM

Burmese Proverb "A hero only appears once the tiger is dead." But Runto is here.

Record 619

Name: Untor Date: 03-Aug-00 02:18 PM

Proverb: "He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount." Runto is not afraid...

Record 618

Name: Torun Date: 03-Aug-00 02:01 PM

"The one sure way to conciliate a tiger is to allow oneself to be devoured" Konrad Adenauer. Runto is devoured!

Record 617

Name: BillyJimBobRoy E-mail:Wussallthe.fuss Date: 03-Aug-00 12:30 PM

If a couple gets married in Arkansas and divorced in California, are they still legally cousins?

Record 616

Name: Mike Berg E-mail: Date: 03-Aug-00 10:58 AM

Any rednecks in the class of 75?MARTHA STEWART'S TIPS FOR REDNECKS 1. Never take a beer to a job interview. 2. Always identify people in your yard before shooting at them. 3. It's considered tacky to take a cooler to church. 4. If you have to vacuum the bed, it is time to change the sheets. 5. Even if you're certain that you are included in the will, it is still considered tacky to drive a U-Haul to the funeral home. DINING OUT 1 When decanting wine, make sure that you tilt the paper cup, and pour slowly so as not to "bruise" the fruit of the vine. 2. If drinking directly from the bottle, always hold it with your fingers covering the label. ENTERTAINING IN YOUR HOME 1. A centerpiece for the table should never be anything prepared by a taxidermist. 2. Do not allow the dog to eat at the matter how good his manners are. PERSONAL HYGIENE 1. While ears need to be cleaned regularly, this is a job that should be done in private using one's OWN truck keys. 2. Proper use of toiletries can forestall bathing for several days. However, if you live alone, deodorant is a waste of good money. 3. Dirt and grease under the fingernails is a social no-no, as they tend to detract from a woman's jewelry and alter the taste of finger foods. DATING (Outside the Family) 1. Always offer to bait your date's hook, especially on the first date. 2. Be aggressive. Let her know you're interested: "I've been wanting to go out with you since I read that stuff on the bathroom wall two years ago." 3. Establish with her parents what time she is expected back. Some will say 10:00 PM; Others might say "Monday." If the latter is the answer, it is the man's responsibility to get her to school on time. THEATER ETIQUETTE 1. Crying babies should be taken to the lobby and picked up immediately after the movie has ended. 2. Refrain from talking to characters on the screen. Tests have proven they can't hear you. WEDDINGS 1. Livestock, usually, is a poor choice for a wedding gift. 2. Kissing the bride for more than 5 seconds may get you shot. 3. For the groom, at least, rent a tux. A leisure suit with a cummerbund and a clean bowling shirt can create a tacky appearance. 4. Though uncomfortable, say "yes" to socks and shoes for this special occasion. DRIVING ETIQUETTE 1. Dim your headlights for approaching vehicles; Even if the gun is loaded, and the deer is in sight. 2. When approaching a four-way stop, the vehicle with the largest tires always have the right of way. 3. Never tow another car using panty hose and duct tape. 4. When sending your wife down the road with a gas can, it is impolite to ask her to bring back beer. 5. Do not lay rubber while traveling in a funeral procession.

Record 615

Name: Carol E-mail: Date: 03-Aug-00 09:42 AM

Jolly good entertainment Mike, Candy and the rest! Glad the website will continue... thought I might have to go back to watching Jerry or Rikki again during my down time... Matt, keep on LOL cuz it's good to see the bright side of life. See you all this weekend, maybe even at SLO Brew on Friday. XXXOOO

Record 614

Name: Candy Ryan Date: 03-Aug-00 07:20 AM

Some of yall might know I'm a born and bred Texan so I'm sending my own take on SoCal v. Suthern behavior! 1. Tattoos are socially acceptable on male and females; 2. You make $50,000 and own 2 homes; 3. Your kids go to the prom in a pick-up truck and its considered cool; 4. When you have a flat tire, at least 3 people will stop and help change it for you (I can attest to this after I had a rollover accident last year, before I even climbed out the window there were 3 cars stopped and rounding up my kids); 5. Your kids' teacher wears cowboy boots to school; 6. Business men wear cowboy boots with their suits; 7. Ladies wear cowboy boots with their shorts; 8. You know the restaurant that has the best cornbread and beans; 9. 70 mph is not speeding; 10. your hairdresser is a blue haired lady named Ada and your plumber has a butt-crack a mile side; 11. $1000 gets you a single wide, $3000 gets you a doublewide, $100,000 gets you a 4 bdrm, 3 car garage, 2-storey with a pool! 12. Its not bad weather until the tornado sirens sound; 13. You never order a soda or pop, its a coke, whether you want Pepsi or Sprite, its still a coke; 14. Don't ever order toast, God made biscuits for a reason; 15 Flirting is a southern tradition, it doesn't mean you're going home with someone later, or that they are even interested. It's all just practice; 16. Kiss my ass is a perfectly acceptable way to close an argument, you can't get more closure than that. 17. All kids are taught to answer, yes ma'am and no sir, every adult is either a Miss. or Mr. 18. You take off your hat when you say "Tom Landry"

Record 613

Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 02-Aug-00 09:54 PM

T Shirts are done...thanks to those who ordered. Cant wait to see all of you.....Mike good jokes....and far as dry humor goes....I am not worthy!!.....I still laugh when my son farts in Church. It doesnt take much to make me smile....Just look for the Big Grin...that will be me. See ya tomorrow, downtown, SLO Brew, Avila, Bench Thing, Dannys or at Cuesta.....i'll be at'em all.

Record 612

Name: Earl Towle E-mail: Date: 02-Aug-00 08:22 PM

To Jeff and Mike and all the rest who directly or indirectly love and value humor for humor's sake, one last quote: "Humor is perhaps a sense of intellectual perspective; an awareness that some things are really important, others not; and that the two kinds are most oddly jumbled in everyday affairs." -Christopher Morley

Record 611

Name: Alan Gin E-mail: Date: 02-Aug-00 11:22 AM

We are not being charged to have this site. Theoretically, it could stay up as long as our host company stays in business. So it's not going down next week, Mike. In fact, I'm going to propose next week's question of the week: What are your favorite memories or stories from the Reunion weekend?

Record 610

Name: K. James E-mail: Date: 02-Aug-00 10:50 AM

Very nice Mr. Berg, I like #17 and you go "Girl" Have a great time this weekend!!!

Record 609

Name: Berg E-mail: Date: 02-Aug-00 10:25 AM

Last joke, I promise...Subject: How you KNOW you're in Southern California . . . 1. Your coworker has eight body piercings and none are visible. 2. You make over $250,000 and still can't afford a house. 3. You take a bus and are shocked at two people carrying on a conversation in English. 4. Your child's 3rd grade teacher has purple hair, a nose ring, and is named Breeze. 5. You can't pot illegal? 6. You've been to more than one baby shower that has two mothers and a sperm donor. 7. You have a very strong opinion about where your coffee beans are grown and can taste the difference between Sumatran and Ethiopian. 8. You also know which Brentwood restaurant serves the freshest arugula. 9. A really great parking space can move you to tears. 10. A low speed pursuit will interrupt ANY TV broadcast. 11. Gas cost 75 cents per gallon more than anywhere else in the U.S. 12. A man gets on the bus in full leather regalia and crotchless chaps. You don't even notice. 13. A woman gets on the bus with live poultry. You don't even notice. 14. Unlike back home, the guy at 8:30 am at Starbucks wearing the baseball cap and sunglasses who looks like George Clooney IS George Clooney. 15. Your car insurance costs as much as your house payment. 16. The gym is packed at 3 p.m. ....on a work day. 17. Your hairdresser is straight, your plumber is gay, the woman who delivers your mail is into S & M, and your Mary Kay rep is a guy in drag. 18. It's sprinkling and there's a report on every news station about "STORM WATCH 99" 19. You have to leave the big company meeting early because Billy Blanks himself is teaching the 4:00 p.m. Tae Bo class. 20. Your paperboy has a two-picture deal. 21. The three hour traffic jam you just sat through wasn't caused by a horrific nine-car freeway pileup, but by everyone slowing to rubberneck at a lost shoe laying on the shoulder. 22. The weatherman talks about the weather in other parts of the country, as if we really care. 23. You pass an elementary school playground and the children are all busy with their cell phones or pagers. 24. It's sprinkling outside, so you leave for work an hour or two early to avoid all the
weather-related accidents. 25. You AND your dog have therapists.

Record 608

Name: Mike B E-mail: Date: 02-Aug-00 10:14 AM

OK, OK…….group hug time……This page has been a blast from the past that has been a great experience. I wonder what I will do when it is gone next week. Some of the humor has been way over my head, but most of it has been great fun and in good taste. I can’t write near as much as I would like, as I have not adapted well to these politically correct times. I live for irreverence and the opportunity to laugh openly at all the silly BS that makes up this world. To all of my new, old friends, I am looking forward to seeing you all this weekend. Jeff and Adam, it has been great seeing inside your twisted heads these past few months. I had forgotten about your dry wit and look forward to a little banter this weekend. (Jeff, if you don’t show up, we’re all coming o your house and sleeping on your couch for a week.) Michelle, Carol, Candy and Maura, it has been fun getting to know you guy’s and it will be fun to se you all this weekend. (Maura, San Diego has the best beaches in the USA, just wanted you to know) I was impressed with Neil adapting this event to fit his criteria of a good time. Way to go Neil. Please show up a Danny’s as it may also surprise you. For those of you who don’t drink, they sell soda at SLO Brew and it would be great to see you there. C Ya in SLOTOWN. I will close with a tasteful joke. The Fairy: A couple had been married for 25 years and also celebrated their 60th birthdays. During the celebration a fairy appeared and said that because they had been such a loving couple all those years, she would give them one wish each. The wife wanted to travel around the world. The fairy waved her wand and..... boom! She had the tickets in her hand. Next, it was the husband's turn. He paused for a moment, then said shyly, "Well, I'd like to have a woman 30 years younger than me." The fairy picked up her wand and..... boom! He was 90............

Record 607

Name: Adam E-mail: Date: 02-Aug-00 09:17 AM

Carol The Student is right. Actually, we are both right. I found it spelled both ways on Warner Brothers web page. This message was written with out any fun included. Anyone getting any enjoyment out of this should cease immediatly. Exit stage left!!

Record 606

Name: Confused Date: 02-Aug-00 06:53 AM

Runto, Do you mean that you are taller now than when you first started with this discussion group?

Record 605

Name: Runto Date: 01-Aug-00 09:53 PM

My discretion was stolen years ago. Anyone seen it? Hey, if you rearrange the letters in discretion, you can spell "disco niter".

Record 604

Name: Carol the Student E-mail: Date: 01-Aug-00 09:49 PM

Wouldn't that be SNAGGLEPUSS, with 2 G's?

Record 603

Name: Michelle B. E-mail: Date: 01-Aug-00 09:43 PM

No finger-wagging here...just head scratching! Why is this any Big Deal anyway? I have no problem just watching from the edge of the playground until I understand how the games are played. I thank Alan for unlocking the playground gates and trying to keep us from hurting each other. Alan's comments are just as valid as all the other opinions---and I have appreciated the friendly welcome to join in whenever I felt comfortable. I hope everyone else has felt that same way. I have enjoyed getting re-acquainted with you all and hope to see you this weekend in SLO (Jeff--this means you too!)

Record 602

Name: Jeff Bringle E-mail: Date: 01-Aug-00 09:14 PM

To all of those in the silent finger wagging group, I sincerely apologize and take the blame for the instigation of and perpetuation of every bit of the trivial, selectively humorous chatter on this, the Official San Luis Obispo Senior High School Class of '75 Reunion website. It was obvious to Alan, and it should have been obvious to me that my non-sanctioned attempts at keeping the message board banter active were utterly juvenile and unwelcome. Thanks to Candy, Mike B., Adam, Matt, Michelle, Carol, Earl and the rest of you(Runto) who realize that life is much too precious and short to be taken too seriously. It's humanity's curse of inflated self worth that will be it's eventual downfall, and I'm truly sorry I was so arrogant as to think I could make some of you stop and have a giggle in the middle of your adult lives. My mistake. I guess it's true that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Whatever was there that brought all of us us together as friends in high school is still there, Alan- it's just a little harder for some to express than others. To paraphrase an earlier quote, I will not go quietly into the darkness.

Record 601

Name: Jeff Bringle E-mail: Date: 01-Aug-00 08:42 PM

Alan- in my opinion, you have some serious control issues. Have a good reunion- I didn't "forget" about the discretion part- I left it off on purpose & won a bet that you'd chide me for it.