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Sakura Fire - Version: School is Out w00t!
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Since July 14, 2001
[ Basic Story ]

The story of Cardcaptor Sakura starts out with a 10 year old girl that knew nothing about clow cards. She was just a normal girl, and she was home by herself because her family had to go somewhere. Then she heard a noise coming out of her father's library basement, so she went down to check it out. She found a book in her basement and opened it. She finds pages of these weird cards, and she took out 1 to examine it.

However, the card that she picked out was named 'Windy', which means strong wind, right? So the card comes alive, and wind blows all of the cards out of the book. Then a toy animal bear, Kero-chan, comes out and Sakura gets freaked out because he can talk. The bear then gets her attention and explains to her that she just released all the clow cards, and it's her job to find and capture the cards. Kero-chan gives her a rod, and blesses her with magical powers to fight evil. (Kinda like Sailor Moon and Luna, eh?)

After a while, a new kid moves to Japan from Hong Kong, and later on, Sakura finds out that he also wants the clow cards. His name is Syaoran Li. He hates Sakura because they both fight for the cards when they finish the battle. Kinda like rivals. And to know that he sits behind Sakura in class. Haha. Anyway, later on Sakura is TOO nice so she invites him to a party or something. Syaoran thinks shes weird, because after all he bullys her.

Then once when they were fighting a monster, the monster was too strong, so Sakura and Syaoran fought together to capture the monster. Then, they became friends. The more they hang around with each other, the more attracted they become of eachother. So it's kinda like a love story, a lil bit. Well I dun wanna give a dead giveaway, so this is where I will stop. Watch the episodes yourself if you want to know if Sakura can capture the cards, or if she fails to do so!

The anime series of Cardcaptor Sakura and Cardcaptors are (c) to CLAMP, Nelvana, Kodansha, EMOTION, and all other rightful owners. All writtent content/graphics/images are (c) to this site unless otherwise stated. Plagiarizing is untolerable at this site.