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Teresa's Dating & Relationship Events

Events with Teresa Foxworthy!

| intro | mission | services | references | bio | faqs | complimentary consultation |  

The Dating Coach offers singles and couples the opportunity to develop their social skills for dating and relationship success with a wide range of events and related topics!

Together with CLUB SHANGRI-LA, our consortium of personal transformation services and events, I will offer classes, workshops, socials, and retreats.

In 2004, I will be hosting events in:

New York
West Virginia
Washington, DC;
North Carolina
and Florida

See our Club Shangri-La Calendar for exact dates.
Locations and directions are given once registration is complete.


In the area of relationship success, we often have to look at whether our professional careers, personal health, life goals, etc., are on track, or even interfering with our domestic bliss! The Dating Coach offers classes in personal growth and relationship success.

Teleclasses are also coming soon to allow us to work together regardless of our geography. Please email me and let me know if you are interested. These classes will be periodic throughout the year, via telephone, on different subjects pertaining to dating and relationship fulfillment.


The Dating Coach loves socials! I offer soirees, picnics, and events for Emerging Goddesses & Noble Warriors, which is part of my Path to the Beloved work, where Dating & Relationship are cultivated as a Spiritual Practice. If you would like me to facilitate an event in your area, or would like to host one of my events, please contact me to discuss the details.


Having developed more than 60 personal transformation programs during the past 20 years, I offer you a plethora of workshops and seminars to hone your social skills, deepen your personal integration and fulfillment, and achieve your goals. Whether you are seeking greater serenity in your own life, or want to better understand the opposite sex, you will find my workshops a delightful and powerful approach to personal growth.


Periodically, we offer Rejuvenating Spa Retreats for singles and couples who want to deepen their personal journey into the heart. These are usually weekend retreats that cover topics like, Emotional Well-Being, Holisitic Health, Mental Clarity, Vision Quests, Re-Humanizing, Deepening the Feminine and Masculine Essences, and Spiritual Radiance.

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