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Spiritual Spa Retreats - 1.877.472.6474

Teresa's Spiritual Spa Retreats 2004

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Would you like a rustic or pampered retreat? Artistic or Jet Set? Let us know your preference. This year, we're going for pampering, while journeying on a spiritual path toward personal fulfillment. Would you like to unwind at a deluxe spa resort on the coast just north of San Diego, where being treated like royalty is the order of the day? Experience Southern Hospitality as Spring is blooming in the air? Practice Qi Gong at sacred sites in China? Awaken your artistic self in Bali? This year, we've planned four such retreats! It's the perfect way to rejuvenate, or re-kindle some romance, no matter where you are in your quest for fulfillment. There are two, domestic, 5-day retreats and two, longer, international retreats:


Retreat #1: THE GREENBRIER - Southern Hospitality

The Greenbrier in West Virginia is a lovely and genteel location to unwind and feel pampered. Spring in West Virginia is the stuff legends are made of. The sweet scents of Spring will awaken your senses. Together, we will have a relaxing time, re-humanizing and rejuvenating at their lovely, very historic, hot springs, spa, and resort. With meditations, yoga, spa treatments, nature walks, activation sessions, and so much more, this retreat promises to re-kindle the warmth in your soul and the sparkle in your eyes.

Thursday, May 13th to Monday, May 17th, 2004.
$920 per person includes workshop and food
$2520 includes workshop, food, accommodations, and spa treatments.


Retreat #2: ST. REGIS MONARCH - The Royal Treatment

The St. Regis in Orange County, by the beautifully powerful Pacific Ocean is an impressive spa resort that will restore your regal identity. Here in this spacious, Southern California resort, half-way between Los Angeles and San Diego, you will relax and hone in on your capacity to feel pampered, and love yourself. With meditations, yoga time, walks on the beach, group sessions, and deluxe spa treatments, truly superior cuisine by the renown Acqua group, this 5-star retreat will cradle you in a glowing aura of rejuvenation.

Thursday, September 30th, to Sunday, October 3th, 2004.
$920 per person includes workshop and food
$2520 includes workshop, food, accommodations, and spa treatments.


Retreat #3: GAIA-OASIS
Heart of the Goddess/Soul of the Warrior

The Bali Retreat is pure, childlike wonder, with an emphasis on nature, relaxation, creativity, spirituality, and relationship. It's a more laid back, yet at times lively sojourn on the Path to the Beloved. Entitled, "HEART of the GODDESS/SOUL OF THE WARRIOR", this retreat is at the GAIA-OASIS in TEJAKULA, co-owned by Gary Wohlman, Master Coach. "It really is like paradise here," says the ex-New Yorker, now dwelling on the other side of the globe. "People come here and they just don't want to go home. Teresa Foxworthy is the perfect facilitator for this experience."

Celebrate the divine masculine and feminine through this unique retreat. Men and women will work on issues separately and together. Deepening your core essence, you'll inquire into the nature of love, spirituality, and the gifts you have to share to the world. This retreat offers time for meditation, clearing emotional residue, opening up to the heart's language, exploring creativity, and finding joy on your Path to the Beloved. Relax in a tropical paradise with spa treatments and wholesome cuisine. Honor your luminous goddess or noble warrior. Explore the fragrance of your heart & the magic in your soul!

Saturday, June 5th - Friday, June 18th, 2004.
$3500 includes workshop, food, accommodations, and spa treatments.


Retreat #4: SACRED SITES - Qi Gong Cultivation

The China Journey begins and ends in Beijing with visits to Lijiang and Emei. This tour of ancient China centers solely on Qi Gong, the ancient method of energy healing passed down through Master Foo's lineage for more than 800 years. Though Qi Gong is older than this, we are very fortunate to have such an auspicious teacher leading us to sacred sites, and teaching us this rejuvenating practice. This adventure of blending 'energy healing' with visits to 'power spots' could well change one's life. We're very fortunate to have Master Foo's tutalage and auspices for such a powerfully enchanting journey.

Monday, August 9th – Tuesday, 24th, 2004.
$3500 includes workshop, food, accommodations, and spa treatments.


“What’s your purpose? How deeply can you love yourself? Keep breathing…remember the light.“ —Teresa Foxworthy

Give yourself the gift of rejuvenation! In our hi-tech world, we need to spend some time to re-humanize. During each 5- or 16-day retreat/tour, Teresa Foxworthy, Master Coach & Well-Being Consultant will lead you through a transformational journey at an exquisite, 5-star spa resort.


Personal Transformation is a process of integrating the different aspects of your being: body, mind, heart, and soul. From there, you are on your path to personal fulfillment. Discovering your life’s true purpose, understanding how you want to love and be loved, healing the old wounds that subconsciously hold you back, building community, tuning into yourself and nature, and indulging in some good old fashioned pampering, when combined in a beautiful environment, can be just what the doctor *should* have ordered!

When a relaxed, but strategic plan is set into place for our highest good, we can create more meaningful lives that not only work for us, they also serve to make this a better world for everyone.

Re-humanizing ourselves at these retreats means:

Understanding principles of holistic health
Utilizing tools for our self-discovery
Refining our life’s mission
Inquiring into Love as a spiritual practice
Developing life management skills
Deepening our mind-body connection
Paying attention to our emotional well-being
Activating creativity
Reclaiming the sacred in ourselves and our lives
Creating sanctuary for ourselves
Waking up to our true, conscious potential

Brought together, this transformation journey results in greater self-respect, which leads to better choices for our lives and our loved ones. This journey leads us to be more comfortable with our bodies, our feelings, and better navigate, as well as negotiate, through life’s challenges. You will find yourself actually quite pleased with yourself, and can again laugh at life’s ups and downs… all the while being in awe of its mystery and majesty. This serves your deepest emotional and spiritual needs. You will find your relationships, both personal and professional, improve. You look forward to each day and have more confidence.


SPA RETREATS are the perfect way to approach personal transformation goals. Relaxing in a pampering environment allows one to take the time to look within and work on the issues that feel most central to one’s ultimate fulfillment.

Our retreats offer you:

Daily Workshops With Teresa Foxworthy (or Master Foo)
A Beautiful Space Where You May Deeply Relax
Lovely Grounds Where You May Meander
Rejuvenating treatments for health and well-being Healthy, Gourmet Meals, either vegetarian or not
Daily Yoga & Mediation Classes
Entertainment After Workshops

These retreats also provide opportunities for one-on-one transformational consultations with Teresa and spa treatments in a luxurious environment (excluding the China trip).


7 to 9 PM -- Introduction to Re-humanizing
12 to 8 PM -- Body/Mind Workshop
12 to 8 PM -- Heart/Soul Workshop
12 to 8 PM -- Integration/Fulfillment Workshop

For full itinerary of the Chinese tour, click here.


To book your accommodations call:

The Greenbrier at 800.453.4856

or visit


The St. Regis at 800-722-1543

or visit them at


Mention that you are with the CLUB SHANGRI-LA Group, and wish to receive a special rate. If you are interested in extending your stay, special weekday rates may also apply. Retreats end late and you may wish to stay over and leave on Monday morning, by 11am check-out time.

To receive spa treatments a la carte, plan on spending $80-250 per treatment. Mornings during the workshop, Fri-Sun, will be available for scheduling treatments, alone time, nature walks, sleeping in, one-on-one consulting time with Teresa, or/and deeply relaxing. The Clinic at the Greenbrier is renown for their health clinic with medical doctors. The St Regis is across the way from the Pacific Ocean.



The Greenbrier - West Virginia

Check-in: Thursday, May 13th
Check-out: Monday, May 17th


Workshop begins: Thursday evening to Sunday evening

$920 per person includes workshop and food
$2520 includes workshop, food, accommodations, and spa treatments.


$150 or $350 deposit due February 24th.

Balance is due by March 30th.

Please inquire about discounted rates for travel and accommodations.

CLOTHING: Pack both casual and formal clothing for warm-to-cool weather, including jackets or sweaters for the evenings, in case it gets cool. Bring clothing to allow for yoga and dance, creative expression exercises, and formal evening dinner/socials.

Bring all your own essential personal items.

All food is included in the price. Please inform Teresa if your meal choice is vegetarian or non-vegetarian.

Accidental travel insurance is included.


St Regis Monarch - Southern California

Check-in: Thursday, September 30th
Check-out: Monday, October 4th


Workshop begins: Thursday evening to Sunday evening

$920 per person includes workshop and food
$2520 includes workshop, food, accommodations, and spa treatments.


$150 or $350 deposit due June 4th.

Balance is due by July 30th.

Please inquire about discounted rates for travel and accommodations.

CLOTHING: Pack both casual and formal clothing for warm weather, with sweatshirt or sweater for the evenings, in case it gets cool. Bring clothing to allow for yoga and dance, creative expression exercises, and evening dinner/socials.

Bring all your own essential personal items.

All food is included in the price. Please inform Teresa if your meal choice is vegetarian or non-vegetarian.

Accidental travel insurance is included.

BALI: "HEART of the GODDESS / SOUL of the WARRIOR" 2004

Gaia-Oasis: Tejakula, Bali

Check-in: Saturday, June 5th
Check-out: Friday, June 18h


Workshop begins: Saturday evening, June 5th
Workshop ends: Thursday evening, June 17th

Includes time for yoga, meditation, movement exercises, creative expression, and group processes. Also includes evening entertainment, and holistic health and spa treatments. Time for being in nature, hiking, singing, swimming, and sacred ceremony make this retreat an uplifting experience. COST:
$3500 includes airfare from california, workshop, food, accommodations, and spa treatments.


$500 deposit due March 15th.

$3,000 balance is due by April 30th.

We must receive a copy of your Passport by April 30th, 2004.

Everyone on the tour may meet in Los Angeles or San Francisco, CA to travel together to Bali. Please let us know if you need assistance with travel arrangements to SF or LA as our travel agency may be able to procure a better price for you. If you plan to extend your stay past the tour time for personal reasons, they will need to know your planned date of return to make the round trip ticket arrangements.

CLOTHING: Pack mainly casual clothing for warm weather and with sweatshirt or sweater for the evenings, in case it gets cool. Bring clothing to allow for yoga and dance, creative expression exercises, and evening socials.

Bring all your own essential personal items.

All food is included in the price. Please inform Teresa if your meal choice is vegetarian or non-vegetarian.

Accidental travel insurance is included.


Tour of Sacred Sites in Beijing, Lijiang, Emei

Check-in: Monday, August 9th
Check-out: Tuesday, August 24th


Includes 22 hours of qigong cultivation and lectures and one group empowerment on Emei Mountain where Emei Qigong originated. Also includes cultivation at the temple where Grandmaster Foo was a student of Ju Zan and where Ju Zan resided in Beijing.

COST: $3,500 US Dollars (plus any inflation from now to then). All fares and expenses within China and round-trip airfare from west coast of the United States (San Francisco) to China are included.


$500 deposit due March 15th.

$3,000 balance is due by April 30th.

IQGA must receive a copy of your Passport by April 30th, 2004.

Everyone on the tour will meet in San Francisco, CA to travel together to Beijing. Please let us know if you need assistance with travel arrangements to San Francisco as IQGA may be able to procure a better price for you through the tour travel agency. If you plan to extend your stay past the tour time for personal reasons, IQGA will need to know your planned date of return to make the round trip ticket arrangements.

CLOTHING: Pack mainly casual clothing for warm weather and with sweatshirt or sweater for the evenings, in case it gets cool. Laundry facilites are readily available at all the hotels, so it is better to not over pack. You may even want to bring an empty suitcase for extra items purchased.

Bring all your own essential personal items.

All food is included in the price. IQGA needs to be informed if your meal choice is vegetarian or non-vegetarian.

Accidental travel insurance is included.


To book your accommodations, FIRST register with CLUB SHANGRI-LA -

Below are the links for the Bali center and China details. Please review them carefully and fully, BEFORE you register with us. Make a list of all your questions, sleep on it, and then email us! Tune into which trip is best for you!!


or visit



or visit them at

If you do contact them before we speak, please mention that you are with the CLUB SHANGRI-LA Group from San Diego, and wish to receive a special rate.


“You’re a healer, not just a coach or facilitator!”
— D.P., Entrepreneur, Mill Valley

”Your events are so much fun and yet so profound. I always look forward to the next. And now with the community building that you do, I have so many more people in my life that are they to support and inspire as we co-create this adventure of life!”
—Michelle, Mortgage Broker, San Francisco

”Teresa is not licensed, yet she is the best therapist I know, and I’ve been a practicing therapist for over 20 years.”
— Mikial R., Therapist, San Diego

“I don’t know how I would have moved forward with my life without you. You are amazing.”
—Sara, Psychiatrist, Napa

”You are simply, yet profoundly amazing, as coach, group leader, and healing presence. I was able to heal such old wounds, so easily and it didn’t leave me feeling shredded. Everyone should know about your work. You should be on TV. ”
—William, Retired Marketing Executive


Signing Up for one of our programs is E-A-S-Y! But the vacancies are filling F-A-S-T!


A: Click the link below to send us an email:

B: Or call + 1 . 8 7 7 . S H A N G R I – L A ( 4 7 2 – 6 4 7 4 )

Please tell us about yourself:

6. AGE
8. EXPERIENCE/INTEREST in Personal Growth work
13.ANYTHING ELSE you want to mention

We sincerely appreciate your interest in our programs and events!

Registration fees are:

$920 per person includes workshop and food
$2520 includes workshop, food, accommodations, and spa treatments.

Refunds are allowed up to 60 days before either retreat.


Please make check or money order payable to:

Teresa Foxworthy
P.O. Box 558
Solana Beach, CA
92075 -- USA

OR by credit card, using:

Official PayPal Seal

NOTE: Paypal is easy to use for clients paying with their credit cards. Simply go to their website, and click SEND MONEY.

MOST IMPORTANT: Remember to SPELL my email address CORRECTLY, when using PAYPAL.COM, to successfully deposit RETREAT FEES the first time -- again, please use the following email address:

THANK YOU for choosing CLUB SHANGRI-LA for your Retreats this year. The Greenbrier and St. Regis Retreats will focus on spa treatments, holistic health, emotional well-being, and personal fulfillment. They are first-class accommodations, all the way! You will feel like a regal soul as you are pampered and catered to.

The Greenbrier is a bit of Southern hospitality with their East Coast formalities. Dress codes are enforced. The St. Regis is a laid-back, yet, somehow, jet-set feeling of California living. You have the very best cuisine, spa, and views, blended with a bit of Romanesque decadence.

The China Journey centers solely on Qi Gong, the ancient energy healing passed down through Master Foo's lineage for more than 800 years. Though Qi Gong is older than this, we are very fortunate to have such an auspicious teacher leading us to sacred sites, and teaching us this rejuvenating practice. This adventure of blending energy healing and visits to power spots could very well could change your life.

The Bali Retreat is pure, childlike wonder with an emphasis on relaxation, creativity, yoga, meditation, nature, and spirituality. It's a more laid back sojourn into the re-humanizing process toward personal fulfillment.

Whichever one you choose will be a memorable experience. Tell your friends. Send them a link to this page so they can begin to decide for themselves, too. Together, we will have a blessed and joyful experience, on the Path to the Beloved, as we endeavor to re-humanize in this hi-tech world of ours.

I look forward to journeying with you!

Keep up with all the CLUB SHANGRI-LA EVENTS to develop a social network with like-minded people who value personal transformation and conscious relationships.

I look forward to meeting each one of you!

Many blessings to your hearts,


The Dating Coach reserves the right to use discretion when registering participants. The safety of all group members is held paramount, and appropriate caution will be used for the highest good of each retreat and its integrity.

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All rights reserved. c 2004 Teresa Foxworthy/Club Shangri-La
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