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Dating & Relationship Coach

Personal Coaching Programs

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The Dating Coach offers a variety of Coaching Programs for both individual men and women!

Coaching programs are tailored for each person's needs and experience level. The topics everyone can choose from include, but are not limited to, Re-Entering the Dating Scene, Online Dating Strategies, Dating for Marriage, Life-Long Passion, and Relationship as a Spiritual Practice.

Each client begins with a complimentary consultation to have us get acquainted and see if we would like to work together. Then we establish your 6-month goals and agree on a regular or floating time frame when we will communicate by phone, or in some cases, in-person, or by email.

Generally clients enroll in a 3-, 6-,9-, or 12-month program. Some have stayed as long as 3 years, given their particular situation and goals. Coaching programs are paid for in advance for discounted pricing schedules.

So, in your coaching program, you can expect to cover areas of personal appearance, social skills, online resources, communication skills, date evaluations, male-female dynamics, and relationship goal-setting. Each time we talk, we see what's working and what might work better.

The Dating Coach's goal is to see you in the relationship that is right for you, whether you are going to meet new people or deepen your fulfillment in your marriage.

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