September 2001  (Vol. 3 - Issue 1)

Click on the banner above and find out how you can donate. Stand And Be Proud is available on and on for download. Read the message from David below.

Thanks to all the people of  David Cassidy's management, the newspapers of the USA and the United Kingdom,, Just David Fan Club, Friends of the Cassidys,  and to those on the David  and Shaun Cassidy chatlists on Yahoo and Topica for keeping this Newsletter updated at any time.

© September 2001 by Erik Drilen.





Sept. 26: Curtis Hixon Hall, Tampa, Florida


Sept. 1-2: Canadian National Exposition, Toronto, Ont. 
Sept. 3: New Jersey State Fair, Hamilton, N.J. 
Sept. 4: Ohio State Fair, Colombus, Ohio 
Sept. 23: Springfield Civic Center, Springfield, Mass. 

1985 - UK TOUR

Sept. 21: Coliseum, St Austell, Cornwall
Sept. 23: St David's Centre,  Cardiff (two concerts) 
Sept. 24: Arts Centre,  Poole, Dorset
Sept. 26: Brighton Centre,  Brighton, East Sussex 
Sept. 27: Guildhall,  Portsmouth 
Sept. 28: Guildhall,  Portsmouth
Sept. 30: Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham

1991 - USA TOUR

Sept. 14: Hershey Park, PA
Sept. 15: Club Bene, South Amboy, NJ
Sept. 16: The Bottom Line,  New York City 
Sept. 17: Toads, New Haven, CT 
Sept: 20: Bogarts, Cincinatti (may have been cancelled?) 
Sept. 20: Park West, Chicago 
Sept. 21: Lulu's Roadhouse, Kitchener, Ontario 
Sept. 23: The Bottom Line,  New York City, two shows 
Sept. 25: Ruperts, Atlanta, GA
Sept. 26: Pleasure Island, Disney World 
Sept. 27: Milk Bar, Jacksonville, FL 
Sept. 28: Ruth Eckard Hall, Clearwater, FL 
Sept. 29: Carefree Theatre, West Palm Beach, FL


Sept. 8-9: Harrah's, Atlantic City, NJ

(Thanks to Alice UK and Cat  for the info) 

What are your top five favourite singles? 

Oasis like Kula Shaker and Elton John's got a penchant for Craig David. When it comes to it, everyone's got a favourite album they can stick on the CD player time and time again without getting tired of it. 

But although most music fans have no hesitation naming their favourite group or singer, when it comes to picking out their most treasured singles, it's an altogether trickier task. 

Recent research by the BBC revealed that The Beatles' Yesterday was most people's pick of the pops, going straight in at number one in a poll to find the single of the century. 

According to another survey conducted in America, Judy Garland's Over The Rainbow was the nation's most popular choice. 

Here at, the debate is raging about what would make it into people's top five singles list. Favourites range from the Human League's Don't You Want Me to Dazed and Confused by Led Zeppelin. David Cassidy's How Can I Be Sure makes a number of appearances as does Bob Marley's No Woman No Cry. 

Other popular songs include Eva Cassidy's Songbird, Big Night Out by the Fun Lovin' Criminals and Thunder Road by Bruce Springsteen. 

So if you were to be marooned on a desert island and you could only take five songs with you, which discs would you pick? Have your say by clicking on the box above. 


To Everyone Around The World

There was a time in Los Angeles in 1992, when riots burned and destroyed a good part of the city in a cruel act. Sue Shriffin and I wrote a song together titled "Stand And Be Proud", and donated it to the City of Los Angeles for hope and inspiration. It was a positive step that we took to encourage others to rebuild and take pride in the city that was our home at that time.

Many people came together and gave their heart, soul and money to record "Stand And Be Proud". Our Executive Producer, Bob Ezrin assembled over 1,500 voices to sing this song. I would like to offer this song and its lyrics to anyone in need of hope and inspiration.

Sue and I wish all of you health, happiness, peace and compassion in this time of sorrow. My heart goes out to those who have been injured or perished, and to the families and friends of all who have been affected. We must join hands and hearts during these very trying times. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

David Cassidy

Message from David

Fans have been kind enough to ask about David's safety in these trying times, and he is happy to say that he and his family are safe and healthy. "My heart goes out to those who have been injured or perished, and to the families and friends of all who have been affected. We must join hands and hearts during these very trying times." (

Read all about David's concerts here. Will he be coming to your town? Concert reviews.


September 7th-8th
Harrah's Shreveport
Shreveport, LA
There has been some restructuring and the dates will be rescheduled for next year.

September 15
Harrah’s Reno
Reno, NV
Postponed. New date to be announced.


 Kansas City, MO
 Harrah's Kansas City
New dates are November 5th and 6th.


November 9, 2001
The Apollo, Manchester 
Tickets: £27.50 and £22.50
Box Office: 0161 242 2560
24hr Credit Card Hotline: 0115 912 9150

November 11, 2001
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow 
Tickets: £25
Box Office: 0870 040 4000
24hr Credit Card Hotline: 0115 912 9150

November 14, 2001
City Hall, Newcastle
Tickets: £27.50 & 22.50
Box Office: 0191 261 2606
24hr Credit Card Hotline: 0115 912 9150

Please note that a booking fee will be added to ticket prices above.
Tickets can also be booked online at

November 16-17, 2001
London Apollo
Hammersmith, London, UK
24 hour ticket hotline: 0870 606 3400
Book Online:

Las Vegas, NV
 Rio Hotel Casino
November 22nd has been added.

November 30th
Anaheim, CA
 Sun Theatre

Click on the Tour link above to see the complete schedule.

Click on the link above to read what the newspapers write about David, day by day.

Click on the link above for brief news about David and his family, including his brothers Shaun, Patrick, Ryan and his stepmom Shirley Jones.

Click on the link above for news about David's brother Shaun.

Can we make Universal release "American Gothic" on DVD? Sign the petition here.


Hear'Say's show with David Cassidy cancelled!

The Hear'Say programme on ITV Britain starring David which was supposed to air Saturday  September 8, has been pulled. The reason given was poor viewing figures, which seems odd as Hear'Say is the latest, hot teen band in Britain! If you want ITV to air the show, let them know!!! Send them an e-mail at

It's been years since David has done a commerical, so watch for him in the Mervyn's upcoming Christmas Campaign!

David Cassidy's episode of Ironside will air on TVLAND Sunday September 9th. 
Jack Cassidy's episode of Get Smart will air on TVLAND September 15. One of 
Jack Cassidy's Bewitched episodes will air on the HALLMARK Channel September 20th.

David Cassidy on VH1

VH1 News Special: Listening To America' Travels Across the Country for Reactions to the Recent Tragedy in New Special Premiering Wednesday, September 19 at 8:00 P.M. (ET/PT)

VH1 News Correspondent Rebecca Rankin is Host 

NEW YORK, Sept. 18 /PRNewswire/ -- When disaster struck the East Coast on September 11, VH1 News correspondent Rebecca Rankin found herself stranded in Los Angeles, unable to catch a flight back to New York City. She decided to drive herself across the U.S. and talk with people about their reactions to the tragedy. Premiering on Wednesday, September 19 at 8:00 p.m. (ET/PT), "VH1 News Special: Listening to America" is the story of Rebecca's journey home. 

On the road, Rebecca Rankin and her camera crew spoke to Americans of every stripe in locations ranging from L.A. to Las Vegas, as well as in Oklahoma City, where she hosts the program from that city's memorial site dedicated to the victims of the 1995 bombing there. "VH1 News Special: Listening to America" focuses on these conversations as well as reactions from Melissa Etheridge, John Rzeznik of the Goo Goo Dolls, Lenny Kravitz, Sheryl Crow, Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora, Ed Kowakzyk of Live, CSNY's Graham Nash, David Cassidy and others in the music world. In addition to special musical performances, the show will premiere "Half Your Angels," a song that Graham Nash wrote after the Oklahoma City bombing, but never released. 

Since the attacks, has offered continuous news coverage of their impact on America and the music industry. A special homepage entitled "America Comes Together" provides information about how to volunteer and where to get help. also features direct links to emergency and relief organizations such as the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, and more. A special message board called "US Tragedy: Thoughts + Prayers" has been created for the community to post thoughts, prayers and condolences. Thousands of users have logged on to this area to get news, read and post messages and get information about how to help. Additionally, is accepting music video dedications for broadcast on VH1. For more information, please log on to or

"VH1 News Special: Listening to America" is a production of VH1; executive producer, Michael Hirschorn, George Moll and Shelly Tatro.

David on TV/Radio in the UK

According to the newsletter from Just David Fan Club, David is due to appear on ITV's "This Morning" programme next Thursday September 27th. It starts at 10.30am. 

Mandy posted this on the Forum page: David appeared on This Morning today, he was dressed all in black with a black leather jacket, they showed clips from the 70's of his fans at the airport.

He talked about the early days, EFX At The Copa Rat Pack and Blood Brothers, his first UK tour in 15 years they then showed a clip of him performing with Hear'say singing Could It Be Forever, airing on 6th October in the UK. He said he had really enjoyed working with them.

The phone in competition was
Which family did David star in
A The Partridge Family
B The Pigeon Family
C The Puffin Family

David was then introduced to a fan called Michelle Turner, who admitted to being a little nervous.

In the next segment David talked about the LA riots and Stand And Be Proud, he talked of the recent events in New York, and that his two concerts in New Orleans had raised 1.25 million dollars for New York He then bought a bear that the programme is having made that all proceeds will go to New York, the bear's called Hope. He also said he would sign one.

The next segment was about celebrities and their fridges, Davids fridge contained cookies, muffins, brie, fruit and veg, blueberries and strawberries.

Then David and Michelle went head to head in a quiz about him by now he had removed his jacket, the questions were about his career, then a section on the Partridge Family, then beat the intro.. then general knowledge about DC. David couldn't get his hooter to work, but Michelle beat him 12 - 9 She won champagne, flowers and tickets to Hammersmith Apollo, but best of all she got a big hug and kisses from David (I'm so jealous).

In the final segment, David sat on a stool and played guitar, and sang Ain't No Sunshine live.

He really seemed to enjoy the whole show, and you could hear him laughing in the background when they did a feature on ladies pants.

Anyway, I don't think I've missed anything out. It's great to see David back on TV over here, more please David.

* * * * *
David taped the Gloria Hunniford Show on September 26 which is supposed to be on TV  September 28th, from 2.20 pm to 3.35 pm on Channel 5. David will be singing "Could It Be Forever" and "Ain't No Sunshine". Petula Clark and Bill Kenwright are surprise guests on the show.

Mandy (UK) posted this on the Forum page on Sept. 28: The show started with the early seventies clips of all the hysteria, the young fans and Heathrow Airport.

The audience was made up David's fans, some of whom post here occasionally, David sang Could It Be Forever, sat on a stool, wearing a dark purple (denim?) shirt, black jeans and leather jacket.

Then he went and sat with Gloria and they talked about the early days, and how the fans used to sing outside the Dorchester every night, and every hotel in London refused to let him stay there again, He ended up staying on a boat on the Thames, and said how some eager fans even jumped into the river to try and get to him.  They showed a clip of him leaving Wembley in the back of a van, surrounded by security, wrapped in a blanket, and you could hear the fans banging on the van as it left Wembley. 

Then they showed the video footage that was shot for Daydreamer, Top Of The Pops thought that it wouldn't be safe for David to perform in the studios, so that's why he made that video clip.

He then talked about musical theatre, Time, Joseph, Rat Pack, Efx and Blood Brothers. Then Gloria introduced the producer of Blood Brothers Bill Kenwright, David was really surprised to see him, they talked of how Bill wanted David to do the part of the narrator, and David went and saw the show, and told Bill, that he didn't want that role, but he wanted to play Mickey, and he promised Bill that he would make the show a success, as at the time it was losing alot of money on Broadway, and Bill had been advised to take the show off, before it bankrupted him.

Within 3 weeks of David, Shaun and Petula joining the cast, the box office takings had quadrupled (every week).

Bill paid David many compliments throughout the show, and said he had always been a huge fan of David. He said he had one of the best voices, and he had even got tickets to Hammersmith.

Gloria, then introduced Petula to the show, and again David was genuinely surprised, they talked more about Blood Brothers how they toured with the show around the US and Canada, they seem to have a great respect for one another, and great friends too. Next they played Some Kind Of Summer, and showed the fashions from the seventies and also alot of gadgets and things we had in our home at that time.

A couple of fans had brought some of their memorabilia on DC, and he was really interested, looking at everything, like scarves, posters, partridge Family bus scrap books and rosettes.
In the final segment David took questions from the fans in the audience, one of the questions was....
In 1985, during one of your concerts, you said you would be back soon,... How come it's took you 16 YEARS!!!! ???????
David finished the show with Ain't No Sunshine, playing guitar, sat on a stool. 

Gail posted this on my Forum on September 25: David was on radio Wales yesterday afternoon, he talked about his early days, the 70's, Blood Brother's with Shaun and the new CD, they then played Ain't no Sunshine, it was great to hear David sing something new on our radio station, first time in years, historic moment!!!

David is a guest on the Jonathan Ross show on Saturday morning (Sept. 29). The show starts at 10am, on BBC Radio 2.

Mandy (UK) posted this on the Forum page on Sept. 29: David was on the Jonathan Ross show this morning on Radio 2,  Jonathan was his usual self, funny, rude, and talking far too much. David mainly talked about his new CD and the tour, mentioning all five dates, and venues. They played Ain't No Sunshine, I.T.I.L.Y, and Rock Me Baby, they all sound like the original versions from the 70's but there are subtle differences, Probably as they have been re-recorded, and David's singing voice has matured and naturally deepened over the years, but in my opinion they sounded better than ever!!!

Jonathan asked David about the early days and which was the lowest point of his life, which David replied 'when I read the script for Time' he only did the show as he was broke. You could tell from the way he talked. He wasn't impressed with the musical at all.

Jonathan asked David about the groupies, but David wouldn't be drawn into it. When asked 'How many?'he just said he couldn't remember.

David mentioned that he had just recorded Top Of The Pops2 with Steps, it's usually show on a Wednesday around 5pm, but he didn't say when it would be shown, just have to keep checking those tv guides.

The whole interview was light-hearted and jokey, David played along with it all, occasionally JR can get quite personal with guests, but he was quite tame with the questions he put to David, mind you, I think David could handle JR no problem, after David had left the studio, JR started taking the mickey saying that David had had plastic surgery and pec implants. He knew David was listening in the next room

He apologised to fans for not reading all the e-mails that had been sent.

Thanks to Just David Fan Club and British fans for the info.

Click on the TV Guide link above for searching in your own area for programs/movies with David and the other Cassidys.