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Kelly's Popular Site

10 Reason's Why Popular Is The Best Show On TV


2nd Season Episodes
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Finally my own POPULAR website, wow does this rock! Okay everyone if you don't already know here's a brief summary of the WB's hit series POPULAR! Last season we were introduced to nine teens searching for their indentities while living through high school hell. There were two clear cut social groups. The "POPULAR" kids and the "wannabes". As some may call them. The clicks were divided. It was Mary Cherry, Nichole Julian, and Brooke McQueen vs. Carmen Ferrera, Sam McPherson, and Lily. Then there are the three guys Sugar Daddy, Harrison, and Josh. Last season the WB left us with a cliff hanger. As most of you probably know Sam's mom and Brooke's dad were to be married. Until that is she showed up. After nine years Brooke's mom Kelley came back. So would the wedding continue...... This is were the second season picked up! After waiting all summer it was finally here! The verdict was in....... The season premire started off with Sam and Brooke giving a report on their summer vac. Their parents had started fighting. Brooke's dad kissed Kelley. Sam's mom saw them kiss and packed up. Sam and her mom, Jane moved back into the hot. Same named it crack hore hotel. Meanwhile Ms. Glass, was back much to everyones dismay. Sugar Daddy was dating Equistite and carved their names into the forever tree. Ms. Glass threatened to cut the tree down. Lily and Sugar Daddy camped up in the tree and put up with Ms. Glass's punishments for days. Eventually in the end Ms. Glass cut the tree down with the majority of the cast in it. Brooke's mom had brainwashed her into leaving for San Fransico with her. The season premire ended with Brook telling her dad she was leaving. The second episode from the new season was also very good. (Check out the WB's Offical Website to see a great clip of the show through a Trailer!) Mary Cherry and Nichole decide to teach the Olsen twins how to be Popular. They ended up throughing a party and making fools out of Mary Cherry and Nikki. So as they say revenge is sweet and Mary Cherry and Nikki got them back. Meanwhile Brooke was saying goodbye. Mary Cherry and Nikki were thrilled. They now would be at the top of the social ladder. Do I hear and echo did someone, Adam, say before its lonely at the the top, isn't it Nichole!(Oh I forgot to mension last week Nikki was kicked off the Glamazon's because she had the knee of a sixty year old woman instead of Mary Cherry's knee which she had planned on getting, but I won't go into that!) Ms. Glass assigned a project where all the kids had to take care o a baby doll. Brooke's was kidnapped. She thought Josh had done it, but it was Sam. Sam wanted to try and make Brook stay and realize what she would be leaving. It eventually sunk in and Brooke decide not to leave. It was a very emotional moment. She ran inside her house and hugged her dad. Sam was standing outside the window, when Mike said thank you out loud. Sam said your welcome out loud. I can't wait until next week. The preview show Brooke stealing a car and a dinner gone bad! Check out 2 Season Episode Summary's to find out what happened! I'm going to try and post the new summaries shortly after the show aires Friday night! So, make sure you check it out! Cast: Sam McPherson- Carly Pope Lily- Tamara Mello Carmen Ferrera- Sara Rue Popita Fresh- Anel Lopez Gorham Brooke McQueen- Leslie Bibb Mary Cherry- Leslie Grossman Nichole Julian- Tammy Lynn Michaels April Tuna May Tuna Emery Dick Adam Harrison- Christoper Gorham Josh- Byce Johnson Sugar Daddy- Ron Lester Olsen Twins George Austin Settings-: Kennedy High Brooke's House Sam's Hotel Room Josh's House Emery Dick and the Olsen Twins Mansion Hospital DISCLAIMER: This show belongs to the WB and the writer's of the show! I don't own anything about the show or the characters! VOTE FOR MY SITE: