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(Picture taken in courtesy of mywbpopularsite) REVIEWS By Kelly: Overall Rating- A+ -This is one of the most entertaining TV Shows I've seen in a long time. The last show that made me laugh this hard was probably Full House REVIEW 2- Season Premire: I give this episode an A+ it was really funny and a great way to start off the new season of Popular! REVIEW 3- Episode 2: I give this episode an A- because even though it was funny I would have liked to have seen Nikki get the Olsen twins back better than just threatening them. REVIEW 4- Episode 3: I give this episode about an A. It was a very good episode in the sense that I was glued to the TV to find out Carmen's fate. However it also made me cry. It was semi depressing yet it was great! REVIEW 5- Episode 4- I give this episode an A-. It seemed to drag on for ever. It was extremly funny though. The gas masks, Nikki trying to seduce the principle, plus Mary Cherry's inflated lips. I'm so glad Sam hooked up with the new kid. They make such a cute couple. He's the first person who ever really understood her. REVIEW6- Episode 5- I give this episode an A- also. I really like the way Josh and Lily hooked up. However I thought Josh and Brooke made a better couple. I also thought everyone was a little too mean to Nichole. As much as everyone hates her she really does add humor to the show. I'm glad everything was okay between Sam and George they are very cute toghether. Its to bad, however that Harrison didn't tell Sam he liked her. SPECIAL REVIEW- GROSSE POINT FEATURING LESLIE BIBB AND CARLY POPE- I give this episode an A because the Popular team didn't win. Overall it was very good. I'm gonna miss watching Grosse Point before Popular every week! REVIEW 7- Episode 6- I give this Episode about an A. I liked it because it was very suspenceful. However I didn't like the way Sam was changing herself for George. I also didn't like the way we found out Harrison's on some kind of drug. I feel bad for Josh in a way, but he should have just owed up to the fact he was addicted to the cough syrp. I wish Sam wouldn't drop out of the race for homecoming queen. She deserves it! REVIEW 8- Episode 7- I gave this episode an A. It was really moving. I even started crying....but.....I wish Harrison didn't get cancer! I love Harrison! He should really go out with Sam. They would make the cutest couple! They care about each other like so much! I'm glad Carmen beat Mary-Cherry and Nichole they didn't deserve it! I'm also glad Carmen moved back home. It was totally the right move for her! REVIEW 9- Episode 8- I gave this episode an A-. It was good because Popular's always good....however it was sad! REVIEW 10- Episode 9- I gave this episode and A+! It was so good! I loved all the action! I can't wait until next weeks....It's a wonderful Popular!REVIEW 11- Episode 10- I give this episode an A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++! Hail to the WB and the writter's of the show! This was by far the best episode of Popular yet! It was absolutely great! I loved the part when Sam and Harrison kissed! I loved that Nikki was Harrison's doaner!!!!! It was just great! I loved everything about this episode!!!


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