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Ben And Casey both have a tattoo of a Native American Fraternity Symbol on their arms.

Ben tried out for Beverley Hills 90210.

Matt said Ben was a prop used in 'Mermaids'.

Ben met Jack Nicholson when he was 15.

Ben got pal Matthew McConaughy a part in 'Glory Daze' when the original actor called in sick.

Ben turned down a part in Courage Under Fire to be in Chasing Amy.

Ben Helped Sandra Bullock write her exceptance speech for the Montreal Festival Award.

Ben was going to put his Oscar on his car's dashboard- right below his furry dice.

Bens friends think he can do an excellent 'Adam Sandler' impression.

Ben had to use a sun bed in preparation for his role in 'Armageddon'.

Ben's mom threatened to kidnap Ben's Oscar till she got a grandchild.

Ben drives a 1969 black vintage Cadillac.

Ben owns three motorbikes.

Ben normally listens to the likes of 'The Rolling Stones', 'Bob Marley' and 'Sarah McLachlan'.

Have you got a fact about Ben that you would like to share and is not listed here? yes? then please email me.