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- A Tribute by a Die Hard Fan


scan-cade.jpg (20223 bytes)     Val Cade is a famous, wealthy, sought after photographer - he likes a drink and he likes women.  Juana is a beautiful, 17 year old Mexican girl, with long black hair, coffee and cream coloured skin, a mouth that is a promise of sensuous dreams and a voluptuous body. Cade meets his match in Juana, a girl who would reduce him to a ruined wreck, nearly beaten to death by America's white backlash, a useless slovenly lush, hounded and hopeless. But she looks unbelievably good when he first sees her in a tiny bikini,  on a beach in Acapulco...

    Chase returns to his favorite theme of ill-fated  passion of a man for an unlikely  woman once again,  years after he had written the soul-searing Eve (1945) and the tragic But A Short Time To Live (1951). 

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