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- A Tribute by a Die Hard Fan

      Consider Yourself Dead

      Mike Frost, ex-FBI agent and mercenary, lands a job in Paradise City, as the guard of billionaire Carlo Grandi. His job is to ensure that Grandi's sex-hungry daughter, Gina, remains safely behind an electric fence, guarded day and night by killer dogs, under close circuit camera. Prey to a con bet with killer Lu Silk, (See Believed Violent), Frost  owes money to Silk and must pay up or tangle with him. The plan is: kidnap Gina and extort money from Grandi. Already wallowing in lush Gina's over-powering sexuality, Frost executes the drama, with Gina as the willing partner. However, Gina  has dark secrets of her own, which Frost does not know of, and pretty soon, Frost has Lu Silk as well as Grandi to reckon with, as Gina vanishes into thin air...

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