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- A Tribute by a Die Hard Fan

This Is For Real

     Robert Carey was an American spy, who had defected to the Eastern bloc. When the news leaked out that he had changed sides again, a ruthless manhunt was on - from the glamour of Paris, to the scorched wastelands of West Africa. There is CIA agent, Rossland, who does not recognize trouble when it sits on his lap. There is astute Girland, a dissolute, ex-CIA agent, who is greedy for money and women, but still has enough scruples. Janine Daulney, who fatally plays the ends against the middle. Malik, the ruthless blonde, green-eyed Soviet  agent, who stops at nothing to achieve his ultimate goal. And there is sinister Radnitz (see Believed Violent), who has his own personal reasons to trap Carey and obtain certain papers from him. To achieve this, Radnitz hires Girland.... but Girland is not that unscrupulous....

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