

Singing Giles-Bot

Singing Giles-Bot (With Sweet Transvestite Accessory Pack)

Training Giles-Bot


Tuxedo Giles-Bot



Wizard Giles-Bot

If you are an obsessed ASH fan like me and many others, go to "The Realm Of The Tweedy Book Guy" and adopt all the bots you want from Sandra. I must say that she has done an excellent job with all the bots, and you will be completely satisfied with them all. Please do not neglect any of the bots you order, they do take up quite a bit of time, if you know what I mean.  :)


Tweedy Bot

ATTRIBUTES: Bot is dressed in standard tweed suit with braces and tie. Stutter Mode Enabled. Blush Mode Enabled - this is fully customisable, allowing you to decide how far down his body Tweedy's blush should extend.Glasses Cleaning and Tongue Clicking mannerisms included. Bot also includes special "hands in pockets" mannerism, allowing a plethora of "Tight Tweed Bum Shots". Includes a range of obscure, paranormal texts together with the "Watchers Handbook".

WARNING: The Tweedy bot's head is particularly sensitive - any sharp blow will cause the bot to go into shut-down mode. To revive bot, simply stroke his hair gently and hold his hand. This bot is easily hurt or offended and needs a lot of comforting.

My Tweedy Bot: Tweedy is shy, understanging, loving, and he blushes from head to toe!

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Ripper Bot

ATTRIBUTES: Bot is dressed in leather jacket, white t-shirt, jeans and Doc Martens. Ripper glare accessible upon demand. Accent switching mode.Strut mode enabled. Includes complimentary chainsaw. Handcuffs optional.

WARNING: Please DO NOT feed the "Ripper-bot" any chocolate bars ... unless you have a good supply of assorted body paint and nothing to do for at least a week. This bot does not play well with others: the bot quickly gets jealous of other bots and it may become necessary to confiscate his chainsaw upon occasions.

My View: Ah yes Ripper. Do we need to say much more. I ordered the optional handcuffs, he likes them quite a bit. Ripper can be quite a handful sometimes, but in the best possible ways.

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Singing Giles Bot

ATTRIBUTES: Bot is dressed in sweater, cords and suede jacket. Includes complimentary guitar. Bot is programmed with a "song for every occasion." 20 notch charm mode included. Bot has the standard "melt-worthy" voice. Bot's green eyes have a special enhanced twinkle mode that will cut in automatically when he starts to sing.

WARNING: This bot seems to think that he can cure all ills with just a song. There will be times when you feel that you would like to wrap his guitar around his head - please try to resist this urge as parts for this bot are not easy to come by.

My Veiw: Giles singing. Swoon. He comes with a variety of songs that could make any woman melt. Although sometimes a song can't fix everything. Sigh.

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Singing Giles Bot (With Sweet Transvestite Accessory Pack)

ATTRIBUTES: Same as the standard "Singing Giles-bot" but with the following added extras: Complimentary high heels, fishnets, leather jacket etc. Bot can apply his own make-up. Enhanced physical flexibility. Special "slut" mode for those particular "Frank" moments. Bot carries the Charles Atlas seal of approval.Has the ability to make any living, breathing female within range melt into a puddle of goo within seconds.

WARNING: You may find that you will be quite unable to tear yourself away from this bot during his performance and, in fact, watch again and again. It would be advisable to have an "unaffected" friend close-by in case the addiction proves too much.

My Veiw: He seems to enjoy dressing up in his fishnets. Isn't it odd just how sexy he looks in them. He's one of my favorite obessions!

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Training Giles Bot

ATTRIBUTES: Bot is dressed in sweatpants and white t-shirt. Skilled in martial arts. Bot has enhanced musculature. Includes special sweat reservoirs ... but it's up to you to provide an activity that will give the bot enough of a workout to sweat. Bot is fully waterproof and has a particular fondness for showers. As an added extra, the Bot has been programmed with a number of special training regimens.

WARNING: Due to the nature of this bot, it is required that you have attained an adequate level of physical fitness before adoption will be allowed.

My Veiw: What woman doesn't want to see a man all hot and sweaty. He will definatly give you a nice work out. Looks extremely sexy when that white shirt is all sweaty.

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ATTRIBUTES: Bot is dressed in Armani suit. Enhanced endurance and stamina. Bot is extremely protective towards his owner. Includes sarcasm mode and special brooding, mystery mode. Can be ordered with or without chest bullet wound (fresh wound or healed). Sig Sauer optional - Ollie-bot holds a full weapons licence. Bot is equipped with essential survival techniques.

WARNING: Due to this bots possessive and protective nature, he will often be at odds with Ripper-bot - it is therefore advised that you keep them separate at all times. (With grateful thanks to Donna for her "extensive" field testing of Ollie-bot.)

My Veiw: Ollie tends to be a bit possesive, but it is nice. Him and Ripper get along quite well. Except when they both want to spend time with you. Ollie also has the stare that makes your heart race!

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Tuxedo Giles-Bot

ATTRIBUTES: Bot is dressed DDG Tuxedo. Comes complete with a dozen red roses and a chilled bottle of champagne. 50 notch charm mode included. Special Romance mode ensures that this bot is the perfect gentleman at all times. Enhanced eye twinkle. Has a preference for either chilled champagne or quality red wine. Bot likes romantic evenings in and out and will also present his owner with boxes of chocolates when he feels that owner is "depressed".

WARNING: There is no warning with this bot. He is simply complete perfection *sigh*.

My Veiw: Tuxy is just what the doctor ordered. He is the alter ego of Tweedy, without all the studdering and blushing. He is extremely romantic and will sweep you off your feet.

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ATTRIBUTES: Bot is dressed in leather trousers, pale blue shirt and leather jacket. Comes complete with designer wardrobe. Bot will arrive in his Jag - motorbike will be delivered separately. 25 notch Boyish Grin Mode. Special Smirk Mode. Titanium Values ensure "no leakage". Special Loyalty Mode will prevent bot straying. Optional Operation Scar - however please note that no scar=no extension!

WARNING: This bot is gullible and can be easily led. In the event of trouble it is unlikely that James-bot will be the ringleader. Not the brightest of bots but is extremely sweet and well-meaning.

My Veiw: James tends to need you to reasure him of himself every once in awhile. Since the surgery he is fragile, but once you make him feel better, watch out! :)

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ATTRIBUTES: Bot is dressed in leather bikers jacket, black t-shirt and black combat trousers. Adjustable "designer" stubble. Jaded, tired and depressed appearance is standard. Bot is skilled in "undercover" work. Special "cheeky grin" mode. Bot is computer literate - skilled in many programmes and scripts Bot can wear a blanket sarong to great effect. Bot is programmed with a variety of curses and swear-words to add authenticity.

WARNING: Due to this bots tired disillusionment, it is IMPERATIVE that you give this bot "something to believe in". Once this has been achieved, Peter-bot's loyalty will be beyond question.

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Wizard Giles-Bot

ATTRIBUTES: Sexy black trenchcoat is standard, however bot is also supplied with Wizard Cloak and Hat. Thudworthy 20 notch sexy giggle mode. No "Borrowed Power" - this bot's magical abilities are all his own. Special "Extendable Wand" is standard. Comes complete with wide range of spellbooks. Is programmed with high level of responsibility and will use magic wisely. Bot's favourite saying is "with great power comes great responsibility" ... so don't bother asking him to change Great-Aunt Flo's cat into a tribble.

WARNING: This bot's magical abilities will grow in time. He has been programmed with limited power due to problems that occurred whilst mixing magic with machinery.

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