Tony And I

Tony At The Signing

Tony At The Q&A

Other Guests and Me

Other Guests At The Q&A & Signing

Other Pictures

Other Peoples Con Pictures

Well this page is dedicated to when I met Tony at Creep con in Baltimore, MD, in June of 2002. First of all, everything you have heard about Tony, 100% true. Tony is sweet, kind, gentle, and an all around nice guy. I enjoyed meeting him tremendously. He was very laid back, easy to talk to and extremely grateful to each fan that showed up. He chatted with everyone, signed for 3 hours strait, then signed for another hour, and took so many pictures. You would have never known he flew in and out within about 24 hours across the world. Even though he was tired you would never have guessed it, he was in good spirts the entire time, joking and laughing. Also his manager David is really a nice guy, he was just great.

Also all the other guests were extremely kind and very cool to hang out with and meet.

Tony if you ever come across this site for some reason, just wanted you to know that you are great. I loved spending the day with you and admire you greatly. I enjoyed talking with you, and really hope you liked your gifts. :) I'll have to see what I can conjure up for next time we meet. I'm sure I can think of something! :) Well just wanted to say thank you, and I can't wait till we meet again. I really enjoyed everything, and now that I am rambling, just wanted to say thank you.



Me And Tony

I know I went a little overboard with the kiss picture, but I did different things to each one! :) I was so excited to get a kiss from him! He was too cute about the whole thing, I gave him a nice present and he surprised me with a kiss. Sigh, what a great guy! :)

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Tony At The Signing

Tony paid full attention to each person who was there and was very chatty. He was joust wonderful to watch and to listen to. Very personable, and totally wonderful.

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Tony At The Q&A

The Q&A session was so hilarious, Tony, Mark Lutz, Andy Hallet, and Brian Thompson played off of each other very well. The comments about the "stretching" were quite amusing. Anyone that was there will know what I'm saying. :) Tony was very animated and extremely funny. Wish I would have had a tape for my camcorder.

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Other Guests And Me

Just wanted to say that the Con was great, and all the guests were really great, and extremely nice.

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Other Pictures At The Q&A & Signing

Once again the Q&A was just too funny. I belive I busted a gut more than once! :) All the guests signed autographs till everyone had one. They Made it one heck of a good time.

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Other Pictures

The first picture is of Tony and his manager David, who was extremely nice and very cool to meet! Also sorry the pictures from the Vault are kinda dim, did my best to make them better. Then we have ASHley with Andy, Mark, and Velvet Chain. Next we have The CAT with Tony, and trying to hide from the camera! Then there is Deb and ASHley, and Jules and Deb. Now were on to the Tweedies! Click HERE to join the yahoo group! Then of course is Darth Vader, some Imperial Guards, and a Stormtrooper! The last picture is of the line to get Tony's autograph, this was nothing.....later on in the day it was wrapped around like 3 times. I think someone said it was over 2 hours.

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Other Peoples Con Pictures

These first 8 pictures are CAT's from "Pieces Of Dreams". In the second picture that is when he was signing my stuff, right after the kiss! :) The 1st and 5th was Tony doing an interview, CAT was lucky enough to sit right across from him. The 3rd and 4th are him doing more signing. The 6th is Tony with David. The 7th is the Tweedies and Tony! The 8th is Tony when he first got in, at the Vault. The last picture is of Deb & Tony.

P.S. A BIG thank you to all who let me put their pictures up! Thank you very much, and to Tony of course! :)

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