

Oliver Sampson: VR5

He's a special agent for a shadow organization known only as "The Committee". He was recently ordered to protect, assign, and help Sydney Bloom, a talented female hacker who has developed a way to tap into the subconscious of individuals through a computer modem. Through the use of VR.5 (Virtual Reality, 5th level), Sydney can find information and even adjust behavior of those she comes in contact with. The Committee has been using her to discover the secrets and find the motives that lurk within the malefactor.

Oliver has been with the Committee a long time... in fact the Sampsons have been a part of the organization for generations. He's a survivor and he's good at his job. Calculating, ruthless, and thorough, he can lie as naturally as he breathes, and he follows his orders with determination. Yet his profession has left its scars; he is jaded, sarcastic, and distrustful of just about everyone.

But things are changing. The Committee, whose charter seems benevolent enough, has been having problems. A power struggle is occurring within the Committee on several levels, making work very dangerous for anyone concerned with it, and no one, including Oliver, is sure who is on whose side. In this highly stressful atmosphere, which does nothing for his growing personal and professional dissatisfaction, Oliver finds himself increasingly isolated and distrustful of his employers. At the same time, he is growing more protective of his charge, and more emotionally attached to her as well. As facts are revealed about both his and Syd's past, the depth and prevasiveness of deceptions and betrayals in both their lives slowly come to light. Who can they trust? What really is the truth?

My Veiw: Well once again I have yet to see ASH in this. :( I know ASH has to be good in this. Everyone just raves about it, and even ASH said he wished it would have ran longer. :) Thank goodness for "Rhino Video", if you go to thier site you can order all the episodes of VR5. Just do a search for VR5.

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