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Soap Opera Digest

Dec. 26, 2000

~ Best Male Return ~

Outraged fans cried, "foul" in 1999 when Michael Nader was axed from his role as Dimitri. They missed Nader's textured portrayal of the dark, charismatic count. Happily, All My Children fixed things by bringing Nader back in time for May sweeps and plunging presumed-dead Dimitri into a complicated triangle with "widow" Alex and brother Edmund.

This wasn't a tale of "Who will she chose?" -- Alex promptly rushed back to her hubby. Now the story is about the fallout from this complicated family affair. Alex is in love with Dimitri, yet she's still drawn to her ex-fiance, who has gone a little loco in the wake of their breakup.

Nader's chemistry with co-stars Finola Hughes (Alex) and John Callahan (Edmund), combined with a talent for convincingly playing romantic hero or big, bad meanie, prove that he -- and the count -- are back where they belong.

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Soap Opera Weekly
July 25, 2000

[Written by Gabrielle Winkel.]

~ Hit... AMC's Dimitri is Alive and Fairly Well ~

Dimitri & Edmund Reunion Dimitri's back! Yeah! I must say I was growing attached to the airing of AMC's Edmund and Alex, and went so far as to question on these very pages the need for the return of Michael Nader as Dimitri.

How wrong I was. I'll eat crow. The return of the passionate Count has upped the stakes of this already front-burner storyline. I forgot how wonderfully brooding and intense Nader is, and how much fervor he brings to the role. He looks rested and handsome and ready to do battle for the woman he loves.

Of course it's a perfect soap scenario, borderline corny, but I don't care. How breathtaking to see Dimitri, a man who had willed himself to stay alive to be with his wife again, come back only to see her in the arms of his own brother. Nader turned the chapel of Wildwind into his own stage where he cursed God for this devastating turn of events. And, fortunately - for continuity's sake - Dimitri still has his blinding headaches to remind us of his not-yet-cured illness. It's gothic and it's great.

The long-awaited reunion of the Marick brothers - Dimitri and John Callahan's Edmund - in the Wildwind mausoleum was worth the wait. Time has not lessened the chemistry between these two actors. So now, viewers have the delicious wait as Dimitri is seen by everyone else in Pine Valley, but of course, not Alex. Not yet.

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Soap Opera Udate

Nov. 19, 1991

Dark Shadows

Michael Nader An artist uses shadow for a multitude of purposes. To create mystery, to add depth, to stimulate the mind into seeing something that may or may not be there.

A good actor does the same thing.

Michael Nader is a very good actor.

Since joining the cast of ABC's All My Children as Dimitri Marick, Michael Nader has kept a tight rein on the publicity that surrounds him. Speculation on why he is doing this has run the gamut from "He's difficult" to "He's shy." The answer is: Michael Nader is a professional.

That proves itself to anyone who tunes in to AMC these days. The Dimitri/Natalie/Trevor/Janet storyline has intrigued viewers, while lifting the show in the Nielson ratings for the past several months.

What Nader brings to the mix is a touch of the mysterious -- something that the people behind the show as well as the actor are striving to maintain. "We created a dark, handsome, mysterious stranger. But then we got Michael Nader, and it's so much more than we ever hoped for," offers AMC co-headwriter Lorraine Broderick.

For his part, Nader is staying away from the press in an effort to perpetuate this shadowy image that is Dimitri Marick. And when you do manage to pin him down for a few minutes so that he can discuss the character, the actor simply creates more depth, intrigue, mystery, more shadows.

When asked to explain what motivates Dimitri's life, Nader responds with great suspense: "Knowing now tenuous life can be." Broderick is slightly more forthcoming when she adds: He's certainly a man who wants to be in control. He's a very strong man, he's a very passionate man. He's had a troubled, tragic background, and is just beginning to come out into the world again after being quite reclusive for the past 15 years. He is guarded, and he plays everything very close to the best. He is very slow to let other people in -- except Natalie, with whom he feels a special and unique bond, because he rescued her and because he fell in love with her very quickly, which we hope will be part of the mystery."

Mystery seems to be the key here.

Perhaps we can shed some light on what exactly brought Michael Nader to daytime. According to AMC casting director Judy Blye Wilson, they had been searching fast and for the actor that would bring Dimitri to life. "Quite frankly, we had tested many people, about 15 or 20, and no one that we had tested seemed to be quite right." So Wilson, remembering Nader from his Dynasty days, was hit with the inspiration that the enigmatic actor would make the perfect Dimitri. "I took the idea to my producer, and she loved it. And then we went after him," she adds with a sense of accomplishment in her voice.

"We wanted a really exciting love triangle," explains Broderick. "Natalie and Trevor are a couple that the audience has been loving and rooting for for about two years now. And of course with the Janet story, they were estranged. So we were looking for a really exciting, romantic, handsome leading man, so that there would be a real impediment; you know we'd have a really exciting love story between Trevor and somebody as different from Trevor as we could get...because Trevor is a wonderful, warm, teddy bear, lovable, down-to-earth, right-out-there guy -- and Dimitri is very much opposite from that." Broderick thinks about her comparison for a moment and then adds with a laugh: "Obviously both attractive in their own right...and lucky Natalie!"

Luck indeed. For Natalie not only finds herself the object of Trevor's desire, she also finds herself the point of obsession for Dimitri. "He can't do anything else," Nader says of the attraction. "There's an obsession. He doesn't know himself the reason for the attraction." But soon everyone else will know, and that will eliminate at least one shadow from this artist's rendering.

But still, others remain. According to Broderick, the more the writers see of Michael Nader, the more mysterious and intricate the character of Dimitri becomes. "It's so much more than we ever hoped for," she enthuses. The more we see of him, the more he inspires us. It's just a wonderful marriage of actor and character. And the more we see, the more we want to see. He's giving us so many levels and such depth, that it's a challenge. But it's exciting. Dimitri is one of the characters that is so much fun to write."

"Dimitri is a man who has had after-life experiences. He's experienced death and come back," Nader offers, while casting further shadows on the character. The assessment is very intriguing, but as with many things, the more light you try to shed on it, the more shadowy the figure becomes. Nader sums up the conversation with an intense, if obtuse statement of where he would like to see the character of Dimitri Marick go -- "Into an area of control that no one can understand or quibble with."

They say that the only time a shadow truly disappears is when there is an equal amount of light hitting an object from all angles. So during this time when the press is coming at Michael Nader from all directions, it is his desire to keep quiet, to block the light from shining in the only direction that he can control, that keeps Dimitri in the shadows, where everyone seems to agree he belongs.

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