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« Believe in Yourself »

WARNING: This is a slash story! If you don't like to read about male/male relationships I suggest you back up and go read one of my other stories. Thanks :)

*** Finished ***


Justin is a model and he’s not happy. He’s let other people convince him that there’s nothing more to him than being pretty. He’s stopped believing in himself but a new person that comes into his life might be able to change that…

Rating: PG-13/ NC-17

Background Information:

I wrote this story in about a week. It was inspired by something I saw on TV. A girl who spoke about her days as being a model. She didn't care for it, didn't like how they saw her as a piece of meat. I gave Justin that role ;) And let my mind wonder, this is the result, hope you guys like it!

The sentences in the picture are of course from 'Believe in Yourself' by Nsync. I changed them a little to fit the story but yes copyright to them ;)

Started: February 16th 2005

Finished: February 23rd 2005

© February 2005

Part 1

Part 3

Part 5

Part 2

Part 4

Part 6