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Chapter 1

“You can say it,” Joshua Chasez said resignedly after taking one look at his mother from his fetal position on the couch.

“What?” she asked.

I told you so, you can say it.”

“I wasn’t going to.” His mother denied.

“Yes, you were, I can see it in your eyes, admit it!” Karen opened her mouth, but he beat her to it.

“You never believed in Justin and me, he was going to break my heart, well you were right, are you happy now?” Josh lashed out, pushing himself up hastily and walking away to the window so he could avoid having to see the pity in his mother’s expression. Tears welled up in his eyes as he wrapped his arms around himself and lowered his head. He jumped when hands settled on his shoulders.

“I didn’t want to be right,” Karen whispered. Josh lifted his head, staring out into the garden. He sniffled.

“Hey,” she said compassionately, turning her son to face her. “I’m sorry things didn’t work out. You know I want you to be happy.” Josh caved after searching her face, collapsing into her hug.

“I was happy with him, I still want to be happy with him. I loved him and still do,” he whispered.

“I know.” she acknowledged, refraining from reminding her son that though he loved Justin and he’d been happy with him, the man hadn’t been perfect and he hadn’t always made him happy. There had been some serious bumps in the road, but she knew he was conveniently forgetting those hardships right now. The only thought on her son’s mind at this moment that he’d lost Justin. She knew he was hurting and so she didn’t voice her thoughts. Instead she moved the two of them to the couch where Josh snuggled into her embrace.

“I will always love him.” Josh sighed as he closed his eyes and thought back to the day when the illusion of who he thought his lover was, was shattered. He allowed the memories to wash over him as he rested his head onto his mother’s shoulder, hiding his face in her neck. Letting his tears flow shamelessly as he mourned what he’d lost: the love of his life.
