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All wolf pictures used on this site are used
with permission. All pictures are copyright © Monty Sloan. 
For permission to use or for more information about wolf photographs please write Monty Sloan
the unofficial Eric Schweig pages banner


Here you will find some pictures of Eric.
We won't be adding any more pictures here... For more pictures, go to the official site..


The pages might load a bit slow, please be patient.
I opted for better quality on the pictures, than faster loading.

Ann and Eric
Ann's Eric Pictures
Eric Schweig as Moses Moon
For Love And Glory
Eric Schweig as Joseph Brandt
The Broken Chain
Eric Schweig as Uncas
Last Of The Mohicans
Eric Schweig as Ernest Ironplume
Pontiac Moon
Tom and Ann - Boston
Ann's Big Eden experience
If you don't want to know what happens in the movie, this is probably not the page for you....... :)
Eric Schweig as Wildcat
Follow The River


If you have any questions or problems with the webpage please contact the webmaster.

Copyright © 2001 the unofficial Eric Schweig pages