The date for LPFM licensing has passes. However, find out what you can do to help put a new station on the air in Denver!!!

          Warning!!! The NAB is still trying to crush the LPFM initiative using lies, stall tactics, and political pressure. Help us stop them!

          FCC passes LPFM proposal!!!
          The FCC has passed a somewhat watered down version for licensing Low-Power FM Radio.
          Find out the latest on the "news" page.
          Go directly to the FCC web site on LPFM for more information.

          Join the Denver Radio Coalition Group, and recieve the latest news automatically!

          Subscribe to Denver Radio Coalition
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          Capitol Underground Shut Down by FCC!!!
          Capitol Underground Radio - The flagship station for the Denver Radio Coalition has been shut down by the FCC.

          At 6:30pm Thursday July 8th, FCC agents and Denver Police Officers entered the Capitol Underground studio, demanding to see a liscense. Dave Granger was on the air at the time, and was asked by the FCC agents to cease broadcasting immediately. After almost being arrested by Denver Police for not providing identification, the FCC confiscated the transmitter, antenae, and power supply from Capitol Underground. No arrests were made, and no fine was levied.

          The Denver Radio Coalition and Capitol Underground will continue the fight to keep low-power FM stations on the air. We need your help now more than ever to lobby against the NAB, NPR, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to legalize Community Radio. Read the information on the following pages to join our fight against the corporate monopoly of the airwaves.

          Check out the article on Capitol Underground from Westword.

          This web site will be updated on the latest events regarding LPFM and the FCC's proposed rule making.
          You may also call the Denver Radio Coalition information line at 303-TALK-889 to request information.

          The LPFM Radio Web Ring
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          Click here to join the LPFM Radio Web Ring

          Information for writing letters:
          Main Page.
          Start here.
          Sample Letters.
          Technical Info.

          get started | addresses | samples | technical
          news |background | links

          mail:denver radio coalition