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Initiation Rite

An it harm none.... do what ye will!

This is a simple rite designed for the solitaire practitioner to initiate himself into the Wiccan religion as a spell caster or Witch. As always, this is only a sample. You must seek inside your heart and create your own words to dedicate yourself to this path.

I used white candles, but you need to use what feels right for you.
If it helps you to relax and concentrate, use incense.

Note: The iniation rite should be performed only after a minimum of about a year of study. You are not a wiccan/witch just because you call yourself such. It takes time to form your aliance with the gods.

Center and Ground yourself. Cast the Circle. Invoke the God and the Goddess.

The idea is to focus your energy for the good of the craft. If you let yourself become calm and take a "listening" attitude, then the goddess can be felt and her wishes known. This is also when you can communicate your desires as well. This agreement from one to the other is your commitment to honor the goddess and god as you use the gifts they have given - the ability to spell cast.

Let the Goddess and the God know what you plan to do. Let them know that you wish to dedicate yourself to Wicca, to practice witchcraft, and that you wish to become a high Priest/ess in their name. There are no fancy words that you need to use; this rite is extremely personal. It is between you and the Gods what happens. Say what you feel.

Recognize that it is the gods that make being a witch possible, not other people. It is not a gift passed from person to person but is a gift from the gods. Only the Goddess can consecrate a person, and only she can know what is in their heart. Don't let anyone tell you that a solitaire witch is not a real witch--your intentions and your dedication make you a witch , not belonging to a group. Of course, some solitairs may call themselves a sorcerer or sorceress instead of wiccan or witch. But, they to follow the pagan and wiccan beliefs and the magick practiced is still termed - witchcraft.

I have also practiced another similar rite which involves being outside among natures wonders It involves communing with nature, talking to the Goddess and the God and making yourself one with the Deity in whatever manner you feel is appropriate. That's the beauty of this rite--it's just you and the gods.

After initiation, you will become officially a witch. This is a respected and high title--no one reaches this honor without practice and study. To be witch is to be more than a spell caster-- it is to be a priest/ess of the gods, to give yourself freely to the Earth, and to be compassionate, loving and sensitive to the vibrations around you. Most wiccans decide to take a new name for themselves. Many take the name of a Goddess, or a magickal name, which will come to you when the time is right. You don't have to use this name in your daily life, if you don't wish to, but perhaps in your book of shadows, or when you talk to other witches, or in your heart when you commune with the Deity. It is up to you. Your new name is a symbol of your rebirth into a new life.

After your rite, enjoy cakes and ale. Your rite is completed.


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