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This is my Poetry and lyric page. Here, I feature some of my favorite works, and some of my own. If you would like to submit anything, click on the E-mail below, and I will try to get it on here. Poems with no attribution are mine, with the most recent first. If you would like to see just my work, in chronological order, click HERE

all which isn't singing is mere talking, 
and all talking's talking to oneself. 

Since Love is lord of heaven and earth,
how can I keep from singing?

"The Journey"
my friend it seems
but she must follow her heart
and pursue her dreams

I'll miss her
and the times we share
but brighter climes await her
as He leads her with care

For she's given
and to many have taken
and not given back

But her foundation is strong
and she'll find what she needs
for even this moment
no good thing does she lack

And though things come full circle
leading us back where we started
Still the journies we must take
For growth and wisdoms' sake
And though my friend I'll dearly miss
I'll wave and pray you godspeed

As starts the journey
Of the mending broken-hearted.

"An Orchid"
what is an orchid
but the most beautiful
and poetic
of petals
that eyes have ever seen

so magical and unusual
that one can become hypnotized
by the essence
and attraction
that makes them
a living work of art

but what is an orchid
but a beautiful show
to hide from the viewer
what goes on down below

for an orchid is a parasite
living from sucking
life juice from another

but hypnotized
it isn't realized
often beyond
the outward appearance

which is why
one must be careful
never to judge a flower
by her petals
but by her roots
and whether she brings life
or death 
to those who take in
her view

You know it’s hard
Hard not to fall
Fall in love
In love with you

"A Heart that's always singing"
two tears
part a face
what lies between
empty space

but they are not saved
not wiped away
but left to dry
as old dreams fade away

and that final cry
for things long gone
is left behind
the book is done

and with each end
comes a new beginning
for loss is gain
so falls the rain
on a heart
that's always singing

"I sing for You"
she stands alone
at the edge of an ocean
teardrops fall to the sand

she's left behind
all she ever lived for
for the promise
of a vanished hand

the pride of men
will lead the strongest
down that road
that never ends

though good intentions
a fire that burns
the best of friends

lonely child
without a parent
still surrounded
by a love

that knows no bounds
nor limitations
pouring down upon you 
from above

jaded lover
torn by many
happiness seems
so far away

open your eyes 
to what's around you
you'll find your cup
full as the bay

so go the stories
of human endeavors
filled with strife, love and misery

but though we drift
from one day to another
we float on hopes
of constancy

I shall not move
I will not fail
I know my place
I've seen your face

you keep me true
when all else fails
e'en though I make
my bed of nails

and I'll follow you
to every length
you are my life
you are my strength

you give me hope
when I forget
all the good
all the good

yes all is good
it's all in you
you're everything
you make me sing

and I sing for you
I sing for you

"What lies under your skin"
I know you always lead me much better
Than I could ever do on my own
You must find it slightly amusing
When I chase after things in the dark

And I'd swear I see things so clearly
But it never ends up the case
For the ones that I find
Drive me out of my mind
They are dreams I'm unable to chase

And even now that I know you
And trust you like nobody else
The way of Truth lies before me
So why am I fooling myself?

I need to let go of intention
And follow the path that is plain
And I walk all the while
I stumble and smile
As my vision has cleared once again

I thought I had lost you forever
But some things forever remain
Everything that's within
What lies under your skin
Can never be lost or regained

"The Followed Course"
one thinks
that questions
can come between
what ever is
and has always been

but what is ever true
cannot be lost
though found
by two

no questions
nor doubts
can sway one bit

the gates of hell
cannot touch it

and she who knows
and sees with constant eyes
never swayed
never jaded
but follows patiently
the course of years

her way is plain
her reward is great
and all else falls
before hell's gate

"The Black Widow"
the black widow
weaves her fairytale web
of ill
disguised as good

to snare
the would-be traveler
for the heart's
her favorite food

needing to find
and consume
what she finds lacking
from her insides

on a lonely web
of empty things
and butterfly wings
this carnal thing resides

 I no longer know my happiness
by the success of failure
of finding another

for it's only won
by serving Him
and loving every other

"From dawn to Dusk"
who stands from dawn
to dusk
amid the tides
and times
though tear fall
and she move not
knowing that
which attends the bravest
of hearts

hers is truth
and strength:
the kingdom of heaven

"My Heart goes out to you"
Liberian mother
My heart goes out to you
Your ten year old daughter
Raped, then killed
With nothing
That you could do

I can't imagine the hell
This put you through
But she's safe now
In His hands
—untouchable by any
She now lives in golden lands

And I almost pity the men
That the most terrible things
They have brought not to you, nor her
But upon themselves

For the greatest penalty is paid
In as many lifetimes of hell
As it takes
Until the lesson is truly learned
And their backs
To the subtle serpent
—the wanton dragon
Are forever turned

And I'd give my life
Liberian mother
To take this wrong
—though it does not belong
To me, your daughter or you

Still, my heart goes out to you

Is no bad
Nor difficult thing
To overcome


You give in
And give it reign
And so let clouds
Block out the shining sun

"Ode to a rose"
How do I
Thy Beauty
Even begin to transpose?

For there is little
More glorious
Than the bloom of a rose

The fragrance
The poetry of petals
In awe invigorating

And I can do
No true justice
With pen nor prose
To the worlds of wonder
Contained in a rose

"I know myself"
I don’t have to prove
Myself to you
My actions speak
That which I do

And I know myself
And what is true
And there is but One
I answer to

"Dragon Slayer"
Is there an unkinder cut
Than the rape of a woman?
Or that of a child?

And so the red dragon
Tries to rear it’s ugly mask
And as a prover of truth
It is daily my task
To slay every wrong
That is put in my path
Not in righteousness
Nor ill guised as good
But in bearing love
And Truth’s cross

And though the human
Inventions this world
So dismally deem
May I always work
To right the wrong
Heal the heart
And set the captive free

And the joy
That is mine
Not only from His gifts to me
And all
But to know that He, and good
Is the only bottom line
For as we turn from any hell
Heaven we find
Now, and eternally

And on that day
We all sooner or later reach
The dragon we slay
And make way for peace

"I Rejoice"
For these
—thy loving children
who have suffered much
along the way

I rejoice
When they live
In that endless day

And place of peace
So dear—with Thee
That wipes all tears

And it is not far
Not separate—apart
But is written in love, and grace
In each and every heart

"All that's ever been"
Nothing you’ve said
Makes any common sense
Nothing you gave me

All that’s ever been
Is peace
But time after time
You only test it

"The Charade"
You try to clear your name
Make me see right through
But you forget, woman,
I’m a smart one too

And I’m not worried
About placing blame
Whoever did this wrong
Will reap what they have sown

I’m no victim
In this charade
No ill is mine
When good
I only gave

And I hope time
Treats you well
And games as this
Are not played
And I’ll see you after
You chose
To rebuke this hell
You gave free reign

Is only a place
Of fairytales
You go there

And I have seen it
With my own
Waking eyes
And I have lived there

It’s a place
Where the sun falls gently
And time ticks
No more

Where the smell
Of pure beauty and love
Saturates the air

Where dreams are lived

But sadly
This place most
Will neversee

Because they never set foot
In that direction
Thinking it
But a place
Impossible to reach

‘tis alright though
For it’s not a place
For the timid, doubting
Or weak

For to find this place
With new eyes you must look

For you find
That which you seek.

"I thought you knew"
I thought you knew what we had between us
You were with me when we saw the light
Falling all around, and within us
Lifting us to unearthy heights

What could ever come between us?
Unless we gave in and didn’t fight
I thought you knew what we had between us
You were with me when we saw the light

"mere human love"
I’ve never really looked for love
It has most always found me
And found its way away again
As a crashing wave washes up
And covers
Then returns to the sea

But that love is human
And it falters, wanes and swells
But the Love that’s of our Father
Runs infinitely deeper
Than these but human wells
That we draw upon in ‘truth’
Thinking we’re wise beyond our years
But e’en the old are as but youth
Until we leave these old beliefs
—for His love, which never moves
And if you doubt this
Time will prove
As it wipes away your tears

"Ode to the True"
You—those very few
Who have always been true
From the bottom of my heart
I thank you

"As I Listen"
As I listen
I am always right
Where I need to be
For it is He
That guards, guides
And governs me

"All you’ve never said"
You say you don’t have ESP
—but you never ask me.

What is it
That you want this to be
Now that our hearts
This forever—beautiful—have seen?

And when so rarely
Your heart’s intentions
You communicate
Is it any wonder
That I often have to initiate?

And I try, plainly
To be the best to you I can
But only when we’re near
Do you hold my hand

And no mind reader either
I ask, simply,
What it is you seek
From me?
That’s not already given
To you abundantly

To never leave you?
To let you go?
I’ve already done both
As you know

To hold you close
When you push me away?
Or walk in the direction
You’ve asked me to take?

To tell you every time I’m wrong
Or every time you’re right?
Or put out this heartcandle
Which fills all darkness with light?

To be a bastard?
An angel?
Who for you only sings?
In love, I’ve given you
My all
Still it’s not what you seek

Should I be intuitive? A 'man'?
An undetectable fake?
Do you want me to leave
A bad taste in your mouth
Or wash it away?

Do you want this forever?
A friend?
—or something in between?
When you know well
I can give you
Only everything

Do you want me to fight you?
Break you?
Tame who you are?
I’d die before I subdued
Or lassoed
A shooting star!

So please tell me, plainly,
What in this you do seek
For silence is indifference
And that’s the greatest

And no love
Friend or forever
Deserves less
Than honesty

So speak plainly
My love
And know
That myself
I can only be

"What Foe?"
As I look for light
In the middle of the night
What foe have I to fear?

But woe,
Should I hold it near.

"Where I'll always be"
Where did I go wrong?
What did I give
But trust and love?

There's so much
seeming pain
thoughts of loss
when all's been there

I've given you
All I can
And you can leave it here
Or take my hand

But these demons
distrust, faith?
You must face them down
with your strength

For I can be here for you
walk beside you
through any hell you chose to face
But you have to ask
Else I impose
And I know—to my soul
With or without me
You can beat this

And I stand here, strong
I outstretch my hand
My arms and all

I offer you shelter
from this storm

But you must believe
outstretch your hand
And come with me
And leave
any fear you have

For right now
As always
I stand beside
Your heart

But I will not fight you
But only the demons
You wrestle with
Will I fight right beside you

So when you're ready
To set out on this road
You'll find me right next to you

And know that every single day
My support, my love,
My strength and all
Are always with
And belong to only you

For there is no other
Neither can there be
And if you find yourself in hell
Right next to you, walking up or through
Is where I'll always be.

It's not worth it.

Wasting even one moment
That we've been graciously given

For there are millions who would
Have given their riches
To see this very day we are alive

And still we waste it
With pettiness, empty pursuits and pride

You.  YOU—reading THIS.
Look what you've been given.
Life.  Love.  Happiness.  Peace.  Joy.
And any one of these is a lifetime of contentment.

Think they elude you?
Do they elude you or do you elude them?
For they are always surrounding us,
Even in the depths of the hell we can make

Don't wait for tomorrow
To do what you dream.

Don't wait for tomorrow
To give everything.

Don't wait for tomorrow
To love with your all.

Don't wait for tomorrow
To do what today is made for

For you may not see tomorrow.

Chances are,
You are not oppressed
In the severity of some

Chances are,
You have far more
Than you acknowledge.

Chances are,
You have the same ability
To do the greatest things
Which the greatest have done

For they are no different than you or I
But in their consecration to right and good
And never giving up, each day,
On working on what they dream.

What you have been given
Is the greatest gift.
Don’t waste it,
Or wait for it to get better.
Make it better—today

And give each moment your love
Your all…

Give it everything.

“What is Man?”
Pure white light surrounds
And emanates from within
What therefore
Is what we call man?
But of the light itself
So gloriously seen
Through the lens by which
The heart perceives

I look o’er the earth, from up above
And it’s covered by clouds below
When these dark shapes
Temporarily obscure the light
The sun still shines as bold and bright
But do they even know?

“And so we are”
I run my fingers
Through your hair
And I feel your thoughts
As they wander there

Where suspended in a mortal plane
Lies thoughts and dreams
And everything

But as our lips touch
All becomes one
For two we are
But as drops merge
The water flows
And knows no bounds

And so we are
As the ocean of love

“This light”
I’ve come
Through sun
And all below
To bear witness 
To this light
For it never dims
But brighter burning
Illumines every night

“The truth”
Never did I
Buy into this lie
So intricately laid

But for this love
I’ll let her fly
And let Him guide
The way

The love we have, is always close
I know you feel it when I hold you near
But love, this love shines just as deep
Be it far, there, or here.

And I know these trials, will prove it true
If we give no less than all
But as anything, it takes no less
Than everything, else it will fall.

“To simply be”
My love,
I give to you my all
Lifetimes of love,
Joy and strength
Every beautiful flower I can give you
And water to help grow
This beautiful garden
Planted long ago
Which rises tall
In Spring’s melting frost
No weeds—no draught
Only flowers too grand for eyes
And she smiles and lets the rabbits feed
For loss is gain, ‘tis love’s true deed

So love,
If you but stand beside me
And walk we this path as one
‘twill be the most glorious garden sown
Bearing fruits and flowers no mortal has known

But we must walk towards what
Our hearts forever see
And letting go, and holding on
We let it simply be.

“To give”
There are so many that take from you
The things you freely give,
Please let me give it back to you
For in love we’ll always live.

“Beautiful Mother”
Beautiful mother,
See what stands before you:
Golden locks with a golden love
—All blessings in between
A comfort of angels sent from above
For all that’s good, cannot be lost
And in this truth is gain

Beautiful mother,
See what lies beside you:
Grace and gifts that one
Could only dream
Never lose sight of this
Though steep the road may seem

For as eyes look
Seeing only good
Which is what’s there
And as they should

Though time or test, try our all
It’s a page but in a book
What matters then is where we walk
And we walk towards where we look

And gazing before you, dear mother,
On these blessings you’ll find the birth
Of that which wipes all tears away
And sets before you, every day,
A heaven here on earth.

“As the heavens open”
We sat in the breeze
Along the waterfront today
With my hand on your belly
Wrapped in this love that is

You smiled and said
"I know you do"
And as the heavens opened overhead
Do you feel the way I do?

For I feel you in a different place
Though beside me just the same
And you know what we have
Is pure; endures
The sunlight and the rain

“The winds of autumn”
Golden leaves
Trying desperately to hold on
As the winds of autumn
Pull well on the trees

The strongest remain
While the weak float off
In the breeze

Though in the end
All things mortal
Will be lost to the wind

And so, though colors splendor
And eaten fruits
What outlasts the winters
And holds true life
Are the unseen roots

Which if nourished, Rightly,
Through life’s seasons will be strong
And the reaping winds of autumn
Will be but a passing song

“What eyes see”
What my eyes see today
Reminds me of you

This outlook,
O’er a valley of golden trees
And things in change
Is below a mysterious sky
Of gray clouds and blue
—of every melodic hue

And they tell of the coming
Of winter’s cool
And the leaving, for now,
Of summer’s clime

Though never having parted,
Is seen by such eyes
Returning in time

And though growing
While changing
Love’s color holds true
Still what my eyes see today
Reminds me of you

“The Stand”
What has this world become?
So far removed from the guiding son

Governments concerned with power and money
Not of life or love
In false names of peace
Humanity and good

It's a trench daily dug
Only deeper and farther across
With only few faithful followers
Taking up love's true cross

And I could stand and just stare
For eons of time
At nothing trying to be something
At every evil we find

But I'll not pay its undues
Nor fight by its decree
For I'll labor in truth
Until this bondage is freed

For truth's task rarely realized
Before me now shines
And this beast I'll unmask
And expose all its lies

For it cannot be beaten
On its own terms making real

And though I'd shrug at this world
Shed a tear and give in
I'll fight in every way of truth
That I can

Until the fate of all wrong
Is forever bound by truth's seal

“Lustful Thoughts”
I abhor every lustful thought
—For what separates that
From the evil done
But losing sight
Of sense and right?

And these thoughts
Are evils' root
And though kept inside
—if kept at all
Are just as wrong
As wrong that's done.

“I think of you”
There's so much I do
That makes me think
Of you

And though I'd curse the stars
That we're apart
I'll love and trust
With all my heart
That it won't be long
'till you're in my arms

And until that day
My sun shines through
I'll look at things
Beautiful and true
And think of you.

“Back to You”
This—my stay
Away from you
This is my wilderness experience

This—my longing
To be near to you
This is my forty days

This—the try
On my trust
This is the cup I must drink

And so I walk
Bear and partake
For being tried
I’ll be found true

And find my way
Back to you.

“To be next to You”
But not

I am here
But also there

And in real respects

But yet I feel
As humans do
The need to be
Right next to you

And so in the scale
Between want and know
Trust and woe
Lies my heart
And though
It forever tips
The side of truth
I still am longing
To be next to you

But what is this
In the scheme of all?

Far greater it is
Than most can understand

Though every day
Things of grace
Implore our lives
Fill all space
With love
Given freely from above
Around and within

And do we see
What we are given?

The good
In every shade unseen
Though perceived
By the honest heart

And as grace falls
Around us all
I stand still in wonder
Not at how
Or why or ponder…
But because He is
So unfathomably giving
Not to some select few
But all in truth receiving

And though all good’s bestowed
And blessings countless we find
I thank Him most
For this love we share
Two hearts 
Perfectly connected
Though no easy road taken
As the lives of some attest
All things this love will bear
All time this love will last

“Once Again”
Never before
Have I missed someone so
As though
All my moments
Have fleeted away
And I spend every day
In longing for you
Never content—always wanting
What cannot be today
For you, my lovely love
Are here in my heart
But it’s not close enough
For you’re out of my reach
And that’s too far apart

And all I can do
Is wait for that day
When you’re back in my arms
And we eat lucky charms
And your eyes are as close
To my soul
As this fire that rages
Out of control
But has nothing to burn
But only to yearn
For kiss of your lips
The touch of your tips
As I look into you
And you look into me too
And connection then found
Never here, nor there,
Up nor down
But forever full
Now grasped
With both hands we pull
And this love—just as grand
Will have always remained
But I’ll be glad just the same
To have you and hold you
In my arms once again

“I miss you so much”
I miss you so much
And it’s not just your eyes
And it not just your touch

But every little thing
That makes you who you are
The lengths that you go to
And the depths of your heart

And I’d trade my forever
Just to be where you are
Just to whisper my love
And wrap you in my arms

But things are as they are
And though I seem to wear tired
As my longing grows deeper
And my heart yearns for your fire

It’s an ember inextinguishable
And burns only hotter
For the flame of our love
Will outlive forever
Though it be blown by the wind
Or covered in water

For this love that we share
Can never be lost
Though life’s sea be contrary
—the waves angry and tossed

Lifelong we’ll endure
All that tries to dismay
For my darling I love you
And in those three words
That you have for me too
Lives love’s endless day

“Words Unspoken”
For centuries, 
Hundreds of thousands of years
—eons of lifetimes, come and gone
From the Sahara Desert, to the Himalayan Mountains
From the depths of the oceans
To the infinite reaches of the universe
—far beyond all human conceivability 
And imagination
Has finally been found
That which has only been tasted
By the truest few
A love so grand
It’s only eclipsed
By the love He has
For each of us

A bond so great
It cannot be broken
Two hearts so true
They beat as one
And hotter they burn
Than the core of the sun
Though never consumed
For endless room
Is only a part
Of this perfect equation

And this love
So infinitely reaching
Is contained in your eyes
—no skies depths more blue
And in this modest token
Though lips do no homage
To these words unspoken:

I love you.

“I would stay all things”
I would stay all things
And learn before the mistakes
But some roads must be taken
Some cautions forsaken

As my love and I
Set out on this trail 
Which has yet to be blazed
Though we look out ahead
—forever amazed.

And we walk hand in hand
In a love never rivaled 
For the all that we share
—an endless field of wheat
Without one single tare
And this gift He has given
Leads us to extraordinary climes 
Hand in hand, heart in heart
As love’s eternal noon shines.

“What we have”
Day by day
The man takes you
Further away

But love is where
The heart resides
And we are there

So no tear is shed
For loss is gain
On our road ahead

And I wait in trust
For all good awaits us
As it must

And o’er the oceans
And mountains far
Love is undaunted
The guiding star

For what we have
Is constant—sure
Perfected in Him
Enduring and pure

“My Love”
Have you ever felt the softness of a rose petal?
My love—she is softer.

Have you ever smelled its inundating fragrance?
My love—she is sweeter.

Have you ever seen the splendor of full bloom?
My love—she is more glorious,
And her beauty—it runs deeper.

I know where you’ve been
The things you have felt
Atrocities you’ve seen

An angel that’s walked through hell
—and back again

The keeper of justice
For eludings of rage
Not stopping nor sleeping
Until this darkness is caged

And I’d take it all from her
The memories—the pain
The nightmares and visions
The ball and the chain

But it’s not mine to take
For our Father is just
So I leave it to Him
And in Him will I trust

For my hands are but human
Though my arms around you stay
And we walk hand in hand
As darkness turns into day

And a light rises before us
The brightest star seen
All that’s left is the truth
As His love washes us clean.

“Where my heart resides”
I hold your heart
As a rose in my hand

Please realize
And understand

No thorn nor thing
Will loose my embrace

No heat will wilt
No doubt will chase

For I will love you long
In truth and song

Deep in your essence
And by your side
You will find is where
My heart resides

“Love, don’t fall”
Don’t fall
Into the ignorant trap
Set by my wanton woe

For it’s no part of
Where my heart is

It isn’t mine
And it isn’t His

Pay it no mind
And it will trap itself
And leave us to
This love we know

Don’t fall
Into the ignorant trap
Set by my wanton woe

“The most precious fruit”
With hand stretched
Deep into the bramble
To reach the gardens’
Most precious fruit

The price
Is thorns’ prick
But the prize
Is dearer to the heart
And sweeter to the lips

“This Love”
Is it truth or illusion?
Intuition or confusion
That tries
To suade it from me
Though jaded to truth
—this love
I cannot be

For no doubt or fear
Far or near
Is stronger than He
Nor able to fade our gift
—this love
With all that’s in
The toolbox of darkness
Used under the guise
Of my own thoughts
Or human will
Which only draws near
To wrong roads and sadness

As I understand
The tricks and tries
To replace happiness
With discord
Truth for lies

I stop
—take a breath
And a look
Through His eyes

And is it any wonder
As this toolbox is questioned
And opened
And examined in the light

That no ill thing is found
No dissention in sight

And Truth lays blade
To the phantoms of night

And my love
—she remains
As forever
—without change

And all things of naught
Are not to be found
As the wings of an angel
—this love
Never touched the ground

“The Shoreline”
The lone wanderer
Walks along the shoreline
Looking for the end of time

But his end eludes him
As he walks his line
That leads him around again
To find
That he can walk towards water
Or walk back
From where he came

But to walk the shoreline
In between
Is time ill spent
—where life is not lived
But only seen.

“Sleuth of Truth”
Why does it feel
Like I'm living a lie
Like it's all made up
and only inside?
I'll tell you why
--because it's perfect
And that's the nature
of false, mortal mind
--to distract from the truth
but I the wise sleuth
now truth will find
and false aggressor bind.

“The strength of a woman”
Thank you God
For making me a man
For I am strong
—I can endure

But some of the things
A woman must bear
Would crumble my strength
My heart it would tear

A life inside me
This joy I’ll never know
But it taken from within me
Severed before it could grow
Is a loss I could not bear
But it’s a loss I’ll never know

I am the strongest of the strong
All the wild I could tame
But the strength of some women, Lord
Puts my strength to shame.

“There’s only one forever”
So suaded
—so jaded
for all these years

How many did I call my soul-mate?
My forever?
When all along
There’s been only one

All the cries
All the lies
All the tears
All the fears

Have all been in vain
For there’s been only one
Though I knew her not
Until spot became stain
—but was removed just the same
Revealing that which has been
Akin to my heart
And will forever remain
Though time and all
Try to set us apart

But hell or high water
Our love is together
And blessed by our Father
Throughout all and forever

“What 'ere we Find”
Miss twinkle toes
The one who knows
The questions I’d ask
Before I even pose them

In one another’s mind
Not hard to find
The common thread
Connected between
Heart and head

In a land not known
New sides are shown
And as I see your mind
I cannot tell it
From mine own
But am greatly intrigued
By what I find

On a moonlit night
A rain has passed
—the brooks of thought
Flow full and fast

From head to toe
We walk along
This newfound path
An ageold road
That now revealed
Leads to a field
In the world we know

Under a shining sky
Of what may lay
Among the tall green grass
In which we lie

And knowing,
That what ‘ere we find
All is grand
—hand in hand
In that grassy field
We call our mind

“Honest Here”
Just be yourself
And let hearts see
For what’s to lose
From honesty?

An open book
With pages to read
Time spent wasted
In hindsight seen

Is the only
Potential tragedy
That lies between
You and me

Not head over foot
But as petals open
For only beauty comes
From the shores of an ocean

Where a traveler walks
Leaving thoughtprints in the sand
Another seeker of truth
Led by a Hand

So open not
The gates of fear
For you and I
Are honest here

For destiny's changeless
On this shore ever clean
And life is to live,
Else all is a dream

“Mystery are We”
Are we

Where we connect
What this will be

And hankerings have I
From that still, small voice
But will that mould
The shape of choice?

It should,
As we would desire
Only good

But an ignorant people
Are we
Listening to all else
Than what should be

Until as tired children
We turn to see
The path that ever
Has been calling
You and me

“Safe in the Woods”
And so we are alike
Both the hopeless romantics
Ever hopeful of true love

Both very rational
And yet carefree and true
I find this connection, most interesting
Between me and you

And if the song changes keys
While we walk in the woods
If time is spent well
And ill is made good

Then no wild beast can find us
On this path here diverged
And as light is what guides us
Then we're safe in the woods

“Delicate Fawn”
Delicate fawn
I have no unkind thing
For thee

I know as I 
You want to guard
And stay the hand
That would let love free

And I seek not to thwart
That which is not meant to be
But if it is
Than I am he
And you are she

And if only friends
We in looking find
And holding hearts lovingly
Letting no false thing guide

Then my dear fawn
Only good can transpire
Between two honest seekers
Standing close to love’s fire

“Too fast too soon?”
Too fast too soon?
Does the sun elapse
The shining moon?

You are ever in my mind
You are not here
But your presence—near
And with me intertwined

I would that I could see you
Let my eyes reach in your soul
And let you in
This no-man’s land
That you have turned to gold

And if this is
Too much too soon
I hope that even so
You know that I 
Will ever love you
Regardless of what we know

Of friends, of more
Of different climes,
Or lifelong love to be
For ever we are 
Side by side
Two friends 

“I find thee in my Heart”
I find thee in my heart
My love

How maketh thee thy nest
Amidst the thistles?
O peaceful dove

And how turnest thou
The murky clear?
And make 
The brown grass green?

How bringeth forth
To me a smile
Where only ill thoughts
Had been?

How are thy thoughts
In my mind
And my thoughts there
In yours?

Though any distance
Come between
Though we stand
On separate shores

It must be a gift
Given by grace
To plant the miracle of love

A seed long ago sown
To now be known
So in thistles
Can nest a dove 

“I cannot this love Ignore”
I couldn't stop thinking of you tonight
You are ever in my mind
You bring to me a light
And no darkness can I find

Though I would be cautious
For the sake of your heart
The most careful I must be,
For to hurt you
Would be an hundredfold worse
Than to die in misery

But my heart is full
Of you and all
And I cannot this love ignore,
So I must tread forth
With careful steps
Along this untrodden shore

And so I walk with you
Hand in hand
And give to you my all
And may we walk
Where ere He guides
As with each other
In love we fall

“The Dream”
In love

As a cannonball
Of emotions
Flies down
From above

To be covered
In love uncovering
Your soul

At the bottom
Of her hill
In hope

For the one
The nameless he
That flies through
Her dreams

And which will it be
That catches her?

Not the fastest
But only he
Who to her lock
Is the key

to my intuitions
and core feelings
I must be true
for a seed
has been planted
in my garden
and this flower
is you.

“One in His Love”
I stand, alone
At the base of a hill
I look, around
For the way of His will

And as I walk along
I stumble and see
The ground comes closer
I fall to my knees

And look up to the sky
I ask myself why
With a narrowing path
To the rest of the pie

She stands all alone
With a hand out to me
I reach out to her
But it’s all just a dream

As she fades out of sight
I’m left with a choice
I can follow what I know
Or I can drown in her voice

And I choose to follow
Though she cannot be sure
If we’re a fling in the sand
Or part of the plan

But my eyes are blinded
By the light that we see
She wears dark shades
And gives them to me

To turn a heart back
From the path that He chose
To settle for less
Than where our path goes

Looking for answers
To the thoughts of my brain
But I have to look higher
To see the answer is plain

That sooner or later
We will all get it right
If we choose the wrong road
And walk out of sight

The daystar will guide us
Along the way home
And there we will meet
And there we will roam

With a love unfettered
By a grace from above
For all that we are
Are one in His love

And connected forever
By a mind between two
As I stand here and wait
On my path here for you

Yes we're connected forever
By a mind between two
And I wait on the morrow
On this path here for you

“As I Fathom”
At night
When I look
Into the universe
And I fathom
Thy works
And the majesty
Of Thy creation

How can I
Ever doubt
Or fear
Or question
Or steer

For you, Father
Are All
And direct our paths
As we follow humbly
Where ere you guide us

“The Pool”
I float in a pool
Suspended in love
And filled to the brim
By our Father above

She circles the pool
—as one who knows
Yet refrains from the water
But dabbles with toes

And I float here in love
—in our pool here I swim
Waiting for my love
To jump in

“Our Garden”
“Turned into a pile of mush!”
She says
“Run over by a train!”
Though I know no other way
To love you
Than to water you the flower
With love’s dew
And surround you with its rain

For though I’m not
The planter of the seed
In our garden
—now overflowing
I will tend this heartflower
Better than mine own
As in His Sunlight
We both are growing

“Where 'ere you need me”
Though I sometimes feel
As a chess piece on the checkerboard
Of your life

I suppose it is your job
"To know these things."

And I understand since
You have been cheated before

And so though you know 
The ins and outs
While yet I learn your set
I still love you ever more

And will always move where ere you need me
On your checkerboard.

How could someone 
Do any unkind thing
--Even the least of such
To one of God's angels?

True, they can leave
No lasting mark
No tainted touch
Upon you

But still I would
That I could
Remove any suffering
Any pain, or sorrow
Though loss
Is gain
Found on the morrow

And I would suffer all things
To stay that hand
That would try to remove
Your high estate
And clip your wings

But alas, dear angel
Who graces my life
I can only offer you
My love and all
The things that I
Can do

For there is but one
Our father everlasting
Who can keep you ever safe
And I thank him
That every day he guards and guides
My angel along her way

“mortal mind”
Away from the point
Dragged down to behold
An imperfect creation
Apart from the fold

Where man can suffer
Commit murder and rob
Take away from his brother
And finish the job

And all is able
By the devil below
To be taken away
To steal the show

But ALAS! A lie!
Cloaked in the guise
Of our own thoughts and fears
We forget to realize

That there is no power
No evil that could
Since God is all
And made everything good

Yet still we suffer
We stumble and fall
We buy the lie
And we roll with the ball

But power it has
To only suggest
That we make it seem real
Stand by and attest

But all is in vain
All is in vain!
When we let go of the error
We are free from the pain

And man and his brother
Are found unfallen and pure
When we see through the lie
And know the Truth is the cure

So though I'd stray from the point
And get irked over nothing
Which is what it would have
To stay distracted from finding

That it's bogus! Malarkey!
And as I see that I find
That man is perfect, the image
Of His Father in Mind

And so though evil would try
To always knock at my door
It finds no answer
And it falls to the floor

Yes evil would try
To always knock at my door
But I know it's an imposter
And I know it no more.

“A great love”
I always knew
the great love that was cultivated
within me
was meant for something even greater
And now I know, my angel of grace,
That this great love was made for you

And though I would swing endlessly
at the fog that clouded our road
and the rocky trail that led us here

I thank God, and would endure it again, and more
To find my way here into your heart.

“Give me death”
this is the worst thing
my ears have ever heard
Give me death,
But don't give me this

This is the gravest thing
my eyes have ever pictured

The most sorrowful knowledge
my heart has ever known

The most terrible to think
My thoughts no longer mine own

The scent of it alone
makes me heave in despair
If I think it even briefly
I am gasping for air

Give me death
Take my children
torture me forever
but don't hurt my angel

I can't even name you
You bastard wrong
The woe of all evil
the executioner's song

you do not deserve
to be called person, place nor thing
For you are nothing
You are nothing

And though in dire straight
each time I think of you
You will not find a home in me
Get thee hence to the nothingness you knew

“I am speechless”
I am speechless

and left bereft
--without heart

for it is all gone
out to another
who's was trampled on

I would hate hate
I would cut it to the core
But then it would use me too
to do it's dirty work

and so I can but love
can only love with tireless arms
though tears stream down my insides
for that now forgotten harm

If ever there was, the tragic of all
though higher, God's thoughts we are
it would be the tears, the pain, the sorrow
endured by this--the brightest star.

Creative Writing:
Other Photography and Stuff: