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Information Central: Articles of Enduring Interest

This collection of articles are mostly what I've written on the various subjects I feel are of enduring interest and which ought to be available any time. Some are links from several of my web sites and others are links to articles on other people's sites. Others are reposts with permission. But all are important. The links are posted alphabetically by subject. Since this page will be constantly "under construction," with new articles being added all the time, you should bookmark it and return to it regularly.

Reprint, repost permission: Publishers, web site owners, etc: You may reprint or repost any article here which carries my copyright as long as you do so in complete form, retain my copyright indicia, and add this notice at the bottom:

"Used by permission of the writer. Ray Thomas publishes many different web-based newsletters on different subjects. To learn about them and be able to read them and subscribe to any of them by simply clicking a link, go to his personal web site at: and look for what you want."

You can just copy the above paragraph and paste it at the bottom.

Index of Articles

Children and Family Abuse
Brittle Bone Disease as Child Abuse
(The) Child Protector Agenda
Child Protector Indictment
Child Protector Story: Sad state of Affairs
Controlling Our Children
Drugs For Killers
Family Destruction
Free the Children
Global Child Control
Letter from a Child
Our Kids on Ritalin
Today's School Teachings
Ritalin: Violence Against Boys
Utah Suit Exposes Child Protector Methods
(The) Wall Street Journal on the Wenatchee Witch Hunt
Direct Marketing, Mail Order, and Personal Motivation:
Multi-Level Marketing vs. Pyramid Schemes
Michael Coatesworth Yorkshire Magazine
Guns and Self Defense:
After Gun Control, What?
Anti-Gun Heroes
Anti-Gun Lies Corrected
Drugs for Killers: (A repeat because it fits in more than one category.)
Extortion by Example
Fist Control
Gun Control Kills
Guns in Self Defense
Letter From A Criminal
Not Guns, Self-Defense
"Rambo Granny"
(The) REAL Militia

Part 2:

And Bill Gates Shrugged
"Hanoi Jane" Fonda
(Senator Jesse) Helms Rebukes the United Nations
Philosophy and Politics:
(The) Ant and the Grasshopper
Bottom Line-Power
Common Sense for the 21st Century
(The) Death of Freedom
(The) Evita Factor
Forty Years Ago
"Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" Updated for Today
Hero: John Stossel
It Doesn't Affect Us
(The) Little Dutch Boy
(The).Mind on Strike
My Militia
Not Interested in Politics?
Objectivist "True Believers"
Words Mean Things
Power Seeker Scams:
(Is) Communism Really Dead?
Creating Hysteria
Decade of Greed?
Federal Money Equals Federal Control
(The) Hegelian Principle
Real Medicare Fraud
(Is it) One Conspiracy?
"(The) Sky is Falling!"
Social Security Number As ID
(The Great) Social Security Swindle
To Rob the People
Big Brother Wins Privacy Battle
Thieves With Badges:
"Jack-Booted Thugs?"
Police Bandits

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