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Get Paid to Click

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Get Paid to Read

Get Paid to Click

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There are tons of companies that will pay you to click on banners and visit other sites. All they require is that you stay on that site for a few seconds. This is a way for companies to advertise products and services to consumers and the good news is that the companies listed below pay you a percentage of the profits they receive from these advertisers. More good news? You can earn even more by referring friends and getting paid when THEY click on links and banners. I have listed my favorite "Get Paid To Click" opportunities on the web on this site, so you can learn more about each of them and sign up!


Get Paid to simply click on ads on web site and they pay you for it.. They have one level of referrals with a possibiity that you can earn up to 150% of your referrals direct earnings.  They pay 1-1.5 cents per click.  They have a $10.00 Minimum Payout.




SendMoreInfo pays you to read your e-mail. Click Here for more companies that Pay you to read E-mail