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Get Paid to Be Online

Get Paid to Surf

Get Paid to Read

Get Paid to Click

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There are tons of companies that will pay you to surf the web. All they require is that you allow a small advertising banner on your screen, while you are surfing the web or in some cases, simply connected to the net. This is a way for companies to advertise products and services to consumers and you get paid to help.  I have listed my favorite "Get Paid To Surf" opportunities on the internet on this site, you can learn more about each of them and sign up! You can earn even more money by referring friends and getting paid when THEY surf the web.

Surf with an attitude! Get it now! Pays for up to 4 hours a day. International. Revenue based. You get paid for 10% of 4 levels of referrals usage as well. You can also earn extra cash by visiting sites or signing up for their many Special Deals every day.
Earn cool cash while using your computer as usual. We will not limit you to surfing the web; you may use any application on your computer as long as you are connected to the Internet. Get paid for your referrals up to the 8th level!