Read All About It - What's been said in the news in 2002
Part 10, October 16th to 18th
October 18 2002, Ayrshire Post, Fireworks blitz is under way
JOINT teams of police and trading standards officers are currently visiting all traders in East Ayrshire who are selling fireworks to ensure that they are operating legally.
They are looking to ensure that the traders are: registered with the Local Authority as required by law;
storing and displaying the fireworks in a safe manner, and; aware of the penalties for selling fireworks to persons under 18 years old.
Councillor James Carmichael, Chair of the council's Community Services Committee, said: "As well as visiting all registered traders, the teams will be visiting those who previously registered, but didn't this year. "We will also be on the lookout for fireworks being stored or sold illegally If anyone has any evidence, or even a suspicion of such activities, I would ask them to get in touch with the police, or telephone Trading Standards on (01563) 521502".
During the visits, the teams will distribute packs prepared by East Ayrshire Council Community Safety Forum containing important information on various aspects of firework safety.
Councillor Carmichael continued: "Despite all our best efforts, youngsters and adults do get hurt at this time of the year as a result of accidents involving bonfires and fireworks.
"I hope this initiative will be taken to heart and that people are able to enjoy this year's celebrations safely".
October 18 2002, Courier co uk, STOLEN FIREWORKS WARNING
Police have issued a warning about the sale of fireworks in West Kent after explosive goods were stolen from industrial premises on the three occasions. Last week the Kent and Sussex Courier reported how dangerous fireworks were stolen from a farm near Sevenoaks and could have been taken for storage somewhere in or around Tonbridge. West Kent Police have now issued a warning regarding the sale of fireworks from unauthorised sources, particularly because the safety instructions which would normally be part of a legitimate sale may not be there. Det Sgt Paul Cordier said: "No-one should buy fireworks unless they come from a reputable source and have full instructions about lighting and safety measures. "Never buy or attempt to light fireworks which are designed to be used in professional displays. These are highly dangerous." Anyone with information about the unauthorised sale of fireworks should contact West Kent Police on 01732 771055 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.
October 18 2002, icBirmingham - Footballer on maiming charge
A professional footballer has appeared before Solihull Magistrates charged with burning, maiming, disfiguring and disabling a city teenager with an explosion of gunpowder. Luke Rodgers, of Stechford Road, Hodge Hill, allegedly threw a lighted firework on October 10. The footballer, who plays for third division team Shrewsbury Town FC, was arrested the day after the incident. Rodgers (21) was given unconditional bail and committed to Warwick Crown Court.
October 18 2002, icBirmingham - Footballer on maiming charge
October 18 2002, icHuddersfield - Sparklers warning for Bonfire Night
ONE of the most innocent-looking fireworks can reach a temperature 15 times greater than boiling water.
Fire chiefs today warned people that the humble sparkler - a favourite among young children at Bonfire Night parties - can reach a temperature of up to 2000°C.
West Yorkshire's Assistant Chief Fire Officer, David Monks, said: "This is why we constantly have to remind people about the danger from fireworks. "People don't realise that a rocket can travel at 150 miles an hour."
And he revealed that a shell firework shot from a mortar can go higher than 600ft.
Mr Monks added: "Fireworks and bonfire-related incidents cause hundreds of avoidable injuries nationwide each year. Often the reason is lack of common sense." He said this included people not following instructions on how to light fireworks, lighting too many at once, getting too close and going back to a lit firework.
West Yorkshire hospitals dealt with 121 firework injuries last year - half of them suffered by children.
Mr Monks added: "Fireworks are safer now than they have been. If used properly there is little chance of anyone getting hurt." But he stressed that people should only use fireworks which comply with British Standard 7114.
October 18 2002, icSolihull - Fireworks plea
WITH the annual Guy Fawkes celebrations less than three weeks away the issue of bonfire and firework safety has taken on special significance after a Castle Bromwich girl was injured last weekend.
Sarah Morris, 16, had a Roman candle firework thrown in her face as she walked past the Spitfire pub on the Parkfield estate.
She was treated at Selly Oak hospital and underwent further surgery, including a skin graft on Monday.
Speaking about the danger of fireworks, John Kemp, station officer at Solihull fire station, said: "We always advise people to follow the firework code. "As far as throwing fireworks goes, it is not a prank it is a dangerous act which can result in maiming or even worse for the victim of it."
And station officer Kemp added that if a firework is not designed to be held it is dangerous to the person holding it or anybody it might land near. "Our own patch was quiet last year with no serious incident and we would hope for a repeat this year. "Another issue is not setting light to bonfires prior to Bonfire Night. Kids should not use them as dens and stay away. Leave the whole thing to the adults. "Hopefully there will be no serious incidents and if people follow advice there won't be."
October 18 2002, icTeesside - A lesson to remember
Schoolboy Robert Douglass, who spent almost a month in hospital after a rocket he was holding exploded in his face, has launched a Government firework safety campaign.
The 16-year-old Middlesbrough boy was off school for three months following the accident two years ago. He suffered severe burns to his face and hands, but now only has a scar in the corner of one eye and on one of his wrists. He was even able to take up his beloved sport again, boxing.
His mother Denise said: "Thankfully Robert made a recovery, he was lucky and it could have been a lot worse.
"This campaign is a good thing. The fireworks kids have are more like display rockets and they are being sold to anyone. "Robert is a sensible lad. He wasn't fooling with fireworks, but when he and his friends lit it, it went off straight away without giving them a chance to get clear. "I'd urge other youngsters to leave fireworks well alone and leave it to those who know what they are doing."
October 18 2002, This is Bradford, Drive rogue firework traders out of business
The annual campaign to halt the illegal sale of fireworks is with us again.
Throughout the country countless thousands if not millions of pounds will be spent `policing' the sale of fireworks and treating the growing number of people injured by them. It is not a case of anyone being a kill-joy or wanting to end the excitement that goes with a spectacular organised display.
It is the simple fact that the fun has now been taken out of bonfire night. Fireworks are now a cause of year round noise pollution, anti-social behaviour, and the misuse of them is seriously affecting the quality of life of countless people.
What beggars all belief is the fact that with this knowledge in mind there are numerous traders who are more than willing to flout the law and sell fireworks illegally. They should be on their guard. For from this weekend around a dozen trained youngsters who all look well under the legal limit of 18 years old will be making test purchases at shops, directed by trading standards officers. Before anyone gets on their high horse about this tactic, it has to be stressed they will not be trying to trick or provoke the traders.
It is to be hoped that when trading standards take legal action - as surely they will - the courts back them up with the maximum sentences. A six months spell in jail would drive the message home.
It is now clear that such action is needed as well as both national and local government using whatever powers they already have at their disposal; combined with new legislation to end this menace in our society.
The misuse of fireworks has gone well beyond the stage of a prank. Some brands which shoot out explosive balls are being deliberately pointed at people. The yobs would not be able to do this had they not been sold them in the first place. We can play our part by answering the appeal and shopping suspected traders.
Don't hesitate - pick up the phone.
October 18 2002, This is Bradford, Firework attack woman dies
Youths who pushed a firework through a woman's door in Guiseley have been blamed for her death less than a week after the incident. Marie Beard, 59, died on Sunday after a long illness - but a friend believes the attack caused her health to deteriorate. Mrs Beard, who lived on her own in Tennyson Street, was helped out of her house after the explosion caused a fireball during the night on Monday, October 7.
A firework was pushed through Mrs Beard's letterbox and police believe that the device used was a home-made firework. Youths were seen running from the scene and police are still keen to talk to anyone with information.
Mrs Beard's friend, who did not want to be named for fear of being targeted herself, said: "This attack has just brought on Marie's illness and when I saw her just before she died she did not look well.
"Marie told me that she thought this was the last straw, and I know it had affected her, even though she said she was okay. "This is just so sad because she was a lovely woman and the people who put the firework through her door deserve to be punished." She added that people were worried about the threat of firework attacks across the whole of Wharfedale. "It is absolutely terrible that Marie was picked out. She was friends with everyone and I really feel that she would still be here if this hadn't happened."
Although Otley coroner's officer Graham Lumley has said that her death was in no way linked to the firework incident, the friend disputes this. Neighbourhood Watch Liaison Officer at Weetwood Police, Peter Krushniak, said: "This is a sad turn of events and we are still appealing for anyone with information about the incident to contact us." The news of Mrs Beard's death comes as Leeds and Bradford have both been highlighted as two of 12 hotspots for firework-related crimes.
New safety measures have come into force to target youths who play with fireworks. The measures announced by Consumer Minister Melanie Johnson this week include a ban on air bombs. The air bombs are a cheap and accessible firework that caused up to a fifth of all firework accidents last year.
October 18 2002, This is Bradford, Rogue firework traders face crackdown
Children are being recruited in the battle to snuff out illegal firework sales in Keighley. Around a dozen youngsters are being used to carry out test purchases at shops. The move -- launched tomorrow -- is part of a major campaign by trading standards officers to crack down on rogue retailers across the region.
And the public is being urged to shop any traders -- by phoning 0113 3848848 -- it suspects are flouting the law.
It is illegal to sell fireworks, including sparklers, to anyone under 18.
West Yorkshire Trading Standards Service said it would work closely with other authorities to stamp out unlawful sales and where appropriate prosecute. Retailers failing to comply with legislation face a £5,000 fine and/or a prison sentence of up to six months. Enforcement officer Patricia Harter said: "We have been receiving complaints since the beginning of last month about the sale of fireworks to children and other firework-related issues, such as noise nuisance. These complaints will be fully investigated. "We have a team of about 12 young people to carry out test purchasing and that operation will run from this weekend right up to November 5. "We do not try to trick shopkeepers, that is not the idea. The children all look well under 18, they are carefully briefed about what they can and cannot do and our officers are in close proximity. "Working closely with the police, fire service and neighbourhood groups, we aim to identify and target problem areas. "If any members of the public have concerns or suspicious about illegal firework sales -- whether it's selling to children, or from car boot sales, or the back of lorries -- we would like to hear from them."
The number of people nationally injured by fireworks almost doubled last year, with the biggest increase occurring in the 11-17 age group.
Martin Wood, chief officer of West Yorkshire Joint Services, which oversees trading standards, said: "All fireworks must comply with British Standard 7114 and be safe. "It is illegal for anyone under 18 to be sold fireworks and that includes sparklers. It is also illegal to break open packs of fireworks and sell them individually. "Last year we successfully prosecuted a number of offenders, which resulted in heavy fines being imposed. This year will be no exception."
Denholme town councillors are calling for tougher restrictions on the sale of fireworks after residents complained about young people misusing them over the weekend.
Councillor Maxine Brotherton said: "There were a lot of complaints from people on Monday morning about fireworks going off and being put through people's letterboxes.
Town Mayor Councillor Anne Jay said: "I'm not aware of anywhere selling fireworks in Denholme -- they must have been bought elsewhere. It's really about catching those people who are selling fireworks to children."
Cllr Brotherton asked if the town council could follow in the footsteps of Ilkley Parish Council and introduce a by-law restricting the sale of fireworks.
October 18 2002, This is Devon, Brigade Welcomes Ban On Air Bombs
Safety campaigners in Devon have welcomed tough new measures designed to reduce firework injuries.
Last year 20 people in the region were injured by fireworks.
And fireworks were blamed for several gorse fires on East Devon heathland and Dartmoor.
Now new legislation brought in by Consumer Minister Melanie Johnson proposes: A ban on air bombs.
A crackdown on illegal firework sales. A drive to encourage local councils to use their powers to curb nuisance firework use. A piloting of £40 on-the-spot fines for firework throwing. The package of measures received the support of Dave Powlesland, Devon Fire and Rescue's community fire safety officer.
Sub-officer Powlesland said: "I am pleased to support any Government initiative which will reduce the number of injuries and fires caused by the misuse of fireworks. We applaud this action."
Ms Johnson said: "We all want to enjoy the fireworks' season. But all too often this time of year is blighted by problems of fireworks' misuse, noise and nuisance. It is vital we crack down on the problem."
October 18 2002, This is Devon, Charity's Fireworks Message
A leading horse welfare charity is urging bonfire night organisers to inform local horse owners if their display involves fireworks on November 5.
Nadine Hawkes, Operations Support Manager at the ILPH, said: "Most people look forward to bonfire night, but for horse owners it can be a worrying time. Many horses and ponies can become stressed and upset by both the sight and sound of fireworks going off and if they are out in their fields it could have tragic consequences."
Horseowners are advised to:
Make sure they are aware of firework parties in their area;
Stable their horses and ponies if there are to be fireworks nearby;
Give them plenty of hay to keep them occupied;
Check on them during the evening to make sure they are okay;
Check the field in the morning for any stray fireworks that may of landed there;
Have sand and water available in case of fire.
October 18 2002, this is Gloucestershire, FIREWORK YOBS SPARK OUTCRY
Police in Cheltenham have received dozens of calls from people complaining about yobs throwing fireworks, even though Bonfire Night is still three weeks away.
Residents in Glynbridge Gardens say boy racers, who regularly meet for "cruises" at Kingsditch Retail Park, have been firing rockets at passing cars. Now police have called on parents to make sure their children are not playing with fireworks in the run up to November 5.
October 18 2002, This is Lancashire, Dawn swoop nets fireworks
BLACKPOOL Police seized £5,000 worth of display fireworks during an early morning raid in Blackpool.
The raid, on Wednesday, at an address in Bowland Crescent, Grange Park, was part of Operation Ash, prompted by a spate of firework incidents including an attack on a house which blew out windows and doors.
Hundreds of fireworks stashed in an outhouse were seized, along with cannabis resin. One man was arrested.
Firework nuisance was blamed for an explosion on October 5 at a flat on Forshaw Avenue, Grange Park, caused by an display firework pushed through a letterbox.
A 34-year-old man suffered cuts and bruises and doors and windows were blown out in the blast, just after 1.30am. Youngsters have frequently been setting off powerful fireworks on the estate, destroying phone boxes and frightening residents. PC Rick Frith, Grange Park community beat manager, said: "We will not tolerate this kind of anti-social behaviour on the estate."
October 17 2002, Coventry City Council, No. 10 Firework Petition Gets Coventry Backing
Councillor John McNicholas, Cabinet Member (Environment and Transport) is backing a national petition on behalf of the city which is due to be presented at No. 10 Downing Street next week calling for tighter regulation of fireworks.
The petition drawn up by Barry Gardiner, MP for Brent North, has the support of 30 MPs across the country including Jim Cunningham, MP for Coventry South, and has been signed by over 200,000 people to date. The petition calls for the government to urgently review firework legislation and in particular:
1 Require all public firework displays to be controlled by licensed pyro-technicians
2 Restrict the times of year fireworks can be bought.
3 Restrict the times of day fireworks can be set off.
4 License all vendors of fireworks to meet strict safety criteria and give Trading Standards officers the power to revoke licenses if a vendor is caught selling fireworks to underage children.
Councillor John McNicholas who has been leading on the work to tackle the problems associated with fireworks in Coventry said: "This petition will remind the government about what is a very important issue for local communities in the UK and in essence mirrors what we have been asking for in Coventry. Fireworks and the noise and disturbance they bring to people with pets, young children or older people has been by far the biggest issue in my postbag for the past two years. We by no means wish to be killjoys in Coventry, but some government action is needed to help balance out the needs of everyone to enjoy but not be disturbed by fireworks. We offer our full support to this petition."
Coventry Trading Standards officers have been working to combat some of the noise related issues by:
Introducing a Good Neighbour Firework Code which will be given out as people purchase their fireworks asking them to be responsible and considerate of others.
Looking at setting up a local bylaw to ban fireworks after 11pm at night (Coventry is the first local authority to consider taking this step) and
Lobby the government to ban Category 3 fireworks from public sale.
October 17 2002, East Lothian Courier Lighted firework is thrown into house
Police are hunting mindless vandals who risked causing a major blaze by shattering the living room window of a family home and throwing in a lighted firework.
The residents were shocked when they returned to Knockenhair Lodge, Knockenhair Road, Dunbar - but fortunately the firework had gone out before a blaze started.
On the same night, in nearby streets, firefighters were called out to two separate blazes in garden sheds - one of which contained a gas canister.
October 17 2002, Evening Post, Ban on Peril Firework
A cheap firework blamed for 20 per cent of Bonfire Night-related accidents will be banned after a big increase in teenage victims. The air bomb - described as a type of Roman Candle - will be outlawed as part of a campaign to cut the number of horrific injuries. It is believed to have been used during firework fights in St Paul's last year when gangs turned the area into a virtual war zone. By the end of one night, windows had been smashed and three cars had been burned out in the Grosvenor Road area. Councils are being encouraged to use their powers to take tough action against the noise and nuisance caused by fireworks. The campaign follows a 50 per cent rise in the number of injuries suffered by young teenagers last year - the biggest increase for at least seven years. Phil Parkyn, principal trading standards officer in Bristol, said: "Fireworks become very dangerous indeed if they are let off in the street. They should only be used in controlled conditions." He said parents should not let children under five use sparklers. He said: "Although they conform to British safety standards, the skin of young children is so sensitive, they will suffer burns." In four areas - but none in the West - over-18s caught throwing fireworks in the street will face on the-spot fines of £40. The scheme could be extended to the rest of the country if it proves a success. Melanie Johnson, the consumer minister, said: "We all want to enjoy the fireworks season, but too often this time of year is blighted by problems of fireworks misuse, noise and nuisance. "Teenagers thinking of messing around with fireworks this year should think again. They are likely to spend Bonfire Night in casualty departments or worse." The ban on the sale of air bombs to the public will come into effect on January 1 next year under a regulation to be introduced by the department for trade and industry. Ms Johnson also announced a crackdown on illegal markets in fireworks by Customs and Excise, the Health and Safety Executive and Trading Standards Departments. In the 12 areas where most firework injuries occur - but again none in the West - a hard-hitting poster and television campaign will be launched. Under the slogan Fool with fireworks and bang goes your image, it will highlight the injuries teenagers have suffered from fireworks misuse.
October 17 2002, Evening Post, Bang out of order
Campaigners in Weston-super-Mare are calling for firework displays to be squeezed into a limited timeslot of just two-and-a-half hours each year. More than 1,000 people in the resort have signed a petition launched by pet lover Jeremy Norton calling for restrictions on the use of fireworks. They want displays on Bonfire Night to be allowed only between 6pm and 8pm. And they say that on New Years Eve people should not be permitted to let off fireworks outside of a half-hour period from 11.45pm to 12.15am. Their petition is being presented in London today by Liberal Democrat MP Brian Cotter. He will hand it to Melanie Johnson, the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Competition, Consumers and Markets, in an effort to get the policy introduced. Mr Norton, aged 63, of Nithsdale Road, Weston, launched the campaign earlier this year in the hope of banning fireworks except on specific days and at certain times. He says that fireworks set off at other times cause animals such as his seven-year-old ginger tom cat, Kipper, unnecessary suffering. And he is concerned at the number of times displays are mounted around his home at all times of the year. Pet owners are warned to keep their animals indoors during firework displays, but the season when they take place gets longer every year, campaigners say. Mr Cotter said: "With Bonfire Night just around the corner, many constituents like Mr Norton have contacted me to express their concern about the lack of restrictions in place to control the use of fireworks. "With fireworks going off at any time of the day and any time of the year, it is very difficult for constituents to keep their pets safe. "Fireworks do not only cause animals stress, but also cause them serious injuries." Mr Cotter added: "This is an issue that I feel very strongly about. "I, along with my colleagues in Parliament, have supported several motions calling on the Government to tighten controls on fireworks."
October 17 2002, Express and Star, Alarm over pub firework sale plan
A deputy mayor fears a Black Country pub selling fireworks could be a recipe for disaster if tipsy regulars stagger out and decide to let them off "for a lark". Councillor John Rowley is calling on the council to tighten up its fireworks rules. He made the call after learning that The Ashtree in Great Hampton Street Whitmore Reans, Wolverhampton, is planning to become a fireworks retailer. At its building annexed on to the pub in Great Hampton Street it plans to sell fireworks under the name of Fireworks R Us.
But Councillor Rowley said if a pub gets the go-ahead it could open the floodgates for anyone to be registered to do so. "A pub selling fireworks in a building annexed to it is simply not on. People who have been drinking and are a bit merry might be tempted to go in and let fireworks off for a bit of a lark. It quite frightening." He added: "I'm not for banning the retail of fireworks but I do think people should be licensed to sell them. Now, provided they are stored in the correct way anyone can sell them."
Wayne Uren, from Fireworks R Us, said the fireworks would be sold during normal shop hours and not at closing time. "Anyone who is thought to have been drinking will not be sold them. We plan to remove the fireworks from the premises each night," he added.
Trading standards officer Peter Calvert said he would be visiting the pub. He said under the Explosives Act 1875, as long as people were registered and store fireworks safely they were allowed to sell them.
October 17 2002, Express and Star, MPs join battle for curbs on fireworks,
Black Country MPs joined more than 40 colleagues to hand in a 200,000 strong petition to Tony Blair calling for more regulation over the sale and use of fireworks.
Stourbridge MP Debra Shipley, Dudley North MP Ross Cranston and West Bromwich East MP Tom Watson helped to hand in the petition to 10 Downing Street.
The petition, in 11 boxes, has been collected in support of a Commons bid to put more controls on the time of year fireworks may be sold, who can sell the devices and what time of day they may be set off.
It follows a series of high profile accidents involving fireworks where people have been maimed or killed including a Birmingham woman who was hit in the face and chest last week when a firework was thrown at her from a car.
Ms Shipley, who personally helped to collect more than 250 petitions in Stourbridge said: "In the days and weeks after November I had so many people who came into my surgery talking about fireworks.
"Many of them were elderly and were very nervous about them.
"Some people had them thrown at their windows. I actually started writing to the minister about this last year."
Mr Watson, who helped collect a 2,000 strong petition in his constituency, said: "Fireworks are likely to become a particular nuisance over the next few weeks, so I will continue to keep up the pressure on Ministers to act."
Mr Cranston said: "The petition shows the enormous support there is both within Dudley and throughout the Black Country for reforming the legislation on fireworks."
October 17 2002, Greenock Telegraph Online, Rocket prank angers mother
A SECOND angry mother has called for a ban on fireworks after a rocket was pushed through her letter box.
Pauline Coulter, of Maybole Road, Port Glasgow, told how she heard a massive bang as the missile bore a hole in her inner front door as she sat reading the Greenock Telegraph.
She said: "I was reading the story in the Telegraph about the girl who was hurt in the face, when a firework was pushed through the letter box.
"I heard a swirling noise, and then a huge bang. At first I thought it was outside, but my son said 'Mum that sounds as if it's inside'. I told him not to be silly, but I went into the porch and the smoke was belching everywhere.
"The furry bit on the letter box was burnt and the firework was just hanging from it. Whatever came off the firework bored a hole thrown the inner PVC door."
Mrs Coulter (33) said that just minutes earlier her 12-year-old son Paul John had come in from school through the door.
She added: "I'm definitely in favour of a ban on the sale of fireworks. If Paul John had come home a few minutes later he could have been badly hurt."
Mrs Coulter reported the incident, which happened just before 4pm on Thursday, to police.
October 17 2002, icCoventry - Arsonists close charity shop
A charity shop has been forced to close after being targeted by arsonists.
Stock was destroyed and hundreds of pounds damage caused at the PDSA shop in Jubilee Crescent, Radford, on Monday night. The shop raises money to help fund the treatment of sick animals.
Bins at the rear of the shop were set alight and a firework pushed into pens containing almost 200 bags of donated stock, all of which have been ruined. The attack comes less than a month after the PDSA branch in Rugby closed following an arson attack. Radford shop manager Lorraine Alcock said: "We are horrified that our shop has been targeted. "Once again, the charity has lost hundreds of pounds worth of valuable stock, reducing the amount raised for the local pet community." Cash raised at the shop helps pets at PDSA's Coventry PetAid hospital in Barker Butts Lane. On average 85 sick and injured animals are treated every working day at the hospital.
The Rugby PDSA shop won't reopen until November 4.
October 17 2002, icNewcastle - Check on fireworks sales By The Evening Chronicle
Parents and shopkeepers in Co Durham are being urged to treat fireworks as explosives and not toys. To protect children from harm, Durham County Council consumer services is launching a crackdown on illegal fireworks sales in the run-up to Bonfire Night. Phillip Holman, head of consumer services, said: "Although it's illegal to sell fireworks to anyone under 18, the horrifying statistic is that over 50 per cent of firework-related injuries happen to children under 16. "The aim is to ensure, with the help of parents and shopkeepers, that children and youngsters are protected. "We'll be visiting all firework retailers to ensure they are aware of the strict storage conditions and age restrictions and that they have the appropriate information and safety leaflets to hand." As well a crackdown on under age sales, officers will also make sure that only fireworks that comply with the relevant British Standard are on sale.
October 17 2002, icSurrey Online - MP calls for stringent fireworks control, Crawley News
THE town's MP is turning up the heat on the campaign to tighten up firework laws by handing over a petition to the Prime Minister. Laura Moffatt explained she has collected more than 1,000 resident's signatures to add to a country-wide list of almost 200,000. The petition calls for restrictions on when the fireworks can be let off, for all public displays to be carried out by licensed organisers and for trading standards to have power to revoke shop licences. Laura said: "There is no doubting the strength of feeling on this issue, both here in Crawley and nationally. No one wants to stop people having fun and enjoying fireworks, but that has to be without causing unnecessary distress to other people and their pets." Current laws ban the sale of fireworks to under-16s and restrict the types of firework allowed to be sold. Darren Smith, from CNN Cycles, said the current law was fine and that selling fireworks was a matter of common sense. He said: "Fireworks have become more popular over the past few years as people use them for birthdays, weddings and other special occasions. "It is all down to using discretion really. We will only sell them to people for organised displays. There is no way we'll sell one rocket or banger to a 16-year-old."
October 17 2002, Leeds Today, MPs back YEP drive for ban on fireworks
MPs vowed to press for new laws as they presented a petition at Downing Street calling for a crackdown on fireworks. Batley and Spen Labour MP Mike Wood was among campaigners who backed Yorkshire Evening Post calls for restrictions to end "out of control" use of fireworks.
Eleven boxes of petitions containing 200,000 signatures - including 1,250 from people in Mr Wood's area - were presented at No 10 as 50 MPs crowded to support the plea yesterday.
Labour MP Barry Gardiner welcomed the YEP's campaign for laws restricting sales of fireworks until 10 days before Bonfire Night and proper licensing of displays. Mr Gardiner said: "Keep it up. Two hundred thousand signatures is only the beginning." Mr Wood told of distress to residents from loud fireworks let off at all hours of night and day. He also backed protests about suffering caused to pets. "We have three months when fireworks seem to be a daily and nightly occurrence. People are even complaining of fireworks being let off at two and three in the morning," he said. Mr Wood said campaigners did not want to stop Bonfire Night fun. But he said growing and "uncontrolled" use of fireworks must be curbed. He said: "We get a lot of complaints about animals being terrified and owners not even being able to let them out into the garden."
MPs welcomed latest moves to ban "air bomb" fireworks from January. But they urged the Government to go further. They will make a new bid to put forward laws restricting times of year and hours of the day when fireworks can be sold and let off. They also want a licence system for shops selling fireworks.
The shop licence system would include powers for trading watchdogs to revoke licences of shopkeepers who sell to under-age children. The petition also calls for public firework displays to be controlled by licensed experts.
A previous attempt to bring in new laws foundered because a Bill spearheaded by Mr Gardiner ran out of time. Campaigners now hope a new bid will be made.
October 17 2002, Manchester News, Death of Megan
I would be very happy to see a ban on the sale of fireworks to the morons who set off fireworks here from lunchtime until 2am. It's like Beirut from September onwards. I also own a dog who is very frightened by fireworks and spend most Autumn evenings trying to calm her down between 'explosions', enough is enough.
Fed up of Fireworks, Heaton Park, Manchester
October 17 2002, Manchester Evening News, Firework prank starts blaze
FIREFIGHTERS rescued a man from a flat in Stretford after a suspected arson attack using fireworks. It is thought -fireworks were set off in the communal hallway of a block of flats on Elm Drive at -about 8pm last night. The 40-year-old householder was ushered out of the property by firefighters after they tackled the blaze.
October 17 2002, Manchester Evening News, It's time to ban the sale of fireworks
FOR the last few weeks, every cat, dog and pensioner in the neighbourhood has been living in fear.
Each night, there's a volley of explosions, ranging from the noise of the trenches heard from Dover, to the sound of 100 cars backfiring.
And while even I take a second to adjust my thinking from "bomb!" to "fireworks", for the more fearful members of society it's turned every evening into a terrifying gauntlet to be run, and carries on until the early hours of the morning. It is not cosy families enjoying toffee apples in the back gardens who are setting them off. It's bunches of bored lads, who thinks it's a dead good laugh to stuff lit fireworks into post boxes, and even, to throw them for animals to catch, and to scare people. The only way to avoid this is to ban the sale of fireworks to individuals. Organised displays are better, anyway than the usual cheap sputter you get for your few quid.
And perhaps that way the only night to erupt into bangs and flashes and crashes will be bonfire night itself.
October 17 2002, Manchester online , Stay Safe Campaign
Yes its ok saying they should be given to people who won't misuse them, but I don't want to hear fireworks all the time. New Year yeah, and bonfire night, but other times no. The more you see them and hear them, the more fed up of them you become. OK, it's different if it's a one off party, but all through the summer? It's pathetic. They should only be sold to people who have a license and there should be limits. I mean I remember when I was a kid and it's not that long ago cos I am only 19, and you only ever heard fireworks on bonfire night and that was special and that is how it should be. And anyone caught letting them off should be fined, then if they still don't listen, they go to court, and if they still don't listen, they should be put in jail as it's the only way to stop the thugs of today. But to me, the police cant be bothered they just let them get away with everything so even though this is a good idea to put your comments, no-one will listen.
Steph, Manchester
October 17 2002, Manchester online , Stay Safe Campaign
The laws should tighten up with regard to selling periods and the current voluntary code should be made compulsory by law so no-one can flout it. Manufacturers should only be allowed to deliver the fireworks to them from the first week in October. There should also be punishments/fines and imprisonment for those who willingly and knowing purchase fireworks for under 18's. Parents and families of children involved in firework misuse should NOT be immune from the law with anti-social behaviour orders/fines/imprisonment for 6 months/parenting orders and curfews slapped on them. Trading Standards departments should have the rights and powers to refuse future licensing and registration to shops selling to under 18's. Anyone putting on public displays should be licensed and trained. Very large category 3 display class 25m fireworks should only be allowed to be sold to individuals and groups and organisations who have been trained and certificated to BTec/C+G qualifications in the safe use and firing of those fireworks. All year firework shops and twice-a-year firework retailers should ask for a utility bill or private personal letter before selling fireworks to the customers. Mail order firework retailers and companies should insist on two forms of ID when customers submit orders with payment for fireworks and this will be returned with the order of fireworks when they are delivered to the customer by parcels carrier. Times for letting off should be restricted before 9pm after Nov 5th unless New Year's Eve and NOT after 11pm in summer (it doesn't go dark till 9.30 or 10pm then which makes it a pain for anyone planning a party). Also parents and families of children should be made to pay vets fees for cruelty to animals with fireworks and any compensation for property damage/personal injury they may have caused with fireworks. My recommendations are far, far better than a sales ban on fireworks-why should the responsible families and people who do care and enjoy fireworks safely and sensibly home have to have that pleasure taken away from them and suffer because of the behaviour of children and youth misusing fireworks?
A. P. Accrington,
October 17 2002, Salford Advertiser, Ban call after firework kills dog
SAFETY campaigners are backing The Advertiser, and calling for the law surrounding fireworks to be toughened after a dog was killed when yobs made it pick up a banger.
Megan was killed in Middleton last week when young thugs threw fireworks at her and made her collect one in her mouth.
Now members of the National Campaign for Firework Safety say the incident highlights the dangers of fireworks and are repeating the call to give councils the power to ban the sale of bangers. Salford Council are one of the many local authorities to have asked for the law governing the sale of fireworks to be toughened.
Now, members of the national campaign are asking consumer minister Melanie Johnson to give councils the power to set by-laws, forbidding the sale of fireworks apart from on November 5 and New Year's Eve.
Campaign member Peter Wilson said, "There are many things a local authority will want to do to tackle firework abuse. Give them the power, Minister. "In most cases of firework abuse the police are too busy to act immediately, so when they do turn up they say 'unless we can catch them in the act, we are helpless'
"So we urge the minister to get off the fence and act. Let us ban all retail sales of fireworks. Let us have peace and quiet and let our pets have peace and quiet."
October 17 2002, Salford Advertiser, Bonfire danger in Irlam
A LARGE stack of wood piled up for Bonfire night was set alight in by children in Irlam last Tuesday. Firefighters were called to the huge blaze at 7pm and took half an hour to put it out.
Irlam firefighter Peter Taylor said there is a persistent problem with children lighting bonfires which have been set up in preparation for Guy Fawkes night at this time of year.
He said: "It's always a concern that people are going to get burned or badly injured. These unlit bonfires should always' be supervised by a responsible adult to make sure children do not set fire to them.''
October 17 2002, Salford Advertiser, Put safety first on Guy Fawkes night
FAMILIES holding private bonfires on November 5 are to be given free safety packs thanks to a new scheme from Salford Council.
The Bonfire Registration Scheme is offering safety tips to organisers of private celebrations in exchange for registration of the name, location and land details of any private bonfire via a special telephone line. A special information pack will be sent to callers to help families plan a safe, successful evening of fireworks fun. The scheme, set up with Greater Manchester Police and firefighters, hopes to cut the number of firework-related injuries, reduce juvenile nuisance and save time for emergency services.
Previously the council's crime and community safety unit have carried out random underage fireworks purchases and worked with organisers of two community bonfires in Buile Hill and Walkden.
Councillor David Lancaster said, "We are encouraging Salford families to enjoy the event at an organised bonfire but I would urge those who want to celebrate at home to take advantage of our Bonfire Registration Scheme and the free pack. "Salford Council is working closely with the police and fire service to achieve a safe and enjoyable event for all citizens of Salford." Anyone wanting to register a private bonfire can call 0161 793 2022.
October 17 2002, Salford Advertiser, Yobs hurl bombs at city firefighters, by Marc Iles
YOBS hurling fireworks are setting potentially lethal traps for hard working firefighters across the city.
With Bonfire Night less than three weeks away there has been an increase in the number of violent attacks against fire crews including youths throwing bricks, stones and fireworks as the officers carry out their duty.
Fire chiefs believe smaller fires are often being set to draw the firefighters to the scene - where they are deemed easy targets for the waiting thugs.
Earlier this week, fire officer Ian Worth was sent home from Farnworth Station after he and fellow officers were attacked whilst attending an accidental waggon fire on the Kearsley/Salford border.
A large air bomb was thrown out of a car, igniting at the feet of three firefighters, though fortunately there were no serious injuries. Sub Officer Kirk Cornwall of Farnworth Station explained: "I had to send Ian home with ringing in his ears and a bad headache. "These things put extra onus on the firefighters and the officers in charge. When we turn out it is always in the back of your mind that it could happen again - it is enough to deal with just attending a fire without thinking your career could be in danger too."
Fire Authority spokesperson Ian Bailey urged any member of the public who has witnessed an attack on a firefighter to contact the police.
He said: "Part of being a firefighter is that we have to have a certain level of hearing and this sort of thing could put an end to someone's career. "Throwing a firework into a crowd of firefighters could result in an entire pump being taken off duty and an area left without fire cover.
Several smaller incidents have also been reported in Lower Broughton, Kersal and Little Hulton - where fire stations have now launched a local leaflet campaign to ask parents if they know where their children are after dark.
Father-of-three Ian, who is backing The Advertiser's campaign, said the responsibility must also rest with children's parents. He said: "The question we ask of parents is 'do you know where your kids are at night?' I know that at a certain time of night my kids are tucked up in bed."
Government figures released this week said last year, Hope and RMCH were both in the top five busiest hospitals in the North West for firework related injuries with 42 separate incidents.
Join The Advertiser's campaign for firework safety and take firefighters out of the firing line. If you know of any shop or individual selling fireworks to under 18's call our Firework Hotline on 0161 707 9806 and let us know. They can't be allowed to get away with it.
October 17 2002, Salford Advertiser, Yours briefly
EDITOR - What charming reading in last week's Advertiser. -Fireworks complaints again the main topic. The fireworks phone line is a new thing. I hope it works. I have used it daily. This year is worse than ever. And weeks to suffer yet until November 5. Irlam TSB robbed. Post offices robbed. Elderly robbed again. People fed up of living in Irlam/Cadishead. What a sad world we live in. Hope the next one is better
J. H. Address supplied
October 17 2002, This is Bristol - BAN ON PERIL FIREWORK
A cheap firework blamed for 20 per cent of Bonfire Night-related accidents will be banned after a big increase in teenage victims. The air bomb - described as a type of Roman Candle - will be outlawed as part of a campaign to cut the number of horrific injuries. It is believed to have been used during firework fights in St Paul's last year when gangs turned the area into a virtual war zone. By the end of one night, windows had been smashed and three cars had been burned out in the Grosvenor Road area. Councils are being encouraged to use their powers to take tough action against the noise and nuisance caused by fireworks. The campaign follows a 50 per cent rise in the number of injuries suffered by young teenagers last year - the biggest increase for at least seven years.
Phil Parkyn, principal trading standards officer in Bristol, said: "Fireworks become very dangerous indeed if they are let off in the street. They should only be used in controlled conditions." He said parents should not let children under five use sparklers. He said: "Although they conform to British safety standards, the skin of young children is so sensitive, they will suffer burns."
In four areas - but none in the West - over-18s caught throwing fireworks in the street will face on the-spot fines of £40. The scheme could be extended to the rest of the country if it proves a success.
October 17 2002, This is Cheshire, Firecracker explosion damages vet's surgery
A LIT firework was thrown into a vet's surgery in Appleton during the early hours of Tuesday morning.
The alarm was activated just after 1am on October 15, when a firework was inserted into an air vent at the side of the building, on Dudlows Green Road.
The firecracker landed in the main operating area - shattering glass and causing some minor damage to equipment - and narrowly missing oxygen cylinders. Animals are usually kept in the surgery overnight but they were not injured during the explosion.
Police are treating the incident as criminal damage, but say that it had the potential to be quite nasty.
Anyone who witnessed the incident, or who may have information, should contact PC Paul Whitehead on 652222.
October 17 2002, This is Cheshire, Firework warning for town traders
SHOPKEEPERS who sell fireworks to youngsters are to be targeted in a campaign by consumer watchdogs in the run-up to Bonfire Night.
Most fireworks cannot legally be bought by people aged under 18, according to trading standards officials.
Under-age volunteers will be employed, as part of an undercover operation, to check out if traders are following the letter of the law.
Shop owners are also being reminded that they are allowed to sell fireworks only for a limited period before November 5.
Last year the Guardian received letters from dozens of readers who were concerned about the length of time, both before and after Bonfire Night, that people were able to buy and use bangers and rockets.
The safety message is also being hammered home, with figures showing that firework-related accidents are again on the increase.
Borough council health promotion officers have given talks on firework safety to pupils in primary and secondary schools.
A nationwide ban is set to come into force at the start of next year on the sale of air bombs, which has won the council's support.
Police, the fire brigade and Town Hall chiefs are all lending their support to the firework safety campaign.
Station officer Mick Cox, of Cheshire Fire Service, said: "We strongly recommend that people only attend organised firework displays."
October 17 2002, This is Lancashire, Firework campaign hits the streets
POLICE in Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale have launched a hard-hitting campaign aimed at curbing the misuse of fireworks in the run up to bonfire night.
As part of the campaign, police officers throughout Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale are visiting shops selling fireworks to remind them of their responsibilities, as well as targeting premises suspected of selling fireworks to underage youngsters.
Police say the campaign has been launched following complaints from residents. The move comes after the government announced today that the 'Air Bomb' brand of fireworks are to be banned from the high street after concerns about their safety were raised.
They are also distributing posters in trouble spots warning youngsters of the dangers of misusing fireworks as well as mounting high visibility patrols.
Last year, police across Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale dealt with more than 400 phone calls from concerned residents leading up to November 5, ranging from calls about juvenile nuisance, the sale of fireworks and damage from fireworks.
Two years ago an 18-year-old man from Burnley was killed after an accident with a firework.
Anyone with information about the illegal sale of fireworks in Burnley can contact Crimestoppers on 08000 555 111.
October 17 2002, This is Lancashire, Fireworks are just like a bombing raid
AFTER reading the article "Partial fireworks ban on cards" (Wednesday, October 9), I must admit that it left me somewhat confused.
If I may quote from the article. "Bolton shops were found to have been selling fireworks illegally to children under the age of 18 over the past 12 months". Over the past 12 months? Please correct me if I'm wrong, or I may have misunderstood that last line, but I always thought that Bonfire Night was November 5.
So, could someone please tell me (other than for reason of profit) why, every year, explosives go on sale in the second week of October? But, hang on a minute, fireworks are still being let off well into November. Is this because people who have bought them didn't manage to set them all off, or because they are still being sold?
The misery and anxiety caused to elderly people and animals by morons and the misuse of fireworks every year is, surely, an indication that this ridiculous ritual has now run its course. A few years ago, bangers were banned, but now we have far more powerful fireworks that rattle windows. I work on Security at Smithills Hall and when November 5 gets into full swing, it's like listening to a bombing raid. Every year we read the same reports of fireworks being thrown at people's windows or cars, or pushed through letter boxes. A dog was killed when it picked up a firework that had been thrown by yobs.
A total ban on the sale of fireworks until the last week in October is the only way. Any fireworks unsold after November 5 should be removed from the shelves, and, before anyone writes in to say they are anyway -- no, they are not! May I quote another instance from the Bolton Evening News.
October 9, 2002 "Firework injures fireman". "A passing motorist threw a firework at a firefighter as he and his colleagues were packing up their equipment after dealing with a burning lorry on the Kearsley roundabout." Need I say more?
M. M. Bradshaw
October 17 2002, This is Worcestershire, Sale of fireworks should be banned
JUST as we read about hearing the first cuckoo, seeing Christmas cards on sale in February, and Easter eggs on New Year's Day, I feel the time has come when people will start reporting the first firework explosion.
For me, it seems to be an all-year round occurrence.
The noise, if one is close by, must be terrifying. Old folks and animals can be frightened.
Why should we have to put up with what is unsociable behaviour? Can there not be a restriction on their sale until nearer the actual November 5 celebration?
My opinion is that they should not be on sale to the public at all. At least not those fireworks that make such a noise or carry on exploding for what seems hours. Sparklers and coloured displays by all means, but nothing else.
I firmly believe that only properly organised displays within proper enclosures and with suitable security should be allowed.
Let's rid ourselves of this nuisance once and for all. Never has money been so unwisely wasted.
Evening Chronicle, 16 October 2002, Bid to curb tragic toll
A fresh attempt to cut the tragic toll of children hurt by fireworks was launched on Tyneside today. Tough measures are being introduced by the Government to target the misuse of fireworks and an advertising campaign will highlight the horrific injuries they cause.
The campaign's slogan, 'Fool with fireworks and bang goes your image' is designed to drive the message home to children about the consequences of playing with them.
Consumer Minister Melanie Johnson said the poster and TV ad campaign would focus specifically on 12 areas of the country, including Newcastle and Gateshead, where the problems are considered most serious.
Figures show the number of injuries in the North East reached 258 last year, the highest in the country. The new measures unveiled today by the government were immediately welcomed by Trading Standards officers in Newcastle who have already launched a crackdown on rogue shopkeepers who sell fireworks to children under 18.
Dave O'Brien, trading standards manager at Newcastle City Council said: "For about four or five years the number of firework injuries fell but last year they soared nationally. Overall there was a 40 per cent increase in injuries and for young lads aged 11 to 17 there was a 55 per cent increase and it's all because of misuse.
He said trading standards officers are working with the fire brigade and police in the run-up to Bonfire Night in a bid to curb fireworks misuse.
Councillors and head-teachers across the city have also been asked to help by reporting any complaints or concerns they receive.
Three years ago Christopher Dobson, 16, was hit in the face by a firework someone had thrown as he rode his bike home in Sunderland.
As part of the government's new crackdown, certain types of "pocket money" fireworks are to be outlawed, Air bombs, which are linked with up to a fifth of all firework injuries and are cheap and accessible to youngsters, will be banned under proposed new regulations.
Local authorities are also being encouraged to clamp down on noise caused by fireworks
Evening Chronicle, 16 October 2002, Restrict use of fireworks
When my son, who lives in Germany, rang me last Sunday, he heard bangers going off.
I told him the mindless cretins had been setting these loud fireworks off and rockets sideways where I live for weeks now, making old people stay indoors and leaving their pets petrified.
He stated that it is Government law in Germany that no shopkeeper is allowed to sell anyone fireworks until a week before the event.
He advises everyone who cares to campaign to stop this. Contact your MP, keep on and don't stop until these lawless acts are stopped once and for all.
I. M. Leam Lane, Gateshead
Evening Chronicle, 16 October 2002, Vent Your Spleen
It is only October and we are already being plagued to death by fireworks in Shiremoor.
The other day at the bus stop, a group of children at 8.15 in the morning let off eight bangers one after the other.
You hear them in the evenings as well and they are a complete nuisance to people and animals alike.
Why don't people ban fireworks once and for all, apart from organised displays.
The children here in Shiremoor are young savages anyway.
We don't need them making our lives even more of a misery then they do already playing out until 10 o'clock at night or even later. Ban fireworks and do everyone a favour.
October 16 2002, BBC News 24, West Midlands, More than 1, 000 sign firework petition.
An MP is taking his campaign for tougher laws on the sale and use of fireworks to Downing Street.
Labour MP for West Bromwich East, Tom Watson, is presenting his petition signed by more than 1,000 residents of Sandwell to the Prime Minister.
Mr Watson said, "We want a change in the law to restrict the time of year that fireworks can be sold and the time of day they can be let off. My constituents are left in misery for weeks each year when they are on sale."
October 16 2002, Burton Mail - Fireworks boss backs bomb ban
ONE OF Britain's most popular fireworks is to be banned in a bid to reduce the number of accidents.
The ban on single tube airbombs and small whistle or bang rockets will come into force on January 1, 2003.
The fireworks, which sell around 30 million each year, are some of the loudest yet cheapest on the market.
Cosmic Fireworks, based in Fauld near Tutbury, is one of many companies which imports airbombs from China.
Cosmic chairman John Woodhead, also heads the British Fireworks Association (BFA), which has agreed to the ban despite inevitable financial sacrifices that will have to be made.
Mr Woodhead said: "Our product is as safe as any in the world and is used safely, without causing an offence to other, by over 10 million people each year.
"Our air bomb and small rocket ban is aimed at the hooligan minority who give fireworks a bad name.
"We trust that this announcement will be good news to the many who have felt the need to complain so vociferously during the past year- in particular the elderly and pet owners."
Mr Woodhead said that BFA members were also now producing fireworks to comply with proposed European noise levels, which were expected to become law within the next two years.
Last month the Mail reported that residents of Uxbridge feared a repeat of last year's scenes in which fireworks were pushed through letter boxes and thrown at people.
East Staffordshire borough councillors for the Uxbridge ward Sue Marbrow, pictured, and Ali Chaudhry welcomed news of the ban and said it was a "step in the right direction" but said it would not solve the problems altogether.
Burton MP Janet Dean has also written to Prime Minister Tony Blair to pledge her support for a change in the laws regulating the sale and use of fireworks.
October 16 2002, Express and Star, MP's delight over firework spot fines
A Staffordshire MP campaigning for tougher laws on the sale of fireworks has welcomed the introduction of on the spot fines.
Bill Cash, MP for Stone, is delighted anyone over 18 caught throwing fireworks in the street will now face a £40 spot fine.
He has also welcomed the Government's plans to introduce new firework legislation in the New Year.
The MP has been campaigning for stricter controls on the sale of fireworks for more than a year, and will today join several other MPs to hand over a joint petition to the Prime Minister calling for greater firework regulation.
Earlier this year he presented a 1,600 name petition from his constituency to the House of Commons demanding stricter controls on the sale of fireworks.
This month he took his campaign a step further by joining forces with the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.
Mr Cash has continued to receive complaints from his constituents throughout his campaigning, and believes the root of the problem is heavy duty fireworks.
He said these should be licensed and not available to the general public, only for proper firework displays.
"I do feel somewhat vindicated with this announcement and I am delighted that we will have legislation in the New Year," said Mr Cash.
"I have always said that fireworks can be great fun and a most enjoyable spectacle - in the right hands and at a properly organised event.
"However, when we have youths throwing fireworks in the streets, injuring people, terrifying the elderly and people's pets and damaging property, it is quite unacceptable and must be legislated against."
Mr Cash is urging constituents who have not yet signed the petition to call into his Stone office on the High Street and add their name to the campaign.
The Government crackdown comes just twelve months after the number of firework related injuries among young teenagers rose by 50 per cent.
October 16 2002, Greenock Telegraph Online, Yobs hurl rockets at firemen
FIREFIGHTERS were pelted with fireworks as they tackled a blaze in Greenock last night.
A gang of around 12 teenagers threw rockets at the emergency crews after they were called to a wheely bin fire in Berwick Road.
Gourock station officer Andy Hayne said today: "No-one was hurt but they easily could have been.
"It was quite serious. These rockets were flying about as the firefighters were trying to do their job. One rocket landed about six feet from one firefighter who was working the pump."
The attack is the latest in a series of firework incidents across the area.
Widower Leonard Brown spoke of his shock today after a firework was put through his door on Monday.
The 77-year-old heard a huge explosion and thought it had been let off in his close, but then realised his own home in Garvald Street, Greenock, had been hit.
He said: "There was a huge explosion and I went into the hall. It was full of smoke and there were bits of plastic everywhere.
"The squib had been put through the letter box and the plastic covering over it was completely destroyed."
October 16 2002, Greenock Telegraph, Yobs hurl rockets at firemen
FIREFIGHTERS were pelted with fireworks as they tackled a blaze in Greenock last night.
A gang of around 12 teenagers threw rockets at the emergency crews after they were called to a wheely bin fire in Berwick Road.
Gourock station officer Andy Hayne said today: "No-one was hurt but they easily could have been.
"It was quite serious. These rockets were flying about as the firefighters were trying to do their job. One rocket landed about six feet from one firefighter who was working the pump."
The attack is the latest in a series of firework incidents across the area.
Widower Leonard Brown spoke of his shock today after a firework was put through his door on Monday.
The 77-year-old heard a huge explosion and thought it had been let off in his close, but then realised his own home in Garvald Street, Greenock, had been hit.
He said: "There was a huge explosion and I went into the hall. It was full of smoke and there were bits of plastic everywhere.
"The squib had been put through the letter box and the plastic covering over it was completely destroyed."
October 16 2002, icBerkshire - Shops sold fireworks to children
TWO Newbury shops proved they weren't the brightest sparks in the sky at Halloween - both branches of Dillons newsagents have each been fined £1,500 for selling fireworks to underage children.
When West Berkshire Council's trading standards team sent a 14-year-old boy into the Broadway and Bartholomew Street shops on October 31 last year, he came out with a set of TFI rockets and a Tempest selection box of fireworks.
The council asks undercover teenagers, who are immune from prosecution, to make test purchases and so it can monitor the illegal sale of knives, tobacco, adult videos, DVDs lighter fuel and alcohol to under 18's.
Dillons shop assistants Lorraine Smith and Jenny Excell were caught making two illegal sales of fireworks that day, but at West Berkshire Magistrates' Court on Monday, prosecution solicitor Sarah Clarke, on behalf of the district council, said one charge each against the women of supplying fireworks to a minor had been dropped.
She added: "At the Broadway shop the assistant asked for ID, yet still she proceeded to make the sale.
"Later that day at the Bartholomew Street shop, the teenager bought a firework selection box."
Defence solicitor Roy Tozer, represented Dillons, accused under its trading name of T&S Stores based in the West Midlands. The company owns over a 1,000 shops and has millions of customer transactions a day.
He said every shop had posters, a firework safety manual and signs warning staff not to sell fireworks to underage children, but he admitted: "The managers didn't fulfil their responsibility; some of them gave the training to staff but one accepts he didn't.
"If the manual was the only information that the store managers received then fine, but they also had reminders to make it easy for them.
"There is no excuse - any system is only as good as its weakest link."
Magistrates fined the company a total of £3,000 and ordered them to pay £350 court costs.
October 16 2002, icHuddersfield, `Wrecked by a firework'
A BLAZE which devastated a Slaithwaite firm may have been caused by a firework pushed under the door.
Fire investigation experts are probing the theory that arsonists may have used a firework - possibly a rocket - to set fire to a joiners' workshop.
Other fireworks were found pushed under doors at neighbouring firms.
Police were today involved in the investigation.
Firefighters were called to tackle the inferno beneath the railway arches on Viaduct Street shortly before 9pm last night.
Leading firefighter Stephen Hepworth, of Slaithwaite fire station, said: "We could see an orange glow as soon as we pulled out of the station so we knew it was a major fire.
"The workshop was well alight when we arrived and it took more than an hour to bring the blaze under control."
Leading firefighter Hepworth added: "We found fireworks pushed beneath doors at other firms close by and recovered a rocket called Sonic Boom from one.
"Fire investigators will be sifting through the wreckage today to try to pinpoint the cause. The workshop has been completely gutted."
The firm's owner, 70-year-old Kenneth Dyson, of Golcar, said: "We just don't know what will happen now, if the workshop can be rebuilt or we have to move.
"We don't know the financial cost of the damage or what we can salvage until an insurance assessor has been.
"There would have been wood chippings on the floor, so if a flame had reached them it would have gone up very quickly."
Mr Dyson has run his business for 45 years and moved to the workshop in Slaithwaite from Lindley 16 years ago.
He works with his son, Stuart.
Mr Dyson added: "We're still in shock today. The workshop looks totally destroyed inside and the roof has collapsed."
Workers at nearby Colne Valley Skip Hire said their firm had been targeted by vandals several times.
A worker at neighbouring Albion Colours said they made sure their doors were covered at night to protect them from vandal attacks.
The fire came after Huddersfield police warned parents to stop their children messing about with fireworks after a series of incidents.
In one case a firework was pushed through the letterbox of a 68-year-old woman's home in Fartown.
The firework set the carpet alight at the house in Blackhouse Road, but fortunately that was the limit of the damage.
Police have also received reports of people throwing fireworks at passing cars and in built up areas in Golcar, Birkby, Oakes and around Greenhead Park, Huddersfield.
October 16 2002, icNewcastle - Bid to curb tragic toll By Helen Greenwood, Evening Chronicle
A fresh attempt to cut the tragic toll of children hurt by fireworks was launched on Tyneside today. Tough measures are being introduced by the Government to target the misuse of fireworks and an advertising campaign will highlight the horrific injuries they cause. The campaign's slogan, `Fool with fireworks and bang goes your image' is designed to drive the message home to children about the consequences of playing with them. Consumer Minister Melanie Johnson said the poster and TV ad campaign would focus specifically on 12 areas of the country, including Newcastle and Gateshead, where the problems are considered most serious. Figures show the number of injuries in the North East reached 258 last year, the highest in the country. The new measures unveiled today by the government were immediately welcomed by trading standards officers in Newcastle who have already launched a crackdown on rogue shopkeepers who sell fireworks to children under 18. Dave O'Brien, trading standards manager at Newcastle City Council, said: "For about four or five years the number of fireworks injuries fell but last year they soared nationally. Overall there was a 40 per cent increase in injuries and for young lads aged 11 to 17 there was a 55 per cent increase and it's all because of misuse." He said trading standards officers are working with the fire brigade and police in the run-up to Bonfire Night in a bid to curb fireworks misuse. Councillors and headteachers across the city have also been asked to help by reporting any complaints or concerns they receive. Three years ago Christopher Dobson, 16, was hit in the face by a firework someone had thrown as he rode his bike home in Sunderland. As part of the government's new crackdown, certain types of "pocket money" fireworks are to be outlawed. Air bombs, which are linked with up to a fifth of all firework injuries and are cheap and accessible to youngsters, will be banned under proposed new regulations. Local authorities are also being encouraged to clamp down on noise caused by fireworks
October 16 2002, Independent Independent, I used to enjoy fireworks. Now I want them banned
This is not just health and safety wimpdom. It's the attitude that fireworks betray which really irritates
Moments of epiphany come in all guises. It was a hefty stick of solid pine - some five foot long and almost half an inch in diameter - that transformed me from a libertarian into an authoritarian just this time last year. The object in question came crashing out of a soot-black sky and thudded rudely into my left shoulder. A few inches to the right, dear reader, and I might not have been here to give you the benefit of my ruminations today.
The sharp-edged lump of wood was the stick from a rocket. It was not Guy Fawkes Night but one of the evenings in the firework season which seems to get longer with every year that passes. Once, I admit, I enjoyed it. Yet through all my years of indulgence in those chill foggy evenings enlivened by the flicker of bonfire flames and the uncertain fizz and crackle of squibs that were often all too literally damp, one simple truth had never occurred to me. As I lit the blue touchpaper of hundreds of rockets on over the decades the thought had never crossed my mind about where what went up might come down. Last year I found out.
The news that the Government is to ban two of the most popular types of firework from next year - those extraordinarily ear-shattering Roman Candles called "air bombs" and the devices which the pyrotechnic industry has poetically dubbed "screaming rockets" - provoked a new response in me. Where once I would have moaned about nanny-state spoilsports I yesterday found myself proclaiming that a ban on just two of these ghastly explosives was nowhere near enough.
This is not just health-and-safety wimpdom. True, the number of injuries rose by a massive 40 per cent last year with hundreds of serious burns being put down to air bombs and screamers. It's the social attitudes which fireworks betray that are really irritating.
By that, I'm not merely complaining about the warped sense of humour of the banger-throwing hooligans who tossed an air-bomb at a man working in his garden just down the road from me a couple of weeks ago and blew his finger off. How they chortled as they scooted off, onlookers reported.
Nor is it the cruelty of a gang of youths elsewhere in Greater Manchester who threw a firework at a dog - which the hapless creature picked up, as if it were a stick, only to have the device explode in its mouth. The dog died.
No, it's more the self-absorption that is revealed by the individuals who stage huge firework fests to mark some private point of celebration at midnight in residential areas without giving a thought to the ill, elderly, early-rising shiftworkers and parents who have just finally got their recalcitrant babies to sleep. Fireworks have become another symbol of the solipsism of our age.
An art form - for at its best that is what a great firework display can be - which was designed to celebrate a shared experience for an entire community has been reduced to a sad self-indulgence, that is simultaneously sequestered in a private space and yet imposes itself with singular violence on those around, whether they are willing or not.
From next year, ministers intend to impose £40 on-the-spot fines on yobs who throw fireworks in the street, at least on those who turn out to be over the age of 18. Doubtless, the plan will be as doomed as all New Labour's other on-the-spot initiatives but it also misses the point entirely. What is needed is the banning of the private sale of fireworks all together. That, and greater efforts to solve the problems that have now cropped up with the communal displays which were, until recently, becoming more common.
If ever there was an occasion when the communitarian impulse ought to triumph over the individualistic, one would have thought that the detonation of explosive devices in public places ought self-evidently to be it. And yet the organisers of hundreds of Bonfire Night displays are facing the prospect of having to cancel this year having hit a new problem - that public liability insurance cover is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain.
One broker who organised insurance for 5,000 public firework displays last year has just announced that it has been unable to organise any cover this year because of the number of spectators who last year sued under new "no win, no fee" litigation rules. And those events that have managed to secure cover have done so with increases of premiums - despite excellent safety records - of as much as 2,000 per cent. Intervention by government ministers on that would be very welcome but, of course, finding a solution to such difficulties might prove a good deal more tricky than once more waving the discredited notion of cash-dispenser justice.
It may be, of course, that I am just being Meldrewish about all this. (But just think what passion might have been stirred if the stick had actually landed on my head.) Even so, I might be prepared to compromise if the firework season - which once was confined to 5 November but now continues to be stretched to the point where soon it will start at the end of the school summer holidays and carry on until Christmas - were to be re-restricted to a single night once again. Then, at least, I could hide from the whole awful business by staying in.
October 16 2002, Leeds Today, MP takes fireworks campaign to No. 10, BY GRANT WOODWARD
A WEST Yorkshire MP is set to take the fireworks fight to Westminster.
Mike Wood, MP for Batley, will present a petition at Downing Street tomorrow calling on the Government to end the misery of residents fed up with hearing fireworks all year round.
The YEP is campaigning for laws restricting sales of fireworks until 10 days before Bonfire Night as well as the proper licensing of displays.
Mr Wood will hand the petition to Downing Street calling for sale restrictions on fireworks.
Meanwhile, Yorkshire campaigners have welcomed moves to ban one of Britain's most popular fireworks in a bid to cut injuries.
Air bombs cause up to half of all firework accidents in the street. The ban is one of several measures unveiled after the number of injuries among teenagers rose by more than 50 per cent last year.
The firework, which gives off a white flash and a loud bang, has caused nearly 700 injuries in the past ten years.
Last year, the number of people injured by fireworks thrown in the street rose by 163 to 442. Total injuries from fireworks reached 1,362.
The measures, unveiled by the Department of Trade and Industry, also hope to cut down on the problems of noise and nuisance. They include:
A ban on air bombs starting next year
A crackdown on the illegal sale of fireworks
Encouraging councils to curb the problem of noise and nuisance caused by fireworks
The introduction of £40 fines for over 18s caught throwing fireworks in the street.
John Woodhead, from Huddersfield, who heads the British Fireworks Association, welcomed the news.
He said: "People throwing fireworks in public has created more injuries that ever."
The ban will be backed up with a safety campaign in the country's 12 fireworks "hotspots" - which include Leeds and Bradford.
The campaign's slogan - "Fool with fireworks and bang goes your image" - highlights the injuries teenagers have
suffered from firework misuse.
A poster and TV drive is being launched in the areas of the country with the highest rates of firework misuse and injury.
Consumer Minister Melanie Johnson, who came up with the measures, said: "We all want to enjoy the fireworks season, but too often this time of year is blighted by problems of fireworks misuse, noise and nuisance."
October 16 2002, Leicester Mercury, ADULTS HELP YOUNG DUCK FIREWORKS LAW
Shopkeepers say children are getting round fireworks laws by persuading adults to buy them.
Retailers face fines of up to £5,000 if caught selling to anyone under the age of 18.
Trading standards officers say most shopkeepers do their best to make sure they stay within the law.
However, some have reported that irresponsible adults are buying them for youngsters, instead.
Geoff Neal, from Neal's Warehouse, in New Parks, said: "An adult comes in and buys the fireworks and, about 200 yards down the road, they give them to the children.
"We can't refuse to serve an adult, though we have banned a few people when we have discovered what is happening."
Mitesh Singala, of Fireworks Bonanza, in Melton Road, Leicester, has had the same problem.
He said: "The children loiter outside and ask a passing adult to buy the fireworks for them.
''I asked one woman if she was buying for herself or the children outside and she was honest, so I had to refuse to sell them to her. Even if it means losing a sale, it is better to be safe than risk a £5,000 fine."
It comes as the Leicester Mercury backs the city council's "Bang" campaign calling on people to think about their neighbours before causing a nuisance with fireworks.
Brian Johnson, a senior Leicester trading standards officer, said he was concerned to hear that children had been getting adults to buy the fireworks for them.
He said: "The irresponsible adult is causing the problem."
Yesterday, the Department of Trade and Industry announced measures aimed at cutting down the number of injuries and the noise and nuisance caused by fireworks.
It includes banning "air bomb" fireworks - a move which had been expected - and a crackdown on illegal sales of fireworks.
Consumer minister Melanie Johnson said: "Teenagers thinking of messing around with fireworks this year should think again. They are likely to spend Bonfire Night in casualty departments or worse."
October 16 2002, Manchester News, Death of Megan
As owners of two small dogs we were appalled to learn of the horror those thugs put that poor dog through. If this is what fireworks are used for, to terrorise and cause mayhem, then ban them NOW. Fireworks on sale to the public have been banned for almost 20 years here in Australia and we don't miss out. We can go to organised displays that are free to the public.
A. and D. G. Queensland Australia
October 16 2002, Manchester online, Stay Safe Campaign
It's ok saying "yes I make sure people are safe blah blah blah...." but what about the animals and people who aren't safe because little thugs are buying fireworks and throwing them at people, cats and dogs. I'm only 19 and I like fireworks but I think they should be banned and used at displays only its the only way to stop shops from selling them. Where I have lived since February fireworks have been going off and my dog hates them. I don't see why she should have to be upset by them when its bonfire night in November NOT February. I hope somebody does something about it.
S. Manchester
October 16 2002, Manchester online, Stay Safe Campaign
Personally, I do not agree. I have been holding well-organised and SAFE firework parties for some years now and I do not see why I should be stopped doing this. I make sure everybody is 25m away from the display fireworks I'm letting off behind a roped off area and myself and an assistant who knows what they are doing light the fireworks wearing a hard hat with built in ear defenders and clear face-brow-guard, gloves and suitable safety footwear and somebody else stands by with a first aid kit and water to deal with injuries and there are buckets of water all around to drop used sparklers in. No-one has been hurt yet because it is so well organised and done properly. Education and training for people putting on displays and fireworks parties at home are what I favour better than a sales ban on fireworks.
A. P. Accrington
October 16 2002, Manchester online, Stay Safe Campaign
The Blue Cross, one of the UK's oldest animal welfare charities has produced a safety leaflet on how to ensure that your pets are safe and happy in the run-up to Bonfire Night. It can be found at and is full of information and advice about steps that people can take. Simon Pope For The Blue Cross
S. P. London
October 16 2002, Manchester Online, Big bang 'cure' for scared pets
VET Peter Coleshaw believes he can cure animals' fears of fireworks - by playing them a CD recording of real explosions.
The idea is that owners play the CD to their animals in the weeks leading up to Bonfire Night, increasing the volume a little each day.
Mr Coleshaw got the idea after seeing his Jack Russell terrier - Rab C - cower with fear every November 5.
And now clients at his busy surgery, in Macclesfield, Cheshire, are eager to snap up copies of the disc.
Mr Coleshaw said: "I see clients coming into the surgery in despair looking for help for their dogs, no-one likes to see an animal a shivering wreck.
"People think they can give their dog a big cuddle, but that is the wrong thing to do and often medication is no answer.
"The best thing is to play the noises as a behavioural modification. I have been playing it every day to Rab C and slowly putting up the volume every time.
"He's getting braver and braver. Weeks ago, a loud bang would have sent him running, but not now. It doesn't have to be played loud, remember that dogs have much better hearing than us. Hopefully, Bonfire Night should be no problems now."
North West RSPCA spokesman Kevin Hegarty, said: "While we wouldn't criticise a vet who has found success in using tapes of explosions to help animals counter the fear of fireworks, we would make the point that it is not a good idea to put them under an undue distress.
"Some dogs are absolutely terrified of firework explosions, large or small, and that is when accidents can happen because they could easily be frightened into bolting and running into the path of a car.
"We think the use of CDs should be considered very carefully by pet owners as this method of counteracting the fear of fireworks is not proven."
October 16 2002, Manchester Online, Spies on trail of firework rogues
SPY kids are on a mission to root out rogue traders illegally selling fireworks to youngsters.
The undercover teenagers are the frontline troops in a new move to safeguard younger children from the risk of fireworks injury.
The campaign follows a similar one last year which caught more than 30 shopkeepers prepared to sell to under-age children.
The move is supported by the Manchester Evening News, which has launched its own campaign this year to keep Bonfire Night safe, encouraging families to go to organised events.
The "spies" have been recruited from the children of Manchester city council employees and will work in conjunction with trading standards officers.
Looking obviously under 18, they will attempt to buy bangers and roman candles from next week at many of the 200 outlets registered in Manchester.
Those who correctly refuse to sell will be informed they have been tested and those who make a sale will be interviewed on the spot with a view to prosecution.
All traders will receive a letter giving them full details of the plans in advance and will be warned it is a zero tolerance situation. Last year 35 separate premises in the city were visited and illegal sales were made at six outlets, resulting in fines totalling more than £2,500.
The maximum penalty is a fine of £5,000 and six months imprisonment.
Coun Val Stevens, executive member for transport and environment, said: "The council fully supports this initiative.
"We will do our best to prevent the distress caused to our law-abiding residents and tenants by young people who should not be getting hold of fireworks."
Chief trading standards officer Tom Burke said: "Our officers work with businesses all year round to advise on fair and legal trading practices.
"Unfortunately, sales to children continue to be a problem, contributing to youth nuisance.
"Traders should be aware that they may be selling goods illegally to one of our young volunteers and that they may be prosecuted.
"If members of the public or responsible traders suspect someone of selling age-restricted products illegally, I would encourage them to contact the Trading Standards Service on 226 8283."
October 16 2002, Preston Today, Teenager injured in firework blast
A teenager could be blinded in one eye after a firework blew up in his face.
Daniel Nicholls, 15, was left in agony and unable to open his eyes, following the blast last night.
It is believed the firework could have been thrown at Daniel by another youth close to his home in Frenchwood, Preston.
Now he faces surgery to save his right eye amid fears there could be permanent damage.
The incident happened as he was walking along Avenham Lane shortly after 9.15pm.
Daniel, whose 16th birthday is next week, also suffered burns to his forehead.
Daniel's mother Jane said today: "All he saw was this thing coming towards him and he put his hand up, it just exploded in his face.
"I'm not too worried about the burns on his head because they will heal. It's his eye that I'm really worried about. They've got the eye specialist in and he's got cuts and grazes to the cornea but it's early days."
Jane added: "It's a shock, it's just kids playing but they don't realise what damage they are doing".
Daniel goes to Christ the King School and he has one brother and five sisters.
Firefighters and paramedics were called to help.
Gordon Knowles, from Preston ambulance station, said: "I can confirm the lad had facial injuries and a right eye injury.
"Whether the firework was thrown or was being held by the lad, we're not sure."
Police were informed of the incident and a spokesman said today: "There was no allegation to us that it had been thrown."
October 16 2002, This is Bradford, Bonfire night danger if fire crews strike
The fire service in Bradford could be crippled during its busiest period of the year if firefighters vote to strike, councillors say.
Union bosses need to give seven days' notice of action if the ballot is in favour of industrial action over pay on Friday.
But there are fears this could leave the city protected by Green Goddesses manned by the military around Bonfire Night.
Bradford Councillor Tony Niland, a member of West Yorkshire Fire Authority, said it could have a devastating effect on Bradford, which has been identified as a firework accident hotspot by the Government.
"It is a major fear and we are hoping that firefighters will see a bit of common sense and a feeling of support for the community because it is the busiest time of the year," said Coun Niland (Lab, Bowling).
"They have to give seven days notice after receiving the results of the ballot, which would take us into the Bonfire Night period."
His concerns were echoed by Councillor Mukhtar Ali (Lab, Bowling), who is chairman of the fire authority's best value and personnel and training committees. "It is a high risk period when we have got bonfire night and other festivities which involve fireworks including Diwali and so it is clearly a concern there is a chance of industrial action," he said.
West Yorkshire Fire Service figures show that the Little Horton, Bowling, Tong and University wards in Bradford are among the ten worst areas of the county for serious fires.
In November last year West Yorkshire fire crews were called out 1,922 times to blazes including bonfires compared to 1,319 times the month before. Last year hospitals in Bradford had the highest number of recorded accidents caused by fireworks in the Northern and Yorkshire region.
Elizabeth Hellmich, a firework safety campaigner and neighbourhood watch co-ordinator, said she feared more people could be injured if a strike took place.
"This could have a devastating effect and we are very concerned about it. I have heard there will only be two Green Goddesses and one cutting equipment wagon for this area and this could have a terrible effect on all the emergency services," she said.
Sean Cahill, a former Bradford firefighter and secretary of the West Yorkshire Fire Brigade Union, said: "It is a matter that is being discussed leading up to the ballot result and any strike date would not be decided until the outcome is known."
October 16 2002, This is Devon, GIRL, 7, HURT BY FIREWORK
A SEVEN-year-old girl was injured after a firework was thrown at her as she played in a Newton Abbot park.
The girl, thought to be from Torquay, was hit on the back by the firework which then exploded.
Police believe the explosive was thrown deliberately at the girl and they are appealing for witnesses.
The incident happened on Saturday but has only just been reported by police.
The youngster was playing at the Decoy Country Park between 12pm and 12.45pm.
She was in the playground near Decoy Lake when she was hit by a firework thrown by a youth.
The firework struck her and then exploded leaving her with a burn to her right buttock and grazing.
A police spokesman said: "It appears to be a deliberate act rather than an accident. Even if it was unintentional it highlights the dangers of throwing fireworks or playing with them when other people are around".
It's believed the firework was silver coloured and round.
It was thrown by a youth riding his bike near the skateboarding ramp.
The offender, who was aged about 17-18, was heard to shout: "Here's a present for you."
He was with a group of youths of the same age who were also on bikes.
Anyone with information is asked to contact PC Sarah Harvey at Newton Abbot police station.
October 16 2002, This is Ludlow, Firework display could have caused blaze at petrol station
A FIREWORK display to mark the completion of Ludlow's Horseshoe Weir threatened to cause a blaze at the petrol station on Temeside, claims a horrified onlooker.
Mrs Vikki Fletcher-Gilhuys of Coreley was at the garage getting petrol on Thursday morning when the fireworks started.
"There was a big explosion first which made us all jump. I thought there had been a road accident. There was an elderly gentleman behind me and he really was quite anxious. Then the cars and the garage were showered in debris," said Mrs Fletcher-Gilhuys.
"They were firing rockets across the river and they were falling near us and the petrol station. Surely, the road should have been closed and the garage owners warned this was going to happen," she added.
In a letter sent to The Advertiser Mrs Fletcher-Gilhuys pointed out that Ludlow has gone through a very dry autumn and that having a firework display by the river is no help if a petrol garage catches fire. Ludlow Fire Station sent a tender to the scene after a call regarding an explosion but in the event it was not needed, said a spokesman.
Jerry Scott, Shropshire's deputy chief fire officer said no complaint had been received but advised that any organisation wishing to have a firework display should seek guidance on safety before the event takes place.
October 16 2002, This is Nottingham, CHANGE IN LAW IS OVERDUE
It's 9pm and I have just taken my dog down the lane. Yes, bang, bang! Fireworks are going off already - dog bolting for home.
No fireworks should be sold to any person under 65 years of age and even then they should only be sold from November 4 to midnight on November 5.
When is the Government going to change the present anti-social laws on selling explosives?
M. C. Calverton
October 16 2002, This is Nottingham, SPARE A THOUGHT FOR THE PEOPLE YOU SCARE
I am writing to you on behalf of the Nottingham branch of the National Federation of the Blind, an organisation of blind and partially sighted people, which campaigns on issues that concern blind people.
We are very concerned about fireworks. Our main concern is that fireworks are sold far too early and are being let off in the street at random. This goes on weeks before and after bonfire night - even in the middle of the day.
This not only causes a lot of stress to the elderly, but terrifies animals, particularly guide dogs. My guide dog is terrified every time a firework goes off.
We believe there should be a total ban on fireworks being sold in the shops. There should be only organised displays.
We don't want to spoil people's fun and enjoyment, but sadly the enjoyment of fireworks is long gone, due to the misuse of the fireworks by the minority.
STUART JONES Public relations officer
October 16 2002, This is Worcestershire, Expect a rocket
REDDITCH police are cracking down on firework dangers and have vowed to arrest anyone seen lighting or throwing them in the street in the run-up to bonfire night.
Acting Chief Insp Angela Burnet said there had already been reports of people throwing fireworks in the street and it was only a matter of time before someone was seriously hurt.
She said the police had been fairly lenient last year but were now taking a much tougher stance and would deal with people firmly.
Police have enlisted the help of shops, issuing them with leaflets to be given out when fireworks are sold.
Fireworks should not be sold to anyone under 16, so officers will also be handing out leaflets to anyone seen with fireworks.
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