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March 2002 Forecast

Forecast issued 06.12.01

Week 1
With a the high over Northeast Europe linking with the Azores high temperatures over England and Wales will slowly start to rise from the west. This will lead to fog developing as slightly milder air moves over frozen ground in eastern areas. Milder with rain at times in the north and west of Scotland as weather systems moving across from the west.

Week 2
The systems that affect Scotland will start to move south giving some heavy rain. As the systems move over the colder areas in the south and east the rain is likely to turn to snow. Later more rain and snow may move up from the Southwest for a time. Once the rain and snow clears a North Westerly airstream will bring frequent wintry showers into Scotland and down western coast. The showers will start to transfer east as the wind turns to the north or Northeast as a brief ridge comes into the west.

Week 3
It will be mostly dry with just a few wintry showers down the East Coast and across the Northeast of Scotland. There is likely to be some quite severe night frosts where there is snow cover. Wind and rain is likely to come into the Southwest with some snow on the leading edge.

End of the Month
The weather will become much more mobile systems tracking across England and southern Scotland. There is likely to be snow at times along the northern edges of the systems and over higher ground. It will also be quite windy at times but temperatures are likely to be around normal.

|January 2002 | February 2002 | April 2002
