**Thanks to Kayla for this joke!**
1) Say you are allergic to popcorn,cheetos,etc. and then when they turn their backs eat as many as you can and pretend to have a seizure.
2) Laugh the whole time, and keep saying "ugga-ooo!"
3) When someone is not looking, shove some food (preferably squishy kinds) into people's pockets.
4) Hide under a table the whole entire time,waiting for someone to come near you...and then reach your hand out and grab they're ankles.If desired,try to trip them.
5) Keep hiding under the table and wait until everyone is gone,then sneak out and raid their fridge,valubles,etc.
6) If it is a birthday party,make sure you give your friend a gift.(try to get the worst gift possible..or a shirt for them with pictures of you all over it)
7) Invite Pete's polka party music band over and hide them in a corner,When it is time to sing "Happy Birthday" or when somebody is going to do something important,get Pete's band to play...LOUD!
8) When cake is served,scream(perhaps in slow motion?) "Noooooo" and throw yourself into the cake.After,simply explain you were saving everyone's lives because there was a bomb in the cake.
9) Lock yourself up in the bathroom most of the party,saying you have constipation. When you feel like coming out, spill abunch of water on the floor, run out and exclaim "Ahhh! The toilet is overflowing!!!"
10) When everyone has given their gift,start tossing them (exept yours) out the window explaining that they are no more than material possesions and nothing of that should matter to him/her.
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