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The Juggernaut

Cain Marko, the step-brother of Charles Xavier, grew to hate his sibling, born of a frustration from his father's abuse for him and his apparent love of Xavier. Xavier became aware of his mutant powers of telepathy, from an empathic link with his sibling, experienced during his many beatings at the hands of his father. After the two were orphaned, Xavier journeyed the world in search of adventure and other mutants, while Marko became a mercenary and became imprisoned in a third-world prison, where he met Black Tom Cassidy.

Returning to the United States, Marko enlisted in the Army and was shipped to war in South-East Asia, where the two brothers would be reunited. Marko abandoned his post during combat and Xavier went to retrieve him. When Xavier tracked him, Marko was hiding in the secret temple of Cyttorak. Finding a mysterious glowing ruby gem, Marko instinctively stole it from the idol and began to transform.

At the moment of his transformation, enemy soldiers discovered the two soldiers and the temple was destroyed in an explosion. Xavier escaped, but Marko was buried under tons of rubble. In time, he would dig his way free to menace his brother and the world as an unstoppable Juggernaut.

Current Version:
The Juggernaut (Krakoa)

Former Versions:
The Juggernaut (Original)
The Juggernaut (Without Cyttorak Energies)
The Juggernaut (Uni-Power)
The Juggernaut (Thunderbolts)
The Juggernaut (Another Cyttorak)
The Juggernaut (Now)