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Okay, okay. It's pretty plain and boring right now. As I think of more useful links, I'll put them up here. If someone's got a cool JET- or Japan-related site and you'd like to do a link exchange, drop me a line.


The Official JET Program(me) page -- Don't judge the program by my bitter little strips. It's actually a great opportunity and an excellent idea, at least in spirit.

The Wonderful World of Jack Chick -- Fundamental religious intolerance at its funniest! If I could draw a little better, I've got a great idea for a parody. If you're a decent artist and wanna help me send up some of Jack's stuff, let me know. -- A very useful and interesting site for both ALTs and non-ALTs. They've got some great contributors and regular visitors that make the site a must-see for anyone teaching English in Japan. -- This award-winning site has tons and tons of info on Japan. Especially useful for soon-to-be JETs!

What do I find funny? The Onion and This Modern World! Finest sources of satire on the 'Net. Geared toward current events in America, but I think anyone from anywhere can appreciate good humor.

OutdoorSIG -- The webpage for the Outdoor Special Interest Group of the JET Program. A really sharp-looking web page where you can find like-minded outdoorsy English speakers in Japan.

LetsJapan! -- This site deals mainly with life at the big English McSchools like NOVA and GEOS, so check out this site for a look at gaijin life on the wrong side of the JET gravy train tracks. Send "The Sensei" some beer coupons!


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