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There's no place like...the circus! Did I actually update since the last time you were here? Old comics, old news, old socks... The history, details, info about PD COmics...don't fall asleep! Not in comic format? No problem. Check out these sites...they're good for you.

Comic Archive:

If the menu+button system above doesn't work, check to make sure you have Javascript enabled. Also, if you're using Internet Explorer, and that info bar comes up telling you something about blocked content, unblock it.

News Archive:
Note: Some links will not work due to changes made to the website over time (newer versions, changes in organization/names of webpages, etc.). For example, the Misc page is now the Other page. My apologies.
2003: Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
2004: Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
2005: Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr

So...much...crap | 04.30.05 | 20:27
• I haven't had so much to do in a long time. Two essays, two PC games, and a comic. Let's not forget about certain school activities. Against all odds, I have been able to finish this new comic. Pretty sweet, right? Time to go play Hostile Intent ver1.4 (free half-life1 mod), Guild Wars (MMORPG with no monthly fees), and do all my beloved homework at the same time!

OMGz | 04.24.05 | 22:45
• Well I didn't update this weekend, but is that really all that surprising? What is surprising is the fact that I'm already half-done a new comic. That's right! There's no going back! There WILL be a new comic within a week!
• In other news, I have used up over 8 megabytes of the allotted 20 offered by Angelfire. This is rather disappointing seeing as how I have less than thirty comics, less than 20 funny pics, less than 25 artworks, and about 10 webpages. I will have to find a new host this summer (too bad they all ask for your address and if they're gonna spam you or something).

Filler | 04.18.05 | 19:45
• Late comic as usual...except this time it's admittedly short/small, but it gets the message across.
Guild Wars comes out the 28th! Which means there probably won't be much comic action that weekend (I've got a ton of school work right now anyways).

SoF2 and God | 03.29.05 | 13:20
• Funny how things DON'T work out in the end. Finally got this comic up and it's not even as good as I originally intended. However, I worked on it enough to justify putting it up (i.e. I didn't wanna let it all go to waste).
• I'm already starting on the next comic inspired by the SWAT4 demo.
• My Guild Wars preview here (working for RPGE = less messing with my PD Comics time ...working on my time management skills). RPG Eternal has lots of other updates to check out if you're into RPGs and Anime.
• In other news, a few days ago, Firefox version 1.0.2 was released here.

Many a funny pic | 03.13.05 | 14:00
• Added 5 new "funny pics" to the funny pics section. They're all screenshots I had taken awhile ago, but I finally decided to put them up on this here website. One of them is added just because I was being rather immature and I thought it was worth a giggle or two. Guess which one it is?
• I'm still working on the "art" mentioned before...haven't made tremendous progress. I did start a new comic that will be done by next weekend though. In case you're looking for an excuse as to why this is the first update in a month, I've been "doing stuff" concerning RPG Eternal and its forums.
• In other news, a few weeks ago, Firefox version 1.0.1 was released. So in case you didn't notice the little update availability icon, go get it now. Also, a friend of mine is making an Anime Music Video which RPG Eternal will host. So please check RPGE regularly.

Art in progress | 02.12.05 | 18:30
• You can catch early versions of a work-in-progress on the art page. Inspiration for it came from me losing a tennis match. I r crappeh!! >.<

Super | 02.05.05 | 18:40
• Sorry for lack of updates. I was gonna make up for it this weekend, but then something happened. The Super Bowl. Stupid football...interupting my schedule by making me watch a game of big men collapsing onto eachother. Luckily, I found some inspiration for some art...let us hope I deliver (and hope that the inspiration doesn't fade after this weekend).

Soon | 01.23.05 | 11:40
• Funny pic addition. Go have a looksy.
• Trying to draw...preferably some Bleach fanart, but many fansites have inadequate images for me to base my drawing on. Poo. As the funny pic search will continue...soon.
Update (01.24.05): Funny pic section is now an archive much like the comic strip archive (a JavaScript drop-down option menu with a'll understand once you see it).

Maple Story | 01.16.05 | 16:45
• New comic about a free MMORPG I've been playing.
Links page has been updated.

Barf | 01.02.05 | 19:55
• Happy new year. This past holiday break has been so good that I forgot about drawing ;)
• I did manage to update the Funny Pics section with yet another funky screenshot.
• Stay tuned...updates will arrive...

Have a break, will work | 12.24.04 | 17:50
• I'm on winter break now, so by the end of next week, I hope to have uploaded a comic or artwork and a funny pic or two, but even without maintaining this site, I've got lots of other plans to keep me very busy.
RPG Eternal is back online! This time, with its own server and domain (*drool). For future reference, I've added RPGE to the Links page. Hopefully you'll visit because he needs user support in the form of user reviews/previews of anime/RPGs and clicking on the ad banners ;)
• the way...I'm now a staff member of RPGE =D

Weekend pics | 12.03.04 | 19:32
• New pic added to the Funny Pics section. If you're unfamiliar with this site, go to the pics by clicking on the "Newest Addition...Funny Pic" graphic/pic/button/thingy.
• Added a little PD credit to previous funny pic because I'm shallow.
Update (12.05.04): Yet another funny pic added to the site. Celebrate good times, c'mon?

Violent/sexy video games | 11.24.04 | 5:20pm
• New comic. The brief description of how I make comics has been moved to the About page.
• The new comic was very much inspired by a driving passion. Otherwise, I would be playing Counter-Strike, Soldier of Fortune2 MP Test, Maple Story, Gamecube, etc. (even though I should be doing school work) Have a happy turkey-filled break!
Update: fixed error in grammar in the latest comic.

Something | 11.14.04 | 12:15pm
• Why am I always updating around lunch time?
• Hoping that something is better than nothing, I've added a funky screenshot to the funny pics section. You can go to the latest "addition" simply by clicking the newest addition button at the top of the home page. Cool beans.

Gone | 10.30.04 | 1:30pm
• Happy Halloween Eve.
• Yes, I noticed a lack of updates too, school this Tuesday, so hopefully I can make something happen. Until then, I'm gone Guild War previewin', 311 DVD watchin', anime watchin', N64 emulatorin' (with netplay!), Wolfenstein: Enemy Territoryin' (free game!), and of course, college application processin'. Just goes to show that Time Is Precious (free mp3 ...along with a few others).

Sorries | 9.26.04 | 12:30pm
• No new comic this weekend (it's been busy. And I just woke up ...with a headache too), but maybe I can pull a "last week" and upload a comic over the weekdays ahead. Or some art. Hoorah.
• If I do do (ooh...2 "do's") a comic, then it'll most likely be a "character sketch" as suggested by a forum-goer. Since that'll probably require less time/work, I'll do it!

9.21.04 Oops? (new comic)
• Well it was a funky weekend and...actually I pretty much have no excuse for not updating last weekend... damn. Sorry about that, but I've uploaded a new comic, the last of my sketched-during-my-summer-trip comics. The next comic may or may not deal with the Clan Series, depending on my fancy. I do have a few more comics "planned" out for the Clan Series, so it's not like I've dried up some secret reservoir of ideas for comics just yet. Thus, there's still hope for me to update on time this weekend.
• To somewhat rectify the atrocity that is not updating last weekend, I'll try to put up some new art soon.
• So how do you like these new bulleted news posts? Other site changes-to-be include a "latest comic" section in the right side of the website for quickly checking whether or not you recognize the latest comic or if the latest comic is actually new (kinda like what VG-Cats does right smack-dab in the center of their home page). Finally, there might be a "in other news" section of news posts for stuff that's not PD Comics-related.
In other news: RPG Eternal (found on the Links page) has a special new feature called "Battle Square" that will BLOW YOUR MIND. Go rock your vote.

9.12.04 Action! (new comic)
- Finally, I'm drawing some action... well... kinda. Just go check it out for yourself. The comic would've been done yesterday, but in case you didn't read yesterday's news post(below), I was working on the Archives page. Now I'm just plum tired so there's no time for lengthy news post... quite the bummer.

9.11.04 New Comic Archives
- Thanks to the glory of JavaScript, and somewhat due to the lack of PHP support, I have changed the comic Archives to a drop-down menu + button combo. You select a comic, then click the button and a new window will open with the comic. If you select another comic and click the button again, the new comic will open in the same window that popped-up before. If you're using Internet Explorer, it might try to block this, so just unblock it by right-cliking on the yellow info bar that shows up. I might change the archives page even more so then the entire news archives don't show up until you want to see them, but now, I must work on a new comic!

9.4.04 Clan again (new comic)
- Well I decided not to push myself and make a comic right before or right after the first day of school. The first week of school turned out to be full of work, so now I finally have the comic done. Thank goodiness for doing the sketching on my vacation or else the comic wouldn't be up until later this weekend (or even later). I sketched a couple more clan comics during the aforementioned vacation, so expect weekly clan comics for awhile. If you are unfamiliar with the "clan" I keep mentioning, please refer to the comic archives. You'll also notice that I did not create a comic to celebrate PD Comic's birthday. That's right... it's been 1 year already (est. August 31, 2003). Too bad I couldn't come up with any comic strip ideas for a b-day comic, and I decided to resist the temptation of doing a stupid collage or other completely pointless comic (pardon the pun) that basically just says "HAPPY B-DAY!" and serves no other purpose. Instead, I have planned at least 3 or 4 weekly updates. I should be able to stay on this weekly update schedule, and thus, I am proud... it only took me a year to accomplish such a feat. =P
- In other news, my friend's RPG/Anime site, RPG Eternal, is having a lil contest. The website takes reviews from you, the reader, and posts them for all to see. I have a few under the name "Prey" but that's not the point. Here's the deal: if you send in a review of an RPG or Anime series/movie, you'll get a free invitation to Google's gmail! I believe only 3 invitations are left, so start reviewing!
- Finally, you probably noticed that the font size of this page is kinda small. Well I made it smaller in an attempt to be able to have more text without using much more space in my news posts. Besides, all the cool webcomics are doing it!

8.28.04 More Sketchiness (sp?) +New Comic
So now here's the next edition in the Sketchy series I promised. Not amazing, but you get the idea. No time for a big news post busy.

8.27.04 Sketchy-View time +New Comic
After many delays, I was finally flown home. Vacation over. School starts soon. All bad news. Not to mention, I didn't do that many "sketchy-view" comics (for better or worse). Ideas for comics just didn't jump at me (except for a couple). However, I did come up with ideas for at least 2 more Clan Series comic strips. That's something new...planning ahead. I even sketched them out already, but the part that always takes forever is the computer part. Check back tomorrow for yet another Sketchy-View comic and hopefully I'll get a Clan Series comic up within a few days. Then a b-day comic for this site's 1st birthday to bring a total of 20 comics within 1 year. Sad, but it's a start, no? =)

8.14.04 I'm off
...I'm going on vacation tomorrow. So no update next weekend. Sorry for the late update this time around too. I really have no excuse...I guess the creative vibes just didn't hit me soon enough. I started this comic and had the rough idea for it last week, but it just didn't pan out until this week. It's sad because it was so easy to make...only 3 hours. But it took two weeks to actually create. I had to think about the actually sit and think about it. Well...more like lie in bed and think about it before I go to sleep. They say that helps you solve small problems. Spooky. I don't really have any more plans for comics about Venom and his quest, however, I may use him in the future since he's so fun to draw...and I kind of like the character/personality I'm making for him.
In case you didn't notice, the minor updates to the website design that I hinted at in my last news post included different font for the banner on the left, no more fading orange above the top navigation bar (especially the left part of it), and finally, the Latest Comic page navigation buttons have orange borders. Beautiful.
Oh friend's RPG and Anime site (RPG Eternal) has a new host, and thus, a new URL. Check it out on the Links page. I'll probably brainstorm and/or write up some anime reviews for him while on vacation.
Along with the writing, I'll be sure to do some drawing. Hopefully, I can do enough sketches for a PA-like sketch book thing (single panel sketched comics)...and I shall call them..."Sketchy-View" comics. Maybe. See ya near the end of the month...when PD COmics turns 1year old...with only 16 or so comic strips! How embarassing!

7.31.04 Holy muffins, Batman!
Could it be? Yes, I'm striving for weekly updates, and here's a taste. Sure, it's a short 'n easy comic, but at least it doesn't take forever. I have at least one more comic strip idea dealing with Venom's quest to become the next Spider-Man movie villain, so I hope you like this one. That one will take longer to draw, please keep checking for it next weekend (it might be a tad late).
In other news, the Links page now has a new addition in the resources/software section (again). Notepad++ gets some space on the page due to its abundance of lovely features for programmers and HTML-ers (because Markup Language just doesn't count as programming ;D).
So check in next weekend...and if all goes well, I'll join that top-webcomic listing (which has over 2000 comics signed up, but the last 1200 or so hardly have any hits/votes, so if ya'll were to vote, I'm sure I could at least get ranked higher than 2000?) and then hope for the best before I go on a trip for vacation.
edit: Oh! Coming soon...every-so-slight change in website layout. Mind-boggling, no?
edit2: I'm done the slight changes. Three changes to be precise. Also, new link to a webcomic on the Links page.
edit3: New comic coming soon...less profanity and all that good stuff for now...I gave the URL for this site to my relatives...oops >.<

7.24.04 One month later...
...and I finally have a new comic. I'm sorry, and I really hate only having one comic per month, but it's really been that kind of month. I should be able to create my next comic within the first two weeks of August, so...yeah...just sorta linger around here.
Also, I must advertise a lovely resource: Good Fonts
The site has some very nice fonts, it's free, easy, and all that jazz. It's so amazing that it's on my not-so-famous Links page. Yay. I may add more to the links page, but as usual, don't expect much updating too soon. Until then, keep visiting this site every day for no particular reason to help me get more hits. In August, when I have more time, I'll be trying to pump out comics (even if it means they aren't colored) and maybe join some comic listings like Buzz Comix (making the top 100 would be amazing) ...maybe. I've reached almost 6 out of 20MB that Angelfire gave me. Sure, that doesn't seem like much, but I'm surprised it's gotten that high when it felt like yesterday when it was at 4MB. Thus, I want a REAL host (also, I want to use PHP which requires a REAL host). Getting a nice rank on Buzz Comix would really help me with that. Otherwise, I'd have to resort to using Drunk Duck which is a nice, free webcomic community/host, but I perfer creating/maintaining my own websites.

7.5.04 New navigation
Now you can browse through the comic strips easier. Before, the only option was to go to the archives page and click on a link to open a comic...then repeat for each comic. Now, you can simply use the standard "first, previous, next, latest" set-up that most webcomics use. I'm getting with the times. It's a beautiful thing. Etc.
But be warned, I did not use a PHP system like the pros. This is angelfire, remember? Or did you not notice the forced banner ads above and below? Well since I get no PHP support, I simply used a JavaScript system I wrote up by my very self. However, this means that only the comic strip will change, not the webpage...keep that in mind, you 56k people (you may not notice any change until a comic strip is FULLY loaded).
As for plans for a new comic...I've got a job now, and I could easily use the "I'm kinda busy" excuse, but at the very least, I've come up with a simple idea for a two panel comic strip. I'll get started on it soon and expect it to be up by Wednesday (I hope).

6.23.04 'Tis a miracle
I actually have another comic for ya'll already! Amazing, no? Two comics in just a few days? Crazy. Unfortunately, this one is geared towards a specific computer game, so some people might not understand what's going on. Stupid people.

6.20.04 Narators are full of it
Full of blood. That's right, a new comic is up. I hope to crank 'em out once per week. It might be kind of tough, but I think I can pull it off. Today's comic was particularly crazy, though. Be advised that there is lots of blood. Crappily-made blood. If it wasn't for the blood, the comic would have been done much faster (especially since the coloring isn't so hot this time around...sorry). Not much else to say...just go check out the new comic!

6.8.04 Break from break
As I warned ya'll earlier, the evil one known as Sra. Boredom could invade my home at any moment during my previously discussed hiatus from working on this site (by the way, that break is almost over: finals are next week). Well, folks, boredom's infatuating gaze has found me. Her hypnotic dancing seized my brain and I was unable to recover. Thus, I decided to do some junk for this site. First up, we've got a new hosted comic by Beast. The man expresses the agony, the power, and the chibi involved in that beloved summer Olympic sport known as shot-put. He knows first hand the necessary skills and balls ;) for hurling a great sphere tens of feet. Fascinating.
Secondly, I made a new wallpaper. I'd say it's a huge improvement over my previous (and first) experiment. The star of the wallpaper happens to be my sonic art which can be found on the same webpage as the wallpaper. I just adore the fonts I used and I hope the whole graphic provides a simple yet non-boring desktop.
Make sure to pay a visit to the Links page as well. I've added a low-carb batch of URLs that I am certain many of you will love, for they are quite tasty, bits of heaven perhaps. Let's not forget about an old link that has now regained it's vitality but still finds your help useful: RPG Eternal.
Ciao for now. I must leave before my already boggled mind implodes due to the sheer magnitude of the writing level that I am currently engaged in. I'm sure you all know that the norm consists of a plethora of ellipses and unnecessary typos, punctuation, and awful helpings of other problems. So I'll leave you to enjoy the new content while I go try to pull money out of my buttocks in hope of finding a way to pay for the lovely new 311 Greatest Hits CD. It's highly recommended for your health that you check out some 311 songs ASAP. Good day.

5.22.04 Time for a break!
Well I've been rather busy...gotta get ready for major tests in a couple weeks, then finals a few weeks after that. Not to mention I gotta read two books 'n plenty of quizes/tests as I'm afraid I'm gonna have to leave this site be for quite awhile. Come back in a month now, ya hear? (Although I might get bored for an extended period of time in which I'll draw something and upload it here, so check in every 2 weeks? What do you mean "why"? How about because you love me, dammit!)

5.9.04 So it's Mother's day...
...and you're wondering where the hell is an update?! Well, I hope a new piece of Art is good enough for you because due to crazy AP testing, I haven't had time for a full blown comic. I woulda had the art up sooner, but I had limited access to my computer and then limited access to the internet when I did have access to my computer...what a cruel world. So anyways, the new art is some sort of ninja but I kinda messed up...I hope it isn't too bad. I'll try to draw Cloud from that game with two F's and that 7 thingy. However, I don't know if I can since lately I've been crying myself to sleep over angelfire's new policy of no picture linking/referencing/whatever-you-want-to-call-it. Basically, I can't host pictures that show up anywhere else besides this site. It's crappy. That feature was the only reason I decided to use angelfire rather than simple, ad-banner-semi-free geocities. This summer, although I'll be even more busy than last, I'll move this site to a new host. But that depends since I still hafta make new comics so lazyness is a major factor =P. Happy m-day...haha.

5.1.04 Nod to the Hog
I dunno why but I had to urge to do some "art" rather than a comic today. Perhaps the spontaneous decision has to do with the fact that I wanted to do something more stylistic than a comic and sonic is perfect for that (not to mention he's fairly easy to draw so I can concentrate on working on my photoshop skills). So go to the Art page and check out "Sonic - Thumbs Up" which is based off another picture of sonic and then I just did my own rendition of it complete with crappy background and blur. The whole thing took me about 3 or 4 hours. I've got 2 more ideas for art work (not to mention art usually leads to ideas for wallpaper)and 2 ideas for comics, so keep visiting (I've noticed a decline in visiting, but of course that's my fault for no updating).
Update: New background for the sonic art.

4.21.04 More Beast Lovin'
No, it's not Part II of Enter the Beast, but I did upload 2 sketches by "Beast" and one "comic"...although it's really only a single panel picture with another panel which holds its title. Forgive the shady scans...I deleted/cropped as much as I could to reduce file size...not to mention I had to lower quality a tad. So there will be some white spaces where I deleted the colorful/shiny/file-size-monster spiral of the spiral sketchbook. If I get bored, I might color the comic. But for now, check them out in the Hosted Stuff page.

4.18.04 Enter the Beast (Part I)
The latest comic took me forever, I added new bits, and I did some basic coloring. Check the Latest Comic page for more notes/comments of mine. The comic is currently stretching the Latest Comic page...I'll try to fix that later. [...done.]
I now have a psuedo-forum up. It's actually just one board of a bigger forum (run by a friend who's actually in a comic where he is called "Gosuber"). Use it to leave comments about comics, this site,'s easier than e-mail and you don't even have to register on the forum to post! Other rules can be found here. For future reference, access the forums via the right navigation bar or the link on the Latest Comic page (it'll be under the comic itself).

4.10.04 Hair Revolution
A new comic is up. It's merely a single-panel look into the world of bad hair mornings. Just a quick something I wanted to do for awhile and since I have limited access to my computer lately, it's good that it's quick. Soon I'll be able to produce normal comics, so no worries. Yay.

4.9.04 Version 1.1 here! Yay, yay! Life is good, and so forth. Among the various changes, you'll find sleeker navigation bar, smaller font size, updated content/layout-of-content for certain pages (just about all pages at least have an updated look), a page called "Other" that just has a ton of stuff (it has Hosted art and Misc stuff from version 1.0 put together...and then it has additional content about affiliation and blah blah blah), and of course, there's room for Affiliates! So apply today because you know you have nothing better to do! Make sure to read all the rules first.
A more subtle thing is the new site counter provided by statcounter Highly recommended over my previous counters from sparklit because although sparklit counters have a ton of different looks, all you really want is a damn counter that doesn't look like a huge eye-sore sticking out. Let's not forget that is comprehensive with a shitload of stats and too many details to know what to do with. At least sparklit is still good for stuff like polls and guestbooks...neither of which I currently have, but oh well.
So enough about Version 1.1, what about comics? Well I'll try to upload a single-panel comic later today. Then I'll get to work on that beloved Clan Sub-series I introduced and then forgot about. Stay tuned 'cause PD COmics will be updating with new comics soon thanks to new vitality via the release of Version 1.1!
Just a side note...I didn't realize there were so many pop-up ads that come up like complete jerks when visiting this site. By pure coincidence, I'm forced to use Internet Explorer at the moment, but before I was using Mozilla Firefox which blocks pop-up ads automatically with many options and a ton of other features. Check the Links page for more info.

4.5.04 Version 1.1 coming soon. It's basically the same layout but a little sleeker. Thus, no new art, comics, anything. However, I do plan to draw a few comics over this lovely spring break of mine, so when version 1.1 is up, expect a decent supply of new comics.
Prepare yourself: 4/9/04 (or sometime around there...haha)

New Art 3/21/04
A crappy lil sketch is up in the Art page. 'Tis entitled "Guitarman" and is inspired by 311, the band. The sketch sucks, I thought it was purty good when I started it, but it just went downhill after I completed the head. Sad, I then I used photoshop to somewhat clean it up and make it dark enough to see since I used pencil and added a blue hue for kicks. If I feel like it, I'll add stuff like a hazy/psychedelic background and just make the whole thing cleaner. Yay.
Update (3/26/04): I did it. I funked up "Guitarman." Most people will probably hate it. I half hate it, half love it. I've never done anything so artistic with nuttiness. So in that sense, it's nice, but in that sense, it's experimental and people hate science.

Funny Pics update 3/18/04
Sorry, no new comic. I was, however, able to find 2 new somewhat humorous pictures available for your viewing on the Misc page. Also, the Links page went through a slight update as well. With so many links, I'm sure I'll be redo-ing the organization of that page soon.
By the way, I had no idea about what happened in Spain on 3/11, so I apologize if I offended anyone with my last news post.
Also, I realize that lately I'm just being lazy and not truly making decent updates and instead just resorting to two easily updated pages. I'll try my best to get at least a sketch or some art-related work up this weekend!

HAPPY 311 DAY! 3/11/04 a month since I've updated. I guess I could do at least some minor updates this weekend, but crazy shit going!
Damn I wish I could go to 311's 311 Day concert where they play for 3hours and 11minutes.
Instead I bought a 311 - Evolver shirt from where the first 311 customers get free stuff. I made sure to click that "submit button" right at 12:01AM today.
"311's got the boom, ya'll!" ~311 - Applied Science

2 Pages 2/13/04
...have been updated on this 13-Friday: Misc page and Links Page are both updated. In the case of the Misc page, it's completely new and can be accessed via the button under the vertical banner on the left of the home page. Update: Changed links page again. Just to clarify, Mozilla Firebird (a link for it can be found on the Links page) is an internet browser much like netscape but with additional features. The main perks are pop-up blockers, tabbed windows (multiple browsing windows all under one main window), and themes (skins...more to come, though). Then you can get plug-ins such as "Gestures" and permission for Flash stuff. "Gestures" are basically mouse movements turned into commands which is really kickass and makes surfing faster. The Flash thing basically makes it so then any flash things will require your permission to play. This stops annoying ads that OVERLAP an internet webpage (ya know those annoying ones that pretend to fly onto the screen and such). Also, you can "ban" sources of images...this means banning ads. The only downside I see is the fact that you must install all these plug-ins. I still need to install plug-ins for stuff like shockwave, quicktime, etc.

A What? 2/12/04
A new comic. Colored. With a fire in one of the panels. Oh yes. Sounds great, huh? Yeah...except this new comic took almost 2 months to show up. Well, it actually only took two days, but I didn't start on it until yesterday and I finished it today after what seems like a total of 10 hours of work. Break it down now: 1 hour for drawing + inking + erasing, .5 hours for scanning + extracting line art + laying things out into comic format, 50 hours coloring, 100 hours shading + random effects + finishing touches to the art, 2 seconds for coming up with the script/writing which is crap, I know, but still 30+ minutes for text and creating text bubbles. Yummmmm. I didn't even add a real background...those are boring anyways. Of course I must admit that I was chatting away on AIM, listening to music, and surfing the net while doing all this webcomic work...but I still worked on in it fairly diligently. Oh yeah...don't expect colored comics with all this crazy crap all the time. It took way too much effort, time, and even file size...nearly twice the size of my usual black and white turds-called-comics. The only reason I was able to make such an over-worked comic is because of the lovely half-days of school. If I feel inspired to do the same when I always get time off from school, then this could mean one colored comic per month thanks to days off from school at least once a month. Other than that, it depends on how lazy I am at the moment.
Or whatever. Check back for an update on the Links page later, perhaps a new page called the Misc. page that I've wanted, and I might do some sketching worth uploading (well, I think they'll be worthy, maybe not you). Oh yeah...I'll try for more comics more often.

Wait for it... 2/2/04
Hmmmm...looks like it'll be awhile until I finish a comic. I keep coming up with ideas and then deciding they're not funny. It blows. Oh well...I think I'll just pull a TCS and just let things settle and make a kickass come back every few weeks. Haha.

Linkage 1/24/04
Added another link button for this site on the Links page. It's rather boring, but it's only 1k and I'll make a flashier one later. I gotta work on a flashy link button for the forum now, and later, I'll do a nice comic for ya'll. I'm even thinking about storylines for the Clan Sub-series! So stay tuned! Don't touch that dial because you know it's gonna fall of if your TV is old enough to have a friggin' dial!

Here it comes... 1/17/04
This'll be a long weekend thanks to that man who did that thing for black people. Yeah, that's right. I'm talkn' about that dude that rocked the whites and helped make the world more kickass and less bitchy. Enough pathetic attempts to show my appreciation! Due to the extra time, I should be able to actually draw something between now and MID-TERMS! AHHHHH! (There's inpiration for a comic right there). But for now, new yumminess on the art page.

Funnies Pixies 1/12/04
Anyone else notice that I was writing '03 instead of '04 for two of the previous news posts? Oh well. What's new besides not adding any new content? How about another goal for the to-do-but-will-never-get-done list? A miscellaneous page! Anything ELSE will be put there. For example, the following pics will be put there for safe keeping:
[there was a pic here] [there was a pic here]

Sure thing 1/8/04
What I plan to do this weekend for this site/What the lazy webmaster claims he's gonna do this time:
-Update links page with MORE links, new link buttons for this site, and maybe some reorganization...doubtful.
-Add a page where I just list all the shit I wanna/will do (so you may salavate to no end).
-Get rid of the javascript for rollover effects which are oh-so flash...too bad only ONE person has seen these effects and he says they worked once, then stopped when he revisited. Stupid angelfire...I swear if I had the time, I would switch to geocities or maybe even rent from a REAL host.
-Draw some pencil art just so I can upload something new.
If I do any more than the stuff stated above, you may assume that someone has either black-mailed me or drugged me or otherwise replaced me. Now there's something you can look forward too, ungrateful punks.

Mucho Linko 1/5/04
Thank god for the links's so easy to update and make it look like I'm doing stuff. Oh yeah...I just might start putting titles in my news posts for no particular reason. Sucker.

Well that sucks. I seem to have lost the drawing I was gonna upload into the art section.
Don't expect another update until after the weekend...very busy and I don't even have new content to put up (the most I would do is fix up some code like the LOVELY javascript that angelfire doesn't seem to support unless it's the javascript from an advertiser...bastards.)
If you're bored and dissapointed, check out the deeply depressing post from Penny Arcade about a craptastic newspaper "article" about GTA3's immorality and also how PA's AMAZING toy donation ($175,000 worth) seems to only get recognition online (forget the local TV news which claimed only a few toys were delivered...and by someone else).

I fixed up the links page and added a new link too. Tomorrow, I'll finally upload some new art of mine (as long as I remember). However, you must be warned, it was done on loose-leaf paper (lined paper) because it started out as a doodle and became ...well... a masterpiece. (Disclaimer: I suck at lying (discalimer's disclaimer: I suck at joking, and why are you here again?))
Oh, oh! I'll think about submitting this site to google too! That's always fun.

Ok, ok. Party's over. We all watched that wretched ball drop for no particular reason, we all ate/drank junk food 'till we dropped, and of course, we all played massive amounts of video games. However, now the time has come for: POINTLESS DISPLAY!
Welcome to layout version 1.0 ...version "Alpha" is finally dead! ...expect new comics 'n stuff soon, but it just took me an ass load of work to get this layout up and running. So browse the site, be amazed, be merry, be happy, don't worry, and so forth.
Things I already want to change:
-Left bar hit counter layout 'n's rather ugly now
-Angelfire doesn't seem to support the rollover effects that I worked so freakishly hard on, so I'm going to delete the unecessary code and images, shoot Angelfire's mother, then cry myself to sleep.
-Some links may not work because I chose the lazy way of adding content of the previous layout pretty much DIRECTLY to this layout. I'll get right to work on this poor excuse for a problem which should have been fixed long ago. Woops.

-The site hit counters were 222 and 666. Like, totally far-out, dude!
-The new layout is coming along fairly ok, I suppose. Some of the things I really wanted to include will be dropped in favor of...well...simplicity so then things actually WORK! To make up for the new lack of stuff-I-really-wanted-to-include, I added rollover effects. You better be damn happy about that!
-Thanks to relentlessly working for almost 3 hours, I think I can reach the deadline of New Year's Day! woot!

-Get Ready. Prepare Yourself. The ultimate webcomic site layout is coming. (The actual comics may still suck, but that's not the point)
...Coming New Year's Day
-Oh yeah, last month's news put in archives (finally).

-Half a month later and I've made NO good on my promises. Wow. Well, this weekend, I at least gaurantee some art, but not colored like I first intended because it's on lined paper =/
-However, I've made some progress with the new site design that will be up sometime during the winter break, but I'm just too busy to make any major steps forward. There's so much I wanna, do just not any time to do it. Only time for gunbound. Ha!
-Stupid angelfire now put the customized ad banner at the BOTTOM of the page. I can't even show the site's "logo" at the top, next to the terrible, forced ads. Ugh. I don't even link reference my pics/comics anymore, so I think I might even switch to good 'ole geocities for the new site! That'd take forever though =/
-I'd rent from a REAL host if it wasn't for the fact that I don't even know how to use 90% of the features they give you, so it just wouldn't be worth it. Even if it would come with a precious, precious, real ".com" domain T.T
-So yeah: art coming up this weekend, then nothing until winter break! (Much like many other webcomics...haha) I'll even force "Beast" to put up some more of his kickass stuff for the hosted stuff page during or right after winter break. Everything will kickass at winter break!!!!!!!!11111111111111111 for googly moogly.

-A month later, I finally add a new comic. It only took like an HOUR to draw, then another 3 or 4 HOURS to ink, scan, edit, add text, etc. So please be greatful. Making comics is not nearly as easy as you may think. Especially if you wanna make it look decent through computer raping editting.
-Well, at the rate I'm doing this crud, it's pretty obvious that the new layout won't be up any time soon =( ...sorry.
-Instead, I'll leave the new layout for winter break =P and next weekend, I'll add some art...If I decide to color it (I need to practice photoshop coloring), then no new comic!

-What's happening?

-Just to let ya'll know that I'm still into this shit. I just kinda got sick 'n now I need to make up a ton of work. Hint for next comic: Soul Calibur2 Halloween costume!
-All the crappy news below will be cleared and put into the archives later...whenever I get around to it...could be never. ;)

-Now that my afternoons are no longer raped by cross-country practices/meets, expect more! Well...maybe...if I don't balance my hw correctly again...who knows. Me try to work on a comic today, although I'm supposed to read an entire novel today too...interesting. *hint, hint!* UPDATE: new comic here...let's see if you picked up the hint.
-Working on legal shiot that says that all this good cookn' is copyright to me. Apparently, you don't even need a copyright statement, but it's always good to have one. So expect a splash page soon...where it says that by entering, you agree to some crap. w00t!
-I should probably update the characters page now that I've introduced so many...with more to come!
-Don't use angelfire, people. The stupid banner ads, the crappy interface...not worth it. I'm not even using the image reference ability that I boasted about. What if other people link to my pics and eat up my bandwidth?! AHHHHHHH!

-Holy crap am I a n00b or what?! I tried so much crap during the process of making this comic that it took way longer than it should have. Stupid merging layers...what the hell was I thinking?! Despite this, I did learn something nice...comics are done in .gif form...DUH! Usually webcomics don't deal with a ton of various colors that stray from the norm. My comics only use color in text! So of course .gif is the way to go! So while the previous comic was 270kb, today's is told myself I wouldn't cry.
-Yeah, yeah...I'm not done with layout just yet...and expect more links on the misc page by next week.

-Apparently no web comics I looked at have news archives except one. That one will be given a spot in the links section of the misc page soon. But for now...I'll just copy that site and make one page that has EVERY NEWS POST EVER. Cool, huh? I said cool, now crazy, stupid. Yeesh...Archives | Old News
-I feel like drawing today...

-Well at least I got the Hosted stuff page up that will be known as "Beastly Stuff" for now since the only shit I'm hosting for other people is drawings from Beast. The page obviously needs some more work, but it's got some sweet content for now.
-I know I always say I'll do this, I'll do that...I'll do it all next weekend...but you must weekend is...THREE DAYS LONG! w00t in my b00t! I will do my best to make tremendous progress next weekend...unless teachers decide to be gay AGAIN and assign MORE homework just because we have more time.
-I want my spare time back to the way it was in yester-year. *sigh

-Yeah, yeah...keep your boxorz on, I'm still working on new layout...should be done sometime tonight.
-UPDATE: ...or not...(stupid busyness)

-Not only do I wish to add all the shit I talked about in my previous post (which I proof-read now), but expect a freaky set of links on this home page next to, as in to the right of, these news posts. More specifically, links to forum, hosted/guest pics/comics, etc. I told Beast (or Beastleo...not sure which stupid pen-name he wants) that I would upload his shit here if he wanted me to. He wants me to. He wants me too.
-*Is very tempted to start ranting on like a blog or semi-blog like Penny Arcade but must continue homework, however, just by mentioning homework, personal life has been expressed --> blog.* Uh oh.
-Oh yeah...hopefully, within a week or two, I'll have all the stuff I originally planned up and running with satisfactory amounts of content. ...Meaning I'll officially announce version 1.0 of this poor excuse of a site and then submit a request to be added to Google's (I make links for everything because I'm nice and give credit to everything/everyone like everything/everyone should) directory of brilliance...which I associate with "opening a site to the public" (thanks to a friend who told me of this association...damn him).
-*Is ranting like a homo 'cause he's reading random novels. Not just any novel, I mean novels that are random (Slaughterhouse-Five and Catch-22)...against his will.*

-So I'm a failure that can't draw consitently. Oh well. Instead, I got someone else to draw something and now I made a wallpaper out of it. It is my first attempt at making a wallpaper, so please be gentle. All this misc. page updating has led me to take off the "under construction" crap that plagues the other've just done THAT much with the page. Freaky, I know. I still realize how much I have planned for the other pages, but the amount of other work I gotta do must be realized as well. Bummer.
-So just like last weekend, I'm putting things off for next weekend (i.e. new comic, clear this home page of old news/updates, make an old news/updates archive, etc). Stupid school x_x. Even if I get Jewish holidays off for not being Jewish, the teachers pile up the shit. So I'm purty much screwed. Thanks for listening...I have to write* a POEM now (I can't believe it either).

-Got some fanart up in the miscellaneous page. It was drawn by a friend of mine who's personality 'n physique is the inspiration for a character soon to appear in my comic. Since he's so damn good at drawing (much better than me), I let him design his character, and I will try to follow it. (The art would make for a great wallpaper...if only he INKED the drawing...hmmm)
-I should probably make an archive for old news, or just dump old news seeing how it's a new month and I don't want multiple months of news on this home page...(yay for the long weekend comin' up!)

-New FORUM!...well...not really a forum. It's just one message board on a larger forum. I didn't feel like starting up an entire forum, so I got a friend to host a lil message board for this site! Go ahead...I perfer you go there instead of emailing me to contact/comment on this poor excuse for a webcomic. You can even post without heaven. I'm currently reading Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughter House V...hence, I'm kooky-er than usual. So it goes.
-I think I'll make a seperate page for the latest comic soon. Especially if my news/updates keep staying this large, are posted this often, 'n whatnot. So anyway...whoa

Finally! The much anticipated first comic in a line of introductory comics for the Clan sub-series is here! I just realized that at the rate I'm uploading comics, I'll use up all my alotted disk space in no time! Crap! Not to mention a god damn CRISIS with my hotmail in I can't access it...for some fruity reason, I'm sure (I suspect a h4x0r is responsable!). life is currently screwy, so just get to the damn comic!

I realize this isn't a real excuse, but this hurricane thingy gave me an almost 3-day period of no electricity, so I couldn't work on comic. I DID at least sketch and even INK up most of the comic that was supposed to be up last weekend. Now that it's already back to week days, it'll be awhile before it really gets up. I was even thinking about coloring the comic, but I'll refrain from doing so since it would take another 5 HOURS or so. However, I did decide to give "code names" for all the characters so then it's more realistic with the whole clan thing. Not to mention I don't wanna just out-right say my friends' names...even if the characters are based off of them. Sometimes I think I might be too nice...
But remember when I said last time that any updates wouldn't be announced until later? Well now is the time, people...I told you to prepare, god dammit!
-Archives now has links to past comics I made (including one's that only close friends of mine will strangers allowed! suckas...)
-About page now has a shit-load of crap..."shit-load" of "crap" I plan to add a lil FAQ section later on too!
-Characters page has been updated, but not with don't get your hopes up or they'll be crushed harder than stuff under heavy things.
-In case you didn't already, check the Misc page for lotsa sweet shit. (Sugar-free, used some Splenda, baby, hell yeah!)

Hurricane = no school for today and tomorrow! Yipee! Please don't hurt me!
So anyway...with this spare time, even though I'm a little under the weather (pardon the pun), I completed my first EVER computer-colored art work! All thanks to the helpful tutorials of's like a dream come true! It did take quite awhile, though. Now I see why most web comics only update once a week and now I marvel at Penny-Arcade's ability to update every other day. Head on over to the miscillaneous page to check out the now overly-hyped drawing and some sweet links! (Just keep in mind it is my FIRST coloring job done with a computer)
UPDATE: added some PD link buttons! ...I may do some further site updating, but any such major or not-so-obvious updates will be announced tomorrow.

I'll probably start titling these news/updates or just say "news"...but anyway...WHITE TEXT! ...'cause black on blue just didn't work out (as a viewer pointed out not-so-politely). I'll do the same for all other pages this weekend [already done! 9/17/ school tomorrow! Please don't hurt me, Isabel!] and will hopefully crank out another comic this weekend too and maybe adjust the top buttons so they don't look like utter-crap. I shouldn't even be messing with the site now since I've got other work to do, but oh -shitting- well!

Comic description 9/13/03
After over TWO HOURS of intense hell, I've done the first of many comics in a sub-series about a kickass ninja clan starring my friends 'n me. The idea may seem cute enough, but once you travel deeper into the story, you're SCREWED! Bahahaha...that made no sense!
So about this particular comic: took lotsa time, first comic I inked and stuff. Went for manga look here...
-So that thing on the podium is a microphone, not a dick.
-The dude is laughing histerically under the "BAHAHAHA!" and so I did the Charlie Brown type of thing where their mouth replaces their face, so It's not some freaked up fruit.
-I'm not spraying stuff with my sword, they're just lines indicating how ass-fast the fat f*cker is flying.
-The fat f*cker's face is not black due to holes in his head, he is merely crying...anime style.
-The shit blasting out of the devil-ish me is not laser goodness, but rather another anime-style thingy.

-Well, well...look who updated! Expect new comic as soon as tonight or tomorrow morning. As for what exactly I updated...
Made graphics correct sizes (not just using html to adjust their size), top buttons actually lead you somewhere (although still working on the "somewhere's"), tried a shit-load of times to incorporate a good shade of orange...but each time I save the graphics in .jpeg format, the orange gets all icky and sick. I'll hafta work on that later...
Bye bye for now...come back tomorrow! ^_^

-You know you like the new vertical banner that looks better on a page with forced banner least I customized those previously-ugly looking ads! I'm such a hero. Too bad the buttons above still don't work, the many images have a condensed look (because they were made bigger than they should've been), and other weird shit. I'm such a bad hero.

-I'll work on the format of the news, the crappy graphics, and everything much later...but for website is open...yummy.