Episode 25 - Wild Albertan Cougars

(November 15, 2003) Okay, for the second time ever, the Speed Divas are late. But this time it's NOT the artist's fault. Uh uh Mary, point that shameful little finger of blame at the writer this time. Oh yah, she couldn't even come up with a good excuse -- she's all like, "Well, wild Albertan cougars invaded my apartment and drank all my booze" and so we're all like, "oh sure Mary, have another snort," and she's all like "you dissin' me, jerkface?" and we're all like "BRING IT ON MARY, BRING IT ON!". Anyways, we quietly finished the rest of our tea and agreed to disagree.

So, like where were we? Oh yah, Toy has been Starborged, and the girls are widemouthed with fear.

Like, wild Albertan cougars? Reeeeeeally.

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