Wedding Rituals
the House: The
Groom - well attired with Dhoti and Kurta, alongwith
topor (paper and shola conical hat) leaves The groom has to carry a darpan (mirror) during all the time. ----------------------------->Groom is leaving------------------->----------------------------------^ Along-with the groom, a small boy also goes to the bride's place, with the similar dress. He is known as neet-bar. <------------------Neet Bar is ready to leave<------------- Welcoming the groom The groom and his relatives arrive at the bride's house to the ringing of bells, blowing of conch shells and ululation. The baran dala (Baran dala is a silver plate arranged with rice, turmeric, etc. to welcome the bride and groom ) is held by an elder female relative of the bride's and the plate is first touched to the groom's forehead, then to ground, and back again to his forehead in a gesture of part blessing, part-reverence. The groom is offered sweets and sherbet. Water is sprinkled on the doorstep as the groom steps into the house to mark the auspicious moment. Both, the mother of the bride and of the groom do not attend this ceremony. It is believed that this will protect the couple from the 'evil eye'. The Wedding Ceremony The purohit conducts the wedding ceremony. At first the Groom is taken in the mandap. The puja is performed along-with the person who will perform the Sampradaan. After the puja, the groom is given a fresh set of Dhooti and Kurta from the bride's side. The groom has to change his dhoti-kurta and wear the new set and the ring. After this the bride is
brought to the Mandap. The bride is usually carried in a
piri and four of her friends carry her in the Mandap. She
keeps her eyes hidden with a beetle leaf. She is rotated
seven times around the groom. Once this is over, the
bride and groom are placed face to face and the the bride
removes her beetle leaf. The bride and groom looks at
each other for the first time (!). This is known as Shubha-Drishti. After Shubha drishti, they exchange their garlands for three times. After this the bride and groom both are seated opposite to each other. Their hands are tied together and kept ovet a ghot. The oorna of the bride and the uttariya of the groom are tied together. The bride and groom exchange garlands while the purohit chants mantras. Her paternal or maternal uncle gives the bride away. This particular part of the ceremony is called sampradhan. Alongwith the priest the groom also chants the mantra. (A full text of the matra will be added soon). After this the bride and groom changes the position and they are seated sideby side. The yagna is carried out, i.e. the marriage is done with fire as the witness.
Bengali marriage is always scheduled during the dusk (Godhuli lagna), Evening (Sandhya Lagna) or night. All the rituals take about three hours.
Different Steps of Bengali wedding
- Intro --
- Engagement --
- Pre - Wedding --
- Wedding --
- Post - Wedding --