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A Family At Risk

Leigh-Ann's Story

Hi my name is Leigh-Ann, Brenda thought it would be nice to have our thought in her family page, and I agree.

I met her son Jay in grade 9, and from that point I knew we would be together. Jay is a great guy, he is quiet and smart, we share many great times together, he is my best friend

When Jay introduced me to his mom and stepdad Vaughn, they welcomed me into their family right away. At the time, I really did not know about HD, but nothing could change how I felt about Jay. After a couple of years Jay took me to meet his dad Les, (I think the boys worried a little about taking girlfriends to meet their dad.) Les was a good guy, and he too welcomed me into his life. HD changes a person faster than you wish. When I first met Les his movements were not frequent, but over the years got worse, his speech too eventually got bad. Every time we would visit his eyes would light up. Sometimes you could catch him just stepping back to watch his family. You see we didn't get to see him all the time because he lived in a group home in the St. Thomas area.

On February 14, 1998 Jay and I were blessed with a wonderful baby boy, Matthew. I remember how excited everyone was when they found out we were having a baby. Les was over joyed, he was going to be a grandpa. After Matthew was born we went to see Les, he was beaming with pride and joy to see his grandson. The nurses said that's all he talked about. In a way I feel bad because Les never really got to hold Matthew. I think he was afraid of hurting him because he could not stay still for even a minute. Les was gradually getting worse, understanding him was getting more difficult. All of us wishing that HD would just go away. Days don't really go by where I don't wish it would just disappear, so that my husband and kids won't have to worry about getting this disease. But you can't focus on the bad, as I see it we have two choices, we can sit and watch it happen, or we can give HD a run for it's money and fight, and that's the plan, to fight as best we can TOGETHER

Les was put into a wonderful nursing home that took great care of him. Christmas of 1999, when we went to see him, he looked better than ever, and was happy. He was only in the nursing home two months and on January 02, 2000 Les passed away without us there with him. We miss him but know he is okay now, no pain and no suffering, he is now another "HD Angel" watching his family from above. What I do regret is that his other grandsons Brenden, who was born January 25, 2000 and Bryce, who was born October 29, 2002,and granddaughter Marissa, who was born October 14, 2003, didn't get to meet their grandpa Les.

I think that Les watches over Matthew, Brenden, Bryce, Marissa, Christopher, born May 01, 2000 (our nephew) and Caitlyn born December 29,2002 (our niece) and keeps them safe, because when they fall and your pretty sure it should have been really bad they get up like someone cushioned their fall. It's great to know he's still there for them.

As for HD, I can say I do hate it, but we keep fighting and wishing for a cure, we know soon there will be one, and it will help people who are fighting it. Like my brother-in-law Kenny pHD (person with Huntingtons), and for those at risk, like Jay, Matthew, Brenden, Bryce, Marissa, Mike my other brother-in-law and my little nephew Christopher, and little niece Caitlyn, Mikes children.

We will fight to the end!!

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