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Trapshoot Pictures

Ken, Mike, Jason
My 3 sons
First time shooters

Ron Getty
Club Member
Our Cook
Marilynn, Sharon, Myself
HD Photo Cake
donated by Sobeys
Here I come
HD Supporters from the
Niagara Falls Area
Dr. Jim Allen
Orthopedic Surgeon
Robert Pye
Director of Member Services

Local Huntington Society volunteer Donna Ulch (center) presents a certificate of appreciation to the Kent Cloverleaf Conservation Club for a Huntington's Disease fund-raiser. 
Chatham-Kent MPP Jack Carroll (left) and world-champion trap shooter Marty King participated

Home Page

Huntington Disease   Huntington's A Family Disease
Leigh-Ann's Story    Donna's Story
Living In The Bulls Eye
Family Photos
Trapshoot For Huntington Disease