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"Jedi Master guide
at your service!"

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*The Word*The Word*The Word*The Word*The Word*

The Word
Issue: 11...almost 12...which means almost for one each
one WHOLE year! rock on!
Part: Just the first of more great ones to come!
Date: 8/31/01
Member Count: 286 (whats that? you'd like to see if over 300?? holy
concidence would we!! :O)
President: Tracey
Vice President: Michelle
The Great Editor: Vanessa (the advantages over checkin it out last!)
News Reporter: Tiffany

Table of Contents...

A Word From Da Prez
Yes We've Got It...The Wilks Latest News
We've Seen Em, We've Read Em, We Wanna Share Em
Where They Gonna Be?

What? black and white not cuttin if for ya?? then why not check it out
in colour??
just head over to the Word's Official...all ya gotta do is...go
Web Site at

Attachment: a pic of the Wilkinson's in Sidney Ohio (7/25/01)
Photo Credit: Tracey

If you want to send in pics email us and we'll be sure to give you

~A Word From Da Prez~

Hey Hey Hey! It's that time of the month again, Word time! I had a
blast seeing the Wilkinsons in Sidney, Ohio last month! Hey to those of
you I met there, especially all the Word members that I chilled with.
It was fun! I don't know when I'll be seeing the Wilks next, because
there aren't any anywhere near me at the moment, but hopefully I will
sometime soon. I've been pretty busy. Went to Ohio last month, saw the
sights...then Wisconsin to see my cousins and go fishing a few weeks
ago. And yesterday my cousin's and I went to see Aaron Carter w/
A*Teens, Play, and Myra! And my younger cousin and I had meet and greet
and soundcheck passes so we got to see Aaron's soundcheck from front row
center (it was sweet), and I got to ask him a question during Q&A!
Then, we all met him and later we met A*Teens at their meet and greet.
I had a blast! They were all sweethearts :0) Next weekend I'm going to
see O Town and LFO at a huge festival our radio station has every year with a buncha
acts, can't wait for that! Plus I saw my fave local band a few times lately! That's always fun!

Till next time,

~Yes We've Got It...The Wilks Latest News~

The Wilkinson's first single off BNA will be released next month. It's
called "I Gotta Get Outta Here" and Tyler sings lead. It's a great
song, you're gonna love it!

They did sign with BNA---they are currently working on a CD for the
label. The show I went to (July 7th) in Hallock, MN...Steve sang a new
song he wrote the week before called "Half of Forever." He said the label
liked it, so they were gonna cut it, but not sure if it was gonna make the CD.

Tyler's horse had a colt keeping Chris and Kiaya from accompaning them
on the road as of lately.

Steve said "Shine" will be released in the US. He wasn't sure when ....
whenever Warner wanted to release it, but it would come out.

Thanks to Loralie for that news!

Tyler was worried he wouldn't be able to go diving in the Caymans,
because he was sick a few days before they left but he got better and
was able to dive :0) Kiaya, however missed a day cuz she got sick :0(
Tyler wants one of those RC airplanes, to fly at shows while he's

Amanda got her navel pierced. Kiaya said something about wanting to get
hers done and Tyler joked about piercing his eyebrow or tongue.

Thanks to David for that news!

~We've Seen Em...We Read Em...We Wanna Share Em~

The Wilkinson’s
July 25th, 2001
Sidney, Ohio
by Tracey

When we got to Sidney it was pouring rain so I got drenched in it
running in to ask directions to the fairgrounds, but oh well. Got there
and met up with Lauren and Kati. Went in and got our seats and waited
for other Word members to show up. Mariah and her buds came, and Amanda
and her buds and Ethan so we sat around talking to them and these 2 guys
(Corey and Brian) from Ohio and two other gurls from the Word newsletter that
weren't in our Sidney crew.

Saw Tyler sitting with his Grandma and cousins, and talked to them for maybe ten minutes.
Had Tyler sign his dad's B-Day Card (since I know you're going to ask what he wrote it was "Have a
good one. Your cool and best son, Tyler W."). He was reading all the messages
on the card and talking to me. I'm not going to go listing every single thing said but something you gurls might like to know that Steve does NOT like being called Mister. Tyler was laughing because a few
messages had Mr. Wilkinson or Mr. Steve. Lauren or Kati asked Tyler about the
little kids and he said their names were Hannah and Bailey (I hope that's
right) and I asked how old they were and he goes "Bailey how old are you?" and
she holds up 5 or maybe it was 6 fingers. It was cute ;0) Then Kati and Lauren
wanted pics with him so I decided to get one too. I told him that Kati, Lauren, and I had thought Michele was Amanda (LOL). He was like "You thought Michele, the merchandise lady was Amanda?" all amused. I said how we went up to her to have her sign the card and she turned around and we realized
it wasn't her. After that we left so they could enjoy their meal when the food came.

Came back and got DT to sign Steve's card. Did you know he's only 3
days younger than Steve? His Birthday is August 21st so be sure to wish
him a good one if you see him around then. The Wilkinsons came out and
sang 2 songs and then went off ("Jimmy Had a Girlfriend" and 1 other one, I
think it might have been "I Had a Dream" but I don't remember). It was fun
to watch though. I got a few of the bandmates to sign the card too (Mark
Easterling was one I believe).

After that went back to talking to everyone. The final member of our
crew, Gary showed up and joined us. Then my parents showed up and I
went to go find some supper. By the time we got back it was almost
showtime so just sat and waited. At 8 the announcer came on Mariah,
Brandi, Gary, me, Lauren, Kati, Sarah, and Corey all ran up to the
stage. It was cool cuz the guy talked about the fan club meet and greet
and he goes "I know we have some fans here." and he listed places ppl came from and
the first place he said was Minnesota! I think that was the farthest place...there was a Michigan but that's pretty close to Ohio same with Indiana. Yeah I know I'm nuts, but my uncle invited us and we made a vacation out of it :0)

Tyler, Amanda, and Steve ran out and started singing "I Had a Dream". For those of
you wondering Tyler was wearing a blue flame shirt and blue pants, Amanda red
pants and a black glitter tank top and her big circle earrings, Steve blue jeans and a Hawaiin
shirt. Then they sang "Outside Providence", 2 others, and then "Don't I Have a Heart". I got good pics of Tyler during that since he actually abandoned his mike stand. They sang "One of These Days", it was great! When Jimmy started we all ran up to the stage...That was fun! I was touching the stage by Tyler's mike. They were supposed to do an encore, but they didn't. Mark Easterling came over and gave me
the set list, so that was cool :0)

Got in line with Sarah, Ethan, and Gary at the beginning of the fan club line. The Wilkinsons saw Sarah's laminate right away and asked about it, so she was telling them about the Word hehe. I asked Steve if he wanted one and he said yeah so I said I'd give it to him at the public signing (my mom had all my stuff while I was at the fan club one so I didn't have em with me). When it was my turn I
handed Steve his Birthday Card. I told him Tyler and Amanda had signed it and he thought that was cool. Steve thanked me and said he'd read it on the bus. He took my picture to sign and asked where it was taken. I said Lima, and that it was the one he said not to put on my site and he goes "So you put it on there?" or something like that joking and I go "I'm sorry". I talked to Tyler about a song Michelle and I wrote, and Amanda about the album. She asked about getting it online or something and I told her
the address in the newsletter was wrong, it was cute because she said "Oh no!" I
asked Tyler to personalize a pic for me and he says "To Tracey?" and I say "Yeah" and he says "Ey?" and I say "huh?" and he says "You spell it ey right?" and I reply "Yeah" and he says "That's what I
thought". Then, I said something like "How did you know that? My own family doesn't
even spell it right.� Steve laughed and Tyler didn't say a thing. So then I wanted hugs so I asked the 3 of them in general and Steve says "No hugs!" all joking around and smiling at me and I'm like "haha" joking back. Then he's like "Of course" or something like that. But then he says (to everyone listening) "She doesn't want to hug us, she just wants to hug him (he was talking about Tyler). I said no and that I wanted to hug all 3 of them so I got hugs from the 3 of them, said I'd see them at the public signing and left.

My mom was already in the public line, at the end when I joined her.
Gary, his mom and siblings joined us and we were all talking waiting
until our turn. My dad stood a ways away videotaping us (I didn't
find this out till I watched the tape LOL). I was trying to find Gramma
Wilkinson because she wanted to see my pics and so did Bailey, but Mark
Easterling said she was on the bus already). When it was finally our
turn I told DT that was my mom and he said "Nice to meet you" and
shook her hand. Then I said my dad was videotaping and he smiled at the
camera. Tyler was signing some autograph at the time I believe but when
my mom got up to him he looks up and says “You’re Tracey’s mom?�
and points to me. And my mom said yeah and he smiles at us and nods and Steve and Amanda started talking to her.. I gave all 3 of them laminates and my mom told Tyler that they need to
come closer and Steve said the tour schedule is going to be different next year. I said "Minnesota?!" Tyler said "Yeah" and smiled. I said "Wisconsin?" he said "Probably both." My my mom said I'd find
them. LOL! Then we bid our goodbyes and left.

On our way out I saw Grandma so I showed her and the cousin's my pics.
She said Tyler was trying something with his hair (back when it was
long). Talked to her for a few minutes, and headed back to my uncle's.
It was yet another great show and I can't wait for the next!

~Where They Gonna Be?~

Good news for those of you in Canada, the Wilks are coming back.

Sun 09/02/01Shawville, QC Shawville Fairgrounds
Fri 09/07/01 Montgomery, INTurkey Trot
Sat 09/08/01 Effingham, ILTransportation Celebration
Sat 09/15/01 El Dorado, IL Town & Country Days
Sun 09/16/01 Upper Sandusky, OH Wyandot County Fair
Mon 09/17/01 Anderson, SC Anderson County Fair
Sun 09/23/01 Marceline, MO Walt Disney 100th Anniv
Sat 09/29/01 Wetumpka, AL Gold Star Park
Sat 10/06/01 Aurora, IN Farmers Fair
Sat 10/13/01 Mt. Sterling, KY Montgomery County High School
Sat 11/10/01 Paducah, KY Executive Inn
Sun 11/11/01 Paducah, KY Executive Inn
Sat 01/12/02 St. John's, NF Memorial Stadium
Mon 01/14/02 Halifax, NS Metro Centre
Tue 01/15/02 Saint John, NB Harbour Station
Thu 01/17/02 Hamilton, ON Hamilton Place Theatre
Fri 01/18/02 Owen Sound, ON Bayshore Community Centre
Sun 01/20/02 Ottawa, ON Civic Centre Coliseum
Mon 01/21/02 Peterborough, ON Peterborough Mem. Centre
Wed 01/23/02 Thunder Bay, ON Community Auditorium
Thu 01/24/02 Winnipeg, MB Walker Theatre
Sat 02/16/02 Cypress Gardens, FL Cypress Gardens
Sun 02/17/02 Cypress Gardens, FL Cypress Gardens
Sat 07/13/02 Timmins, ON Timmins Country Festival

It aint over til we say its over...and it aint over...part 2...comin to a mailbox near you!

The Wilkinsons...Bye, we love you :0)

~Part 2~ Part 2~ Part 2~ Part 2~ Part 2~ Part 2~ Part 2~ Part 2~

~*The Word*~
Issue: 12
Part: 2
Date: 8/31/01

Table of Contents:

Member Contest Results
Good Ole Articles
The $100 Question...Right here!
The Pole Without Limits
The Special Person of the Month
It's YOUR Birthday
Want Ads...Find Other Wilkinsons Fans
Links...You Want Em? We Got Em!
So One Wilkinson Said to the Other...
And So Another Newsletter Comes To An End...

Attachment: a pic of Amanda from Sidney, Ohio (7/25)

~Member Contest Results~

It's not over yet! You still have a chance to enter. Read on for
details. Meanwhile, the current member contest standings are...

Gail- 18
Jessica G. - 8
Elizabeth- 6
Ashley - 2
Kelly - 2
Janelle- 1

Keep 'em coming! If you'd like to enter it's not too late. Just tell
all your friends to join the Word and have them email us saying you
reffered them. The contest will end on Saturday, September 8th so make
you get you tell everyone they have to tell us u referred them before
Good luck to you all!


whats a contest without prizes....see what you could win!

1st place- a Here and Now promo flat, Wilkinson autographed pic, and 12
live concert pix

2nd place - 12 live concert pix

3rd place - 10 live concert pix

Random Drawing...

3 ppl will win live concert pix randomly. Doesn't matter if you join up 1 person or 20, all entries are put in a bin and 3 names will be drawn. Each of the 3 ppl will receive 4 concert pix. So even if you don't
think you can get the most get as many as you can and you just may win the drawing :)

~Good Ole Articles~

Michelle hit the jackpot the other day on articles so we've got plenty
to last us awhile. We're only putting in one this issue because it's so long.

The Wilkinsons
Family Comes First
By Kimmy Wix

Believe it or not, with "26¢" this refreshing family trio has hit
country music big time. With the Wilkinsons, honestly, it's taken a lot more
than that -- years of singing together, working on their soaring harmonies,
building the perfect collection of song material, but more importantly, keeping it all a family affair.

Comprised of singer/songwriter and father Steve, 16-year old daughter
Amanda and 14-year-old son Tyler, The Wilkinsons have undoubtedly
crossed over the fame threshold in country music in an extremely short amount of time. Their debut single, "26¢," a driving, family-themed ballad led by the vocal powerhouse Amanda, from their first album, Nothing
But Love, hit the charts running and continues to run. Upon releasing the song, the trio surprisingly landed themselves the highest single debut position on Radio & Records' country singles chart. With 105 total radio stations on add day, "26¢" entered the charts at No. 37 -- beating the 1991 record set by Tracy Lawrence's "Sticks and Stones" by seven positions. They easily mark one of the first groups comprised of family members to chart since the Whites in 1989.

Regardless of what seems to be a sudden rise to fame, when it comes to
what matters first, it's always family over fame.

"We approached this whole adventure when we moved down here to Nashville
as a family," admits Steve with his two singing children sitting near him. "We're
a unit. When we're making music on stage, we're a unit and also when we're handling business. All of our business decisions are always made as family."

"And we're not misinformed either," adds Amanda. "Tyler and I have our own schedules. It's like school would be and we have our school work organized to fit into our schedule, too. It's cool, because we sit
down and have family discussions as to what we're going to do."

"Believe it or not," Steve says, "their opinions are given strong consideration."

"I wouldn't say that he lets us make all the decisions," chimes in Tyler, "but we all have our opinions that will make the decisions.

"We come to a mutual conclusion between the three of us, my wife and our youngest because they're also involved in our decisions," Steve confirms.

Even before "26¢" took the country audience by storm, the Wilkinsons were faced with a huge family decision -- whether to be content with a home in their native Canada and continue to make music for the
people there, or to latch on to a family dream just waiting to come true. Dad seriously got cold feet about plunging into what could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"We decided that we were ready for Nashville as far as the act went," he explains. "But what happened was that last year in the spring we had sold our house. We kinda all got together and I said 'I can build us another house and we can continue doing what we are doing, or seriously think about taking
that step off the cliff. It was a family decision again that we made to come down
here. I'm glad we did. Whether things happen this quickly or not, the worst thing that you can do is spend your life thinking 'what could have been or what might have been if you had taken a chance?' I think everyone in my family are all believers in believing. Hang onto that dream in spite of the
downs, because there are downs in any business. Just hang on to them and if you believe in it long enough, it will happen. With hard work and belief, you can make it happen."

Drawing on a thick mix of musical influences including the Nitty Gritty Dirt
Band, Linda Ronstadt, Patsy Cline, Dolly Parton, George Strait and Restless Heart, the Wilkinsons are making it happen -- and remaining perfectly honest in the process with their approach to both their music and personal lives. The songs featured throughout Nothing But Love keep close to the Wilkinsons'
own home -- offering real families out there and other real teenagers and even other real parents something they can truly relate to in today's music. If they don't believe it, they don't sing it. While the entire album drips with truth and amazing talent, "26¢" is a prime example of more to come.

"We were in Wichita doing a show and this 16-year-old girl came up to me and was just sobbing," tells Amanda. "I was hugging her and tried to calm her down. She finally got settled down enough to relay the story to me and she said that her mom and her had gotten into this huge fight and that she was going to move to Kansas City herself, which is a huge city and that would have been very scary for her. So her mom must have known what was happening and that her daughter was going to leave. Then she heard '26¢' on the radio and gave her daughter a copy of the single with a note and a quarter and a penny taped to it. She read the note, listened to the single and because of it, she chose not to leave and patched things up with her mom. If that was the only thing we did with that song, that's the best thing. When I walked away from that girl, it was the best feeling that I ever had. It was great."

"I said to Amanda afterwards when we were done signing autographs and back in the motor home," explained Steve, "I said 'Ya know -- it's really nice that the single is doing great, but we changed someone's life with a song for the better. I think it clicked for me, the power that music really has."

Both Amanda and Tyler are becoming pretty powerful themselves in the new teen sensation department these days. Reports indicate that Amanda is already stealing hearts with her winning smile and powerful voice, while Tyler could very well end up in the "country hunk hall of fame." His response -- "total embarrassment."

"Tyler's face always turns red when we talk about this," quips sis. "But if there are those girls out there making all the smiles at him and stuff, Dad always has a joke to make out of it."

"It's still embarrassing, with or without Dad," admits Tyler with a red face.

"I can't remember exactly where we were," added Steve, "but this girl had handed Tyler her phone number and said 'We're having a pool party next week. Can you come? But don't phone our house and ask for
Bobbie Joe, that's my sister. Ask for Heather, that's me, because she has a boyfriend.'"

"So the girl says 'So is he gonna call me?'" explained Amanda, "and Dad says 'You know what honey -- he makes his own dates but I wouldn't hold your breath on it.'"

"What's neat too," Steve further explains, "is that we're getting a real cross-section of people coming up and asking for autographs and talking about '26¢.' There are a number of younger people, but we're
getting people in their 20s, 30s and 40s. So I'm really happy to see that it's doing a lot of crossing of lines. It's not just strictly a teenage song. A twenty year-old would get next to this song, too. It's crossing
a lot of lines and we're thrilled about that.

"The song is also crossing genres, too," explains Tyler. "It's just not a mother and a daughter song. It could be a mother and son song. It could be a father and a son song or a father and a daughter song."

Unquestionably, the Wilkinsons' warm personalities, family fun and values are garnering fans, but when it comes to sparking success in the business world, especially on today's crowded country radio, it's the
talent left on the front lines. With a phenomenal torch-n-twang vocal package, down-right innocence and sock-knocking passion, they have what it takes and there's a lot more where their "26¢" debut comes from.

Co-penning seven of the album's eleven cuts, Steve, who's been honing his chops as a tunesmith for several years, teamed up with some of Music City's most stellar songwriters such as Gary Burr, Doug Johnson
and Rory Michael Bourke to map out a beautifully carved and diversified production. Brilliantly produced by Tony Haselden, Russ Zavitson and Doug Johnson, Nothing But Love unleashes a buffet of every emotion possible with its soul-stirring ballads like "Fly" and "Williamstown," plus gut-thumping rompers such as "Boy Oh Boy," "Back On My Feet," the chugging title cut and the once-in-a-lifetime-gem "The Word."

In addition to the songs and soaring vocal force that surprisingly features tear-it-up Tyler along with Amanda, who we'd all love to see in a singing showdown with lady LeAnn Rimes, this project unveils honesty in its purest form. And it's that form that's sure to keep the Wilkinsons, hands-down, the most thrilling, across-the-board, audience-capturing act to hit the country scene since the Judds.

"There's probably 10% nervousness and the rest is probably pure excitement," explains Amanda of the Nothing But Love disc's release to the public. "We've been waiting for this for a long time. This is
finally when we get to release the music that we love to make and that's a thrill.

"I was really excited that I got to put out the first single," she goes on to explain about the album's selection of lead vocalists throughout the songs, "but I'll be even more thrilled when Tyler gets to be out there. I'm the big sister and just proud of him and what he's done. Plus, when we were recording the album, and he's going to hate me for this, but he was going through that voice change," she giggles. "So he worked really hard on those songs that he put on the album."

"I was just trying not to squeak," Tyler explains with a chuckle.

Despite any squeaks and rough spots throughout the Wilkinsons' early career years, their priority, like long before the music, is to continue being a family and representing that to the world the best way possible
--smoothly and not too vulnerably to fall into the any kind of "stardom" stigma.

"I think we work real hard, too, to go in the opposite directions of that," Steve says. "I mean when we are out on road trips and people insist on carrying our luggage for us, we don't let them."

"We carried them before," Amanda adds.

"That's a small example of how we try and keep grounded," continues Steve. "Nobody needs to be goofy just because they have a record on the radio."

Amanda further explains her dad's analysis by saying "The world already has enough idiots in it, and we always say that it doesn't need to be increased by three."

"I think the best thing that we could do is be aware of all this," Dad concludes while explaining how the children could be so easily influenced by performing at such a young age. "If you can see where danger lies, then you know how to escape from it and avoid it. That's my feeling, and my wife and I have talked about that. We're going to work real hard to make sure these guys are normal kids and that there's a normal upbringing. I know things get real busy, but that's when we get busy and take extra pains to keep things
more normal for them."

If love is indeed what makes the world go around, this new family phenomenon should get music listeners off to a spinning start.

~The $100 Question...Right Here~

This months question: If you could give a nickname to each Wilkinson
what would it be and why?

Email your answers to We need ur responses!

Last months question: If you could ask the Wilkinsons one thing what would it be??? (get creative)

Your answers:

We all know Canadian culture and American culture are pretty similar.
But is there something we do down here that you can't understand up
there? -
Ethan Wilson, Indianapolis

I would ask Tyler and Amanda what they like to do for fun while on the road.- Cory

I would ask Tyler "looks wise" what kinda girl he thinks is hot he he he like blond brunette short tall ;-) love Angel

I would ask how they got the name "The Wilkinsons" or what their favourite colour was.....LOL just kidding!!!!! Seriously though...i would ask if they could make a country group out of any artists, who would they be?? - Jessi

I'd ask Amanda why she bought Tyler that "beautiful" tie-dyed orange shirt. - Michelle

Hey were wonderin how they got their name to?? :-D i would ask em...since they've moved down there have they given into the way the americans spell? or converted from our nice simple metric system up here? -Vaneessa

~The Pole Without Limits~

This months poll: How many Wilkinson shows have you seen (if you saw 2 a nite count both shows separately)?

A) 0
B) 1-5
E) 15+

Email ur responses to We need your responses!

Last months poll: If the Wilkinsons sang a different type of music, which would you

a. rock and roll
b. pop
c. the blues
d. punk
e. rap
f. other
g. stick to the good ole country

Your answers:

g) 7

Everyone wants them to stay country :)

~The Special Person of the Month~

September's fan of the month is...*drum roll plz* Nicole! Here's part of her entry.

name: Nicole Black
residence: Meigs, OHIO
age: 16 years and counting.
how long i've been a fan: i have been a fan for about a year and a half, but
i wish i would have been a fan for longer than that. i've been to 1 concert
at the gallia county fair it rained really really bad. but we stood in the
rain for 45 minutes just to see them. they played 2 or 3 extra songs from the
new cd for us because they felt bad that we had tostand in the rain.
fave wilk: i can't choose which one i likethe most because i like them
all alot but if i had to choose i would choose their mom for being
able to keep them all stable and make them able to not have a big headabout
being famous.

Congratulations Nicole. If you'd like to be fan of the month fill out the following form and mail it to

Email Addy:
How you became a fan:
How long you've been a fan:
Fave memory:
Fave Wilkinson:
Fave song:

~It's YOUR Birthday~


Shannon - she didn't say when
4th- Hillary turns 14
21st- Stacy turns 18

Happy Birthday gurls :0) If you have an later September birthday or an October birthday email us.

~Want Ads...Find Other Wilkinsons Fans~

Name: Tracey
Age: 19
Current Residence: Minnesota
Hobbies: concerts, online, shopping, reading, etc.
I have MSN, if u look up my email addy u'll find it...

Name: Michelle Horton
Age: 16
Current Residence: Texas
Hobbies: webpages, dolphins, vacations, listening to music, watching
cubs baseball, sleeping
SN: shamutwister on AIM

Name: Kyurra
Age: 14
Current Residence: northern IN
Hobbies: singing music shopping volleyball cheerleading a lot of other

Name: Just call me Vanessa
Age: 18..heh..the other day i had to show id to prove that i wasnt 16
Current Residence: good ole ontario canada
Hobbies: i feel like ive tried every hobby at some point!
And if you have any chat programs the sn's if u want to be contacted
that way....just message me on AIM at Vanes10255...or icq at TuNaSaUrUs

If you would like email pals fill out this form and email us...

Current Residence:
And if you have any chat programs the sn's if u want to be contacted
that way.

~Links...You Want Em? We Got Em!~

The Words Official Site -
The Wilkinsons Official Site -
Wilkinson High -
Wilkinson Village -
The Greatest Unofficial Fan Web Site -Wilkinsons -
The Wilkinsons In Concert -
Brian's Wilkinson Empire -
Brian's Amanda Wilkinson Palace -
The Wilkinsons Zone
Krystin's Wilkinson World

If you've got a website and you want it linked, email the url to us.

~So One Wilkinson Said to the Other...~

"Are you going to be okay buddy?" - Amanda (to Tyler)
"Under the weather? I don't care. Just play I'll sing." - Tyler
"Keep playing I'm going through my mind. I'm trying to think if it's in the right key." - Tyler
"It's so good we don't feel pressure around you guys." - Amanda
"It happened when she was about 9 years old and realized she was done
growing." - Steve (on Amanda wearing heels)
"Everyone keeps coming up to me and saying man you're tiny, you don't
look anything like you do in the video and I'm like thanks so I started
wearing the heels! (to Tyler) Why are you looking at me?" - Amanda
"You're not making me wear heels." - Tyler
"Oh come on it'd be fun." - Amanda
"She's singing it, I'm just backing her up!" - Tyler (on singing IWBTG)
"We did a show and
"You know us, we're not scary or nothing." - Amanda

~And So Another Newsletter Comes To An End...~ sure you guys have the learned the that know we'll be back next month!! same word newsletter...same word channel...heck..that doesnt make much sense! batman quotes it better
then i do.......heh...but in the end....c-ya next month!!!


©2001 The Word