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Old "New Events"

1.    Traci Toone has become the newest member of the proud CAMP F!SHER family! She was introduced during camp time at Sonic on March 26th. In just two and a half hours, she had already made a big impact on F!SHER . We know she will have a lot to offer CAMP F!SHER in the future! Welcome home, Traci! CAMP F!SHER loves you!

2.    DP #2 is coming up just around the corner! We are in the process of choosing a camp name, and we are working to come up with some F!SHER yells for the weekend.  If you have any cool ideas or suggestions, let us know at

3.    DG Revelation night was so much fun! We started off the night by Rudder Fountain, then proceeded to Hullabaloo! Food Court for a nice, F!SHER-style dinner. Afterwards, we were split up into two groups, where we wrote letters to our future partners. Then, we gathered on the front steps of the Academic Building, where we were matched with our partners. Check out the pics here!

4.    The Big Event was a success! CAMP F!SHER had probably the best projects this year. We split up into two groups, one doing yard work and the other doing house cleaning. The people we worked for were awesome! They treated us to sandwiches and burgers. After the jobs were done, we met at Donnie's place where we ate more delicious food, thanks to Mom and Pop Lopez! We appreciate it sooo much. Thanks for everything!

5.    DP #2 came and went. Camp F!SHER had a blast! Aside from the looooong presentation we had to sit through, everything was good times. The new DG's had time to get to know each other and plan out their goals as partners. We also came up with the Camp F!SHER Hump-It! It's the best thing since sliced bread. Maybe we'll be able to share it with you...or not. All I can say is that the Fish are gonna love it!

6.    Parent's Weekend is here!!! Camp F!SHER will be having a Parent's Banquet at our namesake Brian Fisher's home. We are also going to be getting the families together at a Pre-Maroon & White game BBQ with the Bennett's (JB's family). We hope to get a good-sized crowd out there on Saturday! If you plan on attending, e-mail JB and let him know as soon as possible.

7.    Camp F!SHER recently went on its first road trip! We had an awesome time. Get the low-down on what went on here at the Whoop Scoop!

8.    It's official! Camp F!SHER has decided on a theme for the camp. Ready for it!? Here it goes: Old School Surfin' Smurfs. Whoop!!! Imagine the possibilities: Smurfs, Afros, Gold Chains, and a Surfin' Good Time! Everyone is excited to start coming up with crazy ideas to please the F!SHER Fish of 2007!

9.    SBASH is coming up on April 16th! For those of you who don't know what SBASH is, it's a huge mixer in Sbisa for all the Sessions in Fish Camp. Just think, if every counselor went, that's about 900 people, and that's not including the Co-Chairs and Directors! F!SHER will be going as 80's movie stars. We're looking forward to an awesome time!

10.   The Session C Date Party will be coming up later on this month. More news on that will be available soon...