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The Whoop Scoop!!!


For those of you who don't know, Camp F!SHER took a road trip to Laura's house in Clear Lake on April 4th & 5th. Thanks to Sarah and Amy and their amazing "rhyming skills" we are able to bring to you this Road Trip Summary. We hope you enjoy it!!!

Road Trip #1

Over the hills and through the city
to Laura's house we all went.
Not sure what to say or what to expect
or how our time would be spent.

We learned a little about cruise control
and directions along the way
Don't talk and drive (Laura), just come along for the ride
is all we had to say.
Later on that night, we had a small fright
when some campers missed Clear Lake Parkway. (Ashley and Sarah)

Kemah and the boardwalk were next on our list of places and things to do. 
The Aquarium was fun, some animals were won, and we all love Session C BLUE!!!  (Whoop!  yes, that was me, but no worries, I will explain below)

Off to the coffee shop, we played lots of games.
Checkers and 42 were some of their names.
A cult was there too, not sure where they're from,
But, when we sat down, they left with their drum. 

Hot Seat got dirty right from the start.
Some people passed, which was probably smart.
Questions were asked about drugs and "bases".
But, we know the truth, guys, we saw your faces. ;-)

After excitement had dwindled down,
yawns filled the air and we all sat around.
Some people went to bed, some people did not
and some people claimed the floor as their spot (or not). (Tim)

After four hours of sleep some people had to go, (Donnie, Ashley, and Elizabeth)
And poor, poor Tim got left, and so
He ate his food quickly knowing he could not stay
And then stole a car (Sarah's) and was on his way.

Having an AWESOME breakfast of blueberry and peach french toast,
We all marked our sandwiches (Josh and Sarah) and left for the coast.
But not until we made a quick pit stop,
to cheer Laura's brother on..  his team came out on top!!
Unlike other trips we made,
No stops on the way there.
We just had to turn around
In the middle of nowhere.

We had fun in the sun, privileges were won
when the upperclassmen were beat ten million to one. (yes, it's true... okay, just 7-1)

One of our counselors, we won't say which (okay, yes we will, J.B.)
could easily have been confused with a fish.
The water was absolutely freezing cold (to some of us)
But others were the epitome of bold.

3 o'clock rolled around and it was time to depart.
Leaving before dark was the plan, so we dart (ed?). (it's okay, we're tired, and it's late) 
On the way home, back to good ol' Aggieland,
we were so tired, we could barely stand.

We hope that this has given everyone a brief scoop,
Not to worry, for those of you who missed, there's more to come. WHOOP!!!