Written x moi

Creative Writing
+Alex [previously untitled] 11th grade
+Decietful Appearance [personal essay] 11th grade
+On the Pinnacle of Dejection 12th grade
+Reflecting Me [another] personal essay
+Unfinshed Story intesting...

Comedic [at least to moi]
+Kate: Journey From Uranus written during a long Upward Bound summer!
+A Struggle for Power a story about my stupidity. [how rare]

Analytical Essays on Literature
+The Divine Comedy Dante Alighieri
+The Tyger William Blake
The Masque of the Red Death" Edgar Allan Poe
The Story of an Hour Kate Chopin
+A Midsummer Night's Dream William Shakespeare
+Hamlet William Shakespeare
+I Heard a Fly Buzz-- When I Died Emily Dickinson

Argumentative, Persuasive or Informative
Death Penalty: Conflicting Viewpoints [Sociology]
Sweatshops [Sociology]

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