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MBISS AKSC Supreme Grand Monarch CH., Rarities Int’l & Grand CH., & ARBA CH. Chateau De Chief’s Sabre Bruin; CD-a / AKSC CH. Chateau De Chief’s Burning Ember puppies should be due the end of January 2009. Puppies will be of EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY; Big heads, massive bone, outstanding temperaments, and movement to die for. This will be an all LONG HAIRED LITTER. Colors will vary between black/red, black/red/ sable, and black/sable. Males should be 28+ inches at the shoulder and weigh 110+ pounds; females will be slightly smaller 27+ inches at the shoulder and weigh 95+ pounds at maturity, which is 3 years if age. 

Highland Mist King Shepherds is an Active Supportive Member Breeder of the AKSC (American King Shepherd Club). We work closely with the AKSC Recommended Breeders along with other AKSC Active Supportive Member Breeders. We REQUIRE all potential King Puppy owners to fill out our Puppy Request Form & Puppy Questionnaire. We like to speak with potential owners first to answer any questions one might have about the King Shepherd Breed, which is still being developed. In order for your name to be added to our current waiting list, we require a NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT. Litters are planned and sold way before the litter is even whelped. Deposits are NOT refunded but are TRANSFERABLE to an equal or SUBSEQUENT Highland Mist King Shepherd Litter. FMI, please call Anne (610) 266-6034.

Show/breed/pick Prospect puppies are the puppies that best represent the King Shepherd Breed Standard; i.e. (biggest head, most out going temperament, massive bone, correct ear set, tail set, correct front & rear; the best conformed puppies to the standard). Companion Quality puppies are puppies that have some faults that the AKSC would NOT consider breeding back into the breed. The King Shepherd is a Breed still being developed and only show/breed/pick Prospect puppies SHOULD BE CONSIDERED for BREEDING PURPOSES. If you are considering breeding, please request a Show/breed/pick/prospect puppy. If you are unsure, please request an upgradeable puppy; i.e. a puppy that has some minor faults but “might” be considered for Breeding depending on how the puppy is maturing. An evaluation is a must at 6 months, 12 months, and 16 months. ALL SHOW/BREED/PICK PROSPECT PUPPIES are sold on C0-OWNERSHIP. Puppies that could be upgraded are sold with LIMITED REGISTRATION & on CO-OWNERSHIP. Purchaser(s) that purchase a Companion Quality Puppy will receive their AKSC Registration Papers once proof of spaying/neutering has occurred from a licensed veterinarian and it has been sent to the breeder. Companion Quality Puppies will range in price from $1,300.00-$1,500.00, Show/Breed/Pick Prospects will range in price from $1,550.00-$1,800.00. Highland Mist King Shepherds will ship puppies for an Additional Cost, but we would much rather prospective buyers come to pick up their puppy. That way, we get to meet the potential new owners, and the potential new owners get to meet us and the sire and dam of their puppy. FMI regarding this EXCEPTIONAL Upcoming litter please call Anne (610) 266-6034. Thank You!!!!

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