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Rebel in his prime

Rebel is our 12 year German Shepherd, who has been the ever faithful protector of my children, when they were younger. The ever LOYAL family companion is the reason we went looking for a King Shepherd. In his prime, Rebel was 29 inches at the shoulder and a lean 115 pounds. When I picked him, I went from GSD Breeder to GSD Breeder until I found what I was looking for in a German Shepherd.

I am originally from Scotland and grew up with BIG German Shepherds my whole life. When I met my husband Mark (who was stationed in Scotland) we got a beautiful German shepherd pup named Tzar. When we moved to the Untied States, we brought our Tzar to the U.S. with us. People were amazed at his size and intelligence. In fact, we were approached at the airport when we arrived by a former GSD owner to buy him on the spot. When Tzar left us, I went on a quest for another GSD. It took me a few years to find a GSD who was good enough to replace Tzar, and that was Rebel.

After Rebel starting getting up in age (10 years old) I knew I wanted another Shepherd. We looked and looked for a German Shepherd like him, but we could not find another like him. Then, we happened to come across the King Shepherd Breed and have been hooked ever since. When Sabre came into the picture, Rebel accepted him without a problem, he also accepted Ember but got a little annoyed at me getting another Puppy. Sorcha, well; he is 12 years old and Sorcha is a bit much for him. But he tolerates her and cares for her, when she is not trying to kiss his face. YUK!!!

Rebel in his youth was a THIEF and still is if given the opportunity :-). His favorite meal is our Roast. The stinker would steal it evey chance he got, no matter where I put it, he would eat it. Actually, he would STEAL any food he could get his mouth on, and "gulp" gone. He is our old man and time is taking it's toll, but he never cries, never whines, never complains, and is always by our side. He is the "essence" of what the German Shepherd "used to be" as far as Size, looks, and temperament. There is only ONE Rebel, and he is our Proud German Shepherd.

Recently rebel passed away. His family was with him from begining to end and we will love and miss him very much.

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2 months

In his Prime

10 years

11 years

11 years



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